I Did a Little Reading Today......
By Sparks
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
Regina, Saskatchewan
August 22, 2008 12:02am CST
I've been writing ever since I learned to hold a pencil. I've also been living a pretty full life. With life experience comes many things, but mostly understanding of the human condition and an insight into the way the wheels turn in a person's head. You don't have to 'know' them in person, to get a sense of how they think - what makes them tick. You can tell if a person is rather one dimensional in their thinking, whether they can wrap their mind around an abstract concept, whether or not they have a positive or negative bent to their attitude.
To write, is to be able to convey your thought process to intelligible written words. So basically, anyone can write. Not everyone however, can write well if their minds work inside the box, instead of out of it. Personalities that are multidimensional, that contain consistencies, and yet can 'change' on a dime to suit the situation or the need, or the occasion or the story being told, and yet remain rooted in the character of the writer, are the personalities that think outside the box and make the best writers. As Oscar Wilde said:
"It is personalities not principles that move the age."
In other words, it is imagination that effects change, not the moral high ground.
I am a great fan of F.S. Fitzgerald. I discovered him when I was very young and we have become good 'friends'. Very early on I read an interview he had in which he said of writing stories versus novels:
"Find the key emotion; this may be all you need know to find your short story.Different emotions will result in different writing styles, if you are very very good. Only then can you hear your own voice and turn it into a choir within your novel."
What he meant was that short story tellers can write in many different styles if the story is rooted in an emotion that requires expression. As all emotions are different, the story styles will be too, if the writer is talented enough to differentiate his approach for the emotion in question. Whereas the writing of a novel must remain fixed in style, regardless of the emotions being expressed, in order for the book to be a complete and melodious 'song'.
I am writing a couple of books. But basically, I am a short story writer. So my style is all over the place, and yet, the feel of each, the wordsmithing of each, is strictly my own and recognizable as such I think. The challenge to completing my books has always been and will continue to be, the 'singing of the melody' that is my voice and my voice alone.
What about you? Do you have a unique voice when you write? Do you write from outside the box or in? Do you have a "Great (insert country of origin) Novel" within you just crying to get out? What kind of song will it sing?
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22 responses
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
23 Aug 08
Hey Sparks. Quite interesting and thought provoking, I have to say. Personally, I think I tend to present as a one-dimensional person, but that's because I hide a lot of myself and because I have a lot of insecurities to overcome. But, at the same time, I think of myself as a multi-dimensional person even though I may have a hard time letting all those dimensions escape.
As for the "Great (country of origin) Novel" - no. I don't think I'll have a novel to release, but I do have one hell of a book I'd like to write someday!! True life, autobiographical, front-cover women's magazine kind of story. I wrote a poem in 1992 that is a short summary of a portion of my life (my marriage). It won an award in poetry at the university I was attending at the time. I'll include it below (it was originally centered in alignment):
I was dominated by the demands and desires of another.
My position required denial of self and submission.
I was imprisoned as he had been; punished for his crimes.
What was mine was communal; what was his was his alone.
The trouble sea
Which had been me
Was no more than a puddle,
To be jumped in,
Driven through, and
Left to dissipate.
The evaporation continued until, one day,
I looked in the mirror and saw...........
.............his reflection.
Copyright © 1992 by Wendy Valdez[/i]
Published online at: http://www.geocities.com/recovery_poetry/submitwriting2.htm
Even that only touches base with a lot of things, I'd love to write a book about EVERYTHING. The genre? Whatever "Married To The Mob" and "I Married An Ax Murderer" fall under, I'd say. 

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
16 Sep 08
Well your writing is certainly not one-dimensional jerz. Not at all. Maybe it's just me and my experience with writing, but when I read anything you post, I get a very three dimensional impression - and if you post enough I'll discover the other dimensions to you too. We reveal more about ourselves when we write than we realize. But no worries - I still love ya! LOL
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Aug 08
Well Sparks I will let you decide on that one, lol, but I will say that I write how it happens how it feels and I do get emotionally involved in the writing but the song crying to get out, well it was Nobody's Child, I don't know if you know the song
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
22 Aug 08
You mean this one Gabs:
"I'm nobody's child
I'm nobody's child
I'm like a flower just growing wild.
No mommy's kisses and no daddy's smile
Nobody wants me
I'm nobody's child."
You will never be nobody's child to me Gabs. Never. You may be like a wild flower, but you are definitely wanted and appreciated.
As for your writing - I love your stories and Gissi's too. They are often the highlight of my day. Hugs sweets.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
22 Aug 08
Hank Snow did a version of this song, and I've never forgotten it. So sad, but it taught me a lot about how people with 'disabilities', in this case, being blind, must feel and it made me kinder I think.
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@mummymo (23706)
24 Aug 08
Oh Spark you know that i love your writing and believe that you are very talented. I would love to be able to write well but I am afraid that my jumbled mind makes it almost impossible! If you could see inside my scrambled brain you would be not only terrified by the mess in there but would also understand my lack of talent! lol xxx
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
15 Sep 08
Mummy, I'd just make an omelet out of your 'scrambled' brain and charge an astronomical amount for a bite and make you rich! LOL Hugs sweets.
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@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
22 Aug 08
I remember clearly when I learned to write. I had page after page of wordsthatallrantogether because I didn't yet have a clue about spacing! I would tirelessly bother my parents to spell this word or that for me. I drove them crazy. Funny, because spelling is one of the things that comes natural to me now.
I used to write a lot when I was younger. I would write poetry and short stories. Then suddenly I stopped. I have no idea why. I still write in my journals though.
I started to use painting as an outlet to my feelings instead of writing. It's a little sad because some of my favorites were destroyed in hurricane Katrina. My writings were too.. I'm over it though. I have empty canvas to start fresh. I am trying to do that in all areas of my life now. I have a real problem with letting go of the past, especially if it was something painful.
By nature I am not typically a forgiver and forgetter. I am working on it though.
Ok, I am tired and off on a tangent now. The only song I can hear right now is the snoring coming from my bed! I am off to cuddle with the musician. 

@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
22 Aug 08
Girls are imaginative creatures. I've yet to meet one that didn't write poems and little stories at one time or another. But as we grow and learn more about ourselves, we often find different outlets for what lives within us. You have found painting - let it be your voice, but do keep those journals up.
HEY! Is that your voice I hear snoring now? LOL
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@freefogging (356)
• United States
23 Aug 08
I too have had wriring in my life since a very young age. I have also been,ever since I can remember, a bookworm. I love a good story. I have also ,for about 10 years now, kept a journal that I write my thoughts and experiences in every day. I would love to write a book or short story and have it published,but I don't think I'm a good enough writer. I think that whatever you use for an outlet,you should do it the best that you can. Put your all into everything, and enjoy it too the fullest extent. It's sad that you gave up writing. But I am happy for you,that you have found another way to express yourself. Good luck with whatever you do, and enjoy it !!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Aug 08
I can write Sparky. Not well, but enough for others to understand me. I have a grasp of the principal tenets of grammar and sentence construction. I cannot make people laugh and cry, but I have brought an occasional smile. I used to think that I could write that book; that I was comfortable outside the box. Now I'm not so sure. My song? Why, "Godbyee, Goodbyee, Wipe a tear, baby dear, from your eyee..." in respect of my writing.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
22 Aug 08
My dear P1ke, you underestimate yourself you know. Of course you know, I've told you often enough. You have made me cry, laugh, blush and rush to find the next group of bon mots from you! You may not have 'that' book in you, but you have talent and I'd hate to see it wasted. YOUR voice sir, is unique indeed and a pleasure to all who take the time to read you.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Aug 08
You are very kind Sparky and you (and others) have told me that I can write. For that you all have my love and gratitude. But I have to believe in myself. I am not good at that, although I am better than I was. Writing comes more easily to me than speaking quite often. The internet is now littered with my half started efforts. On the odd occasion that I go and look at them all that I see are mangled, tortured words, that defy the description "well written".
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@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
23 Aug 08
pike, am I going to have to smack you upside the head? There is nothing wrong with your writing. You are way to critical of yourself.
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
22 Aug 08
they say to write what you know. from this is where my own writings come from.. things that are known.. truth. truth is indeed stranger than fiction most often after all. your own style of writing.. your "stories" do bring to life the characters within your mind. pulling others into your imagination and causing them to become not only engrossed, but quite emotionally attached. they are quite beleivable.. congratulations on a job well done.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
22 Aug 08
Why thank you tessah. And yes - it is always best to write what you know - because everyone has a different perspective on even the mundane, and to be able to express that in written words, can make the mundane extraordinary.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
22 Aug 08
If you mean what I think you mean, then I'm confused. An email would help.
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@sweetgirl_k1 (3972)
• United States
24 Aug 08
I'm not much of a writer myself but I do love to read. I love to read all sorts of material. When I was younger my best friend used to love to write stories and I would love reading them. She even tried to publish one of her stories. Since she loved to write stories I thought well maybe I would too so I tried to write one but I never got very far with it. So I just gave up on writing and just stuck to reading. :-)
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
16 Sep 08
The more you read, the higher your comprehension level. And with that comes your own ability to express yourself in the written word. Start with poems - they don't have to rhyme - just your thoughts captured on paper. A strange thing happens sometimes - you write a couple of lines, and the rest just FLOWS from your pen (or fingertips if you're typing). It's a great way to start and go from there. Good luck.
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
16 Sep 08
You have read a great of what I have written. You tell me. Do I write inside or outside the box? Am I multi-demenisional or single minded? I think I have a unique voice but then I a might not. I am not a professional writer. I have no great stories within me.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
16 Sep 08
Your humor takes you outside the box often Royal. But I think, the life transition you are in right now is going to take 'all' of you (your thought process) outside the box, and it's going to be quite an eye opening, soul freeing journey for you. I wish you only the best.

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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
22 Aug 08
A flat one, that's what my writing sings LOL I'm not much of a writer, never been good with the English language and find it hard to express myself at times. It got worse when we moved to the Islands, as I was speaking and writing broken English LOL It's improved a lot through my sons blog I do now and then and also through here, but not to the point where I could possibly write something decent anways.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
22 Aug 08
LOL English is my first language but when we lived in Samoa for almost 7 years it went off bigtime - seriously it was terrible. It's the grammar that I have trouble with - sorry that's what I meant LOL
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
22 Aug 08
LOL - see this is why I write - to clarify what I read! ROFL
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
22 Aug 08
Well blow me down! I never would have guessed that English was not your first language! You express yourself very well and I never have trouble understanding you. Your English writing skills are much better than you think sweets. Good for you!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Sep 08
And you're cute! LOL You take care too friend. Hugs.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
15 Sep 08
Well thanks dude. Good to see you and I just love reading and commenting on what you write too. You're a breath of fresh air! Hugs.
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@paid2write (5201)
25 Aug 08
Every writing career starts as a personal quest for self-betterment. Sooner or later, and as a rule quite soon, a man discovers that his pen accomplishes a lot more than his soul. - Joseph Brodsky
I recently read a novel by John Fowles. It was first published ten years after he wrote it. He was well known for holding on to his work for years and then rewriting it. He did not set out to be a published author but he wrote some amazing books and I am so glad that they did finally get into print.
I wish you well with your books and stories. I don't have the ability to write a novel, but I have done some creative writing and I had some of my poems published.
I write every day and my work is being bought as web content. I publish reviews, write on my blog and, of course, I write many responses at myLot.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
15 Sep 08
I'd say you are doing very well with your writing then and that means you have talent! Best of luck for the future!
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
23 Aug 08
I used to write things, not exactly SHORT stories, but stories nonetheless. I kind of did a combination of writing what I know, sprinkled with things I was interested in, and I often changed names and even some locations to protect guilty and innocent parties lol. I didn't expect these works to be published or read, they were just my own works of art. My writing is heavy on detail, and usually includes exploring relationships between people or the effects of certain situations on relationships between people. Since some of the topics are heavy, I like some humor, so I always have some humor involved as well.
Granted I have not written anything in years and I don't really have an urge. I write a little while I scrap pages and of course I do a lot of writing HERE, but it's different than a story.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
16 Sep 08
Joseph Conrad would LOVE you mommy! Your description of your own writing made me think of him. He wrote the famous book, Lord Jim. Heavy reading in a way because of the style, but wonderful too. I'd love to read some of your stories - or novellas as the case may be! lol
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@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
23 Aug 08
I must say that I always enjoy reading your discussions. Your writing style is always easy to read, and understand. My brain, and my mouth don't play well together (or my brain and fingers). I even confuse myself when I write.*L*
At one point in my life, when I was in a very dark place, I wrote often, and I wrote well. That time of my life is passed, and that muse has left me. Now, my songs are written with drawings. Granted, some of them are just as odd, and to some, scarey as the poems, but, if you can see past the strangeness of them, you can see that they are coming from a better place. My stuff definitely from outside the box, I think.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
16 Sep 08
I wish I could express myself in your art form bo. Sometimes words fail me, and pictures really are worth a thousand words. And yes - you are definitely outside the box. Hugs.
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@devylan (695)
• United States
15 Sep 08
Well, essentially I am a poet. I have ventured into the realm of writing short stories, and have even written and completed a few, although, like the work of any great artist, the stories are never done and can always be improved, but I have never heard this particular take on the obstacle of completing a novel. Maybe the reason why I have such a hard time finishing a long-term writing project is because I am still growing and learning from my life experience and finding my 'singing voice'. Or, maybe I'm just lazy. Lol. Well, to answer your first question, I do think I have a unique voice when it comes to my poetry. I usually write in free verse, but I use repetitions, refrains if you will, to make the poem one cohesive thought. I do not often rhyme, and when I do, it is usually not in a traditional structured format. I am largely self-taught and just let the words flow out of me rhythmically, which, I think, leads to writing more outside of the box, especially since I don't even know half the time where my story will end within the piece. As for my "Great American Novel," I would say it's more like my dad's than mine, and he's been wanting me to write it for a long time now. Perhaps one day, when I feel like my life is more settled, I will be able to write his story. Perhaps by that time I'll have one of my own. One thing I do know, though, is that my song will be real. It will evoke emotion out of everyone it reaches because that is what I, as well as most people in this world, crave the most out of life, connection with others.
Here is a brief example of my poetry. What do you think?
"My Locket"
Jiggle, jiggle.
Doorknob jiggle
I let him in, he walks in.
Is it a sin, to let him win?
He riggled and wiggled about,
and so I let him out.
I can't begin
to tell you when
I first felt
the hand I was dealt
was the last chance
to take a glance
at a life
as a wife,
or should I just use a knife?
Cut it out,
cut me out
before it's too hard to breathe.
Copyright 2005 Delana Romaine (UN: dothadew at Writing.Com). All rights reserved. Delana Romaine has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
This is one of my more "rhymy" poems.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
15 Sep 08
*sigh* Makes me wish I could write rhyme! I like it. If the way it is presented here is the way you wrote it - the 'layout' I mean, I can really identify as my own poetry is staggered like that too - but mine doesn't rhyme.........WAIT, THAT rhymed! See! You're rubbing off on me already! lol Can I join the site you posted this on? www.writing.com? Is that it? Pm me ok? Thanks sweets.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
16 Sep 08
PM means 'private message'.
As for your poetry style - rather in the manner of my own and my hero T.S.Eliot. And I understand completely about writing it to be read aloud - to keep the thought of one group of words separate from another to make the 'hearer think.' VERY good.
Keep it up devylan. You have the mind of very good writer.
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@devylan (695)
• United States
16 Sep 08
Ummm... okay, so I'm a little ignorant when it comes to internet abbreviations. What does pm mean exactly? But yes, www.writing.com is the site you can join. I am a member but haven't been active on it for a very long time, so my portfolio on there is very sparse now. Essentially it's a free site, but in order to have a decent portfolio, you kind of have to be a paid member. At one point, I had received a huge gift point amount from another member and was able to temporarily have a paid membership, which gave me the liberty to have an awesome portfolio, but when it expired, a lot of stuff disappeared. I have everything written in hard copy form, too, though, so I'm not too worried, and hopefully, one day, I'll be able to afford a paid membership, and when that happens, maybe all the stuff that had disappeared will come back. Perhaps... But, yes, I write most of my poetry in staggered form because I want people to read it aloud in the same staggered way, so that they really think about each group of words before they move on to the next. Most of my poetry is free verse, though, with only a smidging of rhyme thrown in. Lol. I'm glad I can rub off on someone in a good way.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
22 Aug 08
I'm not sure about my writing. My mind has so much going on in there that it's hard to keep up sometimes. I can change on a dime and be stable in thinking what I need to or wish to. I wear my heart on my sleeves sometimes and I just do and say what I am thinking at the time. As I continue to think on things after writng, of course I come up with much more I could have said. And at times wish I had said at the first writing. I have many emotions that go on within me at different times. I have found myself to be a bit different in a lot of way than others. Yet at the same time almost the same as some others. If that makes any sense.
I'd love to have the mind to write a book. But all I do is write poems, quips, and quotes. Ah, but alas I'm writing something for future generations of my family to read. Perhaps they may understand me better then. If they don't already.
I live for life, my love is for family and friends...as well as writing, singing, and animals.
I don't know if this really answered your question, but I think you already have a feel for me and how I am. For you are one of my friends.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
22 Aug 08
I just thought of something from my school years. We had to write something and it was our choice we could use a book or write our own story. I wrote my own. I can't this moment remember what it was about. I know it had to be so many words. I wrote several pages. My teacher said she enjoyed reading my story and was kept interested in it, she loved it. The only problem was I forgot to hand in the last page and she was on pins and needles to know the ending, lol. I looked through my things and wala, there it was. I gladly handed it over and got a very high grade for the story I worte.
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
22 Aug 08
Most of the writing I do is here online any more. You have known me for over a year now. What is your impression of me. Am I multi-demensional or one-demensional? What kind of a person am I in your eyes? Yes, I really want to know what you think. Am I all over the place or am I set in my ways? Tell me what you think.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 Aug 08
There is warm loving theme to your song Royal. Soft, but easily heard and it's a very catchy tune. In my eyes you are steadfast, giving, and true. If you are all over the place it's because you have stretched yourself too thin and need to set new parameters for YOU not so much for others anymore. You've earned YOUR time of life, and I hope you find the peace and tranquility in it that you so deserve.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
22 Aug 08
I have also been writing from the time that I first could, if you look through my junk cupboard no doubt you would find many many stories that I have started. Yet they remain still uncompleted, why? well I am a little bit lazy and I also just become distracted so easily, or there is always some other great plan that comes along that seems more exciting. Sometimes I just give up because I do not have enough faith in me to continue.
I think for me, short stories are probably better for me to keep going than a full book and I have started yet another short story. I am making better headway with this one now and I may even complete it! I would not say that I have a unique voice when it comes to writing, I would say that I have the ideas for fictional stories and stories that have elements of truth and fiction in them, they come into my mind and I get quite excited at the story as it unfolds in my head and then I do not do anything with it it stays in my head. For sometimes if I put it on paper it does not seem as exciting or I forget bits.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
15 Sep 08
Wow, yes I am a gemini and I think that this a definate gemini trait. I have actually started to make myself write, I am determined to complete the story I am doing and I am actually nearly complete. The way I did it was to make myself sit for 15 minutes a day, no more and no less. I found that after a while of doing this I started to look forward to it, because my story was coming alive on paper rather than just in my head. I write the bit and then I spend ages acting it out in my head and working the next bit out for the next 15 minutes. Maybe you could try that, keep encouraging him tell him you really want to read what is in his mind. I have two people who are always askin me when I am going to finish it because they cannot wait to read it and so it spurs me on to finish it for them.
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@devylan (695)
• United States
15 Sep 08
Wow. I see you're a gemini. So is my husband, and he has the exact same dilemna that you described here. On top of the fact that he has so many awesome ideas for stories in his head, he is also dyslexic, and has rezuested my assistance in helping him to write. Well, the problem is, every time we sit down to actually start, he seemingly loses interest/gets distracted, so the stories inevitably remain in his head. Any suggestions on how I can help him get them out?

@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
23 Aug 08
Sparky..I'm a reader..I'm not any good at putting words to paper...I know what i want to say but i'd rather let someone else do that so i can read their books..hint hint..lol...
Huggles and Hope all is fine...
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@ewd024 (53)
• Singapore
23 Aug 08
At first I was convinced I can respond to this discussion as well as others so "into" the topic. When i read the thread of conversations, i am more convinced, i am out of place here. I love to write too, used to be so passionate about it, ive joined a lot of contests as a kid, and won everytime... I quit the habit when i grew older, though i still play with words and thoughts, not "magically" though these times. I admire your style, and your passion... Ill meet my muse again -- hopefully soon ;-)
@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
23 Aug 08
I do, the sound of scratching out words or lines, the sounds of the eraser, getting rid of horrendous, cliched lines, the sound of paper crumpling, then hitting the floor or the trash can, etc., etc.*S*
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@devylan (695)
• United States
16 Sep 08
You know, Bohemian, there really isn't anything wrong with cliches. I use them often, to tell you the truth, and as corny as they are, people can always connect with them. Cliches were created for a reason, afterall. In fact, the best writers form their own cliches! Well, I haven't gotten to that point yet, I guess. Lol.
Al, have you ever heard of the song "The Sound of Silence?"
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