Help! I'm stuck in Washington State with My twin sister and I can't get home!

United States
August 12, 2008 8:34pm CST
Fist of all I want to appolgize to all of my friends for being MIA I am Washington State. I left home on Thursday of last week to come and help my older sister clean out our Grandmothers home. Our Grandmother is 90 and is living in a board and care home. We are getting her home ready to put on the market to sell. I came up to help clean it out and then bring my 10 year old nephew home for two weeks to stay with me. Well I cannot do anything with my older sister without my twin getting involved. My twin is really jealous of anything we do so guess who is here. I do love my twin a lot but ahhhhhhhhhhhh she drives me bananas. She treats me like I do not know anything. Now I have survived 31 years of marriage without her, raised two kids nicely without her and put myself through RN school without her, but guess what I seem to be so stupid around her. She decided I needed to go up to Whidby Island to see our dad and his wife. Great we took off yesterday, twin driving. Twin cannot find here way out of a paper bag with one end opened up. So she has a gramen. The Gramen she programed but does not follow the directions because she turnes to early. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Then she pulled out infront of someone, and then ran two red lights. OMG SHE IS GOING TO KILL US. We somehow made it to the island. I have to get up at 4am Tuesday morning to go home. Twin I need to get back to Granny's to sleep. The twin wants to go to the ocean and pick up rocks. We did not leave the island until 9PM. Then it is a two hour drive to our Granny's home where are staying. On the way to our Granny's home twin decided we needed to take an 45 minute detour to Monore WA to see her son. aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. I am so tired. Our older sister called and said she could not get her son on the plan to fly standby with me. Older sister works for the airlines so they fly standby. NOW WHAT DO I DO. Do I stay another day? Do I have my twin drive us home to CA another two days in the car? Do I go home without my nephew and say so sorry? How am I going to get my stuff I want of my grandmothers home? Well at 11pm last night I learned that the flights where wide opened for today Wednesday so nephew could fly standby with me. So I stayed another day. Twin stayed Until 12:30AM to visit her son. We did not get back to Granny's until 2AM this morning. Boy did I want to go to bed. Noooooooooooo twin wanted to talk. It was 3AM before she left me alone so I could sleep. Then up at 7am on the go today. I did nap for a few minutes. Now TWIN IS SLEEPING ON OLDER SISTERS COUCH and I have packing and lots of do before tomorrow because we ran around and did a lot of twins stuff today. She sat down on older sister's counch to watch the news and she is asleep. I need to get back to Granny's and pack and I cannot get there. aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. My older sister is working over time, her husband is making dinner and I am stuck here mad as heck at my twin. I am so tired, my feet are swollen and I have lots of stuff todo. She finally is asleep. aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. It will be another long day without much sleep and I will go home tomorrow and cannot sleep in the airport because I will be traveling with a child. I need to be alert. I love my twin but you have to do things on her time. She has not sence of time when it comes to anything anyone else has to do. Last night I kept saying "I am so tired, lets go." she did not take the hint. Well her son finally said "Mom its time you left" She got up and we left. I told her son my nephew "Thank you" I am sorry to lay this out on you guys but I needed to vent. What would have do if you could not have gotten your nephew on the plane with you. Would have you left and said so sad? Would you have stayed another day? I will try to catch up on discussions when I get home.
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11 responses
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
13 Aug 08
That sounds very hectic and I can totally understand your frustration. I wish there was a way you could have dragged your twin along with you instead of her dragging you along with her. I'm sure it will all look funny when you get home and are rested - of course that might not happen for a few days since your nephew will be with you! Have fun!!!
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
29 Aug 08
That's a shame. I have found as we have grown older I have gotten closer to some of my siblings that I barely knew when I was growing up. There were 5 of us and I was really only close to my one sister. Now we're all very close.
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• United States
30 Aug 08
My twin and I are close but this last time we saw each other she was going through something I do not understand. She has MS and cannot go out and work in the dirt and do her gardening like she usually does. She may be mourning that. I do not know. I got my trip paid for by points on a credit card, but I went up there to work and I did. I also have gotten my trips paid for by my grandmother but once to be there for her when she was doing her kitchen and once when she had her teeth pulled and needed someone to stay with her. My twin thinks I went up there for fun and joys. It was for protection of Granny. Oh well it is her problem I guess I do not have the patience to go along with her insecurities this time. Now we are back in our own homes we are fine. We have talked and shopped together on the internet like before. All is forgotten.
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Aug 08
The one trouble with my twin she thinks she knows it all. She has to tell everyone how to do things and it you do not do it here way she pouts. She needs to grow up! She is getting worse instead of getting better with age.
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@msedge (4011)
• United States
13 Aug 08
Sounds like fun.I could imagine how tired you were.I have no sister but i guess its nice to have one.What do you think?.Well, i appreciate your patience for your twin.You are a good sister.She's lucky to have a twin like you.If it happens just once in a long time then i should go with here.You don't live together and you don't see each other often.Its nice to have fun with her sometimes.After all,she is your twin sister.
• United States
16 Aug 08
She is my twin and she we do have fun, but this time she was very, very needey. I am sorry she was so insecure and selfish this time. She has already been to Granny's home and taken a lot of things but now she things she does not think she was not getting enough. She told me that she felt she got what she wanted. Then she would pout when she did not get what she want again. She went there for a vacation and I went up there to work. I wanted to get more work done but she would not let me. I feel bad for that. I am having fun with my nephew thou.
• United States
23 Aug 08
Thanks. She got home last Sunday and now I have not heard from her all week. I hope she is not sick. She has MS so she has her good days and bad days.
@msedge (4011)
• United States
20 Aug 08
I am sorry your twin sister was acting that way that made you feel disappointed i guess.I am glad you stay patient.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Aug 08
Gissi and Cookie - Lol here they are
Lol I am sorry Sweetie but I had to laugh at this I know it is not good as you are not getting the sleep but I just had to laugh, I guess your Twin is not lie you then hehehehe But hey I am not having the best time either I have Mike's Dog here and guess what she is on Heat now she is a lot bigger then Gissi but does this stop Gissi oh no he is clinging to her Leg like a Leach lol it is driving me CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYY so we are both not having the best of time lol I shall put you a Picture to show you the Size difference lol
2 people like this
• United States
16 Aug 08
I am soooooooooo sorry to here about your misery. Gissi needs to get a step stool. heehee. I here it is 7 days going in and 7days in heat and 7 days going out of heat. Now that is 21 days of misery for all involved. I hope you get some sleep.
@Fishmomma (11376)
• United States
13 Aug 08
Sorry to hear about this situation. Its hard to deal with a sibling when they aren't working. Good luck and I would have stayed the extra day.
2 people like this
• United States
16 Aug 08
I am finally home with my nephew. We are having a good time swimming and spending time together.
@lyzabelle (1668)
• Philippines
13 Aug 08
I thought having a twin sister is fun. Now I know it's not. Well, she is your sister after all. Just bear and grin.
• United States
16 Aug 08
Having a twin is fun at times, but this trip.
• United States
13 Aug 08
sounds like a nighmare. I would have stayed the extra day also. It is too hard to let a child down. Your twin, mmm I think you really have to stand up to her and just say no. Its time to do things your way. Was she born first? Just wondering. Hope you get home safe and sound and catch up on some zzzzzzzzzz's
2 people like this
• United States
16 Aug 08
My twin is 10 minutes older than I am. She is so insecure at times. She has not sense of time, she lives in her own world when it comes to time. Last time we where together she kept wanting to talk to people who where busy and needed to work and she wanted to stop and talk to them. I kept having to tell her to let the people do their work. Now she did not care if I needed my sleep. She called me twice today. Once I spoke to her and once I was not at home. She is so insecure I swear. She needs counseling.
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• United States
16 Aug 08
Soumds like she is very dependant on you even although I dont think she realizes it. You sound like a strong person. You may just have to shut your phone off when you need you time and some zzzz time.
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• United States
16 Aug 08
You are right. Sometimes I screen her calls. She is with her mother in-law now so she will not be calling me in for a few days. My twin is so jealous of my education, she had the same chances in life I did for education and chose another path but wants so badly to think she knows how to be a RN. She worked for a few months as an CNA in a nursing home. Now she thinks she knows it all. She is one of those people who does not have the education to know when she does not know it. She spots things off like they are fact when she has not clue. I feel for her.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
13 Aug 08
i'm so sorry that you have to get stuck with your twin sister... can't you tell her directly and firmly that you don't like to be treated like an idiot and look stupid in front of her??? also, the next time you have something to do with your older sister, can't you keep it quiet from her??? if she is such an annoying person, i don't think that she should be welcome at all... especially if she makes you get stuck with her like that and messes up with your schedule... good luck... i hope everything will work out with you and you will be able to get on the flight with your nephew tomorrow... take care and have a nice day...
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• United States
16 Aug 08
We are home, my nephew and I are at my home. We are having fun in the pool. The first day home I spent on the couch sick. I got food poisoning from something I ate when my daughter took us out of luck in Fresno CA. Yesterday we swam two different times we where swimming at 8 last night. He even got my hubby involved in playing catch in the pool. Now that is a miracle because my husband does not play with kids.
@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
16 Aug 08
I feel for you. I have a sister that is a year younger and everyone treated us like twins. My sister is abusive and much of the time out of control. I finally had to get away from her. I lived away from her for years and then moved to spend time with her and her family. Worst mistake I ever made. I can barely stand to talk on the phone with her. I avoid having to spend time with her. I will not tolerate her rude behavior anymore. I love her but from a distance. I think with time that you will learn to do this also. Goodluck!
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Aug 08
MY twin is not abusive she is so needy and insecure. She is also on her own time zone. She lives in an area of the county that life is slower than in CA. I am use to going at a faster pace because of all the things I need to do or get done before it gets to hot in the day. My twin I feel for her but she needs to know not to be so sensitive and get some counseling. We had a crappy childhood and she has not gotten over it. We all have the scares but lets move on. I am taking care of mom who did most of the abuse, our older sister is taking care of our grandmother. Our twin has not had to be a care given to a family member. I think she feels left out of the hard work or she thinks she is not getting her share even thou she says she dose not deserve to get any of Granny's stuff. I helped take care of Granny and Granddad for years before granny moved to Washington and got so bad and needed my older sister's help. I have been taking care of mom for almost 17 years and the twin has not had to deal with any of this. She say "I do not deserve any of Granny's possessions" but when you tell her I want this or I want that she gets upset." I do not understand her thinking. Oh well she needs to work out her own demons I do not have the energy to deal with them.
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
13 Aug 08
Oh my goodness, I'm tired after just reading your post. It's exasperating. She sounds like a very high maintenance sister, we all have someone like that in our lives. Don't be sorry about telling us this, that's part of hte reason we're here is the way I figure it. Personally, I would have left, you are a lot more patient than me obviously. We'll welcome you back when you get home. Be safe.
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• United States
16 Aug 08
Thanks, I am home and loving spending time with my nephew. The flight home was another matter. And we have a lost suit case out in the horizon somewhere.
@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
13 Aug 08
Hi teapotmom, It's good to see you here. I'm exhausted (more than usual), just reading your hectic schedule. It's wonderful that you got to spend some time with both of your sisters though. I can't imagine what it'd be like to be a twin. My sister is five years younger than me, and we get along really well, for the most part. We're very close. If I had to choose between leaving without my nephew, and staying the extra day to bring him with me, I'd stay. I'm sure you'll have a great time together. Am looking forward to hearing all about it. Take care.
• United States
16 Aug 08
I am having fun with my nephew after I got over my food poisioning I got on the way home. We have been swimming and spending time together. My twin has called me twice today. She is so needy.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
13 Aug 08
Oh tea, you poor thing! I'm just exhausted reading all that! Wow! Your twin is too much! I guess you too are not exactly alike! That is unbelievable the way she had you running around like that and you couldn't do anything about it. I could never have kept my mouth shut like you did. I would have lost it and put my foot down! You acted so nice and didn't lose your temper and tell her off. What a great sister you are! And you're twins! That's so unbelievable! You would think she would know you better. I thought twins thought alike, guess not! Has she always been like that? It must have been so hard growing up with her. I hope you were able to get everything done that you needed too and had a restful trip home with your nephew. Will be looking forward to having you back on mylot when you are rested from your trip! Take care and get back safely! Your friend, opal
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• United States
16 Aug 08
One thing about twins is alot of the time they are the opposit and we are. twin never has had a job where she has had to worry about the time in a long time. She loves people and loves to talk and does not think about anyone but her self. I tend to bite my tongue instead of saying things I need to say. My twin is so sensitive and she cannot handle the truth. I told here she snores and you would have thought I told her she smelled! She is so insecure and I think it is getting worse. She needs counseling so badly and will not get it. She takes things out of proporation and makes them bigger than they are. Our older sister does not have any patients to deal with our twin. I do not know which is worse for my twin, the way I am to soft on her or the way our older sister is so short on her. Oh well we do what we can right or wrong. The flight was fine and we are having a great time with our nephew.