Justifiable Homicide
By devilsangel
@devilsangel (1817)
United States
August 17, 2008 11:36pm CST
Ok so this is somewhat of a rant, cause I need to get it out. I'm so damn sick and tired of all these so called "parents" who have these wild, unmannered, rude, bratty kids. You all know the ones, the kids that yell scream kick and hit in the stores. Or the ones that sit and throw food when you're out somewhere nice and trying to enjoy your dinner.
Now I'm not a huge advocate of spanking but I swear those kids make me wanna beat the holy hell out of them, along with their parents for just sitting there letting them act like they have no damn sense or home training.
I actually saw this boy punch his mother in her stomach and tell her to f off. I was like are you serious, there is no way in hell that could have been me. That kid would still be trying to find all his damn teeth. Call it child abuse if you want but I would have beat him within an inch of his damn life.
What gets me is I have kids and I know that they are exposed to these types of children. They see them acting up and throwing fits and think that it's ok behavior. It's a constant fight cause they don't understand why other parents let their kids act that way and swear and get away with it, when I don't.
These types of people really don't need to have kids casue they make "REAL" parents jobs a hell of a lot harder.
So piece of advice to anyone who parents like I just described....STOP HAVING KIDS, GO GET THE ONE'S YOU HAVE STERILIZED AND REMOVE YOURSELVES FROM THE DAMN GENE POOL.
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16 responses
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
21 Aug 08
That's basically the same thing my s/o says, and he's in law enforcement.
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@soooobored (1184)
• United States
18 Aug 08
I agree that parents should be able to discipline their kids as they see fit. I don't have kids, but I can tell you there are definite instances where my kid would be smacked! It's tough to call though, I know that the recommended course of action for a young kid having a temper tantrum is to just ignore; but my understanding of this is purely academic and may never translate to the real world! From what I understand, any kind of positive reinforcement encourages a behavior. "Positive reinforcement" includes both positive and negative attention. NO response is supposed to discourage the behavior, because nothing was gained.
But again, like I said, I've never been there (thank god!!) so I don't think I could handle having a kid screaming and pitching a fit in a restaurant without punishment!! Especially when you get to age six and up, temper tantrums are just unacceptable.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
19 Aug 08
It depends what they are doing and the consequences of it to themselves and other people whether it can be ignored or not. Many times in public, you cannot ignore a kid who is running around screaming because they might knock something over, run into somebody, or you're in a place where if you're not quiet, everybody is flat out staring at you and that meant you disrupted everybody.
At home or sometimes at somebody else's house or in the car you can ignore something. Some kids respond well to this tactic too, others don't. I am pretty lucky with my daughter, she hates being ignored. She doesn't want mommy to not pay attention to her, so if I tell her that's what's going to happen if she doesn't stop, she stops. She also doesn't want me to leave her anywhere, so if I tell her it's time to go (or walk if we are stopped looking at something) and she doesn't listen, I simply say 'bye, mommy is leaving' and she will all but RUN after me yelling no mommy, don't leave! I'm coming RIGHT NOW!
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
21 Aug 08
I felt like I was reading my own discussion!!! These are the same parents that say they can't control there kids Umm I wonder why not?? Becuase you let them run free, because when they beg long enough you give them what they want, because you allow them to hit, scream and throw with no consiquesnes!! I agree I am so sick and tired of walking through a store and hearing a child scream because there parent is too involved in buy the newest ipod to realize the kid needs some thing. Most of that some thing is ATTENTION!!! Get a CLUEEEE!!!!
I am not a perfect parent by far but who is? All I know is I am raising my child with consistancy, love, affection, attention, rules, displine, morals, values, and more. I am teaching my child right from wrong and when I say no I mean no! There isn't an arguement about it. I didn't say no so you could ask me 12 more times! I WILL NOT change my mind!!!
The hardest part about being a parent is following the rules yourself! The rules you set for your kids - no cursing, say please and thank you, open doors for the elderly - are all things you have to do yourself! Kids learn by example!!!
I'm not directing any of this at you - its to the idiot parents you are talking about. Thanks for letting me vent!!
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
21 Aug 08
LOL... no problem...
As far as what you said, I had a feeling it was a general statment, and not directed towards me. :)
It does boggle the mind though at the parents that have those "out of control" kids. Then they wonder why their child is getting arrested or kicked out of school.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
18 Aug 08
I have always believed it if also took brain power to fertilize the egg, we would have a quarter of the population as we do now.
I SO hear ya and agree with ya. There are some whack jobs out here popping kids out left and right and don't have a clue as to how in the heck to be the parent to them. It's sad because we are all given perfectly wonderful babies, but then goofballs just ruin theirs and we have to deal with the after math of it.
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@Riptide (2756)
• United States
19 Aug 08
I agree with you 100%!
I get so aggrivated in the store or restaurant when I see kids behaving like little demons and the parents don't do a damn thing about it. I have to refrain myself from smacking the kids myself and then smacking the parents.
My best friends oldest sister is like that. One time we went to visit her and her son was about 8 years old. She hugged him and tried to give him a kiss and he punched her. I mean punched her in the face with a closed fist! She tried to gently reprimand him and her bf got mad at her and told her, it was not his fault. He said,it was not a negative punch, it was self defense because she embarassed him by hugging him in front of company. WTF???? She then proceeded to apologize to the child.
I got up and left because I wanted to beat the hell out of all 3 of them.

@wanderer086 (759)
18 Aug 08
I have four grandchildren and thankfully they are all reasonably well behaved. I know you cannot expect children to behave like little angls all of the time but I cannot believe the way some people let their children behave. What really upsets me is when the children of good friends are really obnoxious. You do not know what to do. You really like your friends but you feel like telling them that you cannot see them again because you just cannot stand their awful brats. Why do these people not realise what they are doing to their kids? These children will not be prepared for any of lifes disappointments. What will they do when they find out that they cannot have everything they demand in the outside world? THEY ARE IN FOR A BIG, BIG SHOCK!!!
@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
18 Aug 08
You know I have often wondered that myself. I know I have that conversation with my daughter often. She likes to get into that mode where she wants to boss her little brother around. I let her know that she's not in charge of anything in this house and if she tries that with her friends at school she's in for a rude awaking.
She also likes to play the "but I want" game. I again remind her that life is tough and she's not always going to get what she wants so "suck it up" sort to speak. My favoirte phrase to use is the one my granny use to tell me everytime I said "but I want"... She'd always say "people in hell want ice water but you don't see them getting that do you." Which basicly means you can want all day, doesn't mean it's going to happen.
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@rosey3223 (1566)
• United States
18 Aug 08
I know exactly what you mean!! Currently we have a new neighbor boy who is in the exact same class as my oldest, and he is SUCH a heathen!! The first time I ever met him he almost pushed his sister off our porch because my oldest couldn't play because we were about to leave.
Well the first time I met the mother, it wasn't a pretty sight. We actually got into it over a neighbor's dog in which she thought was mine. We live in the country and all the neighbors know each other and we respect each other's things...so a few dogs that run around are not a problem. Well according to her this dog almost bit her heathen boy and she tried threatening me with calling the pound. The thing is, is that this dog has played with my children (one being my toddler) and it never made me scared or made an attempt to bite my them!! Whatever...this isn't my point, but I was showing you what type of person she was to just move into the area and be a b!tch.
When my kids were younger, I would carry on in my life and then see these other children throw tantrums and act out!! I just looked at mine and said a prayer thanking God that mine are not like that. Now, because I really don't get an opportunity to get out, I really haven't seen anything. But I thank God that my oldest is no where near anything like our neighbor boy is!! So I feel that I've done SOMETHING right!
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@Ithink (9980)
• United States
18 Aug 08
I have 8 kids that I have raised and Im still raising, Im proud to say while in our home (some are older and have moved out) I was told how well behaved they were for the most part. The one time when our oldest son acted up badly screaming and kicking cause he couldnt have what he wanted, he was taken outside, spanked and made to sit in the vehicle with an adult. He never did anything like that again!
Yes I believe in spanking and I dont think there is anything wrong with it, a spanking can be a learning tool when used correctly. When at home if our almost 2 year old (our grandbaby that we have custody of) acts up and throws a fit cause she cant have anything, I make sure she cant hurt herself and I let her have her little temper tantrum, but this is at home and she calms down faster then if we are to react to her. If she did it in public she would be taken to a spot where she isnt going to upset others or ruin there time out even if it would mean us leaving. Luckily that hasnt happened yet.
I have seen little monsters in the act and I too am horrified. I have never had one really do anything to me or anything but my kids say that is cause I have "THE LOOK". LOL
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Yeah, see, I am an advocate of spanking, and had I been in the situation you described, the child would not be able to sit down for a week. I work in a grocery store, and there are so many times I get these bratty little children I have to deal with. One little girl started screaming her head off and running around the store like a little monkey when she was told to share the "claw machine" tickets that I gave her. Her parents just stood there while she ran around screaming. I'd have smacked her then and there if she were my kid. I really, really hate parents who don't discipline their children when they act up. I'm sorry, but when your 4 year old starts screaming her head off and won't stop - trying to "reason" with he to stop like some of these new age parents like to do - isn't going to help. Sometimes you just need to smack your kid.
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@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
18 Aug 08
You can't see me right now, but you are getting a standing ovation from me!!!! I totally agree with everything you have stated. I also like the parents that seem to put the blame on the children when they act up like that! Noooo, it's the parents, that don't know how to discipline or teach manners to their children that are to blame. And they are usually the ones that have 4 or 5 kids, stair-step in age too.
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
18 Aug 08
LOL.. you notice that too have you? Seems like the ones with the worse behaved kids are the ones having like 5-10 of them lol. Like it's a race to see how many disfunctional children they can bring into this world before they are forced to stop.
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@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
18 Aug 08
I agree with you. Only those who are responsible and willing to discipline their child should have kids. You shouldn't abuse the kid where you end up breaking their bones. But I do agree you should spank them or hit them. It seems the parent of the misbehaving child is either scared of the child or afraid that the child will call child services and cry abuse. What the misbehaving child's parents should do is send them to boot camp. I saw it in a talk show. That usually straighten them up.
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@tlb0822 (1410)
• United States
18 Aug 08
I think that parents should have control over their children, and discipline them accordingly. Some parents are just to lazy to discipline their children. Yes, kids throw temper tantrums, its in their nature to get their way, but there is a point were enough is enough. The parent needs to step in and discipline that child. Usually when my fiance and I decide to go somewhere nice for dinner we have a sitter for our daughter, because children can be disruptive to others. It's nice though that she is only 7months old so she tends to sit through dinner alright for now. Its about time that people recognize that you can't just let your child do whatever they want, it's unappropriate and attention needs to be called to it.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
19 Aug 08
LOL! These people must not have heard of birth control. I know the ones you're talking about. They must be the ones responsible for the little girl who cut in line and pushed other kids down the slide at Chuck E Cheese a few years ago. She kicked my daughter in the back and told her to move. My daughter was 2 and a half and hadn't a clue what got up that girl's butt, and of course she came down the slide crying and saying she had been kicked. I couldn't find the parent attached to that girl but I was not happy. I can't say I wanted to BEAT her, I just wanted the little darling's parents to know their kid had a behavior and violence problem.
The thing is, with most of us who are normal, we never let our kids get away with the behaviors that lead up to something like what you've seen. We use redirection and time outs when they are very small, they learn to listen and be kind or mommy sticks them under her arm and leaves everywhere fun, IMMEDIATELY and without question. They usually only have to be removed a few times before they learn that they won't get away with a whine, much less cussing and punching mom.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
19 Aug 08

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@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
18 Aug 08
Reminds me of these 2 brats I that were at the same outdoor town concert I was last night. The brats were running around and almost knocked me of my seat a few times. It was on purpose.
All the kids were slightly hyper because it was a family night out. They all were running a bit after all the soda, ice cream and popcorn etc., but they kept to the open areas and away from the people were sitting. The other kids were just having harmless fun.
These 2 boys were over the top. I gave one a smack on his rear as he was going by, bumping my chair for the umpteenth time. He murmured something about it being the other boy who was bad, but I just shrugged. He was right that his friend was the worse of the two, but he wasn't totally innocent and his rear happened to come close enough to my hand to get a quick smack. That smack put an end to it. They found another place to be hellions.
I'll see that bad boy sometime with his parents and they will get an earful on how he was behaving at the concert.
If it was my kid acting like that he would be taken home and he would miss the rest of the summer concerts. Actually no kid of mine would ever get that out of control. I would teach them there is a time and a place for everything. And you certainly don't annoy the adults when you are out in public.
@joannsutor (3)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Wow, this is a really rough post. I have a 2 and a 4 year old and generally they are wonderful but every now and then they do have a rough day. I have had to deal with one or two tantrums in public and I have tried to do it as undisruptively as possible out of consideration of the other people there. But it seems to me that if you were witness to one of these events you would assume that I am not a "real parent" and I should get sterilized. Perhaps you would be better suited to stay in your house with your kids so they are not warped by the imperfect real world. Your kids may be perfect but every child I know is not and when I see another person's child acting up I can empathize with the parent who is most likely highly embarrassed and not decide they would do better than to beat the child "within an inch of his damn life" and then get him sterilzed. Your kids are going to have one cozy little gene pool if you want every child who acts up removed from it.
@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Well if you had any type of comprehensive skills you'd would know that I was refering to parents who just stand by and do nothing as their children act a fool. Or the ones who act as if their child isn't even misbehaving.
However since you want to take it personal then oh well, truth hurts and if your kids are the way I described, maybe you need to actually do more as a parent.
I understand perfectly well that children misbehave, however, there is a level to that behavior in which parents need to step in and go ok this is to much. If you don't know where that line is, then maybe you need to get a little better at your job as a parent.
@joannsutor (3)
• United States
18 Aug 08
My comprehension skills are fine, thank you. Perhaps if your first paragraph didn't revolve completely around how children who misbehave ruin your dinner you wouldn't have to explain your post.
As I said, my children are good, I do not fall into this category nor do I, as you kindly pointed out, need to get a little better as a parent. But I do believe that as parents we should be willing to cut each other a little slack. When my children act up I have to make the decision to reprimand them if front of everyone, take them out of there or ignore the tamtrum to show that the behavior they are exhibiting does not warrant a response. I do not actually consider beating them within an inch of their life a viable option. Sometimes I choose correctly, other times I do not and have to switch tactics. But I certainly wouldn't have thought that someone else would then view me as a poor parent or think I should sterilize my children so their future children also won't ruin your dinner. As a parent yourself I would think you would try to empathize a little more with these people you don't know or don't know well. Perhaps the part I fond most personal about this was the term "justifable homicide", whose homicide are you justifying? The misbehaving children or the parents trying to raise these children?
@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
18 Aug 08
I'm so damn sick and tired of all these so called "parents" who have these wild, unmannered, rude, bratty kids. You all know the ones, the kids that yell scream kick and hit in the stores. Or the ones that sit and throw food when you're out somewhere nice and trying to enjoy your dinner.
My first paragraph... maybe you should read it again and this time PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT IS BEING SAID.
Like when I described the kids I am speaking about... wild, unmannered, rude, bratty kids
If yours don't fall into that group then you never would have taken offense to what was being said afterward.
As far as the ruin a good dinner part.. again if you PAYED ATTENTION TO WHAT WAS BEING SAID... You would have noticed that I said the children that sat and threw food, again if your children don't behave like this, why are you getting offended?
As far as the "beating within an inch of their life" part... if you again actually understood what you read you would see I was talking about a child who punched his mother in the stomcach and then told her to F off. While the mother stood there and did NOTHING. Not even a don't hit or stop acting like a fool came from her mouth. She just accepted this behavior and kept letting him act like a damn brat. HE WAS AT LEAST 10.
So yes I do think so called "parents" of children like that need to just stop having kids. I also think those children need not ever have children of their own, because we don't need anymore people like that in this world.
As far as the title... I'm talking about both the "parent" and the child.
This is one of those if the shoe fits discussions and apperently by your response it must fit, since you seemed to get all up in a tiff about it.