Why is it that nonchurc goers believe that only perfect people can go to church

@suspenseful (40192)
August 19, 2008 12:55pm CST
I read in some discussions, that whenever someone who is a Christian but does not go to Church and the ones who now have turned to a different belief or now do not believe in God, speak of church goers, they say they are hypocrites. Now would not you think that someone who does not do what a Christian should even though he claims to be one, have to attend church and listen to the sermons so that it will finally get through to him? Make him extremely guilty and convince him in his heart? After all, that hypocrite could walk out, but the fact that he stays means that he feels the preacher's eyes on him whenever he quotes certain phrases from the Bible. I mean you want that blasted cheater to really feel guilty so he does not do that bad things he was doing. Or would you rather have him not go to church and then find out later that when he did his income tax for you, he did not send the money in but kept it for yourself? As Jesus said, "I have not called the righteous but the sinner to repentance."
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19 responses
• United States
19 Aug 08
just remember friend that sitting in Church will no more make one a christian than sitting in a garrage will make one a car !!!its whats in the heart that matters not legalism
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Aug 08
I go to by the idea that if you are a hypocrite and you sit listening to the sermon, if God intended you to be a Christian, HE will open up your heart, but if HE did not, sooner or later, something will offend you and you will leave. Sometimes, unfortunately, that does not come in a short time. Sometimes it takes years. And sometimes the sinner is repentant and comes back years later. Happened to this gentleman who was lured by the world, but now he is back in the fold.
• United States
20 Aug 08
nicely said!
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
20 Aug 08
In my opinion everyone should go to church - it's good for anyone and everyone but I also know there are lots who don't agree, that's their choice. I can't say I 'want' anyone to feel guilty but would hope and pray that God will touch that person's heart and they will come closer to Him.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
24 Sep 09
That does seem to be the point. I would think that people would be better listening to a preacher preaching the word of God, and how blessed we are, then to sit home and complain all the time.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
20 Aug 08
You got that write and I would much rather be on the right side of God when that time comes. I see in my own family several members, non-church-goers, who put me down every chance they get about going to church. I really think deep down not all but many of these people are insecure themselves and the old saying, "Misery loves company" fits.
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@GardenGerty (162381)
• United States
20 Aug 08
It is a rationalization, so that they can excuse themselves for not going to church. An old saying I have heard is "It's better to be in church with the hypocrites than in he11 with them." I do not agree than only hypocrites go to church, and I also do not believe that going to church was a prerequisite to be saved. We are known by our fruit. I agree, though, that many things can be remedied by a good old fashioned preacher.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Aug 08
Those fire and brimestone sermons do work wonders. You feel that the preacher's finger is pointing to you. And they can explain so much and every time you listen to a Sermon, you get a bit more out of it. So why deny learning about God?
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
20 Aug 08
Gerty I've never heard this saying but I love it and you can be sure I will be using it on a few of my family members in the future.
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@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
19 Aug 08
This reminds me of something Dear Abby said one time "Church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints". I know a person or two that makes a point of telling me they don't go to church because of all the hypocrites there. I think its kind of funny. There are some hypocrites in church but there are just as many outside of church...and frankly it looks to me like they are the ones being judgmental. Everyone of those people who made those comments would not know I was going to church if they minded their own business cause I didn't tell them. Religion and spirituality is a personal matter. I don't bother people about theirs and don't expect them to bother me about mine.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Aug 08
I think the people in my neighborhood who are not Christians, know that I go to Church because they see me go with my Bible bag every Sunday morning and the Church is close enough for them to see. Yes there are more hypocrites outside then inside the Church.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
24 Sep 09
I agree with that. That is what my husband said, and it was not until he felt his need that he started to think about going to church and praise God, he did go to church this Sunday and has now expressed a desire to keep going.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
20 Aug 08
I think people who do not go to church because of hypocries being there is just their excuse because they don't want to go...I have a friend that stopped going to church because so many people was doing wrong...so i ask her "what does that have to do with you and your realationship with God? she had no answer..She needed to focus on her own soul & stop watching people..People cannot save you,only God can do that..
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
20 Aug 08
Well first off their is only one perfect and thats God/Jesus..The Bible says no man is perfect No not one,so that sorta blows that theroy out ...People do not get perfect to get God,they get God to get perfect,is always the way i see it..People who say anyone is a hypocrite is judging ,and thats a sin within itsself.,we are not judges..We are just human and we fail & we make mistakes but we have a just God and he knows our heart..I think people who say they are christians simply means they believe in God,but that does not make them a christian.The devil believes in God & trimbles,so the Bible says but hes not a christian..I think a person who is a real christian and lives the life of a christian would want to go to church to hear & feel God, that is IF they are able,many christians are bed ridden or sick..The most important thing about living a chritian is to get your eyes off of people & keep your eyes on Jesus..People will always let you down not because they are bad people its just human nature..I don't care what people think ,if they say i am a hyocrite,let them..God knows the heart of each of us..Only he knows who his children are,and he never cared what the world though,he was pleasing his father in heaven,and thats what we have to do,please God & forget all the negative...I think anyone can go to church ,good ,bad or whatever.God searches the hearts of men,not people...
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Aug 08
I understand when Christians are unable because of sickness or bed ridden. And we have Christians who come late because there is a blizzard, the car is stuck, and there are those who are not fast enough on their feet or are lame, and they are able to make it, even though they might come in during the sermon. But if you are able to go to Church, you should not let anything stop you. The only thing other then being unable to go is no bible believing Church in that area.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
20 Aug 08
I feel like you do.It makes me feel good to hear the word of God ,hear the singing and feel the spirit Of God.It helps me to feel close to God to go to church..It makes my week and i also feel christians should attend church..It keeps you focused.It also helps to be with other christians that are believers.i think you are doing the right thing by attending church..
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@taface412 (3175)
• United States
19 Aug 08
Are you speaking for church goers or against? HOnestly no one should go to church to be taught or reminded of how they live their life. It should be a stepping stone for someone to start their own religious journey or relationship with God, but not soley as they only action to prove their righteousness. Those are the hypocrites and cheats and liars. I knew a guy once who said he is not sure he believes in God but he goes to church just in case. DUH....
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
20 Aug 08
Some people also think they are to bad to go to church,so they stay home..That is a trick of the devil.He is so afraid that GOD might touch his heart & become saved...
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Aug 08
I knew someone like that. He did not attend church until near the end of his life.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
20 Aug 08
well, i agree with you that we are sinners and non-perfect... that's why we need Jesus and we go to church... if we are a perfect human being, then we won't need Jesus and we don't have to attend church and listen to the sermon... so for non christians to think that only perfect people go to church is just so wrong... take care and have a nice day...
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Aug 08
I will. I know what you mean about non-Christians thinking that only perfect people go to church. My unofficial foster father felt that he could not go to church because he felt he was not perfect and he did not go until near the end of his life. That was so sad.
@magnet (2087)
• United States
20 Aug 08
They call them hypocrites because they are being judgemental. People need to examine themselves and stop judging other people. The bible says that all have sinned and come short of his glory. So there's no such thing as only perfect people going to church.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Aug 08
Hyprocrites does not mean judgmental. That is a fallacy that many believe and is an excuse to keep one from stopping someone from doing wrong. Hypocrisy is the practice of saying you will obey God and follow his commandments, but the minute you leave the Church or on the weekdays, you do things that are forbidden.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
20 Aug 08
i dont often go to church but i do try to visit every once in a while and i never think that i am perfect and that others are perfect, especially the church goers. i even think that at some point more hypocrites can be found at the church. hehe
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Aug 08
Oh you will know the hypocrites. If the pastor says that gambling is a sin, they will be scratching their lottery tickets, or checking to see if their ticket came in.
• United States
19 Aug 08
This is an excellent question. Maybe they expect perfection in OTHERS, but not themselves.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Aug 08
It could be. I expect to be perfect, but I fall short. Sort of like the Pharisee who said "I thank God that I am not like other men" and then listed all his good deeds and forgot that he was a sinner.
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
21 Aug 08
I am a christian and I believe in God but I don't go to church anymore. I feel that church is now a money thing so I just don't go anymore, but that doesn't make me a bad person or a nonbeliever. When my church burned down they built another one and all they seem to care about is collecting more money for it. I know someone has to pay for it, but to tell us how much we need to give, to me, is against all godly things. They handed out envelopes to each of us with our names on them, so they know who gave what, we a dollar figure on the envelopes. They say it is based on how much we make, and I say how do they know what I make, or anybody else for that matter. On my envelope it stated that I needed to give them $100 a week and I just lauged and said they need to give me $100 a week since I am not working and I barely make do with what I have now. That was about 15 years ago and I have never gone back since. For one thing, I couldn't afford to give them $5 never mind $100 a week at that time. I felt that if I didn't give them the $100 a week, I wasn't welcome in my church. My mother and one of my sisters still go to that church and they give the money they were assigned to give even though they can't afford to either, especially my sister. My mom gives $50 a week and my sister gives $75 a week even though she lives from paycheck to paycheck and sometimes doesn't have money to pay her bills on time. The church I am talking about is in the city you live in, as I used to live in Winnipeg, too. It is Imanual Luthern Church on Keewatin and used to be on McKenzie and College in the northend.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
22 Feb 09
I give ten percent of my income and i may give a little more, but I know about churches where they write on the envelope what you have to give. My mother used to go to the United Church and they had the amount on the envelope, but I go to the Reformed Church and we write the amount we give on the envelope after we put it in, and some people just give five percent some more, I do not think God wants to sacrifice your family by making you poor. We are supposed to be cheerful givers, not resentful ones.
@ellie333 (21016)
19 Aug 08
Hi Suspenseful I have been guilty of using that sort of terminology myself but I do go to church although only to the family services as my son is so small. When I was using it though it was when I was annoyed that the people from a particular church were more concerned over how good their flowers arrangements in the church looked than of the welfare of a parishoner who was ill at the time and not one had been round to see how she was. I did, and to me that is part of what being a Christian is, to be caring and concerned for others and in this instance that wasn't being shown. Ellie :D
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Aug 08
We have a nursery in our church, so the small ones go there. They just bought a Cd player so the babies can have nice music so they can sleep and not cry. Yes that concern about flower arrangements would make me good. You are supposed to care for the poor and needy, not to look good.
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@ellie333 (21016)
20 Aug 08
Exactly, which is why I am guilty of having used the terminology but I think with valid cause. Ellie :D
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
20 Aug 08
Well you are right Ellie,they did have the wrong idea of what church was all about,however we cannot let people like that affect us,God takes care of them...I understand it aggrevates us but people will always disappoint us,thats why i do not keep my eyes on them,it might get me discouraged if i did...
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• Philippines
20 Aug 08
hi there, that doesn't mean that everyone who attends Sunday service is holy. we have to acknowledge that we are all sinners and God sent His only son Jesus Christ to redeem us all from sins. I think it is a wrong notion that only perfect people can go to church or attend the service. no one is perfect in this world. we always have to remember that. we can't deny the fact that when we hear the sermon and we are guilty of it we felt bad but it is only a reminder of us that what we are doing is a sin and we have to mend our ways. Remember the Church is not the builing but rather it is within us for God dwells on us. just my two cents. :) Happy Mylotting.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Aug 08
I mean this talk of hypocrites gets at me. It is like the non-Christians are saying, well the hypocrites should not be in church, only those who are without sin should be in church. I mean how is someone to improve his or her life in Jesus Christ if they do not listen to the pastor? Oh and if I were perfect, I would still attend church because I love to hear the Word of God.
• Australia
20 Aug 08
Not everyone who believes in another religion says christians have to be perfect. I don't go to church every day, only once per month usually, and i am spiritualist, not christian. I think it's up to the person to go when they feel the need to. I don't bring other religions down just because i don't believe in them. I have known christians who did different to what they preached but that was only a few. I don't expect people to be perfect. Although some do act like they want to be or expect others to think they are perfect. Interesting topic. :)
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Aug 08
There are some people who classify most Christians as hypocrites, but I think it is a wrong idea of what hypocrisy is. They think that if a Christians tells someone what he is doing is a sin, then that Christian is a hypocrite. But it is very simple, if a Christian says he does not do a certain sin, and pretends to be holy, and as soon as he gets out of Church, does that sin and does not seem to be fighting against that, but does it willingly, he is a hypocrite. Of course us Christians strive for perfection, but we cannot make it in this life.
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
21 Aug 08
I think that non-churchgoers think church-goers are perfect because we go to church. They think we see ourselves a perfect and above others when in actuality we aren't. I will b e the first to admit I am not perfect, I have my flaws and I fall short of the glory of God, we all do. Think non-churchgoers think we are perfect because we go to church and they think we follow the "rules" of Christianity to an farout extent.
@2timothy (794)
• Philippines
24 Sep 09
Outsiders would never understand and always misunderstand unless they come inside. To fellow insiders, No sinner would like to expose his sins, that makes everyone a hypocrite. We are not perfect but we are in the process of being perfected. Since there are more sick people in a hospital than there are doctors and nurses, there are also more sinners in the church than there are righteous. We all want to be made well but the symptoms of our sicknesses are still evident while we are in the process of healing. Taking one's imperfection or others' imperfection as an excuse to not attend church meetings is bribery of the conscience. There is no perfect church, because it becomes imperfect once you join in.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
27 Aug 09
I don't think that whether or not you go to church is going to determine whether you do the right things or not. I've known preachers that don't do the right thing and their supposed to be closer to God. I really think it all comes down to choices...what a person does or doesn't do, right or wrong, is up to them. But then again I also don't believe that you have to sit in a church to be close to God, to pray or to live a good life with God. [b]~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS**[/b]
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I think going to church should be each person's choice...sinner or Christian. I believe in God but I don't believe that I have to go to church to talk to him or to have him in my heart. I also don't see why a sinner would go to church and be guilted into being good...either he wants to do what's right or he doesn't. As for who can go to church, I don't think I've ever saw a church that only allows perfect ppl b/c it would be empty...no one is perfect and any Christian that claims to be is only fooling themselves. [b]~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS**[/b]
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@John4Christ (1597)
• India
23 Apr 09
Well i believe that it all depends on how these people were taught about religion.....there are certain people who are not at all religious but do wonderful things as a person, and also love god in their own hearts but they never like to disclose it....... And there are certain people who who just love showing how religious they are......but if you peep into their lives you will notice how egoistic,and troublesome these people can be...... This may not apply to all but yes i have seen people who are like these......as you rightly say....... These people should be given the right kind of inspiration and teaching which will help them become beautiful human being and also who can make a difference in others life by their testimony and should not at all be neglected......praise god !!!!