How to gain weight? i am too thin!

@izhuce13 (158)
August 10, 2008 7:52am CST
In my discussion last night, i mentioned that two of my roommates are keeping fit.But as the tallest person in my dormitory,I have the thinest stature.But everyday when I see my roommate dieting and keeping fit, i feel great delight.because I can eat a lot of food, and I do not afraid of becameing fat. But I still want to gain weight.But i do not know how you have any good method? Tell me!
6 responses
• United States
16 Sep 08
I think it might just be your metabolism everyone is different and some people burn calories and fat faster then others. If you are really worried and think it might be a health problem I would check with a doctor it might be a thyroid disorder my grandfarther had a similar problem and he had a over active thyroid he ended up needing medication for the problem. Hugs Rachel
@_Robert_ (54)
10 Aug 08
Hi Izhuce, I am exactly the same as you, I can eat and eat and gain no weight. I am a 24 year old male of 5ft 11" and my weight was around 9st 4. I couldn't make it go up or down. I believe that we are of a body type called ectomorphic, meaning we have a low fat storage, I suggest working out/keeping fit. Although you may think that you do not need to exercise, because you are not fat, there are many more reasons to exercise, keeping healthy, looking great, and mainly muscle weighs more than fat. I have been exercising for a little over 6 weeks now and feel and LOOK great :-D I don't know if you are a male or female but either way this is my suggestion, only if you are female try not to work too hard as you will get all muscular and that never looks good on girls (only my opinion !no offence intended anyone!) Thanks for reading Rob:)
• United States
10 Aug 08
Exercise and increasing the amount of protein, while still eating a balanced diet is a healthy way to increase your weight. Muscle mass comes form protein and weighs more than fat, so increasig your muscle mass will help you put o more weight. Exercise and lean meats will help.
• United States
10 Aug 08
The best way to gain weight in a healthy way is increase your protein, while still eatig a ablanced meal and exercise! Muscle weighs more than fat and it is healthy for you!
@lixiaos77 (1030)
• Shijiazhuang, China
10 Aug 08
Fat meat can help you gain weight quickly. But often eat fat meat is really a torture and I don't believe it will be good to you health. You can also eat something before you go to bed.
@ilovemit (279)
• China
10 Aug 08
If you want to gain some weight you can try drinking full cream dried milk every night before you sleep.It is easy and might be helpful.