Tall or Short ?

August 20, 2008 6:19am CST
What is your height? Are you tall or short. I am 5'2". I consider I am a short person. What are the positive and negative features of being Toll or Short?
14 responses
@yenwie84 (1344)
• Malaysia
20 Aug 08
I am a short girl too with the height only 158cm. But I think I am satisfied with my height now. It's easier for me to find a boyfriend,lol. It's hard to find a boyfriend for girls with height 170cm and above in Malaysian because most of the guys are only around 175cm. But there is a weakness for being short too. I am not looking good when I wear pants with short legs. Hence,normally I will wear skirts,dresses or short pants.
@skenthal (1020)
• Turkey
20 Aug 08
i dont know how to say it in american but i am 1.78 metres its not too tall but its not too short either its average and i like it and the positive features of being tall is you can pick up anything you want which is placed high in your room negative feature is you cant kiss your girlfriend easily if you dont find a tall girl i dont think there is any positive feature of being short and negative features are when you are in school and shorter than others they joke you by saying midget and you get sad anyway i am glad that i am average tall
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@zeny_zion (1283)
• Philippines
21 Aug 08
im an asian, im only 5"3. my family are all tall. my brother 5"11 my sister 5"6 my daughter 5'5 and niece the same. my father is 6 feet. i got my height maybe from my mom. but im more taller than my mom.
• India
22 Aug 08
Tall or short, it is the gift of God, the almighty, who is the reason of this universe. I thanks every body who responded this discussion.
@Metalchick (1391)
11 Oct 08
I'm six foot and am hoping i've stopped growing...finally . Although I moan alot about being tall for example men not being tall enough or can't get clothes to fit right...even after all this I still think it has it's advantages. Afterall it only takes me half the time to get served at the bar in a pub or club, I can see over hundreds of peoples heads at live concerts where others not so fortunate in height may struggle and finally I stand out which for me is a nice feeling. I feel individual and relish the fact that many aren't the same as me...afteral it be boring world if we were all the same.
@aisaellis22 (6445)
• United States
11 Oct 08
Well I am only 5'0" and I consider myself short. At first I don't like my height because people understimate you and they even consider that you are younger than your age. But when I meet my husband, i thank God because He gave me this height. My husband love my height so much. And now we are happily married happy mylotting!
• Philippines
11 Oct 08
I'm 5'6" (plus 2 to 3 inches for the heels I love to wear) so I'm pretty tall compared to other Filipinas. Others love my height, sometimes I do too, especially that I play basketball and volleyball and have joined pageants in the past. Sad though that men are somewhat repelled by my height. The reason why it's difficult for me to get a boyfriend. It seems men nowadays prefer shorter girls. Too bad for me. LOL!
@vicky30 (4766)
• India
20 Aug 08
I am 5 feet 8 inches.I consider myself to be a short person.Negative features of tall is his head always keep touching the roofs of public vehicles..The negative point of a short person is he looks like a school kid.
@roanne05 (1290)
• Oman
20 Aug 08
huhuhu..i am short...well i guess i need help in getting those things that are placed on top...
@ifglan (1152)
• China
20 Aug 08
It is an interesting topic,so i'm here.I'm 167cm,and i think i'm not short,a little taller than others in general here in my area,as i'm a girl,i think it's enough. ^^
@pkraj111 (2458)
• India
20 Aug 08
I am 5'6" and consider myself to be short
@mcspocky (65)
• United States
23 Aug 08
I am 6'3" (190.5 centimeters) tall. I like being tall, and would love to be even taller if I could. (MY dad was 6'6" (198.12 centimeters) tall.) My half sister is only 5'2" (157.48 centimeters) tall, and my wife and I tease her about being the last to know when it starts raining. lol
@magna86 (1786)
• India
20 Aug 08
well i am jus an inch taller than u !! featuers!!! negative.. you cannot stand besides a really tallll person positive... u can stand besides a person who is shorter than u!!! happy lotting!
• Philippines
20 Aug 08
i'm way short...five feet flat. i think it just really depends on how you look at it. of course, if you're tall, you can reach things that are higher. if you're small and short, you fit easily in small places. both have it's advantages and disadvantages. but i for one, would love to be taller, maybe around 5'6 ;)
@dolcias (302)
• Egypt
10 Oct 08
i am average...i am 5'8'' tall female...i don't see it as something positive or negative..it's just me and what god made