Don't Be Fooled...
@whimsystoryteller (1743)
United States
August 18, 2008 5:40pm CST
I just saw the new ad created by the gay/lesbian community. They have an ad airing that shows a wedding between a man and a woman with the woman trying to get to the altar. First, she breaks her heel, then her veil is knocked off, then the flower girl attacks her (or so it seems) and then some old lady knocks her down with her cane. The message at the end is about how would we feel if we couldn't marry the one we love.
If one believes that homosexuality is normal, then I guess that ad might work. For those of us who do not believe it is normal, it has no impact except to make me angry because they are trying to con people into getting them to vote against Prop 8.
The California Supreme Court just ruled in favor of gay rights over religious rights which is unconstitutional! Our U.S. Constitution takes precedence over state laws and Freedom of Religion takes precedence over gay rights!
The activists in this state are doing their best to force homosexuality on us and disregard our beliefs and try to force us to allow their lifestyle regardless of how we believe! A lesbian is forcing a fertility clinic to inseminate her even though the clinic refused based on religious beliefs.
If you don't think the homosexual activists are after taking away your right to believe differently from them, wake up because that's exactly what they are trying to do! They don't care about having equal rights. They want special rights and if you don't agree, they want to take away your right under the law to disagree and speak out about it.
The question is: Where does it stop? Right now it's the gay issue. What happens when something you believe strongly against is taken up and a group of people try to take away your right to freedom of speech or religion?
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21 responses
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
19 Aug 08
God created the Heaven & the earth. He makes NO mistakes. God put the gays on this earth. Whether I agree with their liftsyle or not, I do NOT have the right to judge them. One lesbian couple that recently married had been together for over 55 years. They had earned the right to get married!!! My Dad tried to keep me away from my husband for the longest time. That was the most miserable time of my life!!! Do I feel I have the right to do the same to someone else??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. The Bible also says, Judge not lest ye be judged. Therefore God has instructed me to judge NO ONE. The Bible also says Love thy neighbor as thyself. It does NOT say love the ones who you approve of their lifestyle. Jesus best friend was a wh0re. He loved & forgave her & lead her into the Kingdom of Heaven. God loves the gays the same as He loves you & me. Hate will NOT get you into Heaven!!! 

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@trisha_nava82 (1379)
• United States
19 Aug 08
What I have to say to that Amen. I agree with everything that you just said here.
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@mynameismine (771)
• United States
18 Aug 08
They have a right to live. They have a right to love. They have a right to be happy and they have a right to marry. If you don't like it then don't go to the wedding, doubt anyone there will be too terribly upset.
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@whimsystoryteller (1743)
• United States
19 Aug 08
Don't force me or my church to host it and I won't...That's my issue is that you are trying to force your lifestyle on me. And, I don't want anything to do with it.
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@mynameismine (771)
• United States
19 Aug 08
Why would I want to waste my time and energy going to a place I know I'm hated?
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@theproperator (2429)
• United States
19 Aug 08
"Our U.S. Constitution takes precedence over state laws and Freedom of Religion takes precedence over gay rights!" -Okay, I'll give you that the amendment guarenteeing freedom of religion does come before the one about for "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"(7th admendment) and the one for equal protection under the law (14th) but this is what the 3rd admendment says:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances".
Sorry, two gay people getting married doesn't really affect YOUR right to exercise religion or gather peacefully, which is all you are really guarenteed by the constitution. As for your freedom of speech, no one from the government has tried to stop you from airing your point of view, have they? You have the right to complain all you want about this or any other topic, it doesn't mean anyone has to listen or act on what you say.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Aug 08
Well I just read that in California that homosexuals and lesbians are now allowed to adopt. And guess what some judges are doing? They are deliberately bypassing male and female married couples to give lesbian and homosexuals first rights to adopt and have actually approved of some. It is a horrible experiment that will go wrong.
It is also a good way to increase the homosexual population because most children want to do things to please their father.
If God wanted homosexuality and lesbianism, HE would have made four sexes, but HE only made two.
Oh did you know that many of the members of the Nazi party were homosexual? I thought you had better know.
And you all know what type of people the Nazis were. Do you all want to be like them?
Right now, churches can preach the good news of the Gospel, and tell the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, about the sodomites, talk about the laws in Leviticus, preach on the epistles of Paul with no one stopping them.
And they will keep preaching, even when the government will threaten them with jail, fines, and executions.
The Jews were vilified for years before they were hauled into concentration camps. Are you willing to watch Christians being dragged to their deaths in maybe twenty or less years?
If myLot is still hear twenty years from now, who is still here is going to write a post "I am glad that those Christians are getting what they deserve?"
Will you be one of those?
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@mynameismine (771)
• United States
20 Aug 08
Oh boy what couldn't I say about this...........maybe get a real education, it's a start.

@philjas (1134)
• United States
19 Aug 08
The California Supreme Court just ruled in favor of gay rights over religious rights which is unconstitutional! Our U.S. Constitution takes precedence over state laws and Freedom of Religion takes precedence over gay rights!
Prime example of how the religious right manages to twist these things around to THEIR rights being violated by allowing people who disagree with them to have equal rights. Like the time they sued Walmart for its greeters saying "Happy Holidays" and NOT "Merry Christmas". This somehow denied Christians their right to celebrate Christmas. Now allowing gay marriage denies people who don't believe in it their religious freedom.
Are these people really this... confused? Or do they actually understand the Constitution and just twist it around in nonsensical fashion hoping that other less educated people will fall for what they're saying?
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Aug 08
At Christmas when the store clerks greeted us with Happy Holidays, I and many of my friends returned that with Merry Christmas. We were not arrested. but then we were not ashamed.
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@philjas (1134)
• United States
20 Aug 08
I also think they see religious rights as Christian rights, frankly, and they somehow perceive any other religious beliefs having equal rights as a threat to Christianity. It doesn't make any sense, equal rights means just that, equal for EVERYONE, but Christians are used to being the dominant religious and get nervous at the thought of that being threatened.
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@youngsweetheart (772)
• United States
19 Aug 08
I agree with what cyntrow said - I couldn't have said it better myself. If a church does not want to perform a gay marriage, I have no problem with that - churches should be free to practice as they see fit, so long as they aren't harming anyone - that's why there is SUPPOSED to be a separation between church and state, so that one can't influence the other. However, it's this same separation that makes the outlawing of gay marriage unconsitutional, since the primary argument against gay marriage is a religious one.
You have every right to believe as you do, whimsy - but so do others. What you say is homosexuals asking for special rights isn't true - they are asking for the same rights the rest of us have. As you are not homosexual and likely are not close with anyone who is, it really has VERY little do with you. You will not be ordered to approve of it or even acknowledge it if you don't want to. Your day to day life will not be impacted at all, most likely, so I'm not sure why you're in such a tizzy over it. Just because you are free to practice your religion doesn't mean homosexuals should not have rights - one actually has little to do with the other, aside from religion being used as a reason to not grant them rights, which is wrong and actually against another of God's teachings - "Judge not lest ye be judged"...also, "Love your brother as you love yourself". Neither of those makes exceptions for homosexuals.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
19 Aug 08
I don't think the churches should be forced to do anything, but this is only churches I am speaking of. Other places, like adoption agencies or foster care, fertility clinics, heck - any clinics, schools, etc etc and of course public chapels and the court - should not discriminate based on gender or lifestyle or anything at all. Religion has no place really in any of those places and they should serve the public indiscriminately, always.
I agree that it would bother me if a church was forced to perform a ceremony they did not agree with. Within the church structure, they have rights to allow or not allow certain things. I do have to say I don't look kindly on churches that are very judgemental but I guess if their congregation is happy, then it's not a big deal to them at least. I don't understand it, being elitest really doesn't get you anywhere but I guess some people are just snobs and they don't care. As it stands, there are plenty of other places aside from churches for people to get married. It is really easy to find someone who is a justice of the peace and can perform marriage ceremonies. I don't think it will be a problem even if churches throw a fit. People are creative, other options will always be found.
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@youngsweetheart (772)
• United States
19 Aug 08
I will agree with you, whimsy, that what happened to that church is wrong - a church has every right to refuse to do something that goes against its beliefs, and that's the whole point of the separation of church and state - so the government is not allowed to force the church to do things to further its own agenda. I am for gay marriage, but not for forcing others to go against their beliefs.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
19 Aug 08
i am also a christian and i had heard about the propaganda that the gay/lesbian community do to fight for their rights... i also disagree with gay and lesbian because it is clear from the Bible in Genesis that when God created humans, He only created two sexes... male and female... that's it... and when God created the Holy marriage institution, it is between a male and female as well... so i think that it is just wrong... but this is only my opinions and i never force my opinions on other people... they can choose the way they want to live as long as they don't disturb me and i also won't disturb them... take care and have a nice day...
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
20 Aug 08
First of all, lingli, gay men and gay women fall into those same two sexes. Gay men are male. Gay women are female. Secondly, gay people do not choose who they are attracted to or who they are not attracted to. How can a person be born to love a person the same gender and still be considered wrong??? It makes ZERO sense.
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@trisha_nava82 (1379)
• United States
19 Aug 08
To add along with that, God, has given us the freedom to choose how we want to live our lives.
@dorkx4eva (29)
• United States
19 Aug 08
I agree. God gave us free will for a reason. So we can choose what is right for us. In the end we are the ones that reap what we sow so why does it matter to anyone else what we choose?
Sad to see that Bigotry is still amidst us all.

@Galena (9110)
19 Aug 08
how does allowing 10% of the population the same right as the rest to have a legal, civil marriage ceremony (no one is trying to force churches to perform them) like the other 90% and have the same legal protection of their partnership take ANYTHING away from you?
it doesn't take away your right not to marry. it doesn't take away your right to legal protection of your relationship.
a CIVIL MARRIAGE CEREMONY is nothing to do with Christianity, so why should Christians think they can dictate who does and who doesn't get that right.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
20 Aug 08
No kidding. I can't wrap my mind around this either. It doesn't make any sense whatsover. I also think that civil ceremonies are fine, I had one. I think it is just as bad to pretend you're religious or get married in a church if you don't go to one because you're not into the whole 'trappings of religion'. Also, as far as I'm concerned, it is supposed to be all about a personal spiritual relationship which is well... personal. I mean we don't share openly 'my husband said to do this' and 'this is how we parent our kids' and 'this is how we handle our finances'. When people go on and on about religion, that is what it is like. 'God says do this. This is how to parent your kids. This is how to handle your finances'. Yeah, I know it sounds bizarre put that way, doesn't it?
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
19 Aug 08
If a GROUP is just a GROUP then it cannot be called a church. You get 50 Christians in one room - that doesnt make it a church.
Just remind me to stay the hell out of that room.
There is NO WAY that a REAL church would loose tax exempt status for refuseing gay weddings. It just wont happen, and I will call the bluff of anyone who says otherwise.
That bring up my next question... if they werent an actual church, why did they have tax exempt staus in the first place?
Sounds corrupt to me.
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
19 Aug 08
I have seen that commercial a time or two and was wondering what the heck they were trying to tell me
If you don't like gay marriages then I guess you will be upset by the law. There are lots of laws that people don't like, but we get used to them. Personally, if I had the money those folks who did the commercial do I'd let them do a campaign to stop non smokers from telling me where I can and cannot smoke 

@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
19 Aug 08
Things like this ought to make me laugh. I am definitely heterosexual (I did not choose to be btw, I just AM), and I am a nonsmoker, but I believe that any gay or lesbian has the right to be gay or lesbian - by choice or not, and also that smokers have rights as I do. All I ask is that you don't blow smoke in my face and kindly don't smoke inside my house. I have a nice covered porch though.
Now, why can't everybody else be just like ME? We'd all be so much happier!!

@koharukusumi (1539)
• Malaysia
19 Aug 08
Hey there, I think it's very hard to coexist in a country where everyone has the right to speak their mind and in some cases, disregard other people's opinion. This issue is an age old issue and I think the solution is that both parties should really give and take and stop mocking each other. Maybe the gay community should have their own clinic which allows them to have what they want. It's always hard and I believe it's almost impossible to come to a truce unless everyone could open their mind and respect each other beliefs.
@koharukusumi (1539)
• Malaysia
19 Aug 08
Hey there,in my country, there's no room for gay people in our community but the government never deny them any right as a citizen. Most gay people I've met never cared about the rules and marriage is to them just a contract so they do not care if they are married or not. They don't get hated here but there are always people who likes to make fun of them but they are very used to it. I think if you don't want a 'seperate but equal' policy then everyone needs to follow the rules and unfortunately, it's impossible to make everyone be so nice and respect each other.
@koharukusumi (1539)
• Malaysia
20 Aug 08
In my country, there is really no room for gay people. I can't do anything about that. I don't hate gay people at all. But at least gay people do not get hated or bashed here. They are just ignored.

@trisha_nava82 (1379)
• United States
19 Aug 08
I believe in God and believe that everyone should have a choice and a right to live their lives how they would like to live it. And no we don't want people telling us how to live and what to believe in. But it seems as though we are telling the gay people that they shouldn't live gay, based on our religion. Yes, it is a sin in God's eyes to be gay, but also, God, gave us as humans the right to decide how we want to live our lives, whether or not we want to sin our not. He gave us that choice. So because gay people want to be gay does that mean that they shouldn't live their lives how they like to live it. Does God have a certain exception for that. No, God gave us the right to choose how we want to live our lives. We have a choice on whether or not we want to sin or not. Now I am against gay marriage, but I think that we shouldn't ban them from getting married, because they want to live their lives like that. We shouldn't need to stop them from having that right. It is like the government telling me, well we don't believe in Christianity, so we decide that we are going to take that away from you. I am not going to judge people because of how they want to live their lives.
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@whimsystoryteller (1743)
• United States
19 Aug 08
You missed the whole point of the discussion. I have no problem with the gay/lesbians living as they choose as long as they don't force their lifestyle on me or my beliefs. The issue at hand is that they are trying to force the rest of us to accept their lifestyle as okay and trying to take away my rights to religion and my freedoms not to accept what they do as normal.
They have had people fired for speaking out about this and they are now trying to force churches to host and perform ceremonies that we believe are wrong! If they want us to leave them alone, they should stop demanding special rights.
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@dorkx4eva (29)
• United States
19 Aug 08
Something to this just doesn't make sense. I pose a few misguided questions here.
1.) How is legalizing gay marriage and allowing homosexuals to be equal individuals forcing their beliefs on you? It's simply giving them the right to live their life as they please. It's a little egotistical to believe it's about you and your beliefs.
2.) Why is your religion and your beliefs so much more important than others? Why should your religion take priority over someone else's?
3.) Why is ruling in favor of gay rights somehow unconstitutional? Last time I was in history class it read more in favor of everyone being equal individuals and not forcing ones religious views down everyone else's throats.
4.) Once again, how is legalizing gay marriage taking away your freedom of religion or speech. the law doesn't say you can't protest against it. it doesn't say "hi there, you can't say what you want about gay marriage" and it doesn't keep you from being able to practice your own beliefs.
All in all.. Why do you believe you have the right to run everyone else's lives. It's not up to you on how someone else should live. I'm a Christian and from what I've learned from my God is that we accept one another, we try to help one another but we do not hinder one another. God is the only person who can judge. You are not in the position to be allowing or disallowing anyone to do anything. And as being a true believer, it's sad to see people out there who are so hung up on everyone else's lives. Everyone sins and all sins are equal. Maybe we should all take a look in the mirror before we try judging others.
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@trisha_nava82 (1379)
• United States
19 Aug 08
I totally agree with everything that you have said in this comment.

@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
19 Aug 08
I have lately opted to stay clear of homosexual debates-it seems to me, I really dont understand thses people, I read a post recently that seem to suggest that homosexuality is a genetic thing-now I know it it is and these are wars that require spiritualities to fight-not common wisdom, so I really have no serious comments to make here.
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
19 Aug 08
am lucky to see the man II2aTee, who changed my views about homosexualty-I read his post and felt I was indulging i arguements about Homosexuality which I was comletely ignorant about-in my country homosexuality is even criminalized, now I know,very people especially in Africa understand this thing at all
@emskoneko (805)
• United States
19 Aug 08
Getting married doesn't have to include the church as many have already stated. Many gays and lesbians have received their marriage status by a government official. So don't worry about being denied your religious rights and live with it. I'm sorry you don't understand.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
17 Nov 08
When will it stop? When people stop judging others for being something that they can't help being!! It is disgusting how the gay people are treated. They are human and they can't help that they were born gay! What if it were your son? Would you want him to be treated that way or would you be so so judgemental that he felt he could never open up to you and grew up feeling that his own mom would never love him if she knew the truth? Do you know how damaging that is? Keep dam religion in the church! It is damaging enough there but at least you are only damaging your own people! I have a gay friend who described to me what it was like knowing by age 6 that he was gay and hearing how homosexuality was a sin and heard the talk of others...including his own parents putting gay people down. He's pretty messed up emotionally...his mother came around to accepting it but his father never much for unconditional love..huh? The church is the best place to learn how to be a judgemental bigot. I believe in a higher power but I would never ever force my kids to be a part of the church. It promotes diversity, bigotry, judgementalism and hatred. It is mean spirited. Why do you even care who sleeps with who? how in the heck does it affect you personally? I just can't wrap my brain around such thinking. The world is a mess and you guys are worried about who is sleeping with whom??? They are just people. let them be.
@twallace (2675)
• United States
19 Aug 08
This is something that you see more and more everyday. It will continue to grow for the fact that they want it to be know that gay's live with regular people. Some will except it and others will not. This is just the beginning of what is going to come. The next thing that will be a long is they will have a tv show that explains why they are that way. If they will allow commercials they will allow a tv show. They have already done the movie about it. Broke Back Mountain was the break the people in on it movie.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Sep 08
whimsystoryteller, my motto is live and let live, we all have
the right to marry the one we love, we do not have the right
to dispise someone for being how they were born to be. God
made us all hence none of us are to be dispised for who we
'are, let all have the same rights that you and I enjoy.
Nobody is taking away anything from me if they happen tobe gay and want to get married. I am still the same heterosexual woman as always with all the same rights I have always had, I do not begrudge my gay friends for getting married to those they love, and it doesnt make me a bad person either. I still have the same rights of freedom of speech and religion I have always had.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
19 Aug 08
You are definitely judgmental. WTF do you care if they marry or not???? Unless you are tied down and forced to go to the wedding why should it matter to YOU? YOU can choose your own beliefs and worship as you choose and are backed by the constitution to do so. YOU probably married the partner of your choice and were also backed in that choice! Why can't gays have the same rights of freedom as yourself? Oh, and God created marriage? Give me a break... where did you come up with THAT? If so, who the heck married Adam and Eve you guys spout off about? The snake maybe? Marriage was created by PEOPLE to celebrate the coming together of households thru marriage. In centuries past women were married off to the highest bidder for property - willing or not. I doubt GOD had anything to do with that! I'm sorry, but you are the type of judgemental Christian I am glad not to come in contact with on a daily basis.