Should abortion be permitted?
By djoyce71
@djoyce71 (2511)
20 responses
@trisha_nava82 (1379)
• United States
23 Aug 08
I don't think that abortion should be permitted. I too am against abortion and my way of thinking is that if we are going to convict people of today for murdering someone out there in this world that women who commit abortion should be charged for the same thing. For they are committing murder they are killing a life.
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
3 Sep 08
"I believe that women who abort their babies, well, they should be put in jail. It is a human life, that you are killing."
OK- so we're going to need a swat team of trained professionals to be the Uterus Police. Suppose a woman, who knows she is pregnant goes out a snowy day in shoes with a little wedge heel. She slips & fails and has a miscarriage. Should she be charged with manslaughter? It wouldn't be murder 1, not premeditated but really she should have known better than to wear heels, right???
"You are committing murder." No. You are having a medical procedure that's no one else's business.
"They should go to jail just like all the murderers that are in this world." Because 14 year old women who make poor choices are a threat to the rest of society?
"Well there are other choices besides killing a baby, adoption. There are alot of families that can't have children and want them and would love to adopt." There are already 100s of thousands of babies & children in foster homes & orphanages around the world. Why exactly aren't these families desperate to adopt running to claim these children without families?
"That unborn baby has much right as the mother does." People who do not exist yet do not have equal rights to people who do. A collection of un-viable cells does not & should not have more "rights" than a woman has to her own body.
@trisha_nava82 (1379)
• United States
3 Sep 08
I believe that women who abort their babies, well, they should be put in jail. It is a human life, that you are killing. You are committing murder. They should go to jail just like all the murderers that are in this world. And just because they did not want the baby, no matter for what reason. Rape, they're scared that their parents will find out, or they aren't ready for a baby. Well there are other choices besides killing a baby, adoption. There are alot of families that can't have children and want them and would love to adopt. I'm sorry, I can't believe how people will totally be against people killing one another, but when a mother kills her unborn baby they think its ok. Seriously its not ok. That unborn baby has much right as the mother does.
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@hayashane27 (153)
• Philippines
21 Aug 08
As a Christian believer, abortion should never be permitted because it's life in the mother's womb already. Every individual should be responsible for all his/her actions. We are primary responsible for life since that's what we are task for.
We should understand that life is a gift and a blessing.

@hayashane27 (153)
• Philippines
21 Aug 08
I responded to this discussion mainly because as a Christian that's what we believe in and NOT persuade anybody here to believe the same as what we Christians believe.
We do have our own opinion on the matter. And our opinion will show us what our background and belief is.
Let's just respect each other's viewpoint since whatever we believe in, all people deserves to be respected.
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@Dragonofgold (509)
• Canada
21 Aug 08
Show me chapter and verse that states definitively that life begins at conception or that ending a pregnancy - specifically that - is considered a sin. Then I will accept that as a Christian I should take the same view as you do. Until then, I defend the right to choice.

@tlb0822 (1410)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I personally do not believe that abortions should be permitted. Okay, there is one exception, if the mother cannot carry the child because of severe, or fatal medical reasons. But people who get pregnant because of their own stupidity shouldn't be allowed. There are other options, and it is wrong to abort an innocent life. It is murder.
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@trisha_nava82 (1379)
• United States
3 Sep 08
I totally agree with you, on the if it is fatal to mother's life, that should be the only reason for abortion. Sorry your mistake, well should have made some better choices. Got raped, well,don't punish the child for being raped.
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@kblakley (247)
• Loveland, Ohio
21 Aug 08
I do not think it should be permitted. I believe that all children are gifts of God and for whatever reason the mother is meant to have that child. I believe that abortion is the same as murdering an innocent child, that gift wasn't given the chance.
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@Dragonofgold (509)
• Canada
21 Aug 08
not everyone is suited to parenthood. I know some people who wish that they had never been born. Maybe in some situations it is less cruel to put an end to it quickly. For yourself you would choose to bear the child. I would too. But taking the choice away seems wrong.
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@sanjana_aslam (4187)
• Malaysia
22 Aug 08
that is a good description "not all parents are suited to parenthood" like it
@trisha_nava82 (1379)
• United States
3 Sep 08
It shouldn't matter if they are suited for parenthood or not. There are alot of women who are not choose to still have the baby and even give it up for adoption. There are always other ways of handling things instead of killing an unwanted baby besides it threatening the mother's life.
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@Dragonofgold (509)
• Canada
21 Aug 08
It doesn't even look like a person hardly when they allow an abortion, you know. This discussion seems quite one-sided and judgemental. It's not all black and white, people, and we need to understand that many people who make this choice agonize over it for ages before the make the final decision. They are ususally in situations that are tough to begin with and made more complicated by a pregnancy they do not desire.
Would you force a victim of incest to bear a child who is his mother's sibling or cousin? It's disgusting.
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@EnslinPorter (1718)
• Philippines
21 Aug 08
Hi! I think abortion should not be permitted because life is not some thing that a person can just create then kill if we want to. This is of course a point of view from a Christian. It is a sin to kill a child...mainly because it is killing whichever way it's turned around. I think it depends on the religion of a group of people if they would allow it. But still, are those women ingrate not to be thankful that they are alive and yet they deprive a person even just from being born? That's cruel, unfair, and unjust.
However, there are times in medical situations wherein the mother will surely die if a baby is born. Bioethics would explain this situation. The doctors must make appropriate judgment for this.
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@Dragonofgold (509)
• Canada
21 Aug 08
Why would you trust a doctor over the mother? Is she any less invested in her own body and soul?
I know lots of Christian people who only remember it on Sunday. I'm not saying you are one, but saying that someone believes in Christ and saying that someone lives by his teachings and entirely different things. It's a personal choice within one's own life. Maybe abortion should be like that too -- a personal choice.
Can you quote chapter and verse that refers specifically to abortion? I know the "thou shalt not kill" but in the bible is there a verse that says that conception is the beginning of life? Where does it say that?

@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
23 Aug 08
I am pro-choice. I think that it is better that the child be aborted than to be born into a family who doesn't want it. Without abortion, there would be a lot more cases of child neglect and abuse. Although abortion is not a very pretty thing, I believe that it is a lot more humane than a life full of pain and sorrow. I know most every pro-life person would say that the parents of the child should give the child up for adoption rather than abort it, but the fact is that they just don't. And even if they did, look at how many orhaned children there are already. Too many. Most of the children who are placed in orphanages never get adopted. And an orphanage is not a fun place to be. We don't need to put more children through that. A pro-life person may also say that people who don't want kids should not get pregnant in the first place. That is true. However, that's just not how it is. People are irresponible. It sucks, but lets not punish the children.
@lixiaos77 (1030)
• Shijiazhuang, China
23 Aug 08
I believe it should be permitted. Parents should have the right to give birth a baby when they do good preparation. If they are not mature enough to bring up a child or the girl is pragnant unexpected and they have the baby, the parents and baby are all can't live a happy life.
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@Jenaisle (14078)
• Philippines
21 Aug 08
I don't agree with abortion, unless it is because of saving the mother's life. (there's no alternative). Couples should be responsible enough to take protection if they don't want to have children. There are several methods to do this. Once the baby is formed then they should also be brave enough to own up the responsibilites that go with it. An adult person is mature enough to own up his/her own responsibilities.
@trisha_nava82 (1379)
• United States
3 Sep 08
I totally agree with you on this.
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@fuuyuki756 (388)
• Philippines
21 Aug 08
i do not consider myself as a stronger believer of Christian Faith, but however, just like you, i don't want abortion to be permitted.. for me, it's a child even if its not yet born has to right to live like anyone else.. even if its an unwanted child, it must live since it is their right... no one can deprive a person or soon to be person his life because a baby like anyone else, also like to live and experience what it is like to be breathing, what it is like to see the sun , to see the surroundings.. baby's , i think whenever its obvious or not, strive their very best to live and i don't want to see a soon to be baby suffer..
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@Dragonofgold (509)
• Canada
21 Aug 08
the latest a child may be aborted is 12 weeks. It is not even as big as a peanut at that time, and looks very much the same as a chick inside a chickens egg or as a fetal pig. There are reasons that 12 weeks was chosen as the cut-off date. Nevertheless, a child born at less than 28 weeks of gestation, even if put into an incubator, will most likely not survive outside the mother. At 12 weeks it doesn't have a functioning brain, only cells that may turn into the brain if allowed to develop normally. Normal development goes wrong all the time, but the way. Check the statistics on miscarriages and you will see what I mean.
Before 12 weeks it is not a baby, it is a fetus. It is a jumble of cells. There is no suffering. The only suffering is the mother who doesn't want to have it inside her.
People are so judgemental in this discussion....
@trisha_nava82 (1379)
• United States
3 Sep 08
I totally agree with you that abortion should not be permitted. Alot of women believe that it should be done because they say that it is there body and they can do whatever they want with it. But they do not realize that there is a human being growing on the inside and they are committing murder. This is my opinion, we see murderers every day going to jail for murdering a human life, then why not women that kill their unborn children. I am strongly against abortion. I once had a friend who aborted her first baby that she was pregnant and she asked me to attend with her to the next time she had gotten pregnant. I had informed her that I could not do that, because I was against abortion, and I would probably run out or start crying. But the second time that she got pregnant, I had talked her out of having abortion. I believe that it is not right and it is a sin to have an abortion. I believe that people need to wake up and realize that abortion is murder.
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@phisha84 (286)
• United States
21 Aug 08
I don't think abortions should never be allowed, if the mother is too irrisponcible to have pretection, and if not the idea of taking the chance of accidently creativing a life.....She should have to keep the child and love the baby like its exposed to.......
And then theres the fact that there are girls out there just popping kids out, example my horrible horrible cousin, anyways
So would it be better if someone had an abortion or kept the child and the child would have a horrible life until he or she was able to change their life....but by then the child make think that the way of life that she or he was brought up in was right and thats how life should be......
If the mother desided to give the child up, theres lots of good and bad points to that one too.
But to me if you can make a child, and then see the child and not be able to love him or her thats an awful just give the child to someone that will allow the child to have a beautiful life.....
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@Dragonofgold (509)
• Canada
21 Aug 08
a big sin? as opposed to a small sin? like what? stealing. coveting your neighbours wife or belongings? Adultery, then. Do you always honour your father and mother? If you don't, is that any bigger a sin than any of the others?
It is not a baby, pink and wriggling, cooing and gazing up at you with big baby eyes. It is a fetus when it is aborted. Not a baby.
It's horrible to presume that you can make decisions for another person's life which you are not living.
The bible says, "do not judge, lest ye be judged"
The bible is a gift from God as well.
Remember that one.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
23 Aug 08
Abortion is only permitted during the first trimester. Beyond that there has to be a medical reason. The second trimester there has to be a threat to the mother's health. The third trimester there has to be a threat to the mother's life. So there are restrictions, perhaps not as many as you want, but there are some. I believe that rape can count as a threat to the mother's health.

@eden32 (3973)
• United States
3 Sep 08
"The baby has a right to live. The child should not be punished, because of mistakes that were made or being raped."
An early pregnancy is not a child or baby. If a pregnancy hasn't reached a point of viability than it's no more a 'baby' than sprouted seed is a flower.
@trisha_nava82 (1379)
• United States
3 Sep 08
The baby has a right to live. The child should not be punished, because of mistakes that were made or being raped.
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
22 Aug 08
I think that abortion should not be permitted. I think that pregnancy is a time of high emotion and that some ladies make the wrong choice and abort their child. They never forget doing that and many of them regret the decision that they made to end their own child's life. I believe that life starts as soon as conception occurs. I think that it is great to adoption a child but is horrible to abort a child. A couple that can't have children biologically would love the chance to become adoptive parents. Then the child would have love and grow up as part of a happy family. A 20 weeks ultrasound scan is done on all pregnant ladies in my home country. If the hospital find out that the baby is disabled they offer an abortion. Shockingly I was offered this when they found out that my son has spina bifida at 36 weeks pregnancy. I refused and after an easy labor my son was born at home. He went to stay in hospital for 3 weeks in which time he has two operations. Now he is a happy little 15 month old boy with a lovely smile. I agree with adoption but not abortion, but I respect other people's choices.
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@polaris714 (607)
• Philippines
22 Aug 08
Abortion should not be permitted because it is tantamount to murder. If the mother really cannot support the child, she can put it up for adoption. There are many childless couples who want children, but cannot have them.
@joyadalia (1408)
• Philippines
30 Aug 08
That depends upon the circumstances. I think that those who have been raped, especially by their relatives, should be allowed to abort the child
. That child would only be hurt by the ugliness of the circumstances to which he is born, and there is a great risk that he will have diseases because of the consanguinity. 

@TheHawkBat (669)
• United States
21 Aug 08
Personally I think abortion should be allowed. It is a woman's choice. Why should they be forced to carry something they don't want around for 9 months? Especially if they are just going to screw up its life when it is born?