the night before FIRST DAY OF COLLEGE..

@dreamssri (1796)
August 5, 2008 2:39am CST
well,my summer vacations are gonna oevr and im gonna start my college student life from coming monday.. at the time of going to school itself,i'll something strange before the first day of school and it will l=take a long time to sleep for me... and now im into the college for the first time ever in my life...and dont know know how it would feel... do you get the same feeling like me??
5 responses
• India
6 Aug 08
I can really understand your deepest of feelings regarding the opening of college because I also am feeling the same thing . I am really worried about the challenges which college life may post and am also worried about ragging . But on the bright side we are entering into a brand new phase of our life which by many is seen the highloght of their lives. So its time for us to enjoy ourselves at the college and take the best of life .
@iyah10 (4115)
• Kuwait
5 Aug 08
It is so nice to be in College for it is just the beginning of your new journey in life in there you will meet a different kind of person with a different kind of personality but then you would also know on how to adjust so quickly on things so Good Luck.........
@leateagee (3667)
• China
5 Aug 08
That is normal. Gather yourself and think positive. You also have something to contribute t that school so stand tall and don't be shy. Take care =)
5 Aug 08
it's true that there is a strange feeling night before first day of college, many thoughts come in mind that i shall do this , many new friends will meet there. i was going to enter in the college after 12th i was afraid because of raggingbut nothing happened like that.
• United States
5 Aug 08
I am going to be a Junior in college, but I most certainly know the exact feeling you are talking about. It's a scary part of life, because it's marking that you are not a child anymore, but an adult. You are being trusted to live on your own, make your own choices, and be responsible for your own well being. These things are a hard at times!! You will find that your bedtime will progressively get later and later, and some nights you won't sleep at all because of papers and tests to study for. It's so exciting though! Good luck with college, I hope this new part of your life turns out well!