voices in the house

@littleowl (7157)
August 15, 2008 3:54pm CST
A while ago my daughter and my 4yr old grandson came to see me,my daughter and I were talking in general about things then I went into the kitchen and my grandson said to me 'nanny who's that talking?' my reply was 'where' his reply was 'I can hear someone talking upstairs' looking at my daughter I then said to my grandson 'I'm not sure Brendan I didn't hear them' hejust replied 'oh'--my daughter as well as myself know that there are spirit living with me my daughter is very open to this as I am...I have also done EVP's in my bedroom and have heard people moving things around and whispering--my Grandson though has spoken to a lady in his house (my daughter lives on her own) and has even been tickled as a baby and played with this lady once again my daughter has seen her and the woman she has seen is in spirit,,,many things like this have happened in my house but I know my spirit friends are around me all the time and my daughter is also aware of that too...poor Tamara knows about them too!! So turning this into a discussion have you had experiences like this Have your children spoken to 'people' you cant see or do they have Imaginary Friends...please share
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8 responses
@gemini_rose (16264)
16 Aug 08
Two of my boys have appeared to be speaking to someone when they have been alone in their rooms. My eldest did it, he is now 16 and my third son did when he was a baby too and he is 6. Funnily enough when I asked them who it was they were talking too both had said exactly the same name which I found odd seeing as there is a 10 year age difference between them. My daughter also seems to have trouble with someone disturbing her sleep at night just lately, at the same time of night, not every night but some nights. We hear her scream in temper, she is 2 and can talk and she tells us that someone is trying to take her blanket! Not sure if it will turn out to be the same friend that my boys had but it will be interesting to find out as she gets older.
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@littleowl (7157)
17 Aug 08
Hi Ellie thatt is fascinating..I wonder who this person can be wether or not she is a relative in spirit or just someone who lives/lived in the house at one time..it would be interesting to know but whomever it is seems like they enjoy talking with your children lots of love and Huggles littleol
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@ellie333 (21016)
17 Aug 08
LOL Shows you are thinking of me Littleowl, huggles, Hi Gemini, she is a bit dizzy at times bless LOL. Ellie :D
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@littleowl (7157)
17 Aug 08
sorry gemini I called you Ellie instead of your name!! message is meant for you though..blessings littleowl (spelt my name wrong too in the last response lol)
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@ellie333 (21016)
16 Aug 08
Hi Littleowl, My younger daughter when she was 2 until about 4 had a litle girl called AMY but she really was in spirit, I never saw her but was aware of her and in the end used to tell her off the same as I would Jess if they were being naughty but there was a lot more too it and she because dangerous rather than just full of mishchief so I tried to resolve and had her sent to the light, however juts yesterday morning all these years later the word AMY was on the side of the bath in sponge letters that I knew I had put away the previous morning which threw me, but since then my son has said he has a magic friend and she is a silver cat. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@littleowl (7157)
17 Aug 08
Hi Ellie..looks like maybe amy has come back for a visit..be careful of her antics especially if they became dangerous it is fascinating how they sometimes come back but if you feel threaten or worried about her being there then I am sure you know what to do if you need to ask her to leave...your sons silver cat has me baffled..hopefully he is one of his animal totems and is there to protect him...loads of Huggles littleowl
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@ellie333 (21016)
17 Aug 08
Hi Littleowl, To me both silver and cats are a protection so if he has a silver cat as his magic friend that is fine by me LOL. Drop into my discussion about Amy it is very interesting to read some of the post and I have explained to Tessah a bit more indepth about all that happened but nothing since has happened here so maybe she was just saying hi. Ellie :D
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@littleowl (7157)
17 Aug 08
Hi Ellie am going to drop into your discussion about it guess Amy was doing just what you said maybe she learnt her lesson that you meant business with her and were not going to put up with her being dangerous...sometimes as you know they need to be put in their place' Your sons siver cat is also protection I feel for him silver is the colour of the moon purity cleanliness and is also a precious metal from all these things your sons cat seems like a cover for him to keep him safe bright blessing Love and lots of Huggles littleowl
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@rsa101 (38320)
• Philippines
16 Aug 08
You do have a very spooky house I guess. I think for as long as the spirits in your house doesn't intrude or frighten anyone in your family then that is okay I guess. I think they maybe you guardian angels too. But if I can sense that there are voices I hear in my house most probably I would panic and be afraid. I am not that tolerant of anything I do not see.
@littleowl (7157)
17 Aug 08
Hi rsa a lot of people may think its spooky in my house but I know I have my spirit family and guides with me as well as a couple of other people I dont know...yet they are all harmless but at times do do things that annoy me so I end up really telling them off!!! Really most spirits aren't there to frighten you you have your spirit family with you who protect you just like your guardian angels too..in my life it wouldn't seem normal if they wern't there
@paid2write (5201)
18 Aug 08
I have no personal experience of anything like this - I wish I did have! I can often pick up an atmosphere inside a building or feel a spirituality about a place. There is a thousand year old yew tree growing in an churchyard near where I live, and I always feel something special when I stand beneath it. I do like hearing and reading other people's own experiences, and I think it's good that you and your family can see and hear things without being afraid. Usually people say they were terrified of something they can't explain. If I was ever to have an encounter with a spirit I think I would be more excited about it than frightened. I do understand some of them are evil, but I like to think there are good positive spirits around too. I think children are less likely to be scared by such an encounter, we seem to become more afraid of the unexplained as we grow up.
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16 Aug 08
Hi littleowl, Its fasinating your house and I'm surprised when your house is built on or near the cemetary, I never forget the night you and me had to walk through it"shivers" I know they are there to protect you but sometimes its just gives me the creeps and I of all people shouldn't feel like that also they are good alarm clock because as you know I experienced it at your house, but bless Brendan isen't old enough to be frighten yet. Love & Bright Blessings. Tamara
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@littleowl (7157)
17 Aug 08
Hi tamara yes I remember the time we both got woken up at the same time by either my grandfather or nan at the same time it was so funny...I just hope Brendan will never grow up to be afraid of them especially as he is getting older hopefully he will be able to understand when the time is right bright blessings littleowl
• India
16 Aug 08
i dont think it is possible or a true story
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@littleowl (7157)
17 Aug 08
Beleive me it is very true obviously you don't believe in these things but if you knew the truth Spirit walks around us all the time even with you!
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
16 Aug 08
i never experience something like this before... it will be very scary for me if that happens... i will probably move out from the house if i know that the house is haunted or got a spirit inside it... i'm just too scared to live in that kind of house and i can't handle it... you are very brave to be able to handle it... take care and have a nice day...
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@littleowl (7157)
17 Aug 08
Hi lingli thanks for your input but the spirits in my house are fortunatley very harmless and friendly also some of them are my spirit family and spirit guides..we all hsve them yet some are not aware of them but I it would feel 'empty' if they weren't around your friend littleowl
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
8 Aug 10
Well this is strange, i never heard about such things..is this true?
@littleowl (7157)
8 Aug 10
Hi Besthope, yes all that I have said in this discussion is true and also others responses. Being a medium the best way to explain this is that every day we do walk among Spirit they normally are doing the things they alwyas used too or are trying to gain 'attention' as they need help to 'pass over' to the Light/Spirit world. Not everyone is sensitive to this but if they 'nurture' the ability to be, then they can become sensitive to Spirit-even you.. Blessings littleowl