@creativedreamweaver (7297)
United States
August 4, 2008 9:25pm CST
I know we have a lot of writers and want to be writers here on myLot. My question is what type of writing do you do? Do you write for online sites? Do you write for magazines and newspapers? Do you write non-fiction books? Do you write novels? (If so what kind?) If you aren't in the arena of writing you want, what is your goal? Let's have a real discussion with this one.
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23 responses
@tiffsmom2007 (279)
• United States
5 Aug 08
Well I have 176 pages of a novel finished, still have tons of ideas to put in it, but at the moment I am in the "What's the point it'll never get published!" stage. I'm not saying it's a bad, this is putting me to sleep book I've let 3 people read what I have and they all said "What happens next?". I just don't think it will get published because it's a first novel and who's goining to want to publish something from someone without an agent?
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
5 Aug 08
Don't let the "critic in your head" bog you down. Write the ending as you see it, then go back and fill in the pieces. You may end up changing the ending in the long run, but at least you have restarted the creative process. I agree, you can self publish several places online...one is through Amazon directly. Lulu is another great one. It never hurts to try a standard publisher first though or an agent. You will sell way more copies that way. You can do this. What genre is it you are writing?
@tiffsmom2007 (279)
• United States
6 Aug 08
It's a mixture of horror/mystery/humor. And either I'm getting old or I'm writing this thing in my sleep because last I knew I had 176 pages looked at it this morning and there 182 pages.
@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
5 Aug 08
So, finish it, publish it yourself on line. I have a friend who writes romance novels. He publishes them himself. If you would like to send me a message, I can let you know where he publishes his. He sells them online. Amazon and EBay picked up 100 copies each to sell. Who knows where it could go from there.
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
5 Aug 08
You write here my friend, and that is communicating through writing. LOL. Hugs to you. Keep posting.
@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
5 Aug 08
That's great though. Even online publishing is wonderful. I write for AC and some of the articles are paid, others are only paid with page views. I'm also published in print media as well on several different levels. Keep writing.
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@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
5 Aug 08
Unfortunately, I am definitely a want-to-be writer. I have no problem admitting that to others. I have a few ideas I am thinking about working on, but I really have no clue how to start. I like the idea that mylot offers me a place to share comments and ideas with people who may have similar interests. I like some of the discussions we have here. I don't know if posting here will bring me any closer to my dream of being a published writer, but I sure have thought about some things in ways that I have never thought about them before, thanks to the view of others I have read here. The fact that we get paid a little for spending time sharing advice and opinions with other people makes it that much better. Hopefully, I will be able to use the advice of those who have been able to make at least a small, dependable income writing for websites or magazines. I hope to be able to do this myself someday.
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
5 Aug 08
You are right. I do think that mylot has given me an edge in my writing that perhaps wasn't there before. It also helps with ideas for articles sometimes. I have been writing something, (short stories, poetry, articles, books) since the 4th grade. I can't not write. I am glad you found myLot and that it is a creative outlet for you.
@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
5 Aug 08
I'd love to write short stories if I could come up with any ideas.
Right now the best I do is pound the keys here at myLot, and write a few articles for Associated Content (you can see what I've written if you look at my profile).
I did write an article from an interview for an online friend's small Christian newspaper that I got paid for. That was published last week.
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
5 Aug 08
That's great. I too write for AC. I am starting to writin more there, in order to build up my portfolio for other jobs. I'd love to read your interview though. My AC link is http://www.associatedcontent.com/user/15512/cindi_starr.html
You can check out mine as well, and I'll check out yours. I love exchanging page views, it really helps. I also write historical fiction and am working on a Christian inspirational at the moment.
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@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
5 Aug 08
Already exchanged subscriptions, and I'll send you the link to that article I wrote.
@solandgel (35)
• China
5 Aug 08
Though not good at writing, i usually write something about myself in my QQ zone. In this way, lots of my friends would know what i am doing recently. Most importantly, it feel good to express yourself to your friends.
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
5 Aug 08
That's great solandgel. You are right, at least those close to you will know what you are up to, lol.
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
5 Aug 08
My husband has written three science fiction novels, and I published a Danish cookbook. I've never been much o a good cook, and my husband has never been to Mas, but that ever stopped us from writing. :) I collected all of my grandmoher's old family recipes, and made them into a Danish cookbook.
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
5 Aug 08
That's wonderful. Are your and hubby's books available in the US? I always like to support other writers.
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
8 Aug 08
I started out as a novelist - a storyteller. I am (sort of) working on two novels right now. They are both complete but in the editing stages. I now write poetry and have taken on writing short stories to try and get myself noticed and perhaps win some short story contests. I never thought of myself as a journalist per se, but in an effort to earn some money and get noticed, I started writing articles for Triond. I did get a short story published in a local magazine.
But ultimately, being a published author of general women's fiction is my goal, though Young Adult is not out of the question. But right now, I'm in limbo.
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@greenline (14838)
• Canada
6 Aug 08
I like writing business articles and reviews. More recently, I have been writing reviews online for "Review Stream". This is an online site, and they want reviews on a variety of topics, things you come across in day to day life. Very good to work with them.
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@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
5 Aug 08
I wanted to be a writer and I wrote for helium but all I got for my efforts is $0.11 which is by far more than I ever earned for trying to be a writer. I just don't have the time to really try to become a good writer. Maybe I will write a few more articles in the future. Cheers!!
@sparquel (121)
• United States
5 Aug 08
I began my gift of writing composing short, inspirational poems. I have not written any poetry in a while. Now, I am getting my feet wet with some ghost writing. I like it, and it can be fun.
Not sure where my writing will take me in terms of having a goal, I have not really set any yet. Keeping my mind open, and my heart hopeful ... we'll see. =)
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@wilsongoddard (7291)
• United States
5 Aug 08
I am a writer; my work has been published in newspapers, and my poetry has appeared both in magazine and online form.
I also do a bit of writing for Helium, AC and a few other places. I'm not getting rich off it, but it does help to keep me in shape while earning a little.
@erock0102 (17)
• United States
5 Aug 08
Well I'm no Edgar Allen Poe, but I have been an editorial writer on my school newspaper for the past 2 years....I have been known to be very opinionated and the way that I voice that opinion is through the press.....I also have a mystery novel in the works that is scheduled to be published in a magazine sometime next year...other than that, when I'm up to it I write short stories. And more editorials.....editorial topics are endless!
@Joealdape (6)
• United States
12 Aug 08
I will start off by stating, boldly, that I am a writer. I believe, that if I don't believe in myself, why would anyone else give me the credit for anything. I have been a sit in the crowd and blend type of person most of my life, being nice, and trying not to ruffle feathers. I am trying to become more opinionated, but also trying to stay concious of not pushing my ideas on anyone, and still embracing the abilitiy to listen. I joined myLot to start writing more. I have gone through phases of writing with ease, and then being overwhelmed when trying to write. I haven't been writing consistantly, I notice that when I am able to, or maybe I should say when I make the time, thoughts and ideas formulate more easily, sometimes the clarety I feel when writing is unbelievable, almost out of body.
I really enjoy to write streaming thoughts, strings of ideas that just pop up, not really relating them to one another, but somehow, in the end, it does feel like there is a theme. I guess theme is one of my writing issues. Maybe you could give me some ideas about theme, how to formulate around a theme, or even how to come up with an idea to wrtie about in general.
I have read many of the discussion posts and realized there are many writing outlets on-line, but I am unfamiliar with any of them.
I used to write some random poetry and I have tried my hand at writing a script, or at least a story to convert to film, but i find I have a begining and an end but the middle gets thrown around all over the place and I loose focus.
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@Jenaisle (14078)
• Philippines
12 Aug 08
This is interesting. Do you have a blog? If you don't , you should start one. You write very well, it would help you express yourself if you have a blog. Trust me! Blogger.com is free and very user friendly ...so open that blog and you'll thank me later that you did. All the best.
@sekhmetgb (462)
5 Aug 08
Hi creativedreamweaver
I have written on MyLot (a long time ago), and on a site called WiseOrb, which no longer exists. Also on AC and recently started writing for a site called InformativePost. I won't put in the URL because it may offend MyLot (it always used to) but if you are interested please contact me. They pay well, but are slow in reviewing and publishing articles.
I write mainly medical articles and sometimes do some medical translation work - translation is never just a word for word translation of what is written, but requires a certain amount of 'finesse' to make a readable version of what was written before in another language.
I am writing a novel, but that is a long term project and what with earning money in real world to pay rent etc may take a lot longer than I had hoped.
Goal - to be a published writer
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
12 Aug 08
I write novels. I write mostly mystery and suspense and fantasy from a Christian viewpoint. I do not mean a Baptist, but mostly from a Presbyterian or Reformed perspective, that is the hero does not swear but he will fight in a war against evil aggressors but it might not be on Earth, it might be in the future or another planet. I also mystery and suspense military fiction. For some reason or not, my heroes are either in, or were or will be in the military. That is because my dad was in the army. I want to finish my novels and get them published, and make a sequel of the one I am working on right now. I do write a little non-fiction but not that good at it.
My main trouble is not having enough money to get them published or rather to send them off to so many publishers and I prefer an agent rather than self=-publishing. Not rich enough.
@iakulchen (615)
• Singapore
6 Aug 08
I write for Helium, Associated Content and Triond. Mainly for Helium, since I'm not a U.S resident and so are not eligible for AC's upfront payment
@Jenaisle (14078)
• Philippines
12 Aug 08
I maintain 8 blogs, so primarily I write for my own site. And in my writing blog, I am finally writing a novelette. It's already in Chapter 14, and I feel contented that I'm now fulfilling slowly my dream of writing a novel. Thanks to blogging, I will be able to self -publish my own book eventually.
@caussara (53)
• United States
22 Aug 08
Hi creative,
I am only getting back into writing after about 3 years of being almost completely blocked. A lot of those life changing events came at me in a short amount of time and my creativity flew out the window. But the urge has been getting stronger and stronger to take up the pen again. The need to put words to paper is like that restless feeling you get sometimes when you know you need to be doing something, but are just not sure what it is you should be doing. I write poetry, and have a novel/series going, though going very slowly haven't really done anything with it in this past 3 yrs. I would like to get into writing articles and have been looking into AC and helium, we will see. If I just go back to writing poetry for a while it will be good, at least it will be a start.