Why do Religious discussions have to turn ugly?
By Erilyn
@Erilyn (3020)
United States
August 8, 2008 8:31pm CST
This discussion was sparked off by a discussion a friend of mine posted, and by no means is this intended to be a forum for people to bash each other.
I typically do not get involved in religous disscussions here on myLot, because they tend to get very ugly very quickly. I understand that many people have their own belief structure. Why use that as a spring board to try to make others feel badly? Or to cut down someone who has different beliefs? Why can't we have a discussion about the differences in our beliefs without it turning into mudslinging?
As adults I don't believe that just because someone has different views they should be made to feel that they are wrong in having their own views. Every religion in the world believes that they are right and everyone else is worng.
We were given free will by God and God alone, and in that we also have the choice to believe what we feel is right for us. Too many times in the history of the world, wars have been fought and atrocities have been committed in the name of God, simply one person didn't like anothers beliefs.
I guess what I am asking more than anything else is why can't we just agree to disagree on certian points, and still discuss what we believe in?
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24 responses
@Wolfechu (1193)
• United States
9 Aug 08
They involve ugly subjects. You're talking about huge organisations that are responsible for a significant part of the suffering and bloodshed in the world today, whilst hypocrtically preaching about peace and love. Even the most liberal ones leave a patina of guilt and repression on people's lives which cause misery to millions.
I guess that's why I can't agree to disagree, any more than I would with any objectionable organisation.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
9 Aug 08
I can see your point, however why is it so hard to have a nice discuaaion about differences of opinion without resorting to name calling or mudslinging or the like? I understand that people have their own views and are very adament about their views. I can't understandthough why it is so hard to discuss thowse views without resorting to the aboved named tactics.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
9 Aug 08
I am not suggesting we "make nice" Just suggesting that there are ways to have a discussion without resorting to name calling and being generally nasty to one another. I have been in debates that granted have gotten a bit heated, but not once was there any bullying, resorting to name calling, or voilence what so ever. When the discussion can go no further, and everyone has said their peice why can't people agree to disagree and not get nasty?
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@Wolfechu (1193)
• United States
9 Aug 08
Well that, I couldn't honestly say, as I would rarely resort to such tactics. If my 'opponents' did, I'd suggest it's down to some basic insecurity of their rather than mine, or possibly a lack of reasoned argument to draw on in the first place.
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@kassdaw (591)
• United States
9 Aug 08
I think the probable is that people can't just discuss their points of view when it comes to religion. I have a very strong stand on religion and I will not back down but I know that everyone believes in something not the samething. If people would say "I believe that..." or "In my faith, we believe that..." instead of saying "I'm right because my religion says I'm right" we would be better off.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
9 Aug 08
Thats a very good point, and could be a good start. There are many times I have had discussions with people of other faiths and we have been able to have intelligent discussions without comprimising ourselves, yet they were real discussions. We all got our points across without resorting to the aforementioned tactics.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
17 Aug 08
I would love to see that happen but I think it will never happen. Why? Because some people think that they have to convert people to their religion or they just Have to show how their view or religion is the Only way. I am religious but I Know there are many paths and I am always interested in other religions. I don't go into a discussion thinking I Have to change the mind of the person. I go in hoping to learn somethging new. And if they have a question about my religion, I am so happy to answer it. I find that your beliefs get stronger if you have to explain them to someone.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
20 Aug 08
Maybe because I chose my religion and it is different than both my parent's, I am used to really understanding what I believe and why. I don't usually get into heated discussions about religion but I know what you mean. It seems like some people only know one thing, their religion is better than yours.It is so sad.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
20 Aug 08
You are one of the rare ones! I don't understand it myself and you are right all most people or "sheeple" as I call them only know thir religon is better than everyone elses and they want to hammer that home. That is why I typically stay away from those discussions myself.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
18 Aug 08
I also think that it helps you understand where your beliefs come from as well. If you can sit and have an actual discussion about your beliefs, you are kind of forced to think inwardly about why you believe a certian way. I do think a lot of it comes from people that just blindly follow what they are taught and not stop and think about what they themselves actually believe in, and why they feel the way that they do. I have noticed in the more heated discussions instead of explaining thier point of view, they keep repeting the same things over and over again you know what I mean?
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@jaypeemanuel (1005)
• Philippines
9 Aug 08
Somehow your right. I am honestly active in the religious section and have found people of the same views ganging out a single person just because of differences. I am active as well in other Christian forums and have observed that each representative believes what you said, I am right, then everyone else wrong.
And it's quite funny, considering that God is the one being talked about.

@jaypeemanuel (1005)
• Philippines
10 Aug 08
The reason things don't turn out as some want it to be is because they are just too lazy to take a second look. I belong to a presbyterian Church but have learned to respect other sects as well specially the Roman Catholic Church which most of the brethren in mine gets really pissed off with.
But despite their unloving attitude with the Roman Church, I studied their norms and found that their catechism is somehow far from the usual observance of its members, giving their organization a bad name.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
11 Aug 08
I was raised Catholic, and I understand what you are saying about the Catholics having a bad rap. If you look at it though almost every religion does things or has people that act in ways that are not "normal" to outsiders I guess you could say. Not that I am defending just the Cathloics, I am what they would consider a lapsed catholic. I do not go to church anymore becasue it just seems to me that most (maybe not all but the different ones I have attended) churches preach the bible but also intolerance of other religions based on the different belief structures. You are one of the rare people that actually looks into different things to learn about them rather take things that they are told and say it is their own opinion. I strongly believe that if more people wer like you out there, we would not have the problems that we have now.
@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
10 Aug 08
Good point! I don't think that God would actually approve of the things said in his name considering what some of the things that are said. Or done for that matter. I believe that people need to be able to respect each other and listen to the differences and be able to discuss those differences Civily. The biggest problem in my opinion of course is that instead of being able to discuss differences in beliefs people tend to want to hammer home that they are right.

@fwidman (11514)
• United States
9 Aug 08
There just seems to be something about religious discussions that draw out the meanness in some folks. Even though they'd probably deny it, they are more than likely to be the person that will tell someone that there are two ways in the world, the wrong way and their way. It is a shame that they cannot get it through their head that it is okay to disagree without the venom
Shucks, even a poisonous snake can choose not to bite someone!

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@thundero14 (29)
• Philippines
9 Aug 08
It turns ugly because people tend to be persuasive of the things they believe in. No one wants to respect what one believes in. It also turns ugly because of too much pride in the participants of religious discussions, their pride causes them to never give up on any argument.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
10 Aug 08
I can understand want to be persuasive in their arguement, and being passionate about something you believe in is one thing. The part that bothers me is that people can't respect each other enough as human beings to understand that differences in people. Pride is one thing, but when it infringes on other peoples thought and beliefs is when I believe it is taken too far you know what I mean?
@thundero14 (29)
• Philippines
10 Aug 08
It seems to me that, it is one of man's nature to be disrespectul of others. It may or may not be done intently but still most of the things that man do can be disrespectful in one way or another.
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@1grnthmb (2055)
• United States
11 Aug 08
Religion and politics are two things that always get people angry. There are just to many opinions and to many people that are not accepting of others view. They want to cram their beliefs down others throats and get them to be just like them. People are Stuborn and are not willing to let others alone.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
11 Aug 08
That was the whole reason I started this discussion! I am trying to understand why it is that instead of having an actual discussion about the differences, that people feel that they have to attack others and cram what they believe in down others throats!
@buldwgz (1489)
• United States
21 Aug 08
It always turns ugly because people have different views and strong views as well. Instead of accepting differences, we try to force our beliefs on others. For example, your statement says we "were given free will by God alone", what if one doesn't believe in god? Also, that is your view and your god...mine may be different. We tend to forget that.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Good point, but I wouldn't attack and get rude with someone who disagreeed with me saying that. That is the point I am trying to make. Why can't we as people discuss those differences civally without it getting down to people getting nasty with one another about their differences. I had tried not to interject my own beliefs in it, but you point out that I did. Opps.
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 Aug 08
I agree to disagree on certain points and still discuss what we believe in. Hows that? Sounds great to me! LOL
Sweets, things turn ugly when ugly minds let their fingers do the talking. It's a pain, but it will never go away, much like poverty will never been gone from the world. I do so wish it could be different, but people being what they are - it just ain't gonna happen in this world. Have I told you today how much I love you? 

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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
10 Aug 08
You have now hun! And I love you too Sparks!! I hope you don't mind me writing this discussion, I was upset about the attack on you and wanted to know the root cause of why it gets that way. And you are right it will never change and I think part of that has to do with people talking out of ignorance. Sheeple (as I like to call them) Tend to want to believe everything that they are told and not stop and think for themselves. They are the type that become zealots and think that only they are right and everyone else is wrong. I wish the sheeple would wake up one day but I doubt that will happen.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
11 Aug 08
I wouldn't want to throw jellybeans though. Gumdrops might be better if the ends are bitten off first, then they will stick heheheehh. make them all polka dotted!! I am so bad lol. I would have to be medicated to be up that high though, I am deathly afraid of hights!!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 Aug 08
I don't mind, but others might. I've come to this straight from my email alerts, so haven't see the rest of the responses yet. I hope you don't get lambasted. But I will be there if you do.
I love the 'sheeple'. LOL How's this: We'll find ourselves some steeples and sit in them and throw jelly beans down on all the sheeples that come to the churches with steeples. ROFL
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@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
19 Aug 08
hi erilyn,
there is a joke about heaven and hell. maybe you have ever heard about that. after the judgment day, every body will have been either in heaven or in hell. there will be a few people 'live' in heaven and most of people 'live' in hell. the ones who live in heaven are budha, jesus, mohammad, lao tse, and other spiritual master. the others who live in hell are their followers
i hope what you mentioned doesn't prove that religion make us become a narrow-minded people. the narrow-minded people cannot see the truth which hides behind every religion. they just think that the truth belongs to their religion alone.

@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
20 Aug 08
No I am not saying all religious people are narrow minded. I am a Christian and have a very strong belief in God. It is that narrowmindedness that I am questioning. If you read through all of my responses and comments here you will see that I am a very openminded person and I think that we can all learn from each other no matter what our base beliefs are. It is the fanitics that I am questioning the ones that feel that they are so right that they have to berate others with their beliefs, and try to make people believe as they do.
@aidenw (632)
• United States
9 Aug 08
yes, that's the sad (and scary) thing about religions. they can be divisive, they can turn friends into enemies, and even create wars between nations. the thing is, a religion is a part of a person's core beliefs and values, and the firm believers refuse to back down like someone else has mentioned. add to that the fact that certain religions belief that you will spend eternity (a very long time!) in hell unless you belong to that religion and therefore, their followers believe that it's their duty to save as many people as possible by getting them to be a part of that religion. like you said, every religion in the world (i believe it's 'some', not every religion) believes they're right and everyone else is wrong. well, who likes to be told they're wrong?! and not just wrong, but will also burn in hell on top of that!
now imagine you're having a casual discussion with someone of a different belief and somehow the conversation leads to the other person telling you that you (or your loved ones) will burn in hell or be cursed by God becuase you are a _______ or because you believe/don't believe in ________ (you fill in the blanks with whatever words that describe your situation), and this person firmly believes this while you don't. wouldn't you feel uncomfortable at the very least? it would take a very wise and mature person to agree to disagree at this point with no hard feelings.
unfortunately, many people are not that wise and mature (myself included - i would have hard feelings but normally i would walk away rather than fight). when their core belief is rattled, they get defensive, start arguing and become offensive. then the other party does the same because they feel attacked. that's why many religious discussions turn ugly. i usually avoid religious discussions for that very reason. but since you said in the beginning that this is not intended for people to bash each other, i decided to chime in
. let's hope it stays civil.

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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
10 Aug 08
I also hold out the hope that it stays civil! And I have had some I guess you could say discussions that did get a bit heated, but we were able to agree to disagree at certian points and it ended up both of us learning a bit about the other person and their belief structure.
I have had a discussion similar to your example. I was raised Catholic, went to Catholic school etc. I was talking to a friend of mine when I was in high school who invited me to church with her. When I explained that I Was going to mass that day she turned to me rather angry and stated that I was going to hell for being Catholic. She had stated that the pastor of her church had just discussed other religions the past week and had stated that the Catholic religion breaks so many of the commandments that they were all bound for hell.
After discussing our different belief structures and explaining to each other what they meant etc, she was no longer convinced that I would definatly go to hell just that i might! But in the process we learned more about each other, and did agree to disagree on some points.
I will agree with you that it is not easy to do that a lot of times esp when the other person in the discussion is so convinced that you are wrong that they will not let you speak your points and in those situations it is best just to walk away. And a lot of people would decide that to argue would be the best way to show that they are right!
And BTW you are right I should not have generalized it and said all, I should have said some or most. That was my error and I thank you for pointing it out to me 

@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
9 Aug 08
Wouldn't it be nice?
Stuff like this gets ugly because people are so caught up in trying not to be converted, they lash out. What I would like to ask these people is, if your faith is so strong and your information is the only truth, why do you have to defend it so brutally?? I mean, if it is all that, then everyone would be able to just accept it and move on...right?? But no..they have to go on and on, and avoid the real question, or throw in scriptures from their own holy book...which the opposer might not even deam reliable. It sickens me...really.
So, for all those whocan see past a person's religion, and look at them for who they are not what they believe, I extend my hand. A friend here on the lot started a discussion about everyone joining hands instead of fighting and bickering. I liked that so I'm carrying it on...
Hands accross the lot (((reaches her hand)))
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
11 Aug 08
That it would that it would. People are going to be people no matter what. And we are inherantly who we are. Some people live off of strife and confusion, and like to cause that in others. I think it comes down to not knowing how to clam their own lives down. I don't know I am rambling now lol.
@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
10 Aug 08
Now extend your other one, so we can reah all the way across the lot and in a sense around the world:)
Wouldn't it be nice if everyone could do that?
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
11 Aug 08
You have a good point there Shelly. But why such intolorence? Thats the part i guess that I am having difficulty understanding. In the bible it says love thy enemy. But why do we even have to be enemies in these discussions? That is the real question isn't it?
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@wanderer086 (759)
9 Aug 08
I think religion and politics are subjects that might be well left alone. The old religions were all writen about by men who wanted to control the people. Politics is about more people, mainly men having control over people. A lot of religious people have done a lot of bad things in the name of their god and a lot of governments have done the same. look at all the wars throughout history. The problem is it is human nature to fight.
@aureliaz (1177)
• Singapore
10 Aug 08
I feel that this is due to religion being something that is very dear and very personal to a person. It impacts their lifestyle, their philosophies, mindsets and beliefs, their values, their emotions, their relationships and so on and so forth..The effects of religious beliefs is one that encompasses so many aspects of our lives that it is hard not to become offended easily.
Personally, I exist as a freethinker and do not subscribe to any religion. However I do believe in a higher power being out there. I agree with your sentiments...The one about religious wars- well sometimes I think that religion is just a really convenient excuse.
In the end, I believe all roads lead back to heaven as everyone with an open mind should too- if all the religions preaching the fact that if people who do not believe in that particular religion will go to hell, were true- then we are all screwed for believing in one and not believing in the others, are we not?
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
10 Aug 08
Very Good point. I have stated in other comments here that we don't know who is right and who is wrong so why can't we just discuss the differences in beliefs without acting as if noone else can have anyother opions of their own? We could all be wrong and noone could be right what then? Unfortuantly in that case people would spend the rest of eternity blaming each other for it not being the way they think it should be!
@lossforredwords (3620)
• Philippines
10 Aug 08
just like the lyrics of one of my favorite song
"debate to understand that we all have a flaw"
I guess being the highest kingdom in the animal world we are too smart to just agree or be numb to all the beliefs of others and its in our instinct to fight for what we believe in.. and in those fight we see the right and wrong of others as well as ours.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
11 Aug 08
I am not sure I would say that we are too smart, I think it is that we (meaning man in general) tend to want to impose what we believe in on others. I do think that if we can take a step back and understand that everyone has their own belief structure and not try to infringe on others rights, then we would be much better off for it. I understand fighting for what we believe in, but there has to come a point when we stop for a moment and try to understand where the other prson is comming from so that we can if not agree maybe come to a comprimise. There has to come a point that you can understand what another person is saying and respect that and still both parties walk away with their diginity in tact.
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@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
10 Aug 08
Religion and politics will always bring out the ugly in people. Like you, I try to avoid the topics, but if I do get involved, I try to always take the high road. The fact of the matter is that name-calling and mud slinging are not part of the terms of use here and those who are guilty run the risk of being reported to Mylot and having their posts removed any way. I say if you can't discuss a topic with grace and intelligence, then move on to something more light.
@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
10 Aug 08
I agree with you completely in that, however the hunderds of discussions that do get ugly show a different side. I think that some of the discussions are intentionally made so that they can have someone to disagree with. I just wish that more people can talk about things and work out the differences without resorting to those kinds of tactics.
@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
9 Aug 08
That is because someone post something that is offensive to them and they Retaliate by leaving ugly remarks. They want people to disagree with what someone said because they don't like what they read.
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@liquorice (3887)
9 Aug 08
Amen to that! I find it so frustrating, both on here and in real life, that some people are so blinkered in their religious views, and they can't entertain the fact that there are any other views apart from theirs. I actually know a few people like this. I am very good friends with them and they respect my views on every other subject and every other aspect of my life - but I just have to avoid talking to them about religion as I will be judged and they will try to convert me!
I agree with you that as adults we should know better than this - it is a terrible example to set to our children and pass onto future generations.
My own personal belief is that there are many paths to spiritual enlightenment, but I know that some (most?) people will not agree with this, as they think that only their view is the accurate one. In this case I applaud the idea of agreeing to disagree on religion. That way the world would be a much nicer, and a much safer place.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
10 Aug 08
You make very vaild points. And we should know better, but most people don't. I tell friends very often when they come over to my house not to talk about either politics or religion. Because of those very reasons. It would be nice to have an actual discussion about peoples different views to see where most of the differences are, and maybe understand each other. I think that it would be better for people in general if we can do that. But unfortuantly we can't it goes against human nature I guess.
@CrazCo (409)
• Canada
9 Aug 08
I think the reason a lot of conversations tend to get ugly is because people are so set and attached and sure their religious views are 100% right that when someone presents a valid point opposing their thoughts they think they are evil or ignorant; thus causing havoc.
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