You Are Making God Weep! STOP IT!

Regina, Saskatchewan
August 6, 2008 1:38am CST
Tonight I intended to tell you another Meg story. That will have to wait until tomorrow. Because I am so pissed, I'm spitting wooden nickels. And I don't mean drunk. (Rather wish I was frankly!) About an hour or so ago I read a discussion by a friend of mine here that gobsmacked me. It was passionate, well thought out, and extremely well written for a mini-rant against prejudice and, assumptions and judgments, made on little or erroneous information about the United States of America. It ended on a loving note however and it impressed me no end. The first few responses were supportive and affirmative. The one I took exception to however, was a quiet back-handed way of giving the poster of the discussion a CHRISTIAN slap on the wrist for being angry and hostile! WHAT? I thought being a good little bible reading quoting Christian meant looking for the GOOD in people, not virtually accusing them of hostility because they have the nerve to express their anger at injustice. Well my bad or what, because the message and tone of the response that so upset me had me showing my own anger and hostility. I left a response and tried to move on. Yet even over an hour later I'm still steamed at the hypocrisy so prelavent in so called Christians. I'm going Pagan. I've had enough of Christianity's version of Jesus and His message, of their God and His expectations. I'm all for the freedom of the practice of any religion, but I am heartily sick and tired of the hypocrisy practiced in the name of God. And don't bother copping any self-righteous attitude with me in response to this. It will fall on deaf ears. I've had my say, gotten it out of my system and will now go out into the velvet night and howl at the moon! But if you must attempt to reform me, I'm way ahead of you, as I turn my other (butt) cheek! Can you spell hypocrite?
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33 responses
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
6 Aug 08
You do NOT have to go to church to be close to God!!! When I left my church I found I came even closer to God. I watch multiple preachers on TV on Sunday mornings. That way I'm not looking just from one angle. An excellent preacher from Atlanta was discussing who would & would not go to Hell. He pointed out that, if a murderer asked for forgiveness from God, he would make it into Heaven. Then he said, if you look down your nose at someone else because you're a better Christian, you have condemned yourself to Hell. Jesus said "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." God knows I've sinned multiple times. One of the reasons I try NOT judge anyone else...I have NO right. Jesus best friend was a wh0re. He did NOT judge her. He saved her. I have not met a Christian that's better than Jesus. Most wars have been brought on by Christians trying to force somebody else to live their peaceful existance. Doesn't make sense to me!!! I didn't start this to bash Christians & thinkin about it, I have forgotten my original I will hush now & go pray for God to change their hearts. Any chance Sparky's back from her doin her dance???
• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Aug 08
Back from dancing and will be posting a happy Meg story soon. I haven't been in a Church for service for years. Like you I'm more comfortable with the God I've come to know and love in my life OUTSIDE the Church. I don't need some born again wannabe a god to tell me or my friends how to live with no one's opinion but God's. So much for free will if we all did that huh?
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Aug 08
God Bless you my child. lol
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
6 Aug 08
5 people like this
• United States
6 Aug 08
All I can say, spark, is I applaud you, very loudly! Oh, wait, did you say you were going to howl at the moon? WoooooHooooo!!! Another moon howler! Hooray for me! I love howling at the moon!*G*
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Aug 08
Love the moon, therefore dances. It's a compulsion. Gravity be damned! LOL
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Aug 08
Welcome to the moon howling circle bo! It's getting larger everyday. lol
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
6 Aug 08
You seem to have that effect on people
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
6 Aug 08
Hi sparks, I tried not to respond to any religious topic and I have not see that post too..ANyway, I know and understand well what you mean, and in real life been meeting a lot of hypocrite religious people who give all their best in dancing and singing to praise God but will not even share a piece of soap or chocolates to her grandkids! That is my officemate's struggles to her MIL who was the leader in the church!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Aug 08
No wonder God weeps!
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
6 Aug 08
Christians have always been like that. They forget that they are not to judge, as it is God's job to judge So, put on some heels (NOT MINE!) and dance and howl at the moon
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• Philippines
6 Aug 08
Not really, whether Christians or not, we will be judging others, may it be intentional or not. How can you even make friends if you will not make judgments whether a person may be a good complement with your bonds. The bible says make righteous judgments, not don't judge at all. ^_^
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Aug 08
I've been a Christian all my life and NEVER acted like that. It's these 'new, born agains' that get up my nose and give us 'old fashioned' ones a bad name and I've had enough of them. So yeah - putting on my dancing heels and heading for the cool night air..............................
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
6 Aug 08
jpm...I'm afraid that 99.99% of the people on this planet are not qualified to make a righteous judgement Sparks...keep dancing!
6 Aug 08
Hi sparky, I really don't blame you for going off the deep end at some people who gets everything wrong and spout their religous whatever to people, that is why I won't go into any discussions about religion as I do believe in God but happy to say I am a pagan and if people don't like that then its tough sh**t. I do agree with you but please calm down, we don't want you to be upset cause we love you sparky! Tamara
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Aug 08
I'm not upset for me Tams, I'm upset for my friend. What was said to her was wrong and I don't believe in letting a wrong slip by if I can do something about it. I love you too Tams!
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@lisa0351 (303)
• United States
6 Aug 08
I look at it this way, you are entitled to believe what you want, you are your own person and knows what makes you happy. Also, you are an individual that can believe whatever you want to. A good friend should embrace your beliefs no matter what they are. People are so quick to judge today, it makes me furious. They think that their way is the only way, and shun any other belief or way of thought. Keep on keeping on, only you know what is right for you!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Aug 08
Well welcome to the lot Lisa! You are so right and we need more of your kind of thinking here! Well said!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
6 Aug 08
wow are you mad! and I have seen alot of so called chirstians do alot of back stabbing
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
6 Aug 08
lol ok
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Aug 08
Yeah. lol Don't get my sparks flying - you'll get burned. The particular 'Christian' I took exception to was actually very gentle and kind. But she was WRONG WRONG WRONG and I wasn't about to let her get away with it.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
6 Aug 08
This has been an issue with me for years. I'm sorry to hear that you have had to fall into a depressed mood because of the people like this. It is a travesty the way people use God's name to do things they want to do. Take it easy Spark and try not to let these people get to you. I don't anymore, or at least I try not to.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Aug 08
I can give as good as I get moon beam. No worries. But the person who posted the discussion read the reply I got so mad at and questioned her own point of view. That made me madder, because her discussion was NOT about religion and religion should NOT have been brought into it. I will defend my friends to the best of my ability, no matter what the point of contention. As for me - bring it on. Very little scares this little spark of insanity anymore! lol
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• Philippines
6 Aug 08
Well, you just can't escape a goat to act like a sheep and otherwise. There will always be pretenders which may delude us, but not all, sheep will always be sheep whether they are in the christian church or not. Just live your life with the most of it, after all, that's what Jesus said in John 10:10. And it's not christendom, it's how you should live.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Aug 08
Good advice. John certainly knew his stuff. Too bad more people didn't listen.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
6 Aug 08
Yikes! You scare me a little when you have your hackles up! LOL! But, for as much as you scare me, you always manage to make me think outside of my own comfort zone and you have such a way with words! Also, I was in a discussion earlier that had some potential for what might have upset you but, I don't know if it was that one and, certainly hope that it wasn't me that upset you! Not that I think I have that kind of power but, I still can't help but hope it wasn't me! Anyway, as usual...well thought out and well said!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Aug 08
LOL. The only time you upset me sweets is when you don't agree with me! NOT!ROFL
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Aug 08
LOL. She must. You're starting to think like her! ROFL
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
6 Aug 08
I disagree! I think the only time I upset you is when I disagree with disagreeing with you when you disagree and, I think Mags has something to do with that! LOL!
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
6 Aug 08
well wewt and booyah.. goin native /cheer welcome to the fold ..;giggles;..
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Aug 08
I have great respect for Irish Tess. I was trying to defend her. To see her accused of hostility because of her passion about her country and be told to 'turn the other cheek' just hit me wrong and I couldn't go to bed without spouting off my big mouth.*sigh* Sorry if it came out wrong. And yeah - Paganism is looking more and more attractive every day. Few PEOPLE mess with Pagans. lol
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Aug 08
Works for me!
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
6 Aug 08
I would never try to change you, sparkofinsanity. My only job is to love you. That's what my Bible says, anyway. It tells me to love everyone, friend, neighbor and foe. [em[happy[/em] People think that the Bible says that we're not to judge. But the verse that they quote about that continues. When we judge, we need to remember that we will be judged in the same way. Therefore, if someone questions another's faith, one has to know that his/her faith will also be questioned in the same way. When we question another's motives, our own motives can be questioned. Christians are not perfect. That's obvious to the rest of the world. Every church (every faith, actually) is full of hypocrites and sinners. "All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God" after all. In today's world, people talk about the importance of tolerance. But I don't think tolerance is good enough. When you tolerate someone or something, you put up with it. But when you love, you respect and honor and hold in high regard. Christians - myself included - would be wise to remember this.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Aug 08
YOU kenzie are the kind of Christian I think that Jesus had in mind.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Aug 08
Irish - what you said! and Kenzie too! So ladies, when you are offering the other cheek - make sure they're kissing your a*s!
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• United States
6 Aug 08
Ooops. My MyLot code is showing, 'cause I didn't do it right. That's better.
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
6 Aug 08
Spark, I had read Irish's discussion and saw nothing in it that should have made anyone say those things to her. I also read the comment to which I think you are referring. As Irish so nicely put it in a comment, don't judge all of us by the answer of one. There was another comment that really bothered me! This person has no real knowledge of what she was speaking; therefore, her comments were of not real relevance. Just ignore stupid remarks. But, I know with me, that is easier said than done. That's why I have comments moderated on my blog. I can delete them without saying something back that would be mean. Some people,as the old saying goes, 'open mouth-insert foot'. Some don't understand and some are just plain mean and out to hurt! Lord, help me to keep my mouth shut unless I need to say what I'm about to write. My mouth is not big enough to hold my foot!!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Aug 08
That was the point Barb. Irish was defending her country. She was angry and passionate, but she was not hostile and to be told to just 'turn the other cheek' when attacked about had me falling off my couch. She was not hostile in the least, and she wrote out her feelings very well. Is being passionate and angry at injustice a Cristian sin now. Then God help the Christians!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Aug 08
Is this wide enough to insert foot! ROFL
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
6 Aug 08
Oh, Irish, I had rather my foot stay out of my mouth. No chewing for me!
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@soooobored (1184)
• United States
7 Aug 08
I see where you are coming from. I'm not a religious person, I have deep spiritual beliefs (and for the record, I love religion!), but I think that religion is more of a social classification, spirituality is just inborn. So if you want to dissociate from Christians, which I could understand, you don't necessarily need to subscribe to another religion. After all, there are loudmouth jerks in paganism, scientology, or any other religion. There are great social perks to being involved in organized religion, but if yours is causing you this much distress, why not take a break? Your belief or faith in god isn't what's hurting here, its the people who practice alongside you. I would recommend taking a little break before jumping into anything else. You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders, and don't need to be part of any flock to worship your god. Good luck!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Aug 08
I'm not part of any organized religion. Haven't been for years. That's why people who are and use their beliefs to berate others get right up my nose and I speak up. And for the record, I can be a Pagan and a Christian at the same time. I have to say - your user name makes me smile. Because every time I see it I think - ok, bored, I hope not boring! And you are NEVER boring! LOL
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Aug 08
Actually, I think it's rather clever. Makes me want to entertain you and relieve your boredom! LOL It certainly gets attention a reader's attention!
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• United States
7 Aug 08
Aw, thanks! It's a name choice I've regretted many times, but I'm unwilling to start all over. After all, I get smileys now!
4 people like this
• United States
6 Aug 08
You saw one Christian that said the wrong thing. Now all of Christianity is crap and your turning Pagen and started a topic judging and bashing Christians calling us all hypocrites? Are Pagens allowed to judge?
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Aug 08
Pagans don't judge they just carry big sticks. Look, read the discussion again. YOU have made the judgment that my opinion is based on coming across only ONE Christian. What - was I only born yesterday? Have I NO life experience to draw on? Rather silly of you to make such an assumption when you throw those questions into the mix eh? And I never BASHED anyone. I stated my opinion of a particular 'Christian' attitude towards a friend that was so wrong I couldn't just move on and leave it fester in my friend's mind and make her question herself. And I never said Christianity is crap. I'm a Christian who is now so fed up with the type of Christian I discussed, that Paganism is looking more attractive all the time - and as one very powerful Pagan here pointed out, being Pagan does NOT preclude being Christian. So don't try to convince me that ALL Christians are alike and believe and practice in exactly the same way or they are not true Christians. I could give you chapter and verse to refute such nonsense. If my discussion sounded judgmental to you - YOUR problem. Not mine as that was not the intent. My intent was to state how I FELT about a wrong done and that's what I did. The person I was talking about displayed hypocrisy. A VERY prevalent failing in SO many of the so called Christians here, and I am sick and tired of it. Now go howl at the moon and relieve some of your own hostility. You'll feel better, I promise! lol
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Aug 08
Hatley - thanks sweets. What a loving Christian thing to say. Hugs WhatsHerName: FYI Your friends list has a lot of Pagans on it. Ask THEM about judging people. Some of them are very very good at it! You are in great company.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Aug 08
whats her name give sparks a little leeway here, she is just venting and she did not mean you at all. why get'in snit, and try to start a war. religious wars here go on on and help nobody, and further a lot of us into thinkins christianity is crap when christians start verbal wars here.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
8 Aug 08
You have no idea what Christianity is. Christianity is obeying the law of God, of believing that Jesus Christ came to earth to save us from our sins, and trying to obey the Ten Commandments, and being heartfuly sorry for our sins. It is not looking for the good in all people. It is praying for the return of God's kingdom on Earth, that those who hear God's word would repent of their sins, and for the punishment of the unrepentant whose hearts are hardened. The world calls Christians hypocrites, because they have a false impression of Christians as nice inoffensive people will say everyone is good no matter how they live. But no one is good, we were all born in sin. And it is only God who saved us and HE does not want wimps in HIS kingdom.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
8 Aug 08
Suspense I will only say one thing to this God made us, he made us the way we are, he does not want everyone in the world to live by the Bible I believe in him and I do not go to Church or read the Bible but he is here for me We where not born in Sin , we where born in Love I just do not understand that People think God wants everyone to believe we born in Sin, as we know we are not, he made Adam and Eve, he gave them a Heart, he brought them together, never mind the Apple and that, he then created another Life with Adam and Eve out of LOVE. God is not here to save us, God is here to give us trial and Errors, to show us Life, to teach us to deal with Life no matter what it throws our way, believe me I know, and that is God's Kingdom With everything that has happened to me if I thought that was God's doing, I would hate him, but it isn't it is him teaching Life to People and helping them through it, you either survive or you don't
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
8 Aug 08
Actually if you read the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dort, it says "we were all born in sin and iniquity." Adam's sin of disobeying God carried in on us and do you not know that babies and infants do get mad and not when they are hungry or wet. If they were pure as the driven snow, they would just cry when they needed food or changing and smile sweetly all the time, two year olds would not say no, and three year olds would not throw a tantrum. To me, I used to believe we were born as pure as the driven snow, and that by my own will, I could change and become good once more, but try as I might I could not. I needed God's interference. My own will corrupted as it was, could not change. I used to gamble and as much as I said, "I should not buy a lottery ticket," it did not work until God opened up my heart and showed me my sin. If I were pure and if we were all pure what need was there for confessing of wrong doings and going to Church because then all we would need to do is to use our immense will power and not do the bad things we had done, even the little bad things. Go to question 6
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
8 Aug 08
Do you believe that we were all born innocent and that only life and the world turns us into sinners. We were born with the stain of original sin. If we were not born into original sin after Jesus went to heaven, then there would be no need to go to church. God calls some of us out of this sinful curse to be HIS children. We cannot make it on our own. We all need God's help. Your Christianity is called Arminiasm which says that man was born pure and sinless since Christ came, and only becomes corrupt by the world. You are angry because you want to believe that we no longer have to fight against sin. Christ has covered my sin with his blood on the cross, but not everyone's. I know that not all people are good, no one is good compared to God. I read the Bible. I have to fight everyday against the things I want to do and should not. Oh I can say that God loves everyone and people can do what they want, but would that be fair? I think not. Oh God speaks through his word, but you believe that only you know God's word. If you did, you would not become a pagan.
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@Cocoa33 (921)
• United States
7 Aug 08
i just wonder can we all get along. all this bickering about what each is said. we are all god's children whether or not we christians. the things we are doing are bringing tears to his eyes. what are we gaining from it?
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@Cocoa33 (921)
• United States
7 Aug 08
hi. i understand from your agrument u aren't bickering with anyone. i get u are just making a point of what u are dealing with. i was talking about in general. i know for a fact there are people who do that. have a good day
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Aug 08
Thanks for understanding Cocoa. Means a lot. Hugs.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Aug 08
I agree with you Cocoa. That's why I titled this discussion as I did. Personally, I"m not trying to bicker with anyone, but I'll be damned if I'll let people use their Christianity to bicker with others. Not cool. Not cool at all.
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• Canada
6 Aug 08
I'm with ya! Let's go Pagan. The more I hear about them the more I like it. It is natural, about the earth, non-judgemental (unlike the ungodly hypocritical christians) caring and helpful. They cannot do any harm with any spells without they should expect 3x as much bad as they have wrought on their subject. It is better to do good, as you will receive 3x that back. I gave up on Christians a LONG TIME AGO. All except you, my dear. All except you, because you are unlike most Christians. You are actually forgiving and loving and non-judgemental.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Aug 08
Jesus loves me, This I know, Because everyone tells me so!
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@SusanLee (1920)
• United States
6 Aug 08
Hi there, I have often heard of paganisms but didn't know what it was, so I looked it up. This is what it says, now mind you, I didn't say this, the defintion did. Heathen: a person who does not acknowledge your god A person who follows a polytheistic or pre-Christian religion (not a Christian or Muslim or Jew) Hedonist: someone motivated by desires for sensual pleasures Heathen: not acknowledging the God of Christianity and Judaism and Islam What were you before you decided to go Pagan?
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@SusanLee (1920)
• United States
6 Aug 08
Wait a minute, I went back and started scrolling discussions again and noticed your title again, 'You are making God weep, stop it' only you didn't mention the title in your post. Is this what that 'christian' said to you? Let me tell you something, I was saved in March of 78, I was already screwed up, like so many of us that have lived for any length of time in this world. Somehow growing up I was programed to walk in the attitude that I was always responsible for others happiness. And yes, I had preachers standing in the pulpit preaching that those of us that didn't things just so so were hurting God, breaking his heart, bla bla bla... So there I sat, all mixed up feeling like the weight of the world was resting on my shoulders and now I was responsible for a Higher Authorities feelings too? It was a load I just couldn't carry. I stuggled along for many years, I revolted, I walked away, I ran away, but I always came back. And then one day, little by little my perception of God and Christ began to change as I really read what the bible said, and not just listened to the interpretation of others. If God does any weeping where any of us are concerend, it's for us, not because of us. And it makes me fighting mad when people heap condemnation on others. And that's what it is, condemnation is making people feel guilty, blame, disapproval, and so on. There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus Romans 8:1 So my spin on this was, if I'm saved, that means I'm in Christ Jesus, so why is he standing up there trying to make me feel bad? It also says John 3:17 For God sent NOT his Son into the world condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. And this tells me Jesus didn't come to make people feel worthless, guilty, and like trash. He came to help among other things, we, people, human beings are the ones screwing with each other. We have to be the most unorganised organism on the face of the earth. I hope you will put people and their ideas on the back burner and go back for a second look. Take care, Sue
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Aug 08
Susan, for the most part I agree with you. The most important being - we are here to help each other, not tear each other down. But there are some self proclaimed Christians who do so anyway. Bad apples in any bunch is of course a given. Do we let them continue to put down those they find wanting in the ways of THEIR religion? No and no again. The opinion brought into the discussion under discussion should have been left out of the discussion. Plain and simple. But if people insist in telling someone they are wrong when they are not, then they should be prepared to get as good as they give. Even Christ himself gave vent to His anger. It is an emotion that God gave us, we didn't just 'make it up'. So I stand by what I said.
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@SusanLee (1920)
• United States
6 Aug 08
Enough said lol...have a good one.
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@devylan (695)
• United States
7 Aug 08
Well, obviously I'm new here, so I don't know what "another Meg story" would be, but after reading this lovely little rant of passion from you, I certainly can't wait to find out! Firstly, I will say that I was raised in a Unitarian Universalist church, which most sects of Christianity would call a cult. Unfortunately for them, though, the true definition of a cult would be a religion with very few members that is not of the norm amongst its 'colleagues', shall we say. In fact, Wikipedia claims that "'Cult' typically refers to a cohesive social group devoted to beliefs or practices that the surrounding population considers to be outside the mainstream." Well, now this is just not true for the Unitarian Universalist anymore, because the religion has been around for so long and has so many members now that it is beginning to become more and more mainstream. Now, where have we heard this story before? Ah, yes... the birth of Christianity itself! Of course you know all of this because you are a smart, dare I say worldly, Christian. I used to think that I wasn't Christian, but the older I got, and the more I understood my religious upbringing, the more I realized how much truer of a Christian I was than most self-righteous Bible thumpers. I dare anyone on here to tell me otherwise. Unitarian Universalism is rooted in Christianity, specifically the Protestant faith. Oh, that reminds me of yet another cult of its day. The Protestants in Europe were persecuted for their beliefs because they were outside the 'norm', so they travelled thousands of miles to come here to the United States of America, where they could explore their spirituality without fear of ridicule. Hmmm... seems to me that Unitarian Universalists share this aspiration to explore since their whole ideology encourages one to seek an individual spiritual path. It's too bad that many Christians can't see beyond the end of the carefully selected Bible passages that their preachers focus on to the fact that we are all human, and therefore, we must all be in this together. So, yes, I agree with you, that we must stop judging others based on their religious backgrounds and start seeing what kind of person they truly are, which is easily portrayed in such a blatant unGod-like response that this person you speak of must have shown toward your friend. It's good that your friend has someone like you to stick up for what is right. I am proud to call you my Christian, or whatever else you may decide to be, sister, because on this big, beautiful planet, we are all brothers and sisters. Thank God/Allah/the many Pagan gods and goddesses/Mother Nature/and whomever you may think fits the job description for that!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
8 Aug 08
Devylan, welcome to the lot, welcome to this thread, and hopefully, welcome to my friends list. I loved your response. If I hadn't already given 'best response' yours would have been it. I will do some research on Unitarian Universalists. I like the sound of what you have said and you have piqued my curiosity and we are NEVER too old to learn! Thank you.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
8 Aug 08
You're welcome. I like the way you think too! And don't be overly impressed with this discussion. There's is much more to me than this kind of thing. I only post discussions like this when my friends are unfairly attacked. And I have (as people keep telling me! LOL) a wicked sense of humor, and often people just don't 'get' it! ROFL
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@devylan (695)
• United States
8 Aug 08
Well, thank you for the compliment! I am flattered. I was hoping you'd invite me to be friends. I like the way you think.
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