High Hopes, I've Got High Hopes....Do You Have Them?

@pyewacket (43903)
United States
July 30, 2008 11:08pm CST
Being a bit reflective here. I think all my life I've always had enormously high hopes for myself. And I'm sure everyone does. Having dreams, goals, hopes, desires, is what makes the world go round, especially one's own world. It's what keeps us going, moving forward, getting out of bed (even if you sometimes don't want to...LOL) and give thanks for another day that one can move on forward toward one's goals and make them manifest in your life. As they say, inch by inch it becomes a cinch. One can't go after one's goals and dreams and expect them to come into your life without taking baby steps along the route to get from point A to point Z, point Z being that targeted goal that you want. Now one thing you must understand about me. I'm by no mean a perky Pollyanna. I can have my dismal dark side as well, but I like to think I'm perhaps more optimistic than most people due to my cockeyed optimism even at the worse of times in my life and one thing that has kept me going has been one word...HOPE. The idea of "this or something better" in my life. I really do believe a lot of what we yearn for in life is a mind set thing....and also how bad do you really want that goal or dream to manifest. If you're into any of the Law of Attraction ideas you know about the vision boards (or treasure maps as some call them). And yes you can have vision boards all over the place with pictures and images of what you want in life (I do)...but if you're not doing anything about it, you can't really hope that any of it will come true. Things aren't going to start dropping from the sky and into you lap if you're just daydreaming about it...you can't sit back and think...oh, gee, that would be nice to do, or that would be nice to have...WITHOUT shaking one's butt and DOING something about it. For instance...I consider myself a writer. I have done a few short stories, written articles and have some novels in the works. So here I could be daydreaming...oh, gee, I want to be a recognized, well known author....but if I'm not writing that novel...how can it manifest that I'm a world renown and recognized author...IT TAKES WORK...I have to DO the work, I have to sit and write my books. I'm also a photographer...I envision myself as being a highly RECOGNIZED photographer...but sitting back and daydreaming about it isn't going to make it so. I HAVE TO DO THE WORK behind it. That means constantly going after prospective "clients" and promote my work like crazy. And I do that. No, haven't hit it big yet, but it only means working harder at it. So many people get discouraged and think the Law of Attraction is bunk or get that feeling that it doesn't work because it hasn't worked for them. Well, if you go into the whole idea with a negative attitude about it, and that it doesn't work, well guess what? IT WON'T. A lot too, has a lot to do in how well do you believe in yourself. Do you feel good about yourself? Do you feel positive that what you aspire to do and be has merit? Do you deserve it? That could be the crucial thing right there...do you believe you deserve as much good in your life as possible? And if not...WHY? Do you start out with good intentions, get all hyped up, have the vision boards, say affirmations, but inwardly think, you don't deserve the good to manifest? How can one ever expect the good they desire in life with that defeatist attitude? No..I'm by no means a perfect disciplinarian in the Law of Attraction principles and I hope I don't come across that way..I'm far from perfect (though I try to be..LOL)..it takes work at it, but being the stubborn b!tch that I am, I refuse to give up in my dreams and goals even when those around me say it can't be done, or I'm a jerk for trying or thinking the way I do. The only thing that will prevent me from achieving my hearts desire is when I take my last breath from this plane of existence...in other words when I've died. So how about you? Are you stubborn in your goals, achievements, dreams and desires? Do you have some kind of inner knowing that yes, I can do all I want to do in life? Or do you throw your hands in the air with defeat if something doesn't manifest in your life exactly the way you planned? One thought...maybe that thing you want in life isn't meant to be....but maybe something better is waiting around the corner.
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22 responses
@gemini_rose (16264)
31 Jul 08
Yeah I have lots of things that I want to do with my life, lots of goals and dreams that I would love to achieve. I have the plans in my head, but when it comes down to actually sitting down and getting them done what do I do? Come on here instead! I waste time, time that I may not have a lot of, no don't panic I am talking about not knowing what is around the corner. I have the time to do things, yet when it comes down to it I put it off until tomorrow and come on here instead!! I do have faith in myself but others dont, they tend to look down on my ideas, this makes me think that maybe I should not do what I want. I am not going to give up what I want to do, I just need to stop being so lazy and frightened of it and get on with it!!!!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Aug 08
To quote you..."I do have faith in myself but others dont, they tend to look down on my ideas, this makes me think that maybe I should not do what I want..." Ho boy can I ever relate to that....my greatest antagonists there were both my own grandmother and mother. THEY had such different plans for me...since I was a science geek all through school they thought I'd go to college and be a female Einstein...but my passion were the art and creative fields so you can imagine the disappointment they had with me that I was a Drama Major...In fact, all my life they kind of poo-pooed any of my creative endeavors making me feel like I wasn't worthy to exist...It took me many years to realize well that was THEIR problem...not mine....As I mentioned a real turning point was when I read Julia Cameron's The Artist Way...with the idea that YES, my artistic and creativity had merit and there was nothing wrong with it OR me to want to go after my artistic endeavors. Hehe...I spend a lot of time here too...maybe too much..LOL...but what I do every night is literally map out what I want to do the next day..I write it down...x-amount of time out of my home to do errands...once home, maybe rattle off an article or work on photo work..then spend time here...then usually by 10 at night I stop everything and start writing in my novel...even if it's only a little bit...I never set any time limit...some nights I'm great and the words just gush out...other nights I'm lucky if I do a page....but at least I try to work something there with it....As I said I give myself no time limit..and on many occasions I get so involved with what I'm doing that when I look at the clock it's like holy moly...it's 2 a.m.!
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
3 Aug 08
I actually make out three lists for myself...I make a general list of things I would like to see accomplish for the month...then break it down by the week, and last each day...by writing it all down I find with it in effect staring you in the face it's almost like you have to do it then...The greatest satisfaction then is to look at the list...do the things, then later check off what you did do that day...like "Ta-Da"! I did it. I always allow for time though...sometimes different projects take longer than anticipated and I don't get the chance to do everything...so whatever I don't do that day move it to the next day..but it's amazing in general how much I do get done
@gemini_rose (16264)
2 Aug 08
Yes writing down an organised time schedule list of things is definately what I should do. I did used to and I used to stick to it like glue, then myLot came along and blew that out of the window. I have tried writing things down but then it never happens, I need to be so much more stricter with myself!
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@aidenw (632)
• United States
31 Jul 08
yes, i'm into the law of attraction. i learned it watching 'the secret.' one thing about the secret though, is that it's easy for people to get the impression that getting what you want doesn't require hard work because they get the notion that hard work is something they don't enjoy doing, and hence a 'don't want.' even in their forums they used to argue about this. some people always claimed they were able to manifest what they wanted simply by wishing it and believing that it would manifest. well, if they're at such a high level of consciousness (hope i'm using the right term - it's been a while) then great, more kudos to them. but not everyone is at the same level, and that's when i believe 'work' is required to help manifest your desires. anyway, i believe i have a positive outlook in life. not perfect, but for the most part i'm enjoying my life as i believe life is meant to be enjoyed and i do deserve the very best. however, there's one big dream i have that hasn't manifested yet, and it's been quite a while. i have been wondering what's wrong? it's as if i'm not attracting it. i don't always find it easy to manifest the things i want despite having a positive attitude. you mentioned something very interesting at the end of your post: 'maybe that thing you want in life isn't meant to be.' that's something i hear a lot from christians (i'm not implying anything here, just a plain statement). they would say 'it's probably not God's will.' well, i always have a hard time knowing what 'God's will' is since he doesn't talk to me so my question is how do we know whether or not 'it's meant to be' or 'God's will' or whether there's 'something better around the corner.'?
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Aug 08
Well as far as the thing you hope to manifest in your life your dream or goal...maybe you're forcing it too much. Some things come to us that we hope for almost right away, others might take awhile but they do eventually come into your life...sometimes though if we're trying to attain that goal with an iron grip we might actually be chasing it away from us...maybe you're just not "ready" for it yet. And no I'm not speaking about "God's will" here. One of the things from LOA is that you think of your goal or dream and that you want to accomplish it, but then release it...don't keep dwelling on it..yes, you can think about it but not in a forceful manner...if that makes sense to you.
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@aidenw (632)
• United States
1 Aug 08
i think this is where it gets a bit confusing. you're supposed to 'release it' and not dwell on it, and yet you need to work hard to accomplish it. sound like a contradiction to me.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Aug 08
Yes it does sound like a contradiction...LOL
• Pakistan
31 Jul 08
Well, seriously I have too many high hopes for too many things. I wouldn't let out my personal feelings but yes I have them. As far as I know, everyone has them I don't believe a human not having them. It doesn't make sense to me when someone says he doesn't have high hopes for anything. I lose trust in most of these shy guys. But mostly I say that I have high feeling but never let anyone know yet and won't until I have achieved them.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Aug 08
I've always have had a lot of high hopes and goals too...maybe the overachiever in me?? And it sounds like you just might be the overachiever as well...and believe me there's nothing wrong with that except sometimes I sure wish there were 60 hours in a day...LOL
@raydene (9871)
• United States
31 Jul 08
I have been accused of being stubborn but I prefer to think of myself as determined, motivated, focused! Right now I'm in a state of confusion. I just don't know what I want anymore! or who I am or what my role is! xoxoxoxoxo
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Aug 08
I guess I could apply all those words to myself...stubborn, determined, motivated and focused. LOL...oh, I'm also a perfectionist too...heehee Well as far as your confusion...everyone goes through periods like this so it's not just you. If you can though, think of something that you would like to do...something new that maybe you would like to learn about. For instance, while I've been an artist since yay high I never painted in watercolor....so some years ago boldly got a nice set of watercolor paints and just started painting...and I love it.
• United States
31 Jul 08
i keep plugging along myself..things usually have a way of coming up behind you when you stop looking for it.i do have an outlet now with the net to sell my art,so i'm happy.it's not quite what i had in mind yet,but it's a start.
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• United States
4 Aug 08
i'm on zazzle,pye-the link is on my page :) you might want to go over there yourself,i know people who've made some good $ selling their prints-you retain your copywrite also.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Aug 08
I'm happy to hear that you found an outlet to sell your art...where??? Would love to see
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@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
31 Jul 08
I have a nice family. A wonderful hubby. And a baby on the way. Some of my dreams have come true. I have a healthy daughter. As for being recognized as a photographer, anything can happen. The internet may be a good place to start.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
31 Jul 08
I take it you still have some dreams or goals, right?
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
31 Jul 08
yup always something around the corner just have to go find it. and I do agree with you . Ya have to go after what ya want and not stop .!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
1 Aug 08
thats for sure! hugs
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Aug 08
Yup...we have to be downright stubborn about our goals at times and not lose faith or give up in them
@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
2 Aug 08
I have high hopes and dreams. I am just learning that taking on too much isnt good for me at all. I have been evaluating my life. I have been working too hard and working too many hours. I think its good to stop and think about all of this. Life evaluation or self evaluations. It seems seeking balance and harmony isnt always easy. Your right to never give up on your dreams. I will always have goals, I just needed to slow down a bit.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
3 Aug 08
I have a tendency to take on too much myself...LOL. Right now for instance I'm really trying to pace myself...I just recently got a new captain's bed and it's the type you have to assemble...Now my usual state of mind is to try and do it all at once, but nope, not this time..taking my time with it...I feel there's no dire rush for me to finish it, and taking my sweet time about it
@AmbiePam (96686)
• United States
3 Aug 08
I've always clung to the idea that as life goes by, it gets better. If we're going by material possessions, well I've never been worse off. But as far as attitude and any sort of joy, I've never been better. Right now I don't see how things will get better, but I believe they will. I believe that things I've dreamt of will happen. And when I stop believing that, I've basically given up any possibility of it ever happening.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
12 Aug 08
I think that's the clue there....never give up no matter what shat life throws you. I think my one real saving grace....I'm darn stubborn and just plain don't give up easily.
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@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
1 Aug 08
Hello! Me and you will get wherever we want! I feel like I have been born to do something so great in this society. I mean, I feel like I've been born to form a rock band and start giving shows, and, with the money I earn, with the lyrics of my songs, try to change the society. It's like if I was born to use music to hit everybody's heart, to change the life of millions of people. I believe I can do it, I really believe. All I need is a great team, because me alone will get nowhere. So, in this life, I will have to learn how to choose a good team, how to work perfectly in a group, how to put people together... I can do it, I know I can. If I didn't trust myself, I wouldn't feel that I can do it. But I do. I DO! Yeeeeeeeehaw! Respectfully, Munhozmib.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Aug 08
Maybe one day we MyLotters will see you in a rock concert and we can say, "Oh yeah, we knew him before he became famous." Go for it!
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
Hi pyewacket! I do hope and pray that you will reach your goal and I think you will because as you say, You are very stubborn! haha..I do believe that your hard work and perseverance will soon pay off in time! I have also my own dreams and goals. Most I have accomplished and I am still set on one goal at this point in time. I am always on the look out for a chance and an opportunity to set the motion going. I have found ways to get nearer my goal and have failed and fallen on the fist step again of reaching for it. I revised my plans over and over again. It is a trial and error for me at this time. I have shed a lot of tears yet I am still pursuing it. I put that dream on hold for several years before to make way for other plans and opportunities that presented themselves and now I am back with my former goal which I can't seem to forget. I have done this before and have succeeded. I know I will have my second wind but I know that it will take more patience, perseverance and a lot of prayers on my part. I won't give up even sometimes I wanted to because of the hurdles I am experiencing most of the time. But this is my dream, my goal, my heart's desire and my life. I won't give up either until my last breath. Good luck to both of us and all those who are still fighting for their dreams to come true. Take care and God Bless!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Aug 08
The one great thing about life in general is that we can always set up new goals, especially if one goal doesn't work out....it's that try, try, try again attitude that helps and not giving up Say in my case...I actually have a few novels in the works so to say...yes, I'm writing one, but I have one I started, don't ask how many years ago...I still want to write that novel to...it's like an idea that just won't let me give up on...just like with you having your one goal that you had to put aside. Sometimes putting old goals aside for awhile helps...it allows us to see it maybe a "new" way than the original plan...don't you think? Like me with that novel I started years ago...if I HAD written it in its entirety back then it wouldn't have made sense now. So I've done a lot of revisions on it
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
2 Aug 08
Hi pyewacket! Yes, I completely agree with you. Sometimes, we have to put our old goal on hold just to have a new perspective on things and on life which can bring about new ways or plans on how to reach our old goal somehow. I do hope and pray that we will one day finally succeed, one goal at a time. Take care always..God Bless!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
31 Jul 08
Hi pye well I never was very stubborn in my goals and that wast the trouble.Ilove to write but the high cost of postage now and the idea of yet more rejection letters has stopped me from sending out my work anymore. so there I sit and anyway I am not 81 and going on 82 so what good does it do me to send stuff out'at my age? I do hope something better is around the corner since my son, our only breadwinner just lost his job and I am feeling very scared and worried. I am retired and handicapped too which is why I am not working anymore, and I wish there is something that Icould do to help my son.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Aug 08
Oh my goodness Hatley, I'm sorry to hear your son lost his job...I'll be praying that something new comes up soon for him. as far as writing...I haven't done this in awhile, but what is it that you write? If it's short stories there are a lot of magazines to submit to...and as email attachments which naturally saves postage. I have to admit it's going to be "fun" when I finally get one of my novels written..then I'll have to hunt around for a publisher.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
31 Jul 08
typos shoulg be I am 81 and going on 82 I wish there were
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• Philippines
3 Aug 08
Great discussion. You are really a writer. Faith, Hope, and, Love. These three virtues were taught by God and must be within us to serve as a guide. I am an optimistic guy and I have high hopes for the future.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
12 Aug 08
Glad to know you have a lot of high hopes for your future. And thank you...yup, like to think I have some writing skills...LOL I do love to write
• Canada
31 Jul 08
i have high hopes for my future. i plan to upgrade to a bigger house, take good care of my yard, and further my career in nursing. i would like to become a nurse practitioner eventually.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Aug 08
Well here's wishing you get your goals ...sounds like great ones to me
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@1grnthmb (2055)
• United States
1 Aug 08
I want to say Good for you for setting goals and working towards them Positive attitude plays a big part on whether you get anything done. I had a negative depressive attitude when I was young. If you heard me talk you would think I still do because I talk in a slow melancholy drawl. Well I got over the fact that people thought I would not amount to anything and I put myself through college with out any aid and got pretty much straight A's while there. I then went to work and made a name for myselfs. I was well known in my field. After a became sick I went into a state of depression but it did not take me long to figure out that this attitude would just drive me down, So I started doing things again to the best of my ability and started having a positive attitude about life again. It makes all the difference in the world. I also write a lot about my daughter Jenny because she also has a very positive attitude and she is inspiring what she gets done with the problems she has. Positive attitude is all it takes to be better at what you do.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Aug 08
I went through a weird period of depression myself. Up until then I was actually pretty optimistic and positive so have no idea what triggered it off. I didn't want to get out of bed, slept most of the time, no motivation, hardly ate, nothing...I have to admit I was like a zombie...then it was like one day I "woke" up thinking...this is no way to live and virtually snapped out of it..still don't know what triggered it off, but I don't think I could ever go back to that state of mind again...thank God! Yes, I've read your discussion about Jenny...she sounds like an inspiration for all of us
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
1 Aug 08
Hoping is the best thing we can do in the midst of uncertainty. If we stop hoping then we will not get what we dream of and wanted out of our lives. We should always hope for the good things to happen not only for us but for the people around us as well.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Aug 08
Yes, while Hope is such a small word, it's also a very powerful in meaning. We should always have hope no matter what the circumstances.
@mlhuff12 (797)
• United States
1 Aug 08
I agree that having hopes, dreams, and desires is necessary and what makes the world goes round. I've always had many hopes and dreams...Just a few years ago I got married and there were problems. Many financial, but because of it I somehow lost my way. My hopes and dreams were no longer. It had gotten so bad that I had lost hope, given up on my dreams and even faith that things would get better. And that is a very scary place to be at in your life, no matter how strong you are. Needless to say I am now divorced and am happy to say that now I do have hopes, dreams and desire. And I am now being proactive in my life and making steps to a better future for myself. In less than a month I will start college for Computer Science. Something that I've been wanting to do for a long time, just many financial and marital reasons had been in my way. Nothings in my way now. :)
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Aug 08
I think we all have things that are thrown in our path that detour us from our original goals...I certainly have had a lot of detours and setbacks..despite it all I've made the determination to go for my goals and dreams again....and it certainly sounds like you are too....Go for it!
@littleowl (7157)
1 Aug 08
Hye Pye-All I can say to you on this is a great big THANK-YOU-it is as if your discussion has and was wrote for me for this actual moment so many many THANKS for writing this article..your friend friehgt blessings littleowl
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Aug 08
I'm glad that this discussion came your way then...and hope it helps you
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
31 Jul 08
yes thats a very good attitude pyewacket. i thinks its what keeps people like us going. we are survivors. my aunt has often said she dont know how i go on sometimes, but then i tell her its because im like her. i keep on keeping on looking for a better future. and that hopes all that keeps us going at times.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Aug 08
Yes, I sometimes look at my past events in my life and wonder, like how the heck did I survive them...but survive them I did....and I move on and have been moving on to fulfill my goals again.
@zeny_zion (1283)
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
anyone has high hopes. i for one has high hopes. but of course it doesnt necessarily mean that if you didnt get what youre aiming it will disappoint you. just strive harder maybe its not yet time to achieve your goal. just work on it. like what im doing and maybe prayers will help too.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Aug 08
Yes I sometimes believe that if a goal doesn't get accomplished right away that maybe it isn't the right time yet, but eventually it will be accomplished