florida gulf coast
florida weather
gulfcoast of florida
tropical storm fay
tropical storms
I can't believe that Tropical Storm Fay is heading directly for us!
By PearlGrace
@PearlGrace (3171)
United States
August 17, 2008 2:00pm CST
Four years ago when Hurricane Charley came onshore about 1 1/2 miles from our house, we figured that would be a once in a lifetime experience. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, yet it was plenty bad enough for me.
Now, we've got Tropical Storm Fay churning up the waters down by Cuba and many of the weather predictions suggest Fay is going to be coming our way and may be crashing onto the shores of the southwestern gulf coast of Florida by Tuesday evening.
We went into Hurricane preparation mode this morning--my husband spent nearly 3 hours getting all the hurricane shutters up (except for the front door, of course, which will go on right before the storm hits) and I ran to the store to stock up on water, batteries, and food. Plus, I got the new batteries loaded in the boombox and several flashlights. I also laid out flashlights and a battery operated lamp in strategic positions.
Our best hope is that it will remain as a Tropical Storm and not strengthen into a hurricane by the time it hits. Then, we'll just get plenty of rain for a day or so. That, I can handle. We'll stay in and watch TV/movies and surf the internet.
Tell me, have you ever been through a hurricane before? If not, maybe you've been through some other type of catastrophic weather event. Hurricanes are called typhoons in other parts of the world. Perhaps you've weathered a tornado or some very bad storms. Do tell please as it might help boost my confidence about how we'll fare over the next few days.
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17 responses
@sunnflr (2767)
• United States
17 Aug 08
I've been through plenty of tornado's in my life, but never a hurricane. Don't want to go through one either!
I hope y'all stay safe. I always hate hearing about hurricanes and other storms hitting places. I'll keep praying for everyone!
@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
17 Aug 08
Hello sunnflr.
Oh, gosh, I sure hate to hear you've been through plenty of tornadoes. Those things are wicked! Thank you for your wishes and prayers to stay safe. I feel like we will fare this one better than Hurricane Charley. I hope I'm right about that. Plus, I don't really like wishing it doesn't come here because that's like wishing someone else will have to deal with it. And I definitely can't feel good about doing that.
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
17 Aug 08
Even if it stays at the Tropical Storm level, that won't be too bad at all. We don't mind the rain so much as all the wind that comes with a hurricane. Yes, there's still time for it to dissipate or just not strengthen.
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
20 Aug 08
Hi Shaun72.
Yes, Fay has passed by us already. We are just fine, thank you for your concern. We had intermittent rain and gusty winds from about 2 or 3 a.m. this morning until a couple of hours ago. It stayed overcast all day. We ended up with 2 to 3 inches of rain. There was no lightning and thunder or tornadoes near where we are (north of Ft. Myers on the southwest coast).
We were just on the outer edges of the storm and didn't get any of the storms near the area of circulation in the middle of the storm. As you probably know, those storms tend to be the strongest.
I hope that you and your family will fare well. Once we all do what we can do (hurricane shutters, strong garage door, food, water, emergency first aid kit, etc.), then there's nothing to do but stay inside and wait for it to pass. I wish you much luck and trust that you will all be safe. Take care.

@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Fay is predicted to hit us here in Jacksonville with high winds and rain, severe storms and the like. They cancelled my class on wednesday due to the possibilities of severe weather. We rarely ever get a direct hit here in Jacksonville cause of the way the land is it usually bumps out around us and heads up the coast after dumping tons of water on us and giving us some high winds.
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@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
19 Aug 08
thanks. you all are in our prayers also. Floridians united against tropical storms/hurricanes lol FUATSH!
@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
19 Aug 08
Hello sweetdesign. Sorry to hear that Fay is also coming your way. We've been watching the Weather Channel's reports at 50 minutes after the hour every hour. That way, we know what's going on.
Guess you'll get to stay home on Wednesday then. Hope you hang in there and try to make use of the extra time indoors. Take extra special care, sweetdesign. I'm sending positive vibes your way.
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@Wyldrose (1216)
• United States
18 Aug 08
It sounds like you've done everything you can possibly do to get ready for the hurricane outside of evacutating. Is that an option where you are? Is it even mandatory to evacuate? Won't you lose your electric power if the storm comes through? I wish I had some good advice for you but I'm afraid I don't. My husband and I went through Hurricane Rita three years ago in Southeast Texas. We evacuated...it was mandatory that we do so. We ended up losing our home and our business, everything we had there. When we evacutated we packed for a few days...we didn't know we wouldn't be able to get back home for over a month and a half. Well, to put it mildly, that hurricane was devastating. Three years later we are still feeling the after effects believe it or not. But that's another story.. I truly wish you and your husband the best and hopefully it will only be a tropical storm. Please, be careful, though and God bless you. 

@Wyldrose (1216)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Thank you...and FEMA was no help...I could go on a big ole soap box over FEMA but I won't..
It was devastating not to be able to get back home. Well we don't have our home anymore. But it's ok...they say when God closes one door, he opens another...I believe that with all my heart cause he sure has been good to us.
Again, best of luck to you and yours. I will keep you in my prayers. 

@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Hi Wyldrose.
Oh, I am so sorry to hear you had to go through that terrible Hurricane Rita. That's just awful that you lost your home and business. I can't imagine not being able to get back into your own home for a month and a half. I truly hope that you will soon be done with the after effects of it and be able to progress with your life.
The county will state if we need to evacuate but for this one, I doubt that will happen as it is only a tropical storm and they are saying the highest it will possible get is a Category 1 Hurricane. They have already suggested that people living in manufactured homes evacuate, but we live in a "regular" house.
Of course, if it was a pretty bad hurricane coming (3 or higher), we would probably evacuate. We evacuated 3 or 4 times in 2004.
Thanks for your positive wishes and I am absolutely certain we will be fine. All the hurricane shutters are up, the garage door is bolted down, we have batteries in the radio and 6 flashlights at the ready. Plus a first aid kit and all our important documents together.
Thank you, Wyldrose. Do take care.

@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Hey Pearl. Well my memory isn't that good anymore, but I do
remember a few years ago having some serious snow storms where
we had almost 2 feet of snow. Now that's alot of snow as
far as I'm concerned. It's was too deep to walk in especially
after they piled it up to try to clear the sidewalks. There
had been a few storms on top of each other so there was no
room to put the snow anywhere. They had to take the snow and
dump it in the river. That had never happened in all my years
before. It was really kind of scary. I'm 5'4" and the drifts
were just about as high as me! It was almost impossible to
get around. The cars were plowed in, that was if you could
find them. The snow covered the cars. It was crazy. The State
of New York was declared a State of Emergency and it sure
was. Everything was closed for days. No one could get
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Wow, Opal26, that sounds like quite a blizzard indeed. Yes, snow that high is pretty scary. We used to live in IL and we had a couple of times where the drifts were so high I couldn't see over them. And when cars get completely covered over and the excess snow has to be dumped in the river, well, that's just crazy!
When I was a kid, we would all just pray for "snow days" so we wouldn't have to go to school. But, we didn't have all that many of them.
Thanks for sharing about your blizzard, opal26.

@Chevee (5905)
• United States
18 Aug 08
We went through hurricane, Opal, it hit us around 2:00 in the morning, and I hope I don't have to go through another, the winds only got to around 72 miles an hour so I can't imagine, what you guys are going through, I am praying that things don't get bad for you and it looses strength, or turns back out into the ocean.
I see you are not waiting until last minuet to prepare for it.
Good thinking take care and stay safe.
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Hello Chevee.
Sorry to hear you had to go through a hurricane. Yes, they do unleash wrath, don't they? People who haven't been through them simply can't get a handle on what they are like.
Thanks for your prayers and good wishes. Yes, even if it stays at Tropical Storm strength, I think we will weather it pretty well. All the hurricane shutters are up. We finished the ones across the front door and windows this morning. I ran to the store (again) to get more food, just in case.
I'm thinking if it stays a Tropical Storm or upgrades to a Category 1 hurricane, we should make it through okay. Our roof is new (after Hurricane Charley) and we've got the shutters (also new since Charley), so we've done everything we can to make the house sturdy. Oh, and we have the tie-down bar for the garage door, new also since Charley.
Note to Opal26, yes, that hurricane was no doubt named after you...Don't feel bad, my real name is "Rita" and Hurricane Rita yielded quite a bit of devastation a couple of years ago as well.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
18 Aug 08
I have lived through a few hurricanes. The only GIB one in my lifetime - thankfully - was Katrina which we did evacuate for only to be hit by the next hurricane that hit Texas (we relocated temporarily right outside of Houston).
Living in the south, hurricanes are almost a way of life. Maybe from growing up in New Orleans I am jaded, but every year we do hurricane prep in May JIC. You should never, ever think that you can go through a hurricane season unscathed because sometimes the TS do more damage than a low category hurricane can.
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Hello sedel1027.
Sorry to hear that anyone has had to live through even one hurricane. Gosh, I hate to hear that you evacuated for one hurricane only to be hit by the next one. That's just awful. But glad you got through all that safely.
I do not like the thought that hurricanes are a way of life, but I supposed you are right. Hm, I guess we think incorrectly at my house, we always feel better if it's "just" a tropical storm but can't stand the word "hurricane". The tropical storms we've had just rained and rained all day but that's about it.
Hope you will stay safe this hurricane season, sedel1027. Thanks for your response. Take care.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
18 Aug 08
We don't get hurricanes where I am from. We do get blizzards though. Please be careful as I don't want to read about you being a statistic like so many people from hurricane Katrina. I am glad that you are so prepared and I hope that all that happens is that you end up staying indoors watching movies. Best of luck.
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Hi cripfemme.
Glad you don't have to contend with hurricanes. Blizzards can be a pain also. I used to deal with those when living up north. Thanks for your concern. We are pretty much as prepared as people can get down here. We just put up the rest of the hurricane shutters this morning over the front door. And right before the storm hits, we'll put up (or down) the tie-bar for the garage door.
Yes, I'm going to make a homemade pizza and we'll be watching the Olympics and maybe a movie or 2. Take care and thanks again for your positive wishes.
@barbiegirl13 (1588)
• United States
17 Aug 08
I have never really been through a hurricane, although I did live in Jacksonville when hugo hit back in the 80's. I don't really remember much about it because I was only eight years old. But after that we moved up here to Illinois. We don't of course see any hurricanes but we get our fair share of tornadoes and God knows that we have had a lot of them this year. Our town was just hit 2 weeks ago. Lots of damage and debri. I will say a prayer for you and your family. Take care.
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Hello barbiegirl13.
I'm glad you don't remember Hurricane Hugo as I'm sure the memories would not be all that positive. It's interesting that you are in Illinois now, because, guess where I'm from? Yup, Illinois. My husband and I moved here to Florida 5 years ago.
Yes, Illinois has a history of quite a few tornadoes and the devastation they bring is unbelievable. I've seen the results of many of them over the years. Very scary. Sorry to hear your town was recently hit. That is so hard to see and live near and it seems to take forever before things are fixed and back to normal.
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I am hoping no one anywhere will suffer severe hurt or damage from this coming storm.
@kimbers867 (2539)
• United States
17 Aug 08
When I saw it was heading your way I was praying for your PearlGrace. Hopefully it will not amount to much.
When I was pregnant 11 years ago we drove through the aftermath of Hurricane Floyd, down I95. Talk about damage.
In 2003 we had Hurricane Isabel hit Maryland. We were without power for about a full day. It was nasty. We now have a generator for backup. We live on a hill and the closest water to us is about a mile away.
When we were living in a hotel last year, we met people who were finally getting their houses restored thanks to Isabel. Then some people were actually having their homes raised on stilts because they were in a flood plain.
Hang in there.
@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
17 Aug 08
Hello kimbers867.
Thanks for your thoughtfulness and prayers. Yes, we are quite hopeful that the storm will not rise further than a Category 1 Hurricane. Yes, seeing the aftermath of a hurricane is quite sobering, isn't it? And it sounds like you know what living through one is all about. It's just the pits to be without power, particularly in August when it's so hot. I think I could go without the TV, lights, and internet, but I gotta have the air conditioning!
Isn't that interesting about people rebuilding their home on stilts? Quite a few have done that down here, since Hurricane Charley. I for one would not trust those stilts to hold the house steady if a big surge of water hit them.
Well, I'm sure I'll be letting all my myLot friends know what happens over the next few days, if it's anything interesting or exciting. Thank you again for your prayers and thoughts.
@revellanotvanella (4033)
• United States
18 Aug 08
I live on the east coast but midway,
hope I never have to experience that but Tornado's I have always feared and remember so many dreams of them, I noticed the thunderstorms have gotten more severe and this year have thought to myself how much worse it would be for a hurricane if a thunderstorm could be this bad--my god, im not helping am i?
I have a friend in Miami I have not called yet because I thought it was not going to fully form but I did hear them talking on the weather channel about no longer is is common for hurricanes to be a once in a lifetime event but to be expected every 5 years, thats how much our climate has changed i guess.
@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Hi revellanotvanella.
I, too, hope you don't ever have to go through a tornado or a hurricane. Yes, the wrath that a hurricane unleashes is just impossible to imagine. When Hurricane Charley came through, the noise was just deafening, even though we were, of course, inside a large building that was designated as a shelter. And we were in an interior room of the building as an extra safety precaution. The rain was just dumping out of the sky, like it was in buckets.
All I could think about was, how much longer can this building take this? The building was sort of "breathing", the walls and roofs were shuddering and shaking alot. After an hour or so of that, there was a very loud "whoosh" and water began dripping into the room through the ceiling/roof. After about 20 minutes of that, the very large square ceiling tiles began dropping on the floor.
Everyone in the room (over 500 people) gathered up against the walls of the room, hoping a ceiling tile would not hit them. Some of us were running around with the garbage cans picking up the tiles, or placing the garbage cans wherever we thought the next tile might fall. We sheltered the kids by putting them under the tables against the walls, trying to keep them calm.
Yes, I do think people, like us, who choose to stay in FL will experience many hurricanes. We just moved here 5 years ago, and my husband adores living here.
I hope that people around the world, especially in the U.S., begin to get more interested in global warming and saving the environment. Because, without that, I'm afraid we've got plenty more storms headed our way.
Take care and thanks for responding.
@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
18 Aug 08
I saww the news clips on TV this morning.
It must be a grinding experience this storm-weathering thing.
I wish you and your a happy survival time.
I doubt it will be as serious a a hurricane.
But Good Luck anyway !
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Yes, Bluepatch. We're all pretty sure now that this one will either remain a Tropical Storm or be upgraded to just a Category 1 Hurricane. It's just for those of us who live down here and experienced Hurricane Charley, nothing is for sure until right before it happens.
Charley was on its way through the gulf and jumped from a 1 to a 2, then a 2 to a 4 in 1 hour! We about fainted. It was too late to try to evacuate at that point. It was pretty hectic after that point.
Anyway, we're already feeling relieved that that's probably not gonna happen. Thanks for your good wishes. Take care.
@wilsongoddard (7291)
• United States
17 Aug 08
I've been through a blizzard and a number of minor floods (thankfully never near any major water, though). I'm lucky not to live in an area that gets hit by hurricanes-- just the remnants, which are usually relatively mild.
@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
17 Aug 08
Hi wilsongoddard.
Yes, blizzards are pretty scary, that's for sure. Especially white-outs when you are driving. I can't stand those.
Yes, you are lucky not to live in a place where the hurricanes come. Yes, I'll take a rain storm that lasts for several hours over the horrid winds and spin-off tornadoes that come during a hurricane.
I've not been in a flood either and definitely don't want to. We do have our flood insurance though, in case that happens as the result of a hurricane. Take care and thanks for sharing.
@Sophia2007 (40)
• United States
18 Aug 08
I have lived in north west Florida my entire life and have never left for a hurricane. On the contrary, hurricane parties are popular here. We own a landscape company and a hurricane is very profitable for us. I hate that it will hurt people but thats just how it is.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
18 Aug 08
I haven't been to a hurricane party in quite some time.I went to one when Hurricane Danny made landfall in 1997 (we were drinking at the bars until they forced everyone out) and the when I was living in North Carolina in 1999 Floyd made landfall and I got a bunch of people together for a hurricane party - none of them had even been to one before because they were from the mid-west. The last 2 hurricanes I was in the south for, one we took a week long vacation - I think *think* that was Andrew - and the second one we were glad we left for due to the destruction in the New Orleans area - of course that was Katrina.
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Hello Sophia2007.
How lucky you are that you've never had a problem with hurricanes. We've lived here just 5 years and already experienced a direct hit hurricane.
I think anyone who thinks a hurricane is a time to have a party has not ever been in one or never had to pay money to replace what was lost to them in a hurricane. Bet they've never waited 2 years for contractors to fix their home or chased after contractors who took their money and wouldn't return to do the job.
I have experienced one and believe me, there wasn't a single thing even a little bit jovial about it.
Thanks for your response. Take care.
@ellie333 (21016)
17 Aug 08
Hi PearlGrace, Well I will prayer for you that it doesn't build up to a hurricane and hit but it does sound like you and your hubby are well prepared in case. Thankfully no I have never experienced anthing like this, strong winds where trees and buildings have been damaged, flash flooding but not a hurricane, typhoon or tornado. Huggles. Ellie :D
@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
17 Aug 08
Hello ellie333.
Thanks for your prayers and good wishes. We are as prepared as we can be and are hoping it won't be stronger than a Category 1 hurricane. It is customary for storms and hurricanes to strengthen in the Gulf of Mexico because the water is so warm there. Warm water strengthens hurricanes. I didn't know that until we moved here. I have learned alot of weather facts since coming to Florida.
Thank you for the huggles!! Do take care.
@paisleylass (440)
• United States
17 Aug 08
I have never been in one, living in Michigan. Where I live everything seems to miss us. We only get a lot of snow when it comes up through the Ohio valley. I really hope the hurricane turns and misses you. I really wish you the best in this and will keep you in my prayers.
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
17 Aug 08
Hello paisleylass.
Michigan sounds like a pretty decent place to live, if a person doesn't mind a lot of snow. I don't mind it too much, but I might if I had to live in it! Glad that most bad weather passes you buy.
Yes, thanks for your well wishes and prayers. I'm feeling like we will do better in this one than we did the last one.
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@LouiseKnittel (4764)
• United States
17 Aug 08
It sounds like you have done a awesome job in getting all the supplies in. and battening down all the hatches!
I have never been in a hurricane. Hopefully it will just blow itself out. Sorry that you and your family have to go throught this again, and so soon too!
be safe!
@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
17 Aug 08
Hi Louise.
Well, it's like my husband says, "We've done everything we can do to be safe." We had to get a new roof the last time so we're hoping our newer roof can take the stress and strain. Plus, we didn't have hurricane shutters the last time, and we do this time. We didn't stay inside the house last time, but if it's not predicted to be higher than a Category 1 Hurricane, we're going to try staying in the house this time. Thanks for your concerns and wishes to stay safe.