Religion: What is the common denominator???
@vonkristoffer (833)
7 responses
@CrazCo (409)
• Canada
8 Aug 08
My religion = Christianity (Catholic to be exact) I will only be able to compare Christianity, Judaism and Islam and I am only familiar with the Abrahamic religions. Sorry.
Similarities amongst other religions include:
1. The belief in ONE single God. (in Islam and other religions)
2. We focus on prayer a lot. (similar to Islam and Judaism)
3. Giving to charity is highly encouraged like in Islam and Judaism.
4. All three evidently go back to Abraham.
5. Each believes Heaven and Hell to exist.
6. The belief of angels and devils.
7. They include prophets (some are the same) such as Moses.
8. All believe in sin and a lot are similar (ie fornication, homosexuality and adultery)
9. God created everything.
10. All offspring originated from Adam.
The list goes on.
Note: Between Hinduism and Buddhism
1. Belief in Karma
2. Belief in reincarnation
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@vonkristoffer (833)
• Philippines
8 Aug 08
what about Salvation?? can you compare your religion the way you are being save on other religions??
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@urbandekay (18278)
9 Aug 08
4. Apparently, not evidently; there is little or no evidence for the claim that Islam goes back to Abraham
all the best urban
@vonkristoffer (833)
• Philippines
11 Aug 08
to break or narrow it down..
4) Islam claims that they are the descendant of Abraham through Ishmael.. and what they MISS here is Ishmael is not the promised son of God to Abraham.. its Isaac..

@Harley009 (1416)
• India
12 Aug 08
* Belief in One and only one God : Islam & Jewish
Christian, Pagan, Hindu theory differs from it. i.e, trinity, 3 or 10 natural gods, God's awathars. Basic Hindu & Christians beliefs says One god though.
Parting someone with God is big sin in Islam.
* Promote good deeds : All
* Promote charity: Islam, Jewish
* Day of Judgement: Islam, Jewish, Christian
* Heaven & Hell: Islam, Jewish, Christian
* Resurrection: Islam, Jewish, Christian
* Reincarnation: Hinduism
* Fasting: Islam, Jewish, Christian, Hindu, etc. (but method differs)
Islam: abstain from all food, drinks & water from dawn to sunset, abstain from evil and things that direct to evils and engage more in spiritual things, it is mandatory for 1 month.
Christianity: still differs among different sects: abstain from non-veg items, some abstain from all kind of food and take only water. number of days differs some take 10 some take 25 some take 40 prior to Christmas.
Hinduism: Abstain from non-veg foods and heavy foods, eat only items cooked in own home or fruits. take bath prior to eating. Days vary from place to place.
Jewish: abstain from food, drinks and water upto 6 days in an year.
* Prayer: almost all religions
Islam and Jewish has fixed prayer times a day 5 times a day for Muslims and 3 times a day for Jewish
* Congregational prayer: Islam(friday), Jewish(Saturday), Christian(Sunday)
* Belief in Angels, prophets, Holy books, satan, Gog, Magog : Islam, Jewish, Christianity
* AntiChrist (Dajjal) : Christianity, Islam
* Coming of Messiah before day of judgment: Islam, Jewish, Christian
* Salvation
through deeds & belief: Islam, Jewish, Hinduism, Budha(karma)
through belief: Christianity
In Islam & Jewish salvation means belief in God, day of judgment, his guidance and do good deeds will get great rewards here after.
* The historical stories and prophets somewhat similar: Islam, Jewish, Christian
* Holy scripture as direct sayings of God: Islam(Quran), Jewish(Torah or some part of OT)
* Traditional records: Islam(Hadiths), Jewish(Oral Torah)

@Harley009 (1416)
• India
13 Aug 08
we were talking about common denominator... how does it related to your comment?
we are not talking about the difference in interpreting Bible.
By the way as you asked about sacraments, I'm adding some more to the same basket.
Does Bible have the following things as well?
* Sunday Church mass
* Christmas and date of Christmas
* Santa Clause
* Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter
* Prayer to saints
* God Head
* Trinity
* Pope, Bishop, Father, Priests
* Confession of sins to priest and forgiving (oops sins already taken by Jesus!)
* Getting holy spirit to oneself.
{Bible were written by different people with holy ghost inspiration, So whoever have holy ghost inspiration can add or edit Bible now, right?}
@vonkristoffer (833)
• Philippines
12 Aug 08
there are those who Profess as Christian too.. so you have to Narrow it down..

@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
8 Aug 08
Jesus is linked to all 3 main "religions".
The Jews believe in him but think He hasn't come yet.
And the Muslims believe in Him but believe he was only a prophet.

@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
17 Aug 08
Love God and love others, be compassionate to the poor and the needy, do not steal and do not tell lies.
@jingbautista (2456)
• Philippines
10 Sep 08
the main denominator that a religion should have is the Bible.. otherwise, it would not be credited.. as for me, that is my preference.. that should be..
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
8 Aug 08
You named the major common denominator between most religions in the world today. Seeking G'd through prayer and various acts is the only common denominators. People will say that the "Big Three" Judaism, Islam, and christianity are simimlar, but they are not. Judaism and Islam are Monotheistic or believers of one and only one G'd while christians pray to saints and angels and other third parties. They also have to go through the Christ to get to G'd. This is against G'd's greatest law. He specifically said not to put anyone or anything before Him. God never changed this law I don't care what the christian testament twists around and says.

@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
9 Aug 08
"They also have to go through the Christ to get to G'd. This is against G'd's greatest law."
If Jesus is God, no law is broken than is there?
@vonkristoffer (833)
• Philippines
8 Aug 08
yes its seeking God.. but does God really please on what his people does??
you said.. about the law can you do all the ten commandments?? and how can you clean your self of your past, present and future sin?? are you still making those sacrifices as what the book of Leviticus stated in order to cleanse your self of your sin??

@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
16 Aug 08
The only thing that is similar is a belief in a higher power, but that is being too simplistic. In Christianity, we believe that God created the universe, that HE loves HIS children, those who were chosen by HIM (by the way, if HE choose you, for some reason you seem to think you chose HIM. That is called opening your heart to the gospel.) and that HE sent HIS SON to earth as Jesus Christ to save us from our sins. And that through the HOLY SPIRIT HE speaks to our conscience and our hearts. So it is different from other religions in that it does not require us to do things out of fear, but out of love. So out of love, we do not do anything to offend God, and we do give ten percent of our wages to support the Church and pay the pastor and we give offerings because a God of love would not want anyone to be in want. Also in Love, we warn those who do grievous sins because we do not want anyone to go to hell or in this earth, go to jail, get a bad reputation or get sick.
This latter is rather misunderstand by some who want us to be quiet so they can go on getting worse.