Do you respond to discussions that already have a Best response seleted !!??!!

July 31, 2008 7:20am CST
When i was fairly new to mylot i didn't respond to discussion that had a best response selected. I thought that a discussion with a best response selected was already resolved so it didn't need any more responses, i know that was foolish! Then later on i realised that even if there was a best response selected we could put down what we felt about the disscussion and only then did i start writing on discussion what best response selected. Have you ever donr something like this brfore? Or has there been a time when you didnt feel like writing a response coz it already had a best response selected???
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98 responses
@Bethany1202 (3431)
• United States
31 Jul 08
Sure I would still respond to a discussion where the best response has already been selected as long as I had something worthwhile to say. I knew you could still respond even though best response was already chosen, and I don't post just to hope to get selected as the best response, so sure I do.
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• India
14 Aug 08
Same with me too, i dont expect that every answer that i post gets a best response selected. I just post to express my views on that particular topic. And since everybody is made of such diffrent thoughts and ideas there are few responses that match.
• India
3 Aug 08
I agree. When we have something to say then it doesn't matters whether its best or worst, its our opinion and we wish to express it.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
31 Jul 08
I'm at the point where I respond mainly to my friends' discussions and don't really have the time to respond to others. I can't see if there is a best response because I work from email notifications, but it wouldn't make any difference to me. Where have you been, busy? I haven't seen any discussions from you for awhile!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
7 Aug 08
That's great that your mom is visiting! It's very important for your son to get to know his grandparents. Time spent with family is always time well spent.
• India
7 Aug 08
I know that you respond to friends discussion coz even if i dont get a response from anybody, i sure see one response that is always there and that is your response. Its kind of become a habit for me to see your response first and then go to other responses. Yes i have been a bit busy, my mom has come to stay with us and so i spend time with her and since now she is sleeping im here mylotting.
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@mialei23 (2385)
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
Hi SangsTurks, Yes my friend I still reply and post to those discussions that has best responses. Happy myLot my friend and keep on posting!
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• India
14 Aug 08
I too respond to discussions that already have best response selected, ti does not matter to me al all as all i want to do is express my views on the topic and not get a best response.
@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
31 Jul 08
Yes I do if I am interested in the discussions I will respond to it. I am not using mylot just to get best responses I am using it to connect with others around the world and to chat a little bit I really don't care about the best response mark.
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• India
29 Aug 08
Its the same with me too now. In the begining i used to think that the discussion with BR (best response) are closed and would not accept any more answers but now i do it cause i want to speak my mind on the discussion and not for the BR.
@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
31 Jul 08
I don't really care about the best response thing. I respond to discussions I like and may have something to add to. It doesn't matter, if a best response has already been selected or not. I noticed that some people select best responses fairly quickly (one was about thirty minutes after posting the discussion). I try to wait at least a week now before I select a best response thinking that by then it fell off the radar screen of most participants here. However, I recently had a new flow of responses to a discussion I posted over a month ago. You just never know, when people have to add something. The 'best response' selection should not be a deterrent to post, if you have something to add to the discussion;)
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• United States
31 Jul 08
ya i do it why not you get money for whatever you comment on it dosnt matter if they selected it... and if you have a good opinoin speak out and let them know.
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• India
29 Aug 08
Yes i do respond to discussion that have a best reaponse selected now. Since i was new at that time i didnt respond thinking that the discussion is closed. but now it dosnt matter to me if there is a br selected, i write to speak my mind and not for aything.
@Theresam (1177)
• United States
31 Jul 08
I usually don't even look for best responses. If the discussion still needs to continue and I want to share my opinion I will!!
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
31 Jul 08
Sure I do...if Ihave an opinion and its a topic that interests me I'll reply regardless of whehter or not BR has been picked already..Just like I will respond to threads that are considerably older and havent been touched in months and months...
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• India
14 Aug 08
Its the same with me too, i respond to discussions coz they are of my intrests and i like to express my views on it and it dosnt matter to me if they already have a best response selected. And perhaps everybody is so diffrent with diffrent thoughts on each topic , so why not your thought also influence others.
@sunshinecup (7871)
31 Jul 08
I mostly don't. That's because I respond to posts still pretty fresh, in under 6 hours old. If the authors has already selected a Best Response already, to me that said they are not going to read my post. I do post for the money, but also it's nice to think the author if no one else will read my thoughts. So if it's done already I just pass it up. Besides discussions get repeated so much around here, it wouldn't be long before I would find a fresh one that has not picked it a BR yet to post my reply to.
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• India
14 Aug 08
humm i had never thought of it that way, i respod coz i like to express my views o the topic. So if the discussion starter has the email notification on, they would get your response. Somebody or the other does read the responses, so i dont worry about it much
• United States
31 Jul 08
I don't spend a lot of time on here all at once. Just a few minutes here and there during the day. So I miss a lot of discussions from friends. Sometimes when I have extra time I'll go back thru old discussions that already have a BR chosen and answer them. It doesn't matter to me if someone already has chosen a BR. I've seen people chose the BR on the first response. I don't usually do that with my discussions I usually wait at least a week or two. To each their own.
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• India
14 Aug 08
I have a lot of backlog to clear marking the best responses. your answer somehow reminded me of it, thanx. Well i respond to discussions that already have a best response selected. it hardly matters t me as i am not responding to a discussion to get best response but to express my views on the topic, so i do it anyways.
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
31 Jul 08
There are times that I respond to a discussion where the best response has already been selected. However, I normally read the other responses to see if anyone else already stated what I would have to say on the subject. If it's already been stated then I will pass it up. But, if my opinion or idea has not been added to the discussion, I will go ahead and respond to it.
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• India
14 Aug 08
I usually dont read others comments. But if it is a very general discussion where everybody would have the same response even i dont respond to it. Otherwise i respond to discussion with best response selected and i like to express my views on the topic.
@baileycows (3665)
• United States
31 Jul 08
Probably I rarely read the other comments on the discussion. So I don't know if the best response has been chosen or not.
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• India
14 Aug 08
Even i dont read others comment on the discussion. but just below the discussion on the left hand side it is mentioned if the discussion starter has selected a best response or not. now it dosnt matter to me if there is a best response or not, i just write coz i feel like i too want to express my views.
@reckon21 (3477)
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
At first that's what i also think. But then i realized that you can still response to it even though the poster already selected the best response.
• India
11 Aug 08
Earlier i thought that mylot would not accept my answer if a response has already been selected but then i tried doing it and the response was accepted. From then on i respond to discussions with best response already selected.
• Australia
31 Jul 08
I am new to mylot and i have kind of avoided topics with a best response already selected. The discussions don't seem to be open very long before a best discussion is chosen. Why is that? I would have thought it would be chosen about a week or more after, to make sure a wide range of responses had been received. But that's just my opinion. I guess i would do that if i asked a question. Although, thinking about it, i don't suppose it's too late to answer a topic even if the best response has already been given.
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• India
14 Aug 08
Discussion in mylot never close, you can put in your response even if there is a best response selected. Some people select best response faster than others do,but that shouldnt bother you. You can always speak your mind here at mylot even with a best response selected.
@estherlou (5015)
• United States
4 Aug 08
I don't write trying to get "best response". I answer anything I feel I have something to say in response. I don't even pay attention to whether or not they have best response already, because I usually answer from my email notices.
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• China
4 Aug 08
Well, as long as that topic is interesting, I will reply to it no matter it has be selected with a best response. It does not really matter at all. I will reply to it if I would like to say something.
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@cbreeze (1205)
• United States
31 Jul 08
I respond to discussions based on whether they sound interesting to me and whether I think I have something positive to contribute. Sometimes I come across discussions that are interested and the conversations are somewhat heated. When thinking about a response, if I realize that my reaction to the discussion is negative, I won't respond. But to me it's not a competition, so I don't pay much attention to whether best response has already been selected. Although, I do feel good when my post is selected as best response.
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• United States
31 Jul 08
Sure i do, cuz even though i cant get the best response rating i still get credit for posting it, so why not. You cant always have the best response to every discussion.
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@mandykaren (2040)
1 Aug 08
yes, i have responded even if best response if i feel i have something to add to discussion, Unless it really has been resolved. I dont respond to any discussion in hope of getting a best response, and a best response is just a best response at that time anyway, they only choose one thinking that they wont get any more responses, so don't mean it is solved.. I am more likely to not respond if the discussion is way to long, as sometimes i dont have the time or cant be bothered to read it al before i am able to respond
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@bogo27 (51)
• United States
1 Aug 08
I started recently and don't understand the concept of best response so yes i do. but there have been times when i thought of what i wanted to write and then saw that others had already written it and that blows. But i just went on to a different discussion=P
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