Due to what happened to me recently, I am no longer a Messianic Jew.
By nonew3
@nonew3 (1941)
United States
August 3, 2008 4:23pm CST
Due to treatment I recently received by a Messianic minister and his congregation, as well as some online Messianic chat rooms, I am no longer a Messianic Jew.
I give up. I have had enough. I can't take anymore of being treated worse than dirt and being abused by pastors and whatnot.
I changing religions. I don't know what I am going to be. I have no idea.
I just can't take it anymore.
I have been crying a lot since I got the insulting email and the other stuff that went on, and it's just one nasty pastor too many.
It's the straw that broke the camel's back.
I'll probably just kind of do a "do whatever I feel like" sort of religion, I guess. I just don't know.
God does not break bruised reeds, but PEOPLE do, even religious people.
For some odd reason, we like to shoot our wounded, and I don't know why.
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13 responses
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Pastors and church are not salvation. Their job is to teach salvation. I hope that what ever they did you don't sever yourself from Jesus and God. We must all keep our eyes upon him no mater how the church's and people treat us because he is at the core. May god Bless and Keep you.
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@pink_maven (265)
• Philippines
4 Aug 08
Hi friend. Always remember that it's not all about religion. What matters most is your personal relationship to God. Through this, we will not be too dependent to people but our MAKER. Give yourself a break. But don't break your chain with God. =)
@nonew3 (1941)
• United States
4 Aug 08
The problem is, we all need fellowship, love, and acceptance.
And, after all of the pastoral abuse I endured, it's hard to know what to do, and it's hard to take their scriptures all that seriously.
For instance, after I was repeatedly raped by an evangelist years ago and he got away with it due to corrupt laws at that time, I could not open a Bible for a year afterward without getting very physically sick and without having flashbacks, nightmares, screaming and hysterical crying fits, and whatnot.
I might feel a bit differently about this later on, after I recover from the latest severe blow, but right now I really can't say what I am going to do for sure.
I just now that Messianic Judaism is no longer for me.
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
3 Aug 08
I've about had it up to my ears with religious authority, myself. People are just people, and that's all there is to i. What gie one person the right to treat aother person like dirt? It's just ot fair!!!! I hate the way people treat other people, all in the name of RELIGION. I think that organized religion is just a ploy to allow people to control other people.
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@nonew3 (1941)
• United States
3 Aug 08
I am on a full-out bad-PR campaign against the supposed "Messianic" church and pastor who treated me so shamefully. I have never done this before, but this time it's bad enough to warrant it.
I am telling everyone I can, both online and offline, about how they treated me, and am naming names and am warning them to avoid them like the plague.
I am not the first to do this. Many survivors of abusive churches have spoken out against those churches. There are times when one really must name names.
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@nonew3 (1941)
• United States
4 Aug 08
I have noticed throughout all these years of dealing with severe chronic illness and severe disabilities, many of these religious creeps are NICE to people when they are healthy and are doing relatively well, but quickly turn on them when things go sour.
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@nonew3 (1941)
• United States
4 Aug 08
If you're looking for a safe environment and true love and acceptance, don't waste your time and energy looking for it within churches, synagogues, and other forms of organized religion. Take it from someone who has been around and been very burned: It's not there!
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@Harley009 (1416)
• India
4 Aug 08
It is sad you got bad treatments.
Can I know what nasty things a pastor emailed to you or you heard in congregation? and How was you treated in such a way?
Jewish religion is very similar to Islam which is my belief, Just curious about the thing you got bad in mind.
May Almighty God help us to find the right path,
Wish you all the best.
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@nonew3 (1941)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Messianic Judaism is sort of like Christianity, and sort of like Judaism, in my opinion.
In the email he told me, he said that I basically think of myself more than the word of God, and that I just dwell on and talk about myself and my problems all the time. That is simply not true.
He went on and on about it in his long email.
And, the fact is, even if I try not to think about my disabilities and health problems, they don't go away.
I still cough and cough when I have the coughing fits due to my severe allergies, and sometimes I can't sleep because I am coughing so badly, sometimes so badly that I throw up.
I still have the symptoms of my Migraine Associated Vertigo when they hit. Whether I think about it or talk about it or not, it still hits when it hits.
Basically, in a very insulting and nasty way, he just wanted me to leave...except that he did it in a way that insulted my character and my spirituality. I guess he did that to make himself look good by insulting me and putting me down.
Much of the abuse that they put on me, went on in chat rooms in Paltalk, followed by the email.
Like I said, it is an online extension to their offline so-called "ministry."
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@Harley009 (1416)
• India
4 Aug 08
Oh that is very sad.
How ever, Your belief is not under that pastor, it is your belief in a religious system.
Sorry to you for your physical problems, get well soon. And pray yourself to God to show the right path to him.
About pastors and religious leaders, I don't submit my mind to them, I don't believe any one whether he have a leadership label of a religion or not, unless I clearly understood what he say is true with valid proof. Some religious leaders itself diminish the face of their own religion.
All the best.
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@lisaradgirl (404)
• United States
4 Aug 08
I just want to say I am so sorry for everything you are going through and I wish I had some words that could help. If I were you, I would concentrate on yourself, getting well and healing physically and emotionally. Try to be a peace with yourself. Don't concentrate on what religion to follow, it will work it's self out. Make sure you are ok and the people you should be around are people who want that for you too. An organized religion is not the answer to find peace in yourself. You have to find that on your own.
Hope things work out for you. Wish you all the best.
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@nonew3 (1941)
• United States
4 Aug 08
You are right. After having been so abused by so many so-called pastors and ministers, I have found out that peace is not found in organized religion.
Thank you so for such kind words!
I am definitely going to focus on my own healing, and let everything else pretty much take care of itself.
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@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
4 Aug 08
You don't have to claim any particular religious group to be religious. You can worship God in your own way. By the way, what is a Messianic Jew? I know what a Jew is, but I've never heard of the Messianic part. Is that the one where you can't eat pork and stuff or maybe is it the one where you can eat whatever? Anyways, good luck.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
4 Aug 08
i'm so sorry to hear that you had to experience such a bd experience with your pastors until you have to make a decision to change religions... i bet it is a really really bad experience... otherwise, you wouldn't take a drastic measure like this... anyway, good luck... hopefully you will be able to find a religion that will suit you... take care and have a nice day...
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@nonew3 (1941)
• United States
4 Aug 08
What they did was incredibly bad. It is a very serious thing to knowingly and willingly trigger someone's PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) like that, and then belittle and insult the person for having the symptoms of PTSD.
It has caused me to come to the conclusion that Messianic Judaism is no longer for me.
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
4 Aug 08
My husband and I left the church we had been attending for the past 7 years in May. We were sort of like Messianic/Jew but not excactly. We still keep the Sabbath at home and fellowship with our daughter and one of our 3 sons some Sabbaths and a few other friends. We will still keep the Feast of Tabernacles and go to Feast. We will not go back to that hypocritical two faced church, and never will I trust the two pastors again. How dare they say they are my mediator and intercessor. That belongs to Jesus Christ and him alone. How dare they preach a sermon on how we should not obey the law of men if they are contrary to God's laws and turn around a half an hour later and tell my husband they the board administration and pastors are above the people and "they don't have to do what the bible says all the time"
They wanted to glory and recognition on an event that I had done and were mad that I was just giving my time and free will out of love for someone and because they or their wives did not have a hand in it so the "CHURCH" could get the recognition from those who were attending the event who were not church members proclaim what a wonderful "Church group" we had.
They said I was selfish and should have asked the church board and womens group to hold a baby shower for my friends daughter. That the church and womens group always gives the first baby shower of for new members in the church and NO ONE else can. Bah! She was my friend and so is her daughter before they started coming to church. The church people barely knew her yet and did not even know she was having a baby at first.
The pastor jumped all over me and harped on and on how I had to ask them to give a shower and how I was to ask all the other women in the church if they had other plans.
I had done this but none did and yet there was a couple who were jealous and ran to create trouble. That was not the only thing. They also said I and 12 other people could not have a private prayer warrior group after church anymore to pray for prodigals because the church did not sponser it and wondered what "the people would think" If our praying did not cause prodigals to come back or claim salvation. This after 17 people we had prayed for had been baptized and were coming to church regularly. The pastors said that was just coincidence???
There were other things but too many to go into. But one other was the church had a fellowship snack hour and once a month a potluck. The weeks of snacks they would invite guests to come down for fellowship and snacks. For awhile they had fruits, vegies, cookies, chips, dips and coffee, tea and juice. Then someone wanted to only have cookies and chips. We have 9 diabetics at that church. We had 2 who were new one lady when she saw she could not eat the cookies and chips stopped coming. She had to wait for a ride from the bus and she would have her snack with fruits and vegies things she could eat. When the cookies and chips became the norm she ended up having medical trouble and said she could not go back anymore. this happened to another person too. I questioned this and the pastors wives, 2 daughters and DIL all said well that was the way it was to be from now one. We could only bring cookies and chips as it was cheaper. I told them that was rude and selfish and NOT hospitable to guests or or diabetic members. The head pastors wife said "well they can bring their own food" When I asked if they were going to announce that she said no they could not do that. It was crazy. I told them when I served snacks I was bringing fruits and vegies healthier for everyone they said they would not let me in the kitchen. I told them fine I would pass it out in the dining hall and not there out in the parking lot. Finally the pastors got into it due the wives and said to have the healthy foods but it was supposedly because people could not afford the vegies and fruits. Only a price check comparison showed little difference in the cost for either.
There were lots of other things and so hubby and I left it was getting nastier all the time. Other people are now leaving too. We need only God and Christ our high priest, mediator and intercessor. His word and people we know who love us. Not a bunch of wacked out power mad pastors, boards and their wives. This is the 3rd church we left due to people becoming power mad and wanting their doctrines of men above the laws of God and his way. I am burned with Organized religions. But not with God and his word or his son my savior. Amen.
@nonew3 (1941)
• United States
5 Aug 08
With all of the very serious problems you had with that church, I really could not blame you for leaving it!
I'm just amazed that you stayed with it as long as you did! You're one tough lady!
You're so right about how organized religion can really, really mess a person up.
@1grnthmb (2055)
• United States
4 Aug 08
We had a similar experience with a church that I attended for 25 years. Thought it was enough and changed to a different church and are very happy there. It is a shame when religous velots prevent the normal person to worship God in peace with out interjecting there own opinions into it. I wish you luck.
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@jaypeemanuel (1005)
• Philippines
4 Aug 08
Fo some corrupted reasons, even religious leaders fall with the same fall the Pharisees had during Jesus' time. It seems that religion is a set of do's and don'ts. Geez... I just don't know. I just believe that God is here for His own pleasure. And whatever that happens to me is in accord of His great will.

@jaypeemanuel (1005)
• Philippines
4 Aug 08
Though there are things we don't want in the name of religion, we should also keep in mind there is one religion that is pure and accepted by God, the religion that looks after the orphans, the widows and the sinners.
Religion is not that bad after all. It is man who makes the clean towel dirty. The towel had good purposes in the first place. ^_^

@rrargh (96)
• Philippines
4 Aug 08
Sorry to read about your email. I can tell from your post that you've been badly mistreated.
However, you might want to reconsider some of your sentiments.
"I'll probably just kind of do a 'do whatever I feel like' sort of religion, I guess."
You're not the first to do that, and you're far from the last. However, in that "religion", who calls the shots? Whose will is to be pursued? In that "religion", who is god but yourself? If you do whatever you feel like doing, you're setting yourself up as the god of your "religion", when you should be giving all the glory to God, who alone deserves your worship.
"God does not break bruised reeds, but PEOPLE do, even religious people."
I don't know exactly what you mean by this, but if you think that God doesn't hit us while we're down, then you only need to look at Job, who endured intense pain and suffering for no apparent reason. Yet in his faith he accepted that God is who He is, and He does what He does simply because He is God! That absolute faith in God is what made Job endure the condemnation of his so-called friends, indeed even to rebuke them, and it is what ultimately pleased God so that He blessed him with twice as much as he lost!
I sympathize with the way you were persecuted. Even Jesus was persecuted, and He made it clear to His disciples that they would get the same treatment (John 15:18-21). But you know what? Each trial thrown our way is another chance to develop our character, so that we can be more like Christ!
I understand your need for a religious group where you can worship God with others as a community. The book of Acts advocates fellowship with believers. Just keep in mind, though, that your relationship with God comes first. You may finally find yourself belonging to a certain group, but if your relationship with God is compromised in the process, then you might want to question your purpose for joining the group in the first place.
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be pure and complete, not lacking anything.
"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." - James 1:2-4
@nonew3 (1941)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Did you at all notice that I am kind of in shock right now after having been, figuratively speaking, punched in the stomach?
I don't know what I am going to do next. Not a clue.
I am just pretty much sitting here in a daze.
I'm just not going to be a Messianic Jew, that's for sure. It is definitely time to change to something else after what happened.
I might end up being kind of disorganized in my religious practices or whatever.
I just do not know, and it's too early for me to come to a definite conclusion on this yet.
I am taking appropriate actions, though, to make sure that the people involved in the abuse are held accountable for their actions.
Please don't preach at me until I at least recover some more from having the wind knocked out. I can hardly even think straight yet.
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@nonew3 (1941)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Also, after having been abused, mistreated, ostracized, and neglected in many different churches and congregations, I get the very strong impression that those who are disabled are simply not welcome in church. They would rather that we went away so that they wouldn't have to deal with us, especially if we "don't get healed."
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Aug 08
hi nonew thats just awful and they think they are gods people when they treat you like that. that reminds me of some church back home, in either the friends or the amish religion that shun people for just anything like having a slip showing or not making
it to church one sunday. I just hate that kind of religion as that is not Gods teaching thats just people being unkind and evn cruel. i done blame you for feeling so angry. you have every rightto feel that way.Religion should not make people mean and hard hearted it should make them kind and outgoing.
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@nonew3 (1941)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Wow! That is very bad that some religions even shun people for things like having their slip showing or not making it to church! When I went to church years ago, I had to miss a lot of church due to my chronic illness, and so I would definitely have been shunned.
When I see people acting like that, it causes me to seriously question whether their version of their religion is even true.
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