Why do men lie?

August 8, 2008 3:30pm CST
I hope i don't offend any of you mylotters out there, as i'm sure there are some men out there that are not like this - i have just yet to find them! I have been single for a few months now and have met/dated several men. The majority of them seem really keen and say they want to see me again, we exchange telephone numbers etc and then never hear from them again! I know my friends also have this problem! I can't understand why men say these things if they have no intention on following through on it all? What does it achieve? Am hoping soon i will meet a man who is not like this but am slowly giving up hope! What do you guys think about all this? Why do they do it?! xx
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34 responses
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
9 Aug 08
i'm not sure what reasons they do have for not calling or communicating with you again. there's no way of telling until you knew it. there area a lot of ways doing that but that depends on your preference. some would call, some send text and some say hi through common friends. to give the benefit of the doubt somehow those men you have given your numbers have some issues by themselves too specially when and where you met that guy, if he is sober enough to know that he gave you his number and you gave yours too. but again, i am not very certain and knowing is better than just keep on wondering.!! cheers..!!
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@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
9 Aug 08
sometimes when you pursue something in your life it would be very hard to find but then when you stop searching someone would just came at your door step without knowing it. a butterfly will always find a place where they can lay their offspring before they wilted. or maybe you are searching too far enough that you missed someone just near or closer to you. well, hypothetical alone.
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9 Aug 08
you're right! it's the wondering that does my head in! it makes me wonder if i said or did something wrong! i don't think i can be that bad though so i guess i just haven't met the right one yet! i'll keep searching mister right has got to be out there somewhere, just got to find out where! on the other hand you never know i might get a couple of text messages or phone calls from one eventually!! haha heppy mylotting! xxx
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9 Aug 08
i know i always think if i stop looking the right man will appear, and i mus sound really desperate! hehe i don't actually spend all my time wondering about men! am quite happy in my life, i've got wonderful friends and family! I've got a guy in my life at the moment who i know has feelings for me and he is the sort of guy that every father dreams their daughter will bring home but he just doesn't excite me in the right way! maybe in time i'll sort myself out and go with the guys that treat me right, but sometimes i think i just like a challenge! hehe xx
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@ngaspero (851)
• Italy
8 Aug 08
Hi, I'm sorry for what happend to you but, man lie likes women lie, what happend to you happend to me to sometime, like other times I did the same that they did to you, sometime because I was feeling under pression and I tought that she want to much for me and I didn't was ready for that, all can have a lot of reasons but...absolutly don't give up and you'll see that something nich happend. What can I rate to you is to be more relax and you'll see Nun
2 people like this
8 Aug 08
Hi and thank you for responding! I suppose it is true that women can be just as bad as men! I just think if people were honest with eachother then everybody would be alot happier! i wouldn't mind so much if they didn't say there were going to do something and then not do it!!! i hope you meet miss right soon, and i'll keep looking for my perfect man! Happy mylotting xxx
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8 Aug 08
Oh i see! sorry i had misunderstood you! hehe well congratulations on your marriage and children! well i guess you are living proof that there is hope out there then!! :-) take care and keep mylotting! xxx
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@ngaspero (851)
• Italy
8 Aug 08
but I already did, I'm married (for the second time) since 2003, and I have 2 kids, I was telling you about my old experience...for this I tell you don't give up!! Nun
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@johnson3 (152)
• United States
9 Aug 08
I guess because they think that they can. Or because they have their own issues that they don't want to deal with. We all, men and women lie because we just don't want to face certain issues or deal with our problems. So we lie just for it to go back under the rug and come up again later on. We need to be honest with ourselves and stop playing with other peoples lives. johnson3
@johnson3 (152)
• United States
9 Aug 08
I agree that we do need to be more of a honest society and nation. If we were honest about things it would stop most of the confusion that goes on in our lives. What is wrong with saying "I enjoyed my time with you, but I think that I'm not ready for a relationship or commitment of any type right now". That would be better than lying. At least you would know what to expect from the individual. johnson3
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9 Aug 08
Exactly! either that or just not bother saying "i'll give you a call in the week" or something similar!!! some people must just think differently i guess! oh well! stay happy! xx
9 Aug 08
I agree with you completely Johnson3, women do lie as much as men sometimes! The world would be a much happier place in my opinion if everyone was more honest, if they never said they were going to call, i wouldn't be annoyed when they didn't! hehe Happy mylotting! xx
@mands61123 (2098)
9 Aug 08
i have to defend men here i think everyone lies sometimes, it takes alot of courage to be very truthful and say i'm not interested or i have to much on at the moment. Many people are busy and time can run away with itself, family can get in the way circumstances. I personally know my boyfriend hates using the phone and even though we;ve been together for 10 years if i go away our phone calls are like checkin in and saying goodnight. Nothing long chatty or romantic, thats just the way he is. The man may think you disliked him have confidence issues etc. It's the 21st century if you enjoyed your date and swapped numbers but he hasn't called yet. Call him you'll be able to tell if he's interested or not and if he isn't move on theres someone out there who is! Why is it down to him to call you first? I believe in making things happen not waiting around for it to happen to me. Make the call you might be surprised
9 Aug 08
I know men hate using the phone, te majority of the boyfriends i have had have been the same! Sometimes i do call them back (only the ones i am particularly bothered about). and sometimes it's a good response and other times it isn't! I believe in making things happen to, it's a good philosophy! Thanks for the response! happy mylotting! xx
• United States
8 Aug 08
I'd say that guys *DO* intend to call you back, but then don't because of their own issues... maybe fear that the phone number is wrong, so why try it? maybe they were full of liquid curage and can't muster up the guts to call now that their sober. perhaps they think they saw you talking to that other guy, so obviously you found someone better... it's complicated... whatever the reason, it's almost certainly not YOUR fault. not all guys will be afraid to call you. also, if you're really into a guy, but he hasnt called you back, he's probably afraid that you weren't all that into him, so if you have his phone number, what would it hurt to call him and see if he wants to go out again? just a thought... anyway, hope i was of some assistance, and good luck.
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8 Aug 08
Hi! thank you for responding to my discussion! I do sometimes send them a text message, usually saying i enjoyed meeting them and would be nice to get to know them better or something like that and they just don't reply! I would be starting to think there was something wrong with me if it wasn't that a lot of my friends have the same problem! I don't know hopefully one day i will meet someone who knows how to use a telephone! hehe happy mylotting! xxx
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• Canada
18 Aug 08
Well I am a man myself (lol) I do not lie, and I have kept in touch with all my x-girlfriends... Even though I dun date many women, and I prefer men. It just takes time to find the right person, even though it seems like forever, when you finally do you are as happy as can be. Just keep hope, and once you have them, never let them go. An Lol Comment on a Serial Matter
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19 Aug 08
hehe am still working on it but haven't given up hope that my knight in shining armour is just around the corner!! thanks for taking the time to respond! xxx
19 Aug 08
aw you little sweetie you!!!
• Canada
19 Aug 08
Always Glad To help a friend, I try to do it as much as possible
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@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
12 Aug 08
Hi Munch, [i]I guess you didn't find yet the true guy for you..Those whom you have met are just hanging out for fun and maybe for them it is good to lie than to be honest to tell you that they can't meet you again for some reasons, maybe they found other women or some are marriage! You are very attractive and for sure you will be able to meet the right guy for you...Do not lose your hope![/i]
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• United States
13 Aug 08
I know you will, just continue to hope, you are pretty and it will not hard for your right man to find you!
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12 Aug 08
I suppose they might have their reasons that i don't know about and you're right that i obviously just haven't met the right one yet but hopefully it will be my turn soon! thank you for taking the time to respond! happy mylotting! xx
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14 Aug 08
Thank you very much!!! it is proving to be harder than you guys think! at least i've got brilliant family and friends so i can be happy without a man in my life but i do miss the cuddles you get when you have the special someone in my life! have got my cat though, he doesn't lie or cheat and i always pleased to see me!! xxx
@sisco100 (2338)
• United States
9 Aug 08
who knows why some men lie like tht, i couldnt really say cuz i'm not tht type. if i ask for a number i use it, it kinda defeats tht perpose of getting if u dont use it. the only thing tht i can think of is tht some guys like seeing how many number they can get. i have to say tht women do the same thing too. the only thing i can think is stop going for the kind of guys tht u give ur number to, or try going some where else to meet people. there are guys out there tht dont lie, but there the kind of guys tht most women pass by cuz they dont meet there standards for looks or money or other things. one thing tht i know tht applys to both men and women is when u go to a club the majority of them tend to be all the same and think alike.
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@sisco100 (2338)
• United States
10 Aug 08
i'm sure tht guy out there somewhere or he might be just right under ur nose.
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10 Aug 08
Maybe he is but am not gonna try looking to hard - good things come to those who wait and all that! :-) xx
10 Aug 08
Well if you're not one then there must be others out there that aren't like that either, so there must be hope for me! hehe maybe your right about the competition thing, and women probably do do the same thing sometimes! i don't think so much about looks or money, i just want someone who can make me laugh and who makes my heart skip a beat when they walk in the room - think i might be asking a bit much there but a girl can dream! hehe thanks for the response! happy mylotting xx
• Canada
12 Aug 08
There could be a number of reasons, many already stated by other mylotters. But you mention that you exchange phone numbers - why don't you make the first move and call him. If he is interested he will take you up on a second date and then you can see where it goes. If he did not call you because he wasn't really interested or for any other reason that he did not want to see you again, then he will put you off. At least then you will know. Be assured though, girls also lie about meeting again - many times both sexes do this only to not see the pain they may cause to the other. It is easier to accept causing pain if you don't have to actually see it.
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12 Aug 08
You are right there, i probably should call them and sometimes i do! I think when i meet mister right i shouldn't have all these problems so this all just means that i haven't met the right one yet, i don't want to be with anyone who doesn't really want to be with me anyway!! i'll keep waiting and enjoying single life until then!! xx
@maxilimian (3099)
• Indonesia
3 Sep 08
I never have experience like this ... but i think if guys do this with us maybe it's because they didn't like us or the girl didn't meet for their criteria, what they hunt ... you know it's just like an interview job, they sound interesting with us, and they said they will call us again about the job, but the fact is they never make a call for us ... It's somekind soft rejection form .... But hey, you are pretty, i think you will meet the right one for you easily, so what's should you care about? Don't worry, you'll have a right man one day .. hehe ^_~ Keep cheers ...
1 person likes this
• Indonesia
4 Sep 08
I know it wasn't easy, and boys like to do that ... but who says you can't? ^_~ Believe me you can! :Smile:
1 person likes this
4 Sep 08
Thanks xxx
3 Sep 08
Hi thanks for the response! you might be right but they always start it, so i don't understand why you'd start seeing someone you weren't interested in! but i'd probably have to be a man to know that myself! it's not as easy as you think, but i'll keep looking!! xxx
@ans_nagar (105)
• India
3 Sep 08
ok...i just gave a postive rating for a discussion that speaks against men, lol....ok so i lied to a woman once about calling her again but never called back because on our date she was talking about her ex all the time, i didnt like that and she was all so sad about her life ....personally i didnt had the guts to tell her that i would`nt want to meet her again., when she was saying that people dont talk to her.....lol....now after reading your discussion i feel alil guilty , i think not calling her up wud have hurt her more than saying a no to her..... But i hope thats not the the case with you as every women is not boring, but i guess the guy might be looking for something else in you or he might not be wanting to come to strong to go for another date soon.... Anyways you should not care about such men coz there are loads of them in the world and you will lose confindence in men being loyal, think what will guys like me do then if no women will trust us.!!!
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3 Sep 08
haha i've learnt not to believe what men say until they prove to me that they are trustworthy, and that doesn't happen very often! You're right you probably should have just told her straight up that you weren't interested but that's not always easy to do, i hate having to have those conversations with guys that i'm not interested in, i'm sure she will have got over it in the end though!! thanks for the response!! happy mylotting! xxx
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• India
3 Sep 08
ok...lol...so after reading two of your discussions i have realised one thing....You are a smoker who dusnt believe in men....hmmm, very very dangerous combination
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@rocker21 (2716)
• India
5 Sep 08
Well its not about men its about a lie, and a lie is always said to hide things simply ! men hide things if they lie! its not too complicated!
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5 Sep 08
Ok so the question should be, why do men hide things?!?! lol thanks for the response! xxx
5 Sep 08
I know that, i've mentioned that earlier in this discussion, but as i don't have relationships with women it's not something that affects my life!! Men tend to lie about the little things more, things they perhaps don't really need to lie about whereas when women lie i think they tell bigger lies, which is probably worse!! xxx
@rocker21 (2716)
• India
5 Sep 08
well then ask this too... why do women lie also! hehe you'll get the answer its not that just men lie all the time
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• Philippines
2 Sep 08
I really don't know. Who does anyways? Even man himself don't know why he lies. It's like been there since they were born. LOL.
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2 Sep 08
haha genetically programmed to be incapable of telling the truth! lol I'm still hoping there are some good ones out there! xxx
• Canada
3 Sep 08
Being a guy myself, I still don't know why guys lie...In all honesty, I don't lie, especially to the ones I sincerely care about...But I think some people have to lie to make themselves feel like they're in control, you know? It is quite mind boggling, but just remember that not every single guy is going to lie to you... -Mike
3 Sep 08
hmm, their track record isn't great but i guess i can't go through life beingall bitter and cynical, i'll just haveto keep hoping that one day i'll meet mister right!! thanks for responding! xxx
@Mickie30 (2626)
9 Aug 08
I don't know why men lie certainly my husband isn't like this. My best friend said to me that you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your Prince. In my experience I had to kiss a lot of them before I met my soul mate. My husband doesn't seem to behave the way most guys do. He respects me and treats me right and is the only one who have ever done this.
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10 Aug 08
Hi there! thank you for taking the time to respond! i've kissed my fair share of frogs already - about time a prince was on the horizon! hehe i'm glad you've found your soul mate and are happy, it lets the rest of us single girls know that there is hope after all! hehe happy mylotting! xx
• Philippines
9 Aug 08
They bend the truth a little, and when dealing with gals, it's the fine line between the truth and half- truth that often saves their skins. In other words, lies are the ultimate escape. When you'll hear it: when he's hopelessly late for your date and you know it. When he calls or texts you this, he's probably still taking a bath. Why they lie: By telling you we're 10 (sometimes they'll say 15, but never more than that) minutes a way, they extend the deadline, so to speak, and all proceeding lateness is judged accordingly.
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9 Aug 08
You're not wrong there! I think you're right but i would still rather they just tell the truth all the time!! hehe thanks for the response! happy mylotting! xx
1 person likes this
• Singapore
9 Aug 08
Hello Munchkin, Did you give them any hint that you are waiting for their call? Does your body language tells them another thing? Most men are egoistic, and they fear rejection. Thus, I suppose most of the men you met are feel inferior about themselves or have low self-confidence - so they end up not calling you. If you want them to call back, how about dropping some hint to them at the end of the conversation that you will be waiting for their call? It can be a subtle hint like a *wink* at him or a gentle and genuine smile. If I met a girl who just walk away without dropping any hint that she is expecting me to follow-up, most probably I will just forget about her the next morning. In addition, maybe those guys you met are gentlemen and they want you to feel good. Which girl doesn't like the feeling of being wooed or expecting a call from that cute-looking man? Maybe, out of politeness, they say those things to make you feel good - especially in-front of your girlfriends! Nothing can be more embarrassing than being laughed at by your girlfriends that you got turn down by a guy or failed to 'charm' that good-looking guy. Last of all, maybe your approach is wrong. Look, if you try using a key to open the door, and it fails to open, the solution is to try another key. It is the same for your relationship - if after so many attempt, you get the same result, try using a different approach!
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9 Aug 08
I i think i do give positive body language and let them know i would be glad to see them again! I never approach men so if they have got my phone number it's because they asked for it, not because i offered it! it's a tricky one! at the moment i don't really try, just go with the flow and if men like me then they can try and get to know me better, maybe i should start putting more of an effort in!! Thanks for the response! happy mylotting!
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@reckon21 (3479)
• Philippines
9 Aug 08
Not all men are liars, I'm sure you agree with me. Let us put it this way. Would you rather find someone who will flatter you to no end and after a while get bored and leave you alone broken hearted. Or wait for the right one even if it takes one year of waiting. From the looks of things those guys are not meant for you. So, cheer up. You will meet him soon. Maybe I could be the one? Just kidding.
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9 Aug 08
Hey! thanks for the response, and you're right i'd rather wait and meet the right one!! I'll keep my eyes open!!hehe happy mylottingxx
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@rocker21 (2716)
• India
9 Aug 08
Men generally lie about their past or lie about their secrets. They cant be honest and thats what nice girls (like you) hate about them. Other girls wont even care coz they themselves arent serious. Most men lie coz they just are not serious!
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9 Aug 08
Most of the time i really don't care but i started this discussion after meeting one guy who had badgered me all night trying to get me to talk to him, went to loads of effort and then never called! it just made me think - why did he bother!?!? hehe You're right i like people a lot more when they are honest with me!! thanks for the response, happy mylotting xx
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@euly1015 (13)
• Philippines
9 Aug 08
It goes for everyone... I mean women also lie. You just got to be always on your toes, I mean be on guard everytime. Don't let them get the best of you. Dont be too desperate cause sooner or later you will find what you are looking for, If you are patient enough to wait. Desperation is really a tender trap, It gets you everytime. Also dont compare yourself with your friends. You should appreciate your differencies cause it's what makes you unique from them. You should be more bothered if you and your friends are exactly the same. Imagine having the same guy as a boyfriend or having to wear the same clothes.... eat the same food everytime. It's not pretty right? You should also take chances. dont allow a certain rejection drag you down... Anyways if the guys dont follow up anymore, then it's there loss!
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9 Aug 08
You're right, women do lie too! I don't let it get me down really, if they don't want to call then it's up to them i just don't understand why they go to all the effort of trying to get my phone number!! This issue with men is about the only thing i have in common with my friends - i'm the "alternative" member of the group, always having odd colours in my hair and wearing different clothes, i'd hate to be the same as everyone else, love to be unique!! Thanks for the response! happy mylotting xx
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