you just got a friend request!! do you... accept it or deny it?!?

United States
August 3, 2008 12:48am CST
okay so im asking this because im just wondering. im not gonna pestor you to add me. how many friends i have on here doesn't really matter to me but i was just wanting to know when you get a friend request. do you accept it after looking at there profile and everything seems to be okay? or do you deny them all. or do you accept them all. i accept them all. i really dont care who sends me one. i mean i look at there avatar and the username. but thats about it. so what do you do with all the friend requests!!??!!??
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52 responses
@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
3 Aug 08
Yes, I accept all friends requests. They're hardly going to write on their profile that they are axe murderers or paedophiles, so we can never know who they are when we first meet them - but I'm more wary of people who are here just to make money and who want to send money-making links to their friends. I delete all those links straight away because I'm not interested - and if the friend continues to start that type of discussion and no others, I turn their notifications off.
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• Romania
4 Aug 08
Oh, this is funny! You're right...they are not going to say that directly...only if you accept all friend requests you can gather proofs against them... Regarding those money making links, this is really not nice. There are several ways to gather signups, not so expensive. I purchase signups for low money. Or in exchange. But will never join a program that teaches me to post links and banners on forums! I simply ignore those programs ans so should everybody.
@nanciem (1105)
• United States
3 Aug 08
I never get any :( Maybe I am a loser LOL, nah I would accept
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• United States
3 Aug 08
lol. happy mylotting!
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
4 Aug 08
i don't approve them at once. if they are newbies, i try to wait for some days first and see if they are active or not. i am a mylot member for more than two years now and my list of friends are overflowing and it's too difficult to keep track of everyone already. so, i try to be choosy now. it the newbies stay active for some day, i accept their invitations. but if not, i deny them. for old members who are active, i accept them at once. anne
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@smacksman (6053)
3 Aug 08
99.999% of all requests I accept. If they have made a few posts I first go to their profile and see if they have posted a discussion that I can make a useful addition to the topic. After I have added a post or two to their discussions I then read some of their replies to see what sort of person they are and then I willingly accept them as a friend. If they are very new to Mylot I accept them without hesitation. The 0.001% that I refuse are spammers. They have no interest in making a sensible contribution to the Mylot community - they just want to push their money making links. Sorry chaps, that sort of approach just puts me off. Now I'm not against making money and getting referrals, I have thousands of referrals in various programs (1,953 refs in Mylot alone). I just prefer people to ask me how to make money and I tell them how I do it. I don't spam them.
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@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
4 Aug 08
Yeah same in here if there is someone who request then I just accept him/her. I have so many friends in here than in my real life. I really don't think that it won't bother me at all having them around as they do help me browse for interesting topics to respond to.
@union6 (326)
3 Aug 08
i acept them all, lol i dont even vist there profile first but once i have added them i then go to there profile and say thanks.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
27 Sep 08
hi i_luv_music! i rarely deny a friend request. i usually accept them all like you do. but before i accept a request, i make sure i visit their profile and answer first to at least one of their discussions. that's like a way of saying thank you for adding me as their friend here at myLot.
@suruchi86 (1873)
• India
26 Jan 09
I'm so sorry for coming in so late. I don't accept all friends requests on face value. I believe that friend list should be manageable, so everybody can't be put on this list and one need to be selective. Whenever I get a friend request, I look at the profile, photo, username everything which is available to frame some opinion about the person and then only I include them in the list.
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
2 Nov 08
The purpose of having friends here in mylot is to help each other earn by responding to their discussions. Therefore if someone requests my friendship I make sure we are compatible so I can respond to their discussions. If I can't add anything to their discussions because we have nothing in common, then what is the purpose of adding them as a friend. Since I have responded to one of your old discussions, 4 months old to be exact, you will now earn a little more for it, and it will come back to the top of your started discussions and get more exposure and if more people respond you will earn even more for it. This is another thing friends do for each other here in mylot. Alrighty then, talk to you later, your friend Chris.
@posham (1236)
• Philippines
8 Aug 08
yeah, i always do... umm, well, except for those who i encountered in the past that made a negative effect on me. because i guess some people here in mylot just want to raise hell. but in general, i'd like to add as much people as there is. that's why i'm here, to meet new people and interact with.
@mtsandeep (1586)
• India
3 Aug 08
I haven't rejected any of the friend request which i have recieved. i do look at the profile of the user. There is nothing wrong in accepting the friend requests. Why i look in the profile is to make sure that its not an automated program to send requests only. i have deleted one from my list which was a bot, and named "ryepdx".
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@umart13 (841)
• Ireland
10 Aug 08
Hello iluvmusic, I generally like to send or accept friend requests from people who I have corresponded with, particularly if I like their views or style of writing. I have accepted invitations from a few new members after briefly looking at their details, but not very often. If I notice that some of these new contacts are producing so much stuff that I cannot see what my other friends are doing then I will delete them, but it's still early days and I am happy enough with my progress here. Have a good weekend. Umart
@rocker21 (2716)
• India
3 Aug 08
There is nothing to deny. But there is nothing to accept the random request from anyone. I dont belive in random friendship but yeah its allright if its in limits. If i am making the stars of their friendlist then okay go on add me LOL.
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• Philippines
27 Sep 08
Hi. I've never really denied friend requests ever since I joined myLot. I usually just look at the profile of the person, determine whether we have similar interests or stuff which we actually share in common, and then approve their friend request. I find that those who friend me are actually those whose discussions I responded to or those who responded to my discussions in turn so I don't seen any reason to deny such friend requests.
@snoopy04 (718)
• United States
5 Aug 08
I normally accept them. Sometimes I will look at the profile page but for the most part I just accept them.
@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
6 Aug 08
i usually approve all friend requests. i feel honoured that a fellow mylotter has sent me a friend request. i don't look at their profile as i feel that it's not really an accurate portrayal. i also don't believe in judging a person simply by looking at something. i'd rather make that decision when i've interacted with him/her for quite some time. cheers ;p
@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
7 Aug 08
When I get a friend request on myLot, I look at their profile just to make sure they are not in to sexually-focused or violence-related topics of discussion. So, I pretty much accept everybody. As the focus of myLot is to expand one's social networking circle, it seems appropriate to accept nearly all the friend requests. I keep forgetting to invite people to be my friend, I just get focussed on taking part in the discussions and don't send out friend requests like I should.
@jdyrj777 (6530)
• United States
5 Aug 08
To tell the truth i have a few friends here but i do not know how they got there cause i do not remember a single request. However my yahoo messagner list i have recieved request. Just a few min. ago from someone i do not and have never spoke to. How they got my messanger ID i do not know. I of coarse deny them. Unless i ve met them in chat. N sometimes they behave badly with the cam so they get remioved. I mean what does that do for my to see them materbating??? Nothing!!!! Sick fellows!
• United States
7 Aug 08
In this site, it seems like having friends is not really all that important. I will almost always accept. Honestly, there's only one person I've had "conversations" with that I would deny, but I highly doubt that person would ask! I suppose if I had more time I would be more inclined to try for more buddies, so I could view their posts and respond. But, my time is limited so I generally go through my "digest" and respond, and that's about all I have time for. And even then I'm usually a few days behind in responding.
@lijiahui (187)
• China
6 Aug 08
i would do the same as you do---accept all the requests i dont think i would deny others' hospitality so i just nod at those who request to be a friend.besides this is pretty cool ,which means it will help make we feel more homly in mylot with more and more friends,haha happy mylotting