bad behavior
lack of sleep
medical problems
violent fits
Whay Is Wrong With My Daughter??
By jennysp8
@jennysp8 (855)
United States
August 12, 2008 7:58pm CST
Okay, so this problem has been going on for about two years - with it gradually getting worse. It is to the point that the entire family is affected and I am loosing my mind. My daughters PCP thinks nothing is wrong - my daughter is typical but I think otherwise. Something is for sure wrong. I set her up an appointment with a counselor for the 19th and I am excited to finally talk to a professional about her.
Here's the facts:
- she will be 7 in November
- I have a family history of depression on my side of the family-which I suffer from
- Her father was diagnosed ADHD as a child
- She will not sleep - she will stay awake until 2-3am...and even if I get her up for school at 6am - that lack of sleep does not make her fall asleep any sooner the next next
- She has extreme violent tamtrums - hits things & people - bites herself - bangs her head and body off the floor and walls - breaks her toys
- She goes from calm to irrate within a matter of seconds and as fast as it comes on it goes away and then she is 'normal' again like nothing happened
- She seems to have extreme social anxiety around other children
- She is overly attached to me to where she most times won't even pee without being able to see me
And the list could go on and on and on...
I know most people would just call her a brat and that I need to set rules and punish her...but I do have rules...I have punished her...everything from a spanking - to time out - to bagging up all of her toys...none of it works.
My son, who is about to be 5 does not have any of the behavioral problems that she is showing and they are raised in the same manner....
I waited so long to seek professional help because I didn't want to be one of those parents who just slap a label on their kid and show medicine done their throats...
But I am to my breaking point and this is affecting my daughter in severe ways...I need help and thank goodness I am finally getting it...
Does anyone have any experience with behavior like this?
Is there any advice you can offer?
I am open to hear everything at this point...
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13 responses
@youngsweetheart (772)
• United States
13 Aug 08
I am by no means a professional, so take what I say about this with a grain of salt - but if your daughter does not have some sort of behavioral disorder, I believe she may have a very mild form of autism. You're definitely right to get a second opinion on the matter. That does not sound like a typical 7 year old to me -tantrums like that and hurting herself are NOT normal, I don't care what her regular doctor says.
As far as medication, it's great that you're not eager to automatically fix it with a pill, but also remember that the stigma there once was is not as bad now, and if it does cause improvement, then it's well worth it. Best of luck to you and your child, please let us know how everything goes!
@jennysp8 (855)
• United States
13 Aug 08
thanks for the far as Autism goes..I don't think that is the case..I had a friend with an Autistic son and while I do know that the ranges of autism vary, the rest of her personality and behavior do not go along with that. Some moments of the day, she speaks very intelligent and she is "up there" in her performance at school.
Other times though, it seems like her brain is running a mile a minute and she talks so fast her words seemed she is on high mode or something...
Your right about the pills though..if it is what she needs then I will do it...whatever it takes to help her...of course, I would only want the pills to be a temporary thing while we work on natural ways to help the meantime, she needs something so that she can sleep and be "normal" so that she is not being affected at school....
I'll be sure to keep everyone updated...
@youngsweetheart (772)
• United States
13 Aug 08
I have an autistic nephew myself, so I have learned quite a bit about it too. There are forms of autism that are VERY high functioning, but then again, I didn't mean to imply that I think she definitely has it either. At least you're taking charge of the situation and educating yourself as well, and that's half the battle.
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@ivan2000bd (1009)
• Sweden
14 Aug 08
hi there. its feeling good to talk with you. i have a nephew who is staying in canada is autestic. he cant speak. all the physical organs are normal he is getting older and now he is 5 years old. i am bit worried about how i can admit him to school. he can speak. he also shows interest in there any way that he will be fully cured?
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@littleowl (7157)
15 Aug 08
Hi jenny I really wish there was some advice I could give you but am lost for words on this must be so hard for you day in day out fortunatly I have never had any experience with this type of problem hopefully one of mylotters may be able to help you on this blessings littleowl
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@reckon21 (3477)
• Philippines
14 Aug 08
I am so sorry for your daughter. At this point in time
in our new generation of today's kids. Problems like this
frequently occur. The emerging trends of today's behavior
of younger children. We don't have much problem with it
in the past generations. But why our children are experiencing
it today? Something is obviously wrong. We need to look deeper
in to the roots of all these problems and find a prevention
before it's too late.
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@belindabentley (223)
• United States
14 Aug 08
I am not a doctor, but I would ssy she doesnt sound bratty at all see is acting out something that made her upset and angry. Is she safe with all the people you leave her with? Is anyone violent towards her? Kids? others?
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@Chevee (5905)
• United States
13 Aug 08
I don't have any advice to give, but my sister is raising a child with Aspergers, and she is a sweet terror of a child. She is very smart. But she has those same moments as your daughter, my niece is 4yrs old. Some of the stuff that comes out of her mouth is just plain shocking for a 4 year old. My sister is a little to easy on her she can't do anything with her. She is under doctor care too.
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@kitkat54 (15)
• United States
14 Aug 08
Did you ever consider bi-polar only a professional can answer for sure. me being bi-polar myself have done some crazy things without thinking of the consequences. from experiance violent tantrums to breaking things. lying awake because my mind would not shut down, then getting mad because it wouldn't.. I would be around people then all of a sudden I had the need to leave.. felt like I would crash from a high to low, and had to get away.. if your child has bi-polar her herself would not understand what is happening to her and might think this is just normal behavior. as an adult I understand what is going on with me.. but still try very hard not to go off the deep end.. this does cause you to become depressed one day and great other.. so yes I hope the counsler you have choosen can give you a good diagnosis and give her the right medicine for whatever it may be.. wishing you well in the future along with your daughter.
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@trieschman (272)
• United States
13 Aug 08
I am so proud of you for asking. I am also glad you are being proactive and not taking no for an answer. Your gut it right, there is something different, I will not say wrong. God made us all different for a reason. I would add that she might have an allergic reaction. Take a look at the following website for information: Also watch this video for signs of similarities:
I wish you well!
@tlb0822 (1410)
• United States
13 Aug 08
It's really great that you have stepped up and said hey something is wrong. So cheers to you. I'm not real sure if its a mixture of autism and adhd. I think that you should defiantly take her to a professional and find out what is going on. My cousins little boy use to have the same symptoms/behaviors and the diagnosed him with ADHD. It's good that you are standing up and fighting for your daughter and I wish you all the luck.
@wolfewatcher (191)
• Canada
13 Aug 08
some of that stuff sounds familiar but not from my daughter...from my husband. he had ADHD as a kid.he has anxiety when they're are too many people around. he has the fits but don't bite himself or bang body parts off the floor. but he has punched walls during his attitudes and he has put hole in walls and big ones. he even dented the cement wall behind my couch with his fist and it didn't work. and his attitude will go from nice and calm to down right nasty and right back again like nothing happened. he ended up going and talking to a professional and it was figured out that he still has ADHD and that he should have never went off the medicine. and because he was off of it for so long thats why he could never keep a job. hes been back on it now for just over 2 years and in 4 days he will celebrate 2 years at the same job.
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@StarChild517 (657)
• United States
13 Aug 08
I am not a professional but I would see this alot when I worked with mentally disabled people but I think you need to seek a different health care professional or something/
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@jsvanriet (29)
13 Aug 08
i think i can really suggest that you might wanna have her genetic tested and a full pyshc eval. because with the description you gave there are multiple things that could be wrong. and if it is genetic and not psych you dont wanna over load her on meds you also might wanna consider changing your primary or getting a second opinion. cause that is not normal behavoir for a child at this age range. also who ever tests her make sure they test for fragile X sydrome. i hope this help just remeber take take a step back take a deep breathe and think she is still just a kid. Good luck with future issuses.
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@kram_262005 (1)
• Philippines
13 Aug 08
Well then, I have like story of yours too, one of my cousin is with the same situation too. The girl is only 6 yrs. old when they discover behavioral problems in her. What did they do is, first they seek for proffessional advice, ask for some medication to help their daughter away with this BAD situation. For 6 months the PHYSICIAN specialist with this disorders give high doses of medicine for rapid changes for her. And with that too, what the couple do, is they really give time for they daughter,they are going out to mall, watching movie,fishing, going out in a picnic or park, they expose theyre child to different social interactions, upto now that the child is 9, she really improve that before, she has the mental disorder, but you cant easily notice it with her, cause the live normal like other child, like what they parent let her realize,.
The best think I can advice you, is seek for proffesional specialist first, cause they even know better than us. What we can share is to focuse and give our best shots of love to our child.I hope I have contribute a little regarding with your concerns.
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