Daydreams Come True or Not...
By twoey68
@twoey68 (13627)
United States
August 11, 2008 9:04am CST
Like most ppl I’ve had daydreams of living the wealthy life. Fine furniture, fabulous clothes, maids, cooks, money to burn and living in the finest home money could buy. While it’s a nice daydream, afterall it makes us work harder for the things we want, I don’t think living that kind of lifestyle would be all the fun.
First you’d been besieged by ppl wanting to borrow or wanting you to invest in their ideas no matter how crazy, then you’d always have to wonder if ppl are your friends for your money or if family is around simply waiting (and sometimes plotting) for your death so they can inherit. But more than all this, you’d be bored out of your skull. What’s left for you to work towards or want? You’d end up either traveling the world, which while nice in thought, leaves you living out of suitcases. Or you’d end up buying worthless trinkets like a solid gold baby rattle for your kid or a 24K diamond studded collar for your pet.
I think most ppl are better off working for what they want. While I wouldn’t mind things a little easier (maybe not having to struggle so hard) I wouldn’t want them so easy that there’s nothing left to inspire me each day.
Would you want to live a daydream life like this? Do you think you’d enjoy it or would you rather work for what you have? Do you think ppl that live this way are missing out on anything?
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23 responses
@gemini_rose (16264)
13 Aug 08
I like working for what I want, well actually not me, hubby likes working for what I want as I am the house wife LOL. But I would also not mind in the slightest if we were suddenly one day able to afford to do what we wanted when we wanted.
I know for a fact that should we come into millions then we would have more friends than we could wave a stick at and no doubt my demise would definately be plotted!! But still it would be very nice to just jet off when I wanted, go shopping when I wanted and buy what I wanted when I wanted.
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@drrockydr (72)
• Indonesia
12 Aug 08
Hey, daydreams is like a hope you want to be true...
It can become your motivation to reach your hope...
Never stop dreaming, but never stop try too ;)
@lovespecialangel (3632)
• United States
2 Sep 08
I wouldn't mind living an easy life like that. I would have more time to spend with my kids and I would be able to take care of my parents without a problem. I think it's good to work for what you want, but it's nice to be able to enjoy life as well.
@jezzmay (1845)
• United States
12 Aug 08
Daydreams are nice to have,it gives us something to
work for,for I believe without dreams we have nothing.
I do not think I would like to live your daydream,I do
not feel I would be happy.I would like the comfort of
less worry,and have money to help others.I would like
to have the money to meet my needs,I think that would
be a blessing.
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@littleowl (7157)
11 Aug 08
Hi Twoey it is lovely to daydream and wish your life was better I do but as you were saying people really change when you have money and always hang on to you..there are a lots of ups and downs haveing money and I do know someone who is a millionaire but he is very lonely as he has said to me I maybe rich for what I have worked for but it has come with a price-when I asked what his reply was weel you have family and grandson but that is something I haven't and have never got involved with anyone incase of losing my money-when he told me that it made me realise how 'rich' I really am having my family and their love where my poor friend had only got his money and no 'true' friends-is that a price worth paying? Not for me...bright blessings littleowl
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
11 Aug 08
I feel sorry for ppl like that. It reminds me of a movie I have called Greedy. An elderly millionaire is dying and all his family hovers around waiting for him to die so they can inherit. He goes bankrupt and they all turn on him...except one nephew who takes him in. It turns out he's not bankrupt at all but wanted to see who really cared for him. It's a funny movie but comes with a strong lesson. Ppl will be anything for the right price. I hope your friend finds someone who cares for him b/c of who he is and not what he has.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
11 Aug 08
Who doesn't wish to be wealthy, but you're right, it's not the best life.
My husband's cousin is a very wealthy doctor. He's one of the highest paid doctors in the practice... an anesthesiologist (I'm sure I misspelled that, but you get the idea). His home was once worth 1 million dollars. He owns many other properties which he rents out, one of which is on a lake and valued at probably near another million dollars.
Yes, this man has money. He travels a lot... but honestly, I can't tell you that he owns anything nice. He's got a couple of really nice cars, but he never drives them. His homes need a lot of repairs, so they aren't worth what he bought them for, and he hasn't put any money into fixing them up. He doesn't even have much furniture in the home he actually lives in. He's a complete jerk, so don't even think about asking to borrow money from him. He's cheap, and likes to just hoard his money...
He's never been married, doesn't even have a serious girlfriend. He's too worried that a woman will only be interested in his money, and doesn't want to end up losing everything he owns in a divorce.
Doesn't sound like any sort of life to me.
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@emskoneko (805)
• United States
11 Aug 08
I want to live a simple life with enough amount of money that will pay my bills and allow me to buy the few things that I want. I don't think I would mind being filthy rich. I would be able to donate more to charities and such.
@austere (2812)
• Philippines
12 Aug 08
well, i dream to be very wealthy myself too!
i want to get rich and travel the word. buy stuffs, lovely things that i really desire!
but that's because i am going through a lot of hardships in life, but if i am given an option to choose the kind of live to live, i would still opt to live the life i am living right now. i might not be wealthy with money but i have many loving friends, supportive and loving family and most of all the hardships that i have been through had made me strong and the kind of person that i am right now. there so much to be thankful about being poor, and that's because i see the positive things instead feeling sorry for myself!

@Mirita (2668)
• United States
11 Aug 08
I would like to be rich ,so I could drive a nice car and buy nice clothes.I also love to travel and meet people from all over the world. The most important thing for me would be to help those less fortunate than me and to share the wealth. If you are a generous person, people love you no matter what even if you are rich. People dislike only those rich folks who are stingy.
@olivebranch56 (910)
• United States
12 Aug 08
I have never been a material person, I was just happy when we were able to get a home big enough for all our 5 adopted children. I praise God for that. There is only one reason I can think of that would want to be rich, and that would be to help children and elderly people who can;t help themselves. I don't need a lot of things to make me happy, just seeing a smile on a childs face does it for me. Blessings Marilyn
@olivemai (4738)
• United States
15 Aug 08
I think I would still enjoy it! As I would remember whoever was my friend before I got rich. I could start my own nonprofit to help people and I could offer jobs to people who need it.
I am already to that point in my life where I realize that not all people will be my friend. In fact, if I have three close friends and all those who were my friends at some point in my life, but moved or got married, that still means I had a good life.
There is a reason that so many rich and eccentric people became misers, and loners.
I heard that at least one billionaire used to dress like a homeless person and ride the bus and walk the street to feel normal again. SO that nobody would recognize them when they went out.

On the other hand, through work, planning, and freecycle, I have had most of the things I only yearned for years ago as a young adult.

@jordansmama05 (40)
• United States
11 Aug 08
As often as I have daydreams like that, they're just that, DAYDREAMS. And I like to keep them like that. I don't think having the big bucks get's you anywhere in life aside from unhappy. However, some people that have a lot of money don't let it go to their heads and really work hard for what they've got. Now I know that with the right amount of education and responsibility and a bunch of other things you can get a lot done and make good money doing it. But I'm with you and I think it'd be a lot better working hard for what you want and what you need rather than living the so called fairy tale life of having all the riches.
@linyesusanna (15)
• China
12 Aug 08
Daydream is a must in our daily life, it is a drive for everyone to strive for a better life. But we should bear in mind that people should not addict in the daydream,or we may fell less and less confident for our life and lives.
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
11 Aug 08
I am not greedy, I am needy. I don't need to be richy rich, but it sure would be nice to have enough to not have to worry all the time. It would be nice to go to the grocery store and buy want I want instead of pinching pennies to get what I need. It would be nice to catch up with my bills and not have to stress about them each month. I don't live high on the hog neither, I know how to live poor. It would be nice to have a taste of living rich.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
11 Aug 08
I would not mind this lifestyle, but just because I was as rich as Crocus and have everything I want financially, does not mean that I would stop working. But then I would be able to work at what I want and not because I have to. I would be able to write longer on my novel, be able to take professional singing lessons, and I would be able to help others. I mean I cannot put that much in the collection plate now and there are a couple of mission fields I would like to help but are unable to afford to. Now I could and I could also travel more, go to England, and be able to not worry about whether the travel insurance would cover my husband's stroke. And I do want to help find out a way to cure allergies.
I mean the Bible did not say for you to be just content in poverty, and be really miserable when you are rich, did it?
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
11 Aug 08
I think we have all had those kind of day dreams,but its just a dream & something to think on....I really would not think I would like to be wealthy..I would enjoy a little more than i have,like at the moment i need a new roof on my house but as far as wealthy i don't think so...If you have wants & desires & all you have to do is just pay for whatever you want,where are you hopes,your dreams,what do you save for? I have a woman friend who is wealthy,she is miserable & always thinking people are after her money..It is not wrong to be wealthy but when you fall in love with your money(and she has) you are a miserable person..She has lost all of her friends except me,no one wants her around ,and to me that is sad...I have tried to help her but she jusr does not see it...Money can buy things,and it can pay bills and it can give some comfort,however the most important things in life it cannot buy, like Love, Peace,Joy & friendship(real friendship)....I am happy if i can pay my bills & have food on the table & I am saving for that roof...

@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
11 Aug 08
something that has no effort put into gaining it has very little value to us no matter what its monetary value
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
11 Aug 08
Ask me that again when I win the lottery. LOL! Someone once said that "money isn't everything, but it sure beats anything in second place!" We had a little money that we inherited which we used to get some things we needed but could not afford and we were able to help our kids with things. Now that it is gone and we are barely getting by on what we make , I would rather win the lottery and set it up to work for us.
@Daffodil20 (1754)
• India
11 Aug 08
I don't think they are missing out on anything.To move ahead and progress one must have some dremas,aspirations and motivation to work towards its achievement,if not for anything else then certainly for ones own sense of achievement,worth and happiness.But I firmly believe that just daydreaming isn't going to take us anywhere.We must and must work hard,days and nights together to achieve it.