I Had a Chat With God, and This Is What He Said.................
By Sparks
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
Regina, Saskatchewan
August 8, 2008 4:28pm CST
And then we shared a good laugh.
The other day I started (probably as unwisely as this one lol) a little thread making my feelings known about the hyprocisy of some Christians. I didn't go on and on and rant and rave, I simply stated my feelings about a wrong done that needed to be addressed as this kind of behaviour is rampant here. Most responders (especially those who know me) were supportive and understanding. They got my humor and got my point. Those who DON'T know me, but seem to follow those kind of discussions to simply vent their own point of view, did not get my point or my humor. And some others who also don't know me, stated their feelings with respect and a lot of them are now on my friends list!
So let me clarify and put the matter to rest, as I am not in the habit of posting religious discussions, nor responding to them. I am a Christian. A very simple one. I believe in God and the example of Jesus Christ. The rest of the crap that man has surrounded the message of the Bible with, all in the name of Christ, falls, as I said, on deaf ears. Jesus message was clear, simple and easy to follow. Like the Hyppocratic oath: First do no harm. The rest is only man's need to control the masses and I will have no part of that.
And holy moly what a backlash of hate, prejudice, false accusations, assumptions and outright CRAP I got from a couple of self professed EXPERTS on the Bible, on Christianity and on ME! Well roll me out the door as I laugh myself silly! No wonder God weeps at this kind of thing. These people just don't get the big picture. I call them neo-Christians. Wannabes who haven't the first clue about God's Love, Christ's message or the Bible itself despite their self proclaimed expertise. And let me make it clear, that they can be found everywhere; I am not just talking about those found here on the lot.
As if I give a rats a*s myself what people think of my belief system. No one is more important to me than God in my life. So for them to think THEIR opinion of me when they know nothing about me except for a few words on one discussion is sufficient to belittle and berate and accuse without grounds as if I personally targeted them is arrogant and unChristianlike in the extreme. But many people here have come under the same kind of attack from people who set THEMSELVES up as the perfect Christian with all the answers and none of the 'sin' of pride, arrogance, hypocrisy or a myriad of other things. Jesus Himself spoke out in anger and frustration and fear. What He didn't do was speak with disrespect or outright venom especially to those who hated Him.
So I say again, I reject any Christian belief system that feels the right, nay, the NEED, to attack in the name of their Christianity as they perceive it to be, the Christian beliefs held by others that don't match their own. And if one thinks about it, the main difference between the kind of Christianity I believe in and Paganism is simply the fact that Jesus hadn't been made known or born yet! So yes, the two belief systems can be represented as one. After all, the Catholic Church is mainly responsible for the writing of the Bible, and for the offshoots of Catholicism that became the Protestant/Christian religions. And any one who knows anything about the history of Christianity, knows that many of the Catholic Church's doctrines are based in Pagan belief and Roman practice.
There you go God. Passed on your message. I hope you are smiling now!
Now to make this a NEW discussion and not a carrying forward of my previous one, tell me your idea of the right kind of Christianity that Christians as a whole should practice instead of just making comments about how some of the Christians here/elsewhere behave. If you've read this discussion carefully you already know mine. And those of you who know me, know also, I live my belief.

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18 responses
@umart13 (841)
• Ireland
9 Aug 08
Hello sparkofinsanity, the basic message of Christianity is to love your neighbour. You want your neighbour to treat you like you treat them. However, my experiences of real life tell that there is a duality in man. Firstly, we are social or collective beings who support the elderly, the children and the sick. However, secondly we are also competitive beings, who fight for the resources around us whch we see as precious. Even the story of JOB in the Old Testament hints at this. JOB is a great believer in God until his own physical body is made to suffer. My answer is to just try to be the best person that you can be... How did Bill & Ted put it: "Be excellent to one another!"
Have a good weekend.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 Aug 08
What a great response! LOL Loved it. And you are right on every point, which is what I try to be most of the time anyway! So, being excellent dude! ROFL Good one.
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
8 Aug 08
You know, between Megs and God, you sure do keep yourself busy
As for the discussion question, as a whole I think Christians should firstly throw away their Bibles and failing that option, quit trying to interpret the Book and simply start living by the Golden Rule, Do Unto Others As You Would Have Others Do Unto You
If whatever you believe makes you happy, then that is all that matters 

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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
9 Aug 08
Sparks hun, I understand where you are comming from wholeheartedly! And I believe I expressed some of the same views that you yourself hold. If you look at the response that I wrote to one of your ummm, let's say "admirers" I think I made my feelings very well known. I hadn't gone all the way through yet and told them all what I think of them, but I am half tempted to! If I wasn't medicated right now I just might, and I wouldn't be very nice. Maybe I should wait till I can look at it in a better point of view! LMAO.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 Aug 08
Yes, sweets, I know where you are coming from. We don't agree on every point, but we have the respect of each other to believe and practice our beliefs as we sit fit and that's all that counts. I've seen your comment and left a short word to you of my own. I hope you can succeed where I have failed. But I was getting VERY angry and needed to walk away. Anger accomplishes nothing in the end if it goes on unchecked. Hugs.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 Aug 08
Don't stress it. It was presented just fine. And I will keep an eye on any response you get and help you out if you need it. But I think you will be ok. Stop doubting yourself! You're waaaaaaaaaaaay smarter than the average bear!
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@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
9 Aug 08
"Christians" are supposed to be of one mind following the example Christ set for them....even tho I am a Christian I say them because the true religion doesn't exist. These specifics that you speak of, they even attack the people who are supposed to be their brothers and sisters. That's what Jesus called us, he called us his true family. I wonder if these people these people treat their blood family the same way they treat their adopted family???
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 Aug 08
So how are your studies going now? I think about you every time I sit down to write something meaningful. Hugs.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 Aug 08
"following the example set by Christ" THANK YOU! It can not be said enough.
And I certainly hope that there is a difference in how blood families are treated if adopted families are constantly berated and such. Sad world some people live in huh?*sigh*
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@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
9 Aug 08
*sigh* Its just too bad we have to share it with them...
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
9 Aug 08
Hi sparky,
You tell em, there is not much for me to add but I'm a pagand but used to be a catholic and I do know that the catholic church had stole a lot of pagan rituals and made it their own, and being a pagan I still do believe in God our maker and in Jesus Chirst. I whole heartley agree with you, it makes a lot of sense.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 Aug 08
Thank sweets. I KNEW I liked you! LOL
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
9 Aug 08
God made each & every one of us imperfect. YES he made Eve imperfect so she'd eat that dayum apple for a reason. Jesus never once looked down on another living being. He showed them the way by his own PERFECT example. The Bible says judge NOT lest ye be judged. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. If those who judge others would spend as much time judging their own life, their life would be perfect!!! Why do they NOT look into themselves??? They might have to face their own imperfections
I heard a wise preacher say once that if you look down your nose at others because you are the perfect Christian, then you have condemned yourself to Hell. I don't know what could be plainer than that. If you are a true Christian, then you do NOT need to tell me as I'll see it in the way you live & love others!!! 

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 Aug 08
I will never tell you another thing again! ROFL
Good post LadyM. Really good. Hugs.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
9 Aug 08
I got $50 that says you'll be telling me tomorrow by noon!!!

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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
9 Aug 08
Oh btw Sparky, my best friend of 56 years is one of the Christians of which you speak; so I have waaaay too much experience on this subject. My term paper was written many years ago. 

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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
9 Aug 08
I really just meet you but I like you style No holds bared at all.
and all the christains I have met will say I aint one for I was born into the MOrman church I dont know how that comes about when most all christianity and Morman teach almost the same thing . Some things are change slightly.
But my veiw is. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
nough said!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 Aug 08
Thanks Lakota! lol
But as the comment below you illustrates - not everyone thinks like that.
Sad really. Life would be so much better if people treated others they way they wanted to be treated themselves. But that takes charity of the heart and in todays world that is a quality that is definitely lacking.
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
8 Aug 08
Here, here. You have stated everything so eloquently that I couldn't add another word. Rock on sistah! 

@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
8 Aug 08
LOL - how did the job interview go?
Oh and I'm rockin on so hard I fell off my couch! ROFL
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 Aug 08
Well let me know how it goes - again! lol
As for the dust - I stopped stirring. Honest I did! LOL
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
8 Aug 08
Hi sparks,
I believed that to be Christians, we have to treat everyone with all respect...We have shortcomings but we know how to handle it..We just don't memorize the commandments and verses but we have to live it in our lives!
I am not an active person as far as religious activities are concern, I mean before I was but I just stopped, but it never stopped my faith in HIM.
I treat everyone as how I want to be treated! 

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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
9 Aug 08
[i]I agree sparks but not all the time also I will give..LOL! When I will be treated bad, I will just reject or drop the person in my life! LOL!
I can be cruel when I will be hurt! LOL!
I know GOD will understand my human side! I wish![/i]

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 Aug 08
Oh I'm sure He does cappy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking ourselves out of harms way. Hugs.
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
8 Aug 08
Good for you cappy. That makes it so simple and so easy and so much more satisfying doesn't it? To treat others as you want to be treated I mean. You don't always get back what you give, but it's the giving that's important right?
Hugs to you sweets.
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@olivebranch56 (910)
• United States
9 Aug 08
Sparks, I will probably get lambasted by some for what I am about to write here, but like you, I live by my beliefs, and don't back down from anyone when I feel I am right, or that what God has shown me is right.
The biggest "SPANKING" I ever got from my Daddy upstairs was about a conversation I was having with someone about Catholics. I was ranting with this person about some of the beliefs Catholics have, as in praying to Mary, confession etc. I was still with the person I had been talking to when Big Daddy spoke to my Spirit, (very harshly I might add), this was the simple lesson He taught me that day.....
"Why are you worried about what someone else believes? I meet you where your faith was, didn't I?"
You could have bowled me over with a feather that minute, and down on my knees I went.
When God, My Big Daddy met me, I was mired up to my butt hole in muck, and was so unlovable inside that no one would have been able to look upon my Spirit without becoming sick. Like my Daddy said to me, "Who are we to judge what is in another's heart?"
I will leave it there. Blessings Marilyn

@olivebranch56 (910)
• United States
10 Aug 08
Oh yes Sparks, God definiatly has a good sense of humor. I was in my car one day many years ago. I love all kinds of music, and as far as Christian music is concerned, while I appreciate the old gospel tunes, some of them are very boring. What I was listening to that day was so BOOOORING! I finally thought to myself, if I didn't change the station I was gonna fall asleep, all of the sudden in my spirit I hear ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, God snoring. I Could have wreaked I was laughing so hard. Then of course the true way we know God has a good sense of humor, He puts up with us. Blessings Marilyn
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 Aug 08
I know exactly where you are coming from Marilyn and if anyone lambasts you I'll 'smack' em right back.
I call Him "The Big Guy in the Sky" and we have many chats and share a lot of laughs. So you're not alone.
People just don't get that to 'hear' the voice of God doesn't always mean you're touched in the head. Rather it can mean you are touched in the HEART by His presence within you and if you listen to your heart, you are essentially listening to God.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 Aug 08
"He puts up with us" Good one! LOL
Now if people could only learn to 'put up with us'! ROFL
@kate635 (126)
• Philippines
9 Aug 08
Your point taken. I must admit that I have joined a certain group who have their set of belief regarding GOD and religion and I must say that I have nothing against the teachings. But the sad thing is, these people who call themselves christians just really annoys me. They are these self-righteous, arrogant people who would step on you even if you are down... ah... I don't want to elaborate on this but I would say that I slowly drifted away from them. Nobody can break who we really are, and nobody could take our belief in what we perceive God to be. Why can't we just all be equal and enjoy what life has given us irregardless of what we believe in?

@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 Aug 08
The balance in people to be good or bad is a very precarious thing. We are all prone to temptation. The problems arise when we give in, give up, close our minds and hearts and allow because of lack of real character, the darker side of our natures to show through more and more. Eventually some people get entrenched in the exercise of their little power trips and it becomes habit to put down instead of raise up. Humanity frankly, is not a very nice condition a lot of the time. I try very hard to NOT be like that. I'm not perfect by any means, but I always, always look for the good and focus on that unless it's patently obvious that I'm wasting my time. Then I give as good as I get, but I do try to be respectful.
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@shontia08 (846)
• United States
9 Aug 08
very good discussion. i agree with you, i'm a christian myself, and the ones who had something to say need to think about "thou shall not judge" that's the problem with some christians today they go out and try to tell people how to be or act, but they don't follow through with that stuff. i'm glad to see you standing up for what you believe in.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 Aug 08
Thank you shontia. I'm actually quite surprised at the number of people who agree that it's NOT our place to judge. Too bad those that find it fun to do so, or their religious mandate to do so, can't just chill out and find that treating people as they would like to be treated, could uncomplicate and greatly improve their experience of life.
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@taface412 (3175)
• United States
9 Aug 08
Very well put. I agree with the frustration that anyone Christian or non spews hatred comments to anyone. That is why I try to steer away from "labels" I say I am a believer, not christian. No one is perfect. No Christian, or other religious label is perfect. As a believer in God I believe that God created man in his own image....including imperfection.
And the simple fact that you state you don't care what others think of you and your beliefs show that you have a solid foundation through your own studies, not just what others have told you. Way to go Spark!!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 Aug 08
Well said taface and I certainly understand your use of the word 'believer' rather than Christian. Personally, I can go quite that generic because I DO believe in Christ and His teachings and I make no bones about it. It's the KIND of Christianity that some practice that really gets up my nose. Nice to see you again. Hope you've been keeping well.
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@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
9 Aug 08
Sparky I don't know you from Adams house cat but I have known several like you. I don't blame anyone for feeling the way you do. I have been called everything in the books by these "Good" Christians. Actually I believe it has helped make a better Christian out of me. You know knowing what not to do is important too. Instead of showing us what we need to do to be a good Christian these people are pro's at showing us what we shouldn't do. I have actually seen people turned away from God by the wrong words coming out of someone that shouldn't be speaking anyway. You live your life in a way you believe pleases God and don't let these people get to you. You know who you are and what you are and that is no ones business but yours. May God hold you close.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 Aug 08
"I don't know you from Adams house cat but I have known several like you." LOL What kind of cat does that make me then? lol
You make an excellent point Arkie. Like you I think if Christians are going to pontificate, then tell what TO do instead of what NOT to do. I too have seen people turned away from God by those spewing a twisted version of Christianity. So sad, because religion - the need for it - is a basic need in all of us, and once burned, twice shy. No wonder God weeps eh? May God hold you close too, Art.
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@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
9 Aug 08
Didn't get any attention when you were a child did you?
Hey sndcain, didn't I tell you she would start a topic about us?

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 Aug 08
And again you miss the point. Do you really think this is just about YOU two? I'm sorry to disappoint you, but if you had read this properly, you would understand that it's not. Your nasty comments on my other thread and those of your friend, among others by the way, prompted this discussion yes, not to get at you personally, but just to clarify some misconceptions that were raised in responses on that thread.
But hey if it floats your boat to believe that it's all about you, be my guest. Stay true to your nature and have a good time. I have my opinion and you have yours, and as you pointed out, we are ALL entitled to express them.
Feel better now? Can we call it a day now? Thank you.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
8 Aug 08
Hi sparkofinsanity, Jesus Christ was spiritual, he was not religious. He cared very much about people and tried to teach them that they must care for each other. He taught a way of life that was second to none and what we have of it today in contained in the gospels, especially in the sermon on the mount. To live as he taught is to be a Christian. Blessings.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
8 Aug 08
Again Pose, you hit the nail right on the head! Thank you! I just love it when I see your posts. They make my heart sing!
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Our senior class motto (many moons ago!) was 'do unto others as you have them do unto you'. So many times we forget though, that God loves all others like he loves us. He tells us to be holy as he is holy. But so many take that to mean different things. I believe God meant for each of us to have good morals and respect for others. And, if we live up to the greatest commandments - loving God with all our heart, and loving or neighbor as ourselves, then we will treat others with respect. It doesn't matter if they have a different opinion than we do - no reason to cut their heads off with nasty comments.
@renitaperrone (547)
• United States
26 Aug 08
You are definitely correct in that man has done much to misinterpret the Bible to achieve their own means! I am a Christian and I believe in the Bible in its ENTIRETY. With that said, there are many things I see/hear others do that is just wrong. But, I am not called to pass judgment. Only God gets to do that. So, try to live with the concept of "hate the sin, but love the sinner". After all, even though I am Christian, I am a sinner as well. What gives me (or anyone else) the right to think that my sin is any less than a non-believers? Yes, I have a desire to lead others to Christ. But I believe that the EXAMPLE of my life, not a bunch of empty words, is what will do it.
I will never understand how discussions of religion an politics brings out such hositility in people. Why can't we discuss something rationally even if we disagree? I just don't get it!
Surrender to Him and all will be as it should be.