lets go far back hehe... As a child.....
By mandykaren
@mandykaren (2040)
August 7, 2008 10:49am CST
before all the technology we have now... before we had cell phones and gadgets and computers.. when children would play out all the time lol what did you like to play/do??
i was bit of a tomboy. i enjoyed climbing trees, playing cowboys and Indians hehe.. and sometimes was fun to plan a long bike trip with friends, taking food and drink with us and going out on a all day adventure
occasionally getting a moody angry farmer chasing us of their land, maybe because we would steal the plums of the trees 

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24 responses
@martahandey (165)
• United States
7 Aug 08
All of my friends were boys as a kid, so I was also a tomboy. We built forts, played flashlight tag at night... it was so much fun, sometimes I wish I could go back to that time. I am nervous for when I have kids that they won't want to do that sort of stuff because of all the new computers, video games and tv shows. But i'm going to be pretty active in not letting them rot away in the house!
@mandykaren (2040)
7 Aug 08
i know what you mean.. our childhood memories are far more memorable then of today... it will be difficult for your future kids to not be the same.. due to other kids they mix with.. But when VERY young you have more control lool
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@sanjana_aslam (4187)
• Malaysia
8 Aug 08
my childhood was totally different, i was only able to play with my brother.. my parents did not allow us to join the neighbourhood children. we were schooled at a distance. none of us had friends near our house . our schoolmates lived at other neighbourhood which were not close by.
we used to see the other children playing around at the streets. they went to school near the house and knew each other
but i became very close with my brother .. we player hide & seek. even monopoly we played only as two person. our sister were much older than us. the only game that was ment for 2 persons was the chess game.
we learned to cycle around our house compound only. we climed tree in our compound only.. even that was restricted. we learned to fight each other, box each other and defended each other until we became too busy with our education
along the way we saw our neighbourhood kids.. droping out of school, teenage pregnacy, getting married young.. working in factories, smoking, drinking..
our parents did what they thought to be good for us .. and they achieved.. out of 4 children they raised 3 graduates .. except for my elder sister.. she is good but only lost as she grew up alone until we came along. but we were too young for her company. that made her dream alone and not concentrate on her education
i don regret my childhood but the memories are fading away.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
7 Aug 08
I played with my dolls when I was a young child. As I got older I got a globe and used to hold it and said when I was grown up I would travel to different countries. I became a very interested in animals, especially horses. I had horse riding lessons. I used to ride my bike and climb trees. I played outside with my friends. My friend had a video when I was 10 but I was 14 before my mum bought a video. I didn't use a computer until I was 16 and I didn't get a mobile phone or computer of my own until I was 27. Life for some children was more fun before play stations and computer games kept them in all the time.
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@mandykaren (2040)
7 Aug 08
heh maybe had little tea parties with dollies and teddies lol id play schools with mine.. i had pram, real nice one.. my mum was hot happy when i broke it as we would take each other for ride in it hehe. then we could amuse our selfs and have fun without money.. We used our imaginations 

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@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
8 Aug 08
As children, we used to play hide and seek-we would play in the moon light, on the sandy parts of the compound, man
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@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
7 Aug 08
we played baseball pretty much year-round. We played football and basketball too. We also enjoyed long bike rides and hunting/fishing. My best friend had a pool, so during the summer, we would swim a lot as well. God...I miss those days...
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@mandykaren (2040)
7 Aug 08
well we talk of how we not manage without technology, i seen in previous discussions BUT come on.. the days of NO technology when you think about it.. we really loved.. i miss the adventures i had.. I remember going fishing, when my step dad got into it.. my mum was not very happy when the maggots he had for next fishing trip turned into flies hahaha.. I hated going, was no fun having to be quiet and just sit 

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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
8 Aug 08
We played with the cats and the dogs - dressed them up in doll clothes - made mud pies out in the yard and "baked" them in our outdoor oven (an old broken wooden chair). We made blanket tents over the clothesline when Mom wasn't using it for clothes. We climbed trees, played in the haymow of the barn, pretended that the fence was a horse and went "riding".
I think we used our imaginations much more before video games and computers. We lived on a farm and there weren't neighbors with kids close by, so we had to find ways to amuse ourselves. There weren't such thing as "play dates" then - our parents were much to busy with their duties on the farm. We were also expected to help with the yard and garden and with the livestock.
the other reason we found ways to amuse ourselves was that if you complained about being bored, you were sure to get a job that you didn't want! There was always weeding to do in the garden, or barn stalls that needed cleaned out!
@zhaosonghan (1039)
• China
7 Aug 08
When i was a child,i often climbing trees,although my parents were not allow,and i climbling the house too lol,sometimes we play a game called police & chief,i am so jearn that time when i was child,it's happy and innocent.

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@mandykaren (2040)
7 Aug 08
i remember when me and my brother would stay with our nan.. she had this REALLY big tree, lots of big branches, with a very low shed thing for the composed.. We would love to get on that and climb the tree, id often think of making tree house but never did :( girly things was boring haha.. ooo u made me think another game we played.. cops and robbers hehe
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@its_pallab (192)
• India
8 Aug 08
In my childhood I used to play football with my
friends as outdoor game.and for indoor game I
used to play cammom.it's a board game.
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
8 Aug 08
i tried playing football. i can kick balls but not as good as others do. it's really a fun way of spending time with my friends. it's just that it needs a very big place to play it.
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
7 Aug 08
I have really tried to instill those days into my children,but I still hear them say there is nothing on tv,noone to play with, and I'm bored! Well, as a child, we were never bored. I remember spending days playing softball, making mud pies, tag, sledding in the winter, just spending time together as friends and seeing what we could find to do.
I remember a rainy day that my two best friends and I set up a library in my house and let neighborhood kids "check out " the books. We had the cards inside the books, made fake library cards, etc. It was well thought out and we worked hard on it. I wish my kids would do things like that still. Those days were so much fun and you have memories!!

@carolscash (9492)
• United States
9 Aug 08
I had not thought about tire swings in a long time. I am sure that there are kids who still have them but not as often. I know that my kids had one. Kids don't have as much imagination now and it is sad!
@mandykaren (2040)
9 Aug 08
All what say is so true.. We had more imagination before technology.. inventing our own entertainment. We could make fun and game out of anything. remember one time, had friend over, we made too much noise so she made us sit on chairs and not move, but every time she left the room, we would giggle and keep swapping chairs as a game..
yes, mud pies hahaha.. cutting worms haha. tying old tires to a tree to swing on..
Dont think kids today, stuck in front of a computer will have the memories we had
thanks for response, have good weekend

@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
8 Aug 08
When I was a kid, I am kinda boring. All I wanted then was play on my on. With my toys. I seldom play with kids in the neighborhood. I read books a lot. Kinda nerd really. i only learned to socialize when i was growing up. especially when i started working.
@ChristLikeFarmer (563)
• Philippines
8 Aug 08
Going back as a child makes me smile I use to do the things you do. LOL!!! Climb tress, swim in mud, play guitar while under a tree its so good to feel those not like as an adult you have to face all the challenges in life....
@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
8 Aug 08
When we were growing up, we did some really silly things. Like suggesting to my youngest brother that if he got into the dryer, it would be kind of like riding a the ferris wheel at a carnival. It's a wonder the poor kid made it through childhood!*L* My mom worked so, I would make sandwiches from whatever I could find in the refrigerator, load everything, including my youngest brother, onto my bike and the 4 of us would ride off to the park for a picnic. We played with boxes instead of the toys that came in them, we made paper dolls from magazine models, built houses for them from the magazines, we even figured out how to bend the legs of pictures of furniture to make them stand up, after cutting them out. We played in the water that was left standing in the road after a good rain. We made our way through the jungles, saw tigers and elephants and giraffes after looking at National Geographic books at the library. We made our way all over town and managed to find our way back home just before it got dark. We built play houses, complete with furniture, from old boxes and pieces of wood we found lying in the allies and vacant lots. We took train rides to far away places by lining chairs up one behind the other. Then the conductor of the train would do the commentary about what we were seeing as we looked out the windows. I read books to my brothers and sister then, we would either have the adventure we read about in the books, or we would set up our room as a stage and act our the book.
We used our imaginations, and probably never realized that we were only pretending at the time.
@iyah10 (4115)
• Kuwait
8 Aug 08
Hi mandykaren,
You are absolutely right about this matter that before all of this technology that we have now at the present time, I was thinking I used to play hide and seek with my friends especially when it is during the time of full moon and if it is for family we used to play Scrabble..........
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@goopi5 (15)
• India
8 Aug 08
Hi I also remember my childhood days which is evergreen till now.I usually play games outdoor with my friend and that too hide and seek,police and thief,lock and key and so on.We also take Cycle ride and enjoy the days.It is a memorable events that never come again.
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@CPMiller (21)
• United States
8 Aug 08
Ah a "good ol' days" scenario. Having kids now I can't believe the things I wouldn't let them do. Not that they were dangerous but things have changed and protecting a childs innocence is a lot harder than it used to be.
Back on point. I remember leaving the house while the dew was still on the grass and not coming back until the sun was setting. I lived in suburbia where a bike could take you just about anywhere. We walked / rode / explored farms, played in creeks, built tree forts, and dug for "treasure". Good times and good memories.
@mandykaren (2040)
12 Aug 08
it is harder i suppose because kids seem to grow up that much quicker now, i don't know why.. just the society we live in now..
yes good childhood memories
thanks for response

@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
8 Aug 08
well, i won't say that i was a bit of a tomboy back then. but i do love to climb trees, especially the fruit trees we have in our lot. i would climb one and stay there while eating the fruits i've picked. it's really good fun now that i am thinking about it.
i do like to play with kites, too. my brothers and i enjoy that so much.
@tamarafireheart (15384)
8 Aug 08
Hello mandykaren,
Yes I remember my childhood just like yours, I was always climbing apple trees and pears trees and getting stuck caused by my dress getting caught on the branch and ny friends used to leave me hanging until a grown up rescured me and give me what for. I remember playing under trees and making our den and no one can enter without our permission, we use to get up to all sorts of tricks and yes I used to be a tomboy as well, I feel sorry for kids these days, they don't have fun like we used to.
@mandykaren (2040)
12 Aug 08
aww thats sweet, trying to climb trees in a dress..
making dens as i remember was exciting hehe.. Dont you find girls grow up too fast these days? and the boys hide in front of computers and consoles. Well i am glad i knew what it was like without technology because i am sure we have better memories without them..
thanks for response 

@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
12 Aug 08
I guess you mean when kids were kids! I too played cowboys
and cowboys-don't think anyone really wanted to be the Indians.
We loved go climbing on anything, dirt mountains, fences,
trees. Biking and roller skating were fun too. We just made
up all kinds of games. Life was so much simplar then! We just
would run and hide from each other, from our parents. We managed
to get into all kinds of stuff, but nothing like the kids do now.
It was a safer world then.
@bamakelly (5191)
• United States
7 Aug 08
I am now forty and I do remember a day without all of this modern technology. I didn't miss it because I guess I didn't know about the future yet. I had fun and played games and had a good old time without all of these new things.

@mandykaren (2040)
9 Aug 08
yes if you really think back to how your life was as child, without all these, it was fun and free. inventing games, using imagination
thanks for response.. hope have nice day

@insulin (2479)
• Philippines
7 Aug 08
Well give me 5 girl because we are the same...I love playin guys stuff just like robots...Video games...Even the shirts I wear I for boys and there was a time that my father ask me a question if I'm a lesbian and I was really shocked and Easily answer him that I'm really a girl and I want to marry a man in the future...:-0 He felt good about that and it was funny...:-0 God bless and have fun posting discussions...:-0
@mandykaren (2040)
9 Aug 08
hehe. well i didn't want to wear silly frilly dresses as child, i wanted to have fun, wearing trousers so could climb trees, make dens and do all those fun things like the boys.. Suppose i still like it, playing video games, like knowing about cars, and electronics
Can imagine your face though, with your father suddenly asking you such a question.. classic
happy posting, have a great day

@pehpot (4762)
• Philippines
8 Aug 08
Those days were precious. I remember then we used to play patintero (it's a local game where there are two groups.. it's like playing cops and robbers but the cops are situated in a line a nd the robber have to cross the line without the cop touching any part of his body) we use to play it until midnight. We also love playing hide and seek up to the point wher everyone would just go home instead of hide.. It was a lot fun back then. Biking was the favorite past time. Sometimes we used tree leaves as play money. Hilarious and memorable. Back then there are no ready made toys, and we were really creative no. Branches for swords, bottle crowns as toys, can you imagine that.. but now.. everything can be bought to a toy store.. makes me wonder sometimes.. what kind of life are we giving our kids..