Discussion Necromancy

Discussion Necromancy - I was just thinking (because of a post I was reading at another forum) of people who revive old threads and discussions. What do you think about reviving discussion that haven't been posted to in over a year? Here at mylot it's pretty easy, because the related discussions will bring up some really old ones. Seems to me like they would fix it so that it wouldn't bring up one that hadn't been posted to in more than say 2 weeks.....
Dayton, Ohio
August 8, 2008 11:26am CST
I was just thinking (because of a post I was reading at another forum) of people who revive old threads and discussions. What do you think about reviving discussion that haven't been posted to in over a year? Here at mylot it's pretty easy, because the related discussions will bring up some really old ones. Seems to me like they would fix it so that it wouldn't bring up one that hadn't been posted to in more than say 2 weeks.....
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6 responses
@paid2write (5201)
9 Aug 08
I've been a member for less than a year but I do like it when one of my older discussions suddenly comes back to life, four or five months after I started it. When one person responds to an old discussion it moves back up to a higher place in the lists of discussions or similar discussions, so more people find it and respond to it. This has happened to a few of my own discussions and it has helped two of them to get a hundred responses, and new responses keep on adding a little to my earnings. I have seen an old discussion, started two years ago, which now has 850 responses on it, because when it gets revived with one new response, more people see it and it keeps on getting more responses to it.
• Dayton, Ohio
9 Aug 08
This is true, I have seen some old discussions that have a lot of posts attached to them....
• United States
9 Aug 08
yeah im surprised that they dont already have a way to just retire old discussions and i wish they would so i wouldnt have to worry about some past answers haunting me haha
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• Dayton, Ohio
9 Aug 08
It would be good I think to have a retire function, maybe you could retire your own discussions, or not, after they reach a certain age. Oh well....Actually more than that what I would like to do is be able to edit things I have posted, though I can see reasons for not having that available.
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• United States
9 Aug 08
put yur foot in yur mouth a few times did ya? Don't worry, we all have:)
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• United States
9 Aug 08
i do it so well too.. haha.. i just say what i think then later im like opps!!
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• United States
8 Aug 08
I am a digger of old bones. Especially if there hasn't been any response or if a br hasn't been chosen. I don't see anything wrong or bad about it, and sometimes the older discussions are better than the newer ones:)
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• Dayton, Ohio
8 Aug 08
Well, who knows, maybe that might happen...
• United States
8 Aug 08
have quite a few old discussions that have no responses or not enough good ones to choose a BR so I'd love it if someone went diggin around;) ((hint hint;))
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• Malaysia
9 Aug 08
Hie Darkdancer, I was just reading some paranormal romance novel and your title topic necromancy caught my attention and I thought it was leading to that . I think it a great idea to mix the old with the new. I have revived some of my topics, they were actually not that old, only about a few months. Then I was looking for some answers and got some responses although not the answers that I wanted but I appreciated as much. I could imagine those who posted their discussions long ago and got them revived by other fellow mylotters would be grateful too. And it would be interesting, some might even get the answers that they were looking for and a fresh viewpoint too. I think no discussions are not too old to be revived & discussed all over again Cheers,
• Dayton, Ohio
9 Aug 08
Well, that's an interesting point. I suppose the first time around you ming not get the answer you want....
• Malaysia
9 Aug 08
Yes, I did get some relevant answers that I was seeking and in fact triggered me to come up with other topic of discussions
8 Aug 08
Hi DarkDancer, I strongly think that reviving an old discussion wether two weeks or two years is cheating, because you already earned points for the discussions so why revie it again and gain more points for the old? maybe I'm thinking all wrong but thats how I feel. Tamara
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• Dayton, Ohio
8 Aug 08
Well, what I really meant was that there is an old discussion out there and someone (probably not the OP) posts into it. Say you started a post that stopped a year ago or so, and I come along and see it and post into it, bringing back to the top....
• Dayton, Ohio
8 Aug 08
No, no kicks when a gentle clarification will do...
8 Aug 08
Hi DarkDancer, Ah! silly old fool that I am, now I understand, sorry I misundersttod yes in that case I think yes it should be done, I do agree. Next time I get it all wrong just give me a kick, thanks. Tamara
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• United States
8 Aug 08
I like when old discussions get revived. It always makes me happy when a discussion I posted a while ago gets revived, it shows that your ideas went past a day, and into the future as well. If you want new, just look at the first ten pages under "new" haha, but I'll still like to revive old discussions
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• Dayton, Ohio
8 Aug 08
Interesting, so for you it feels sort of like your ideas are withstanding the test of time, so to speak?