How do you know that you are physically attractive?

August 20, 2008 3:39am CST
Sometimes we are wondering why we have a lot of admirer.. But deep inside of us we think that we are not that attractive... do you experience it?` can you share about it?
7 responses
@lwethu (242)
• South Africa
20 Aug 08
Lol!!!! I am know very well that I am attractive becuase I have the killer body but I am not sure of my inside appearance and I don't care Lol what people think of me I feel good becuase I am good.
• Philippines
21 Aug 08
• United States
20 Aug 08
I think that everyone has their days. There are times I wake up and I look in the mirror and can feel the confidence. I like the way I look and think I am beautiful. There are other days that I might not feel so attractive. Either way when someone looks at you in that way it kind of perks you up because no matter how you're feeling about yourself, you get a glimpse of reality as you pass somone and they give you the once-over. Overall I think I'm attractive. There are some days where I feel more sexy than others, but ultimately I wouldn't trade my looks for anyone else's. And if that's you in the picture you have nothing to worry about either. ;)
@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
20 Aug 08
I'm married now, but I think my past admirers and even marraige proposals from friends and beaus came not so much from my outside which isn't what one would think of as typically pretty in the WEst - blonde and blue eyed cheerleader types but because I listened, had similiar interests, I was empathetic....
• United States
20 Aug 08
Well, growing up I had a bad complex about myself. I think it developed because of my home life with my parents. But anyway, I had some acne,I didnt have the best of clothes. I wasnt poor, just I wanted to fit in so bad but didnt have all of the newest expensive fashions out, I dint like the way my hair was, etc. Well, I had developed a crush. I was about the age of 11 or 12. And amazinly enough the boy liked me as well. At the time I couldn't believe it! I know they say that in order to be truely confident about yourself you cant rely on others to tell you you are pretty.You have to feel it yourself,but that sure did give me an ego boost! Anyway, eventually my homelife got better when my parents divorced.They were cheating, and fighting, it was horrible.I remember meeting my one friend named Eileen.She introduced me to new styles and pierced my ears.She talked to me allof the time about life as she was slightly older but with alot of experience. After about 3 or 4 yra I was a different person.I had confidence.It was an estraordinary change. I guess my self-esteem got better and I in return felt beautiful. Since then, I dont care what other people think about me.What is importantis I feel good about me. I also believe that everyone is attractive in a different way.Some people, there insides make them attractive to me on the outside too.
@ReenaDKL (206)
• Mauritius
20 Aug 08
I think i used to be pretty when io was in college coz many used to call me with nicknames like 'pretty girl', 'beutiful' etc.. (which i didn't really feel comfortable with in fact). But now i guess am not even 10% of what i used to be... My husband is totally right. He says that after wedding, many women tend to let go of their physical appearance and this is exactly what happened to me :( I've grown a tummy and my boobs are hanging..mind you i don't even have kids! Guess i really need to do something about it...oh by d way, even though am not the pretty girl, my husband still says he loves me and that am cute from time to i guess i will definately do the effort for him :)
@rocker21 (2716)
• India
20 Aug 08
i know i am attractive coz i think m attractive!
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
20 Aug 08
Dear friend, I hope the best and perfect way might be just be a contestant in Miss Universe or Mister Universe or any other reality show for selected attractive or the best one. May be one may even get the grades and marks too. May be if in college I hope these competitions are held there too.