Free will does not exist
By cyntrow
@cyntrow (8523)
United States
August 2, 2008 2:22pm CST
There, I said it. If you believe that God knows the past, present and future, you cannot believe in free will. You have to believe that your choices are made for you, for he knows all and knowing is controlling. He put the tree in the garden for Adam and Eve and told them not to eat. Free will? No. He knew what they would do. He knows all.
But I do not believe in free will. I do not believe that my destiny is chosen for me. I believe that God, my father created me with a mind of my own, to make my own decisions. He doesn't know what i will decide. He hopes that I will make the right choices, but he doesn't know. Free will? WIth omnipotence? Not possible. God is not perfect. If he was, I wouldnt love Him as I do.
Thoughts?? Any respectful replies are welcomed.
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28 responses
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
3 Aug 08
We do have free will. We have choices. We choose to make rotten mistakes.

@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
4 Aug 08
God, be it that there is a God, might know what choice you are going to make, but that does not mean that God is the one controlling that choice, that is all you. You made that choice. You can always choose between right and wrong, but you choose what that is.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
3 Aug 08
I agree because without free will, we are saying in effect that god is fundementally evil, I cant imagine any devout person saying this. Free will is God's get out clause, without it, god is responsible for EVERYTHING
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
4 Aug 08
If God knows beyond a doubt what choice I am going to make, then that choice is not mine. It has been decided for me. There cannot be concrete knowledge of an event that is to occur if there is a possibility that that event will not happen.
If God knows all that I will do, then I do not have free will. If He doesn't know what I will do then I have free will.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
3 Aug 08
I believe that my fate was set the minute I was born but the decisions I make are my own. In other words, G-d Knows how my live will turn out. But it is more like a chess game,there are many moves but the end game remains the same. So I have the right to choose whichever path but the destination remains the same.So I believe in free will And G-d at the same time.
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@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Free Will and OMNISCIENCE can and do both exist! There I said it!
First we have to have an understanding of quantum physics and worm hole/ time theories. this is because God does not fit into OUR TIME since to him one day can be either a day or a million years. There are theories about multiple time lines and we jump to and fro with ever choice we make. See, God sits outside of time and all things are seen by him as he can see the different scenerios from the different choices that we make in life thus he is all knowing as he can see the outcome of a yes or no at the same time.
So now that we have covered the omniscient idea now we will deal with free will. We have multiple timelines that we shift between with each and every choice we make thus giving us free will. God does not dictate what choice we make as he only hopes that we make the right ones. He can see the out come nomatter what we choose thus he leaves the choosing up to us.
Now with this understanding, God being outside of our time can see the multiple time lines so he leaves the choices up to us as free will.
According to your logic, God created the tree of knowledge just to boot Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden because he already knew they were going to do it. That according to Christian thought would be equal to Satan as satan temps people to fall not God. But if God is as I have said then he put that tree there hoping that Adam and Eve would do the right thing and was disappointed when they partook of the fruit, although he could see the outcome of either discission.
Well here is a little food for thought so I will leave you as I came.
Have a great night!!
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
4 Aug 08
that is closer to what I believe. That is actually the point I was trying to make. I do not believe that God KNOWS exactly what I am going to do. But if he is omniscient, then He would have Complete knowledge and therefore know everything. That being the case, my choices are already made for me. This is why I do not believe that he is omniscient. He cannot have complete knowledge, while still allowing me to make my own decisions. It doesn't make sense.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
6 Aug 08
Meeandnotyou, If He KNOWS than it is not a choice. He has the potiental to know but chooses not to, He is not omniscient. This is an ability that cannot be turned off, from what I know. B ut what do I know. I can get with that belief. It would make a lot more sense. Complete knowledge and free will are oxymoronic.
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@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
5 Aug 08
Very interesting answer. It fits with my choose your own adventure analogy, only you added something I missed....the whole outside of time and overlapping time..and such. I have used this type of theory in many other similar discussions. I have found that the majority of Christians don't like this school of thought, they want to take every word in the Bible literally; when in all reality, the God we know cannot be understood or explained in words and concepts people of that day (and even this one) would be able to grasp and understand. So one must take the knowledge and wisdom available within the Bible, and use the knowledge developed through human exploration and science to come to a logical conclusion.
Make sense?
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@urbandekay (18278)
6 Aug 08
Sorry, that doesn't hold a drop of water. God, you claim, know the future, this is omniscience not omnipotence. But if he is truly omniscient them he knows all possible futures and if omnipotent then he do the logically impossible, so arranging matters so that we have free will without sacrificing his omniscience is easy.
You are trying to put God in a human box and he don't fit.
all the best urban
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
7 Aug 08
blush away, but it is soo true and I thank you. My father is a christian minister, converted jew and he has tried for most of my life to explain this concept to me. I thank you for putting it into terms that I can understand. With your permission, I want to tell my dad about the person who got it through.

@blackmantra_x (2732)
• Philippines
3 Aug 08
Good day.. Free will exist why? because we can choose to do good or evil. Yes maybe God knows what will happen but still he trust us to the last minute to do what is right. If we don' have free will then it also goes without saying that we are not accountable to what we are doing because it's predestined. If you kill a person or rape, one is not culpable because he has no free-will? I don't think so.
@skyTears (20)
• Indonesia
2 Aug 08
your opinion give me some reflection about human existence. can human get their own existence in this life ? if (in fact) the religion followers must obey their God with so many many various regulations otherwise they will be punished in hell lol. if it is so, why should people life ? if we cant get our existence to be free to get our own life, cause life is regulations ruled by God and life itself. the great modern existential philosopher Rene Des crates told that "COGITO ERGO SUM "( I think therefore I am ) then, I have my own point of view about human existence = " I KILL MYSELF THEREFORE I AM !" he he he he :p
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@urbandekay (18278)
20 Oct 08
Free will or autonomy is the possibility of choosing between live alternatives; choosing your parents is not a live alternatives and is irrelevant to a discussion of this sort, as is choosing to walk through a brick wall.
To put it another way it is just the possibility that you could have chosen other than you did at a moment in time.
all the best urban
@urbandekay (18278)
20 Oct 08
opps that should not have been here but in response to Positiveminded's post
all the best urban
@shaunckennedy (55)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Now, this comes to the question "Is knowledge control." I say it isn't. I say that there are people I know so well that if I knew what hand they held in a poker game, then I would know what bet they would make. It goes the other way, and by knowing what bets they make, I know what hand they hold. Does that mean I put those cards in their hand? Nope. I didn't. But I still know what it is.
The same goes for God and his knowledge/control. He*can* control everything, and he knows the outcome of everything, but he chooses to let people have free choice. He already knows what we will choose, but that doesn't mean that he chooses it for us. The same goes for a parent and their child. As the old saying goes, there's nothing new under the sun. We knew our child would learn to walk, but that doesn't mean we made him learn to walk. We knew our child would go through the terrible twos, but that doesn't mean we made him. We knew he would be defiant and protest being put in his car seat last night, but we certainly didn't make him.
Knowledge is power, I believe the same as Schoolhouse Rocky, but not to the extent you're trying to say here. Just because you know something will happen a particular way doesn't mean you make it happen a particular way.

@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
6 Aug 08
OK, I am walking down the street and I come to a fork. I can choose whatever path, but God KNOWS which path I will choose. He KNOWS. Therefore it has already been decided with path I will "choose" and that leaves me simply following a script. God would have to be the writer of that script.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
4 Aug 08
OK, I can look at my husband after he has made a statement and say, "I knew you were going to say that." But, I did not really KNOW. It's a feeling. God says He knows and everyone I speak with says He knows. If God KNOWS every move that I am going to make, I am not making any choices. I am simply following the choices that were set for me in the script of my life.
@shaunckennedy (55)
• United States
6 Aug 08
But there are times when you can know a particular outcome. For one really obvious example, you know that even though it is summer now, it will be winter in a few months. You can look on the calendar, and there it is! It's coming! Nothing can change that. Anything that could change it would have to be BIG and in a big way, and something that big just doesn't slip under the radar.
But here's the catch: knowing that winter is coming isn't what will cause winter to come. When I say that I know that winter is coming, it's more than a feeling. It's dates, names, holidays. It's coming as surely as my name is Shaun. I know it. I can't cause it, and if I could cause it, I might just choose to let it not happen a couple of years in a row. (Winter makes my wife gloomy.) But I still know it.
Again, is knowledge control? I say no.

@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
5 Aug 08
Have you ever read a "choose your own adventure" story? You start reading on page one, after a page or two you are given a choice, if A turn to page 11, if B turn to page 3...the story continues like this until you reach a conclusion. There may 3 or 4 (or more) different endings to the story. Some of the story lines will overlap, some wont. But the the person who wrote the story knows how each one can be played out, but the choice is in the hands of the reader.
I like to think of this whole free will/ this manner, the choose your own adventure. He knows if we chose A then X will happen in our lives, or if we choose B then Y will happen...he leaves the choice up to us.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
5 Aug 08
IT doesn't work. Because God, supposedly knows what choice we will make. How can that be a choice? It would make more sense if he knew a number of paths that we may choose and what will have for each decision. That's not the way it's stated. God says he knows what we will do before we do it.. That says that there is no choice. It says that life is scripted and we can only do what we were meant to do.
I can't believe it. I believe that God does not KNOW and the choice is up to us. So i have to believe that he is not perfect.
@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
5 Aug 08
I understand what you are saying. But how would God not knowing which decision we would make, make him imperfect? Also, if God knows what each and everyone of us are going to do, why did he have to go down to Sodom to see what was going on there? I don't think he knows which choice we are going to make, but he knows the choices available, and the outcomes of each one of them.
@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
7 Aug 08
hat if part of his ability to do anything and everything was to be able to turn off his ability to know about our choices? Kinda like meandnotyou stated above...
Like he has the ability but choose not to use it?
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
3 Aug 08
If we didn't have free will, wouldn't we all be puppets on a string? Frankly, I'm not that. I love God the Father and Creator of all. And I love that He gave me free will - to love Him or to ignore Him as I wish. I also love that when I make the wrong choices, God can still find a way to make it all turn out right. Free will? Yes, indeedy, that was and is God's plan.
He does know all. He knows we'll mess up. But He loves us still.

@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
4 Aug 08
If God knows what I am going to do before I do it, it takes the choice out of my hands. all has been decided for me. He cannot KNOW what is going to happen while I still have control over my own destiny. He cannot give me the freedom to choose my path if He already knows the choice I am going to make. That takes choice away.
Believe me, you are not the first person to try to explain this to me. My dad has been doing it my whole life. It makes zero sense. If I know that you are going to take the high road instead of the low road, it was already determined that you would take the high road. No choice. No free will.
There cannot be knowledge of what will happen if there is a chance that it will not happen. So, it makes sense to me that God doesn't know what choices I will make in my life. This is the only way that I will have free will.
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
3 Aug 08
I believe that God can (and does) know what we will do in advance. Perhaps that's why certain people come into our lives - to help us decide differently. But just because He knows does not mean that God has taken over control of our actions. It merely means He knows in advance what choices - good and bad - we will make in our lives.

@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
3 Aug 08
Assumption that God knows you will decide one way or the other is a big leap. I believe a bit differently, I think that God is outside of time and only knows that you have the tools to make good choices not that you will make them. I don't believe that everything is preordained, rather I think that each step we take along any particular path leads to a specific end result; the moment we step off of that path the end result changes.
Fate is ever changing, even the slightest deviation in a pattern will change the outcome.
I believe that we do have free will. We have absolute authority over the outcome of our lives. Yes, there are some things that happen that we cannot change, accidents, acts of violence, things that have no explanation. We can rail against the world shake our fist at God. But the truth is that the outcome of these events for us as individuals is in our hands. Free will enables us to think through problems and draw conclusions. Free will allows us to change direction. Free will enables us to change our minds when our lives are miserable so that we may find peace or joy. Free will is the only thing that is fully ours.
Fate or destiny is not predetermined, it cannot be. If this were the case there would be no cause to fight for joy.
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
7 Aug 08
Sorry for the delay in my response.
No I don't, believe that God knows it all that is. I believe God knows how much we can bear before we break and thus will not allow any of the myriad threads of fate lead to a burden that would break us. But I don't believe that God knows with certainty the outcome of each of our choices.
I believe that only we are the captains of our ship. Only we have authority. Only we determine whether we stay on our knees bent by fates burdens or instead we lift ourselves up from the muck stand straight and walk or even run toward destiny's doorways; making deals as we go, picking whats behind doors 1, 2, or 3 each time.
@sivanj (1263)
• India
3 Aug 08
I belive in God and that there is the natural forces which drive the life of a man/women. I have the belief that the super natural forces have a say on what you recieve in day today life. i also belive in fae. that is everything that is happenning is already decieded. they happen in the way they are supposed to happen and we are all puppets acting the sprecific roles screen played and written by our director God.
I have had instances to see and meet people who have great powers to see the future. they say certain things that would happen in the future and those things happen after they say and in the time they say. i am not joking. it is based on belief. for a person who sees a stone in a statue can't see the God and the person who sees God will do poojas and all and will not see it as a stone. it is that kind of thing.
@livewyre (2450)
6 Aug 08
I'm with you Cyn, if I'm not in control what's the point? Admittedly there are those who have the ability to see the past (ie. of someone they don't know), but in all honesty, I believe the future is totally the domain of God - not that he has predestined, just that he alone knows...
I believe there is some logic to God, although we cannot hope to truly 'understand' Him, and it makes sense to me that He would want us to make a choice about whether we follow Him or not. For that to be the case, He MUST have given us freewill otherwise it's just some sort of bizarre joke - might satisfy some people - definitely does not satisfy me!
@superman007 (42)
2 Aug 08
I believe God is perfect and there is nothing else like him.
You have stated that God has created you with a mind of your own, therefore saying that you can choose what you do. Therefore does that not mean you have free will? I think you have contradicted yourself there. Maybe by mistake.
I believe that God knows the past, present and future, but saying that we are given free will so that God can see how we act in this world. This world is nothing but a test for all humanity.
Hope you understand my point of veiw

@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
2 Aug 08
But by saying that He knows all, you are saying that he knows all the bad choices that I am going to make and that is OK with him. He'll do nothing to intervene. and, in fact, if he knows than he is, in essence controlling the choices that I make.
I can't believe that. I believe that the bad decisions that I make in my life are my own. He has nothing to do with it. He taught us well, like any good parent does, and he hopes that we will make the right decisions when the time comes. But that is not what I understand as the biblical "free will."
@poppy76bg (41)
• Bulgaria
9 Aug 08
Dear Cyntrow,
I believe that free will exists, because we are not created like artificial intellects. We are created like free human beings. Read James, chapter 2, verses from 2 to 16. and you will understand that God is not tempted by evil, but he gave a chance or choice to the First Family - Adam and Eve to eat or not to eat the fruit of knowing good and bad. Genesis 2:9, 3:6-22. Look out how the snake (the devil entered the snake) tempted the woman to eat from it. She has a choice to say: God is not allowed to eat from the fruit of knowing good and bad, and I shall not eat. But she has made a rough mistake. Read carefully the passages or Bible verses which I have given here. We have no right or reason to blame God.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
9 Aug 08
Poppy, I wish you had replied in your own thread instead of under superman's. Unfortunately, your reply does not address the contradiction in terms that is all knowing and free will. If God knows all, then it is already set. So there is no choice involved.
@AidiaPropitious (58)
• Indonesia
3 Aug 08
God is perfect that's a fact.
But why does the free will like not exist? Coz... we aren't perfect like Him, so we often make mistakes in every step we made. Every step we decide is up to us. So... I think the free will exists in our life. The question is... how do we use it perfectly?

@AidiaPropitious (58)
• Indonesia
5 Aug 08
But He doesn't directly order you to do something, right?
So... in His silent, you have your own power.

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Aug 08
I'm far from a religious scholar but I think I agree with you. I went to church and Sunday School when I was a child and continued going to church off and on when I got older but it's been many years since I've been in a church other than for a wedding. I remember some of the bible stories well but many are very vague now, I'm sorry to say. What you say makes sense, though, and I feel the same way without really understanding why I do, if that makes any sense. I've never been able to make any sense of God being all knowing and controlling and having a reason for everything and us having free will at the same time.
@Cocoa33 (921)
• United States
7 Aug 08
hi. i believe in God. he knows the past, present,future. i think free will is a choice we are all given. we have a choice to believe in whether god sent his son jesus to die on the cross for our sins.. we have free will when it comes to choosing what churches to visit, and the religions we practice. God is not one to make our decisions for us.
he is not a dictator. he doesn't tell us what to do and when to do. that is the beauty of it. we determine what our destiny is going to be by the choices we make.
the one thing he does is give us guidelines to live by. its up to us to make the decision on whether or not we should follow them.
god is perfect. if he was not perfect. he would be on the earth like us sinning, and making the stupid decisions man makes. in the bible, its clearly states that the lord god will not touch the earth. its full of sin. he will have to purity the earth of all sin and unrighteousness, before he walks the earth.
u talk about adam and the tree that was forbidden. he made a choice to be disobedient to what god said not to do. that consequence he got was to be banned from the garden. he made u, me and everyone. i dont know how u can say he doesnt know what u will decide. he created u. he knows u inside and out. u say a person has to believe that choices are made for them. that is a choice only u can believe, not everyone feels the same as u.
@Annmac (949)
4 Aug 08
I long ago decided it doesn't matter if God makes the choice or I do. When the fork in the road comes you have to go one way or another. I don't know if the paths will divert round some obstacle and then join up again, or whether they'll go off in opposite directions and meet other roads which may lead me back to my original path. I can only take one path at a time!
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
6 Aug 08
I don't know. I believe that free will does exist, because other people do not know what I will decide to do. We all alter what we do and react based on what other people around us do, so to a point we also end up having to make some decisions that we would not make if they weren't affecting other people. I believe that God gives guidelines with the hopes that people will follow them, although he knows that people will not. There are honestly not enough reasons - enough information which makes sense to us - to get everybody to agree that these are good guidelines. Besides, there are many many choices available. Just because God might know everything, it doesn't mean that he chose anything FOR anybody. I might know exactly what my kids will do to get in trouble if they have that choice available, but I certainly didn't go whisper in their ears to 'do what mom said not to', know what I mean?
@pink_maven (265)
• Philippines
3 Aug 08
Hi there. Allow me to comment on your discussion. =) God is perfect. He's the ONLY PERFECT being. Free will is His unconditional gift for all of us. Imagine, we are but creatures and He's the CREATOR. But He allowed us to decide for ourselves. Look, if there's no free will, I don't think we'll be here in MyLot replying to discussions. Adam and Eve will not eat the forbidden fruit and there will be no Cain and Abel and so on. If there's no free will, there will be no SINS. Jesus won;'t come. Holy Spirit won't be given as a gift.
'Just a doze of my own opinion my friend. =)
@clintstephen (10)
4 Aug 08
actually free will is there.u tell that God is not perfect and thats the reason u luv him so much.actually he is perfect and no1 is more perfect than will was there when He created adam and was their choice whether to eat the fruit or not.God told the and gave warning but God was not controlling them coz he luvs us so much
for example if u luv ur children u will say to them not to do bad things and stuffs but u will not go and kill them for doing such stuffs.will you?its upto them whether to choose the correct path or not.u hav power over them but it is them who has to choose.