A moment of sick satisfaction
By foxyfire33
@foxyfire33 (10005)
United States
August 17, 2008 1:18am CST
I'm not proud of this but I will be honest. I received news tonight that, while very sad and grim, gave me satisfaction of the sick variety...to the point of letting out a rather evil sounding laugh. (you all do know it's us quiet types you really have to worry about
I have to take you all back 10 years for you to understand 9but I promise I'll make it quick. My now ex-hubby and I hit a rough patch in our young married life. He turned to another woman for emotional support. I was very hurt but we all acted immaturely....we were just 19 afterall. Anyway, the whole little emotional affair lasted a matter of weeks but being a naive 19 year old I let it cause problems that lasted much longer than that...actually all the way to our ultimate seperation and divorce 3 years later.
Ok...now to the news I received to night. The 'other woman' is dead. Killed in a fiery crash earlier this week. My ex is actually the one who shared the news. Yes, it's said as she was only 30 and has an 11 year old son. But I'm sorry, I hated that woman and I most definitely wished she would die at least a few times way back when her actions (along with my husband's) threatened to destroy my marriage.
So, now I got what I wished for so many years ago. I know I should feel bad but I don't. Ex-hubby told me she was dead. I looked up the accident and when I saw that it was the horrible one I saw on the news...head on, the cars caught fire, she died at the scene...I honestly laughed. Sick, I know, but honest. I'm sorry if there happens to be anyone here who knew her, I know it's a slim chance but possible.
So to make this a little more of a discussion...do you think I'm a bad person for laughing about an old enemy being dead? LOL Have you ever had feelings similar to this?

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35 responses
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
17 Aug 08
hell no keep laughing!! and yeah i have.. i would hear something bad happen to some one that was mean to me and laughter would fly out of my mouth before i could stop it.. and a few times it was really wrong seemingly to other people but i think its ok to laugh.. and if you cant feel bad about it later then oh well!!
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
17 Aug 08
Thanks I needed that! I do know it's not 'right' but I couldn't help it. It's the whole karma thing I guess that amuses me more than what actually happened to her. That part is sad but the rest... phftt, oh well!
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Sometimes you can't help yourself! It is part of the "darker" side of human nature and you know what we all have that side to us. Foxy was brave enough to post about it. I hate that the people that have come here and said that her ex cheating was her fault or that she is a horrible person. I hate to say this but most of us would feel that way and would have every right to, the problem that came up was that she posted about it!
Moon you have hit the nail on the head most of us like I said would feel that way!!
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@hockeyismylife8 (146)
• United States
18 Aug 08
yeah maybe you laugh at someone that you don't like when something bad happens to them but not this horrible and the worst part about this is the kid. HE HAS NO MOTHER NOW. get that through your thick heads you sickos
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• United States
18 Aug 08
to be honest w/you i think it's awful that u laughed. first of all she couldn't have been the other woman if your husband hadn't made her that. i never have understood why women blame the other woman instead of their husbands. if it hadn't been her it would have been another one.

@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
19 Aug 08
Antiquelady, She did know he was married. Foxy had stated that the other woman called the house and spoke to her and called her names. The other woman was well aware of the fact that she was his wife, so she does have her own blame in this as well.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
19 Aug 08
Simple. If somebody is married, you don't try to get involved. It doesn't matter, women, men, it's all the same. If people are prevented from trying to sneak in the back door so to speak, either by conscience, their friends, common sense, respect, or god forbid the spouse of the person they are trying to fool around with finding out and screaming at them or physically getting into it, all the better. Whatever can happen to STOP people from doing this. If they cannot control themselves by themselves, then they need intervention to control themselves from other people.
I'm sure people also blame their spouse/ex but to say it's not at all the homewrecker's fault is naive. It is their fault, if the person is married and they know the person is married, they know better. They should stop while they are ahead - but they don't. That is called asking for it.
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• United States
19 Aug 08
first of all i am not naive. what i'm saying if a married nman or woman hits on someone it's not that someone elses' fault. now that someone else could say no if they knew they were married but alot of people don't find that out at first. the married person doesn't sat hey , u want to to bed w/me i'm married. i think u are the one that's naive & you have been through this w/a husbamd, i hope not. the spouse is the homewrecker when he or she starts an affair. everybody always to blame the other person. i blame the spouse. voice of experience here.
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@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
17 Aug 08
One day when I was a kid, I said in front of my mother that I hated so and so, I don't remember who. She was doing the dishes and without even turning around she said in her best "Voice of GOD" voice. "You don't Hate ANYBoDY." She probably doesn't remember it, But I sure do. And I've lived by it all my life.

@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Well, I would rather not have a heart full of hate when I die.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
17 Aug 08
If it makes us evil then so be it. LOL I probably would have laughed until I cried. Since I often wish an asteroid would hit my ex-husband's house while he sleeps in it, I can honestly say I understand where you are coming from. I do also find it halarious when karma finally gets them in the end. Although, by me laughing at their misfortune I'm probably racking up alot of my own bad karma as well. LOL
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
19 Aug 08
Ohhh.. there were times when I wished an asteroid would land on my ex-husband's place of employment. But then, I guess I couldn't wish for that, all the poor innocent people eating dinner there! Oh well. I can hope instead that he drives thru the garage door on accident. Actually I haven't talked to him in more than a couple years, I am hoping maybe he got remarried. I only felt that way about him back when I was afraid he was going to beat me and seal me up in a wall. This thread is making me think of all sorts of things I haven't thought about for 6 years.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
18 Aug 08
tess i know what you are saying.. anytime i take joy in karma working in my favor im wondering if i am setting it up to kick me in the butt later haha
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@koharukusumi (1539)
• Malaysia
17 Aug 08
Hey there foxyfire33, in an ideal world where humans are fair and the rules are followed and everyone follows the same moral code, you are certainly a bad person. However, I would say since God created human with feelings such as vengeance and jealousy, I would say you are just being human. I broke up with my ex 4 months ago and I got my revenge by influencing my ex's friend to have a fight with my ex. Knowing they had a war of words made me laugh although I know it's bad to make people fight. That was an example in my life where i had a SICK SATISFACTION.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
17 Aug 08
LOL..thanks for sharing that! Sometimes we need a little vengeance to feel that all is right in the world.
I absolutely love the first part of what you said. In an ideal world my feelings would definitely be very, very wrong. But we are only humans and have human feeling so sometimes we do act inappropriately. It happens but does not mean we are bad, especially when we can say we know we're being inappropriate but just can not help it.
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@koharukusumi (1539)
• Malaysia
17 Aug 08
Yes, we know it's not a good thing and not the right thing but everyone is different. We can all say things like, 'I am not gonna do that if i am in your position' but then again, if it had truly happened the exact way to us, would we truly react the way we said we would. My friend once said to me, 'I am your friend and i'll defend you no matter what' but then when his reputation is on the line he succumbed to the pressure and sold me out. So, people can always say we should do this and that but when they are in the same situation, it remains to be seen if they'll practice what they preach.
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@koharukusumi (1539)
• Malaysia
18 Aug 08
To Dancing Feather, didn't God is the one who avenges Foxy by making the accident happened? Foxy is just reacting to it.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
17 Aug 08
I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
18 Aug 08
It means he messed up with you, messed up with her, and messed up with the kid. That just was not expressed well, I agree.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Dancing, I don't know why you choose to think that it was something that Foxy did wrong, why is it that if a woman is hurt, it is somehow all her fault? And i would agree that there was more than one life that was affected, but who is to say that he didn't just do it becasue he wanted to?
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
18 Aug 08
I think that sometimes when we hold grudges, it makes us do things that aren't so nice. I am sure that you feel for her family. She caused you hurt and destroyed your life at the time.
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@jessigirl116 (848)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Hell No!!! I think you have waited too ong to have a laugh at her expense. My ex also fooled around on me and the girl & I had serious issues, even beyond the affair. She was killed in an accident and I laughed my a$$ off. Mostly it was a release of repressed rage and the ironic karma. People get what they deserve, like it or not. Everything happens for a reason and our Higher Power will never give us more than we can handle. But, sometimes when we do harms against others, we add unnecessary things to our plate of karma and fate, which causes us to tip over. Then it's easier for destiny to bite us in the a$$. I do feel bad for her son, but he is probably better off without that kind of a person around.
Now, that's crappy thinking. My karma plate is getting full.
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@ChefMiguel (22)
• Barbados
18 Aug 08
It might seem sick to someone who has never experienced real emotional pain. You are honest and thats the best way to be....
@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
19 Aug 08
She is NOT looking for approval, she is simply telling the truth about something that she felt. dancing you have done NOTHING but take this discussion and twist it to your own ends for whatever reason. Just drop it already, you are only making yourself look bad.
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@dizneywolf (73)
• United States
17 Aug 08
Ahhhh ~ Karma...We do get back from the world that which we put into it...
Are you quite certain that the energies of anger & hurtfulness are what you'd like
to receive for yourself ? Let it go ~ move on ~ heal...
@APE131313 (11)
• United States
17 Aug 08
Old hurts and grudges ...........you are entitled to your own feelings as long as you do NOT make more problems feeling guilty for having them. Think about it..has it finally gone away or just given you more emotional baggage.
I buried the memory of an old nemesis of mine without the guilt by sending flowers.... ..to her grown children. Privately I felt sorry that the DEVIL would now have to put up with this evil excuse for a mother.
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@fec139 (810)
• United States
18 Aug 08
I have had feelings of someone suffering when I hate them. But, deep dow, I know it won't help my life if something bad happens to them. Conversely, I have been struck by a disabling and terminal disease which has taken away my ability to walk and talk. My life turned to hell since 4.5 years ago. I have lost everything, and I am just about destitute. I have to be cared for 24/7. There is no cure; at the end, I will be totally paralyzed, gasp for air, and die. They don't know what caused this, and it hits people at random, of all races and ethnic groups, and equally both genders. I really feel this is a punishment from G-d.
I have to be honest and say that when I was healthy, I didn't appreciate what I had, and there were times I didn't care whom I offended to speak my mind and/or get what I needed. I often wonder if there is someone like you, someone who didn't like me, someone I offended in the past, who is snickering behind my back. I have even wondered if someone put a curse on me. But I just know there are people who see me in my wheelchair, unable to speak, my mouth and face all twisted, who laugh to themselves and say "ha ha, look at the b**** now! She was pretty, and now she's ugly"
I would say to you what I would say to my enemies : If it makes you feel good to derive pleasure from someone else's misfortune, go ahead and enjoy it. But just the way it hit her out of the blue, something can happen to snuff you out too. Religious types are going to tell you how it is healthier for you to feel sympathy and pity, but how you feel is how you feel. Feel it and get it out of your system. Then, move on.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
18 Aug 08
I think that woman got what she deserved. At least she got it in this life and not in the next. I think she took advantage of your ex and lured him with her charms. She would have gotten punished in hell, but at least she got a taste of what she has to go through in eternity. I would not be doing the happy dance, but I would still say she got punished. I never had feelings like that, but I have had, why can't something really bad happen to someone who deserved it, who was not repentant of the wrong they caused?
And why can't the results happen to them now instead of waiting until they die? I got punished for the bad thing I did in this life and -well it never works out what you want. At least in your case it did. 

@drknlvly6781 (6246)
• United States
17 Aug 08
Hmm. Well, never thought you had that in your Foxy. I don't look bad upon you for feeling this way, but it does show that you are still holding some bad feelings about the entire situation that went down so long ago. This advice is for no one but you Foxy. You should find a way to let go of those bad feelings. You have all grown up, she is gone. A grudge only hurts the container its held in, and you don't want to give this woman a hold on you from beyond the grave. You owe it to yourself Foxy, let it go.
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
18 Aug 08
You are very wise about grudges. I think Foxy will turn it loose. She does not need anymore baggage.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
18 Aug 08
Hi foxyfire, I agree that not everyone would laugh at such a situation, but not everyone would would be honest enough to admit it either. Many would feel as you do and pretend that they felt sorry about it. To be honest, I don't think that I could feel happy about something like that no matter what had been done to me,but that is just me, and we are all different. It is never easy to put the past behind us and move on,I know that from experience. You and your ex-hubby were very young at the time and I feel sorry for the eleven year boy, who has lost his mother. I don't think you are a bad person, you are just having a very hard time dealing with the wrong that was done to you. You were the victim and anyone would be angry,but someday you will be able to leave it behind you and I think you will feel better for it. Blessings.
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@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
18 Aug 08
no I dont think you are wrong. The day my wife's ex-husband is buried...I AM GOING TO PISS BUDWEISER ON THE BAST*RD'S GRAVE...
Now I may have to be bailed out of jail...but it will be worth it...the only reason I haven't killed him already, or that anyone else hasnt for that matter, is because he isnt worth the time it would take me to put a bullet in him...otherwise I would have killed the piece of sh*t a few years ago..full stop...end of discussion...
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
19 Aug 08
Well Foxy, I don't usually respond twice, BUT I thought of a little song that sums this up nicely.
Isn't it ironic? Don't you think? A little too ironic? And yeah I really do think... it's like rain - on your wedding day, a free ride - when you've already paid, it's the good advice that you just didn't take.. and who would have thought? It figures.
"Ironic" ~ Alanis Morrissette
I still don't think there's anything odd about your reaction. I have seen quite a few people who were respondents that I don't want anywhere near me though. LOL! I get the feeling they want to burn me at the stake for having a healthy sense of 'irony meets justice'.

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