Have things changed?
By cobrateacher
@cobrateacher (8432)
United States
August 24, 2008 5:09pm CST
There are so many reports in the news about people who do horrible things to others! Has life changed that much? I don't remember things like this ten or fifteen years ago. Is it just that there's better news coverage, or are there many more horrors in the world these days? We've almost become used to news of mass murders, tortures, kidnapping, and all sorts of nasty assaults. When gruesome stories are shown on televised news or on the internet, people rush to get details. They seem to want all the blood and gore they can get.
I appreciate knowing if there are unsafe conditions in my neighborhood, and since I live in Miami, that's pretty much a given. It's important to know when we have to be more vigilant than usual. But there are so very many hideous crimes, it's beginning to lose its shock value. It's too common for many people to be horrified when they need to be.
If there is just more news coverage, should we be complaining to the news media? Making these disgusting reports commonplace makes us let our guards down in many cases. I don't approve of censorship, but should we be requesting less complete coverage of abuses? Could the coverage be encouraging copycat crimes?
I counted the gross events covered in this morning's local news, and there were eleven such reports in a single hour. Horrors!
What do you think?
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16 responses
@laglen (19759)
• United States
25 Aug 08
I think it has to do with more media, internet, we have a ton of info at our fingertips. Also, as the population grows, so do the wackos.. But if you look through history, there have been some pretty sick people. Have you ever heard of the Marquis De Sade?
@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
25 Aug 08
People like that became famous because they were aberrations. Now such behaviors are not even surprising. We're in big trouble if we don't get this straightened out. All of us need to work at it, and convince everyone we know to shun violence!
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
25 Aug 08
Hi Cobra,
You know, at one time I thought that maybe we were becoming immune to the horrors that we see on tv and in the news. But I think we live in a society that has lost much of it's morales and values in life. People are so busy trying to be on top of things and trying to have everything imaginable, that they become tired and angry because they want more than they can have. People have begun to feel entitled to things they haven't earned. They use violence to take what they want and feel nothing for those that they take it from. Then there are those who have lost hope in ever becoming something in life. They do what they have to do to stay alive.
But even with all the violence and horrors we are faced with each day, I keep hope and faith in my heart. I never let my guard down. All the horrible things we see will never become less than what it really is. It all makes me want to be a better person and try to help those who also want to be better people. We just need to keep our Higher Power close to us.
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@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
25 Aug 08
Leenie, you are such a wonderful person! I'm very positive and hopeful, too, and I try to convince others to be the best they can be. That's the only way we can make the world a better place. You've put it all so beautifully! We must remain vigilant, sadly, but we can't lose faith!
I'm so glad you're my friend!
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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
25 Aug 08
Hey Sweetie,
Thanks so much for the best response. That was very sweet. I'm really glad we are friends as well. I love the way you make me think. Some people will throw out just anything to post something but you put great thought into your posts and I really enjoy them.
Sure glad our real first Tropical Storm is gone. XOXOXO
By the way, I rated your post with a plus. I didn't know if you could tell.
@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
25 Aug 08
You certainly deserved it!
Before we become overconfident, Florida's now in the 5-day cone of Gustav! I'm glad my shutters are still up.

@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
25 Aug 08
Well, there's always been horrible violence and horrors. Always, what changes is who commits them. Back in the dark ages it was often the Nobles and whatever religious power held sway at the time who'd chop people's heads off and stick 'em on pikes...or drain innocent young ladies of their blood, toss them in the dungeons to be tortured and nibbled on by rats, etc. etc.
10-12 years ago's a bit too far back for me to remember, I'm not that old and I have a problem remembering anything past four years ago anyway, 'cause of trauma and mental blockages, _ (I've had an eventful teenage-hood, lets leave it at that)
I do have rather morbid tastes all around...in acadamia and entertainment, but that doesn't mean I'm completely desensitized or without morals of my own.
The world IS in fact, changing. I suppose violence and people's reactions to it are becoming...not more common, exactly, but perhaps more noticable and "flashier" crimes. Most of the changes are at a very basic level -- how we live.
Of course, any changes bring about the good and the bad...to varying intensity, so I expect we will see more horrors in the future. But we'll see other strange things too, that we wouldn't expect.
Wannabe well-intentioned heroes, people who decide to become real ninjas...along with the wannabe supervillains.
There's just a ton more material for these people to draw on.
This is good and bad, more media to get ideas from to meet these things better, and more ideas for those who'd do ill as well.
Serial killers, at least ones of amazing ferocity...for example, are slightly less common than they were...say, a decade ago. Every other year, it seems like, one was on the news. Nowadays, you rarely hear about them.
I suppose the difference is in sanity.
Many of our criminals today are perfectly sane -- doesn't mean they're reasonable or anything, far from it. In fact, sane criminals HEAVILY outweigh the sane ones.
Which, again, is a bane and a blessing.
Before, it was mostly the criminally insane that committed the worst atrocities.
Now, the perfectly sane criminals are doing it as well -- turmoil...in the many forms it takes, sometimes frivolous...sometimes understandable like financial turmoil, turmoil within a family or relationship, turmoil within one's ownself and their view of the world..is what creates people like this.
It's not always obvious, because our society has grown extremely complacent in its conduct of daily goings on. It happens, usually very quietly, and you'd never know the process that went into it unless they told you their story.
Times have been like this, before, of course...but this country hasn't been around long enough for proper comparison.
So yes, things have changed.
Doesn't necessarily make them worse or better than any other time in the world's history...just makes them different for us to know how to handle. Paranoia and fear is not the way to go, caution, knowledge, and being able to protect ones ownself and their loved ones...is.
The media...well, I won't tell you they're not influencing things on some level. However, the mere knowledge of crimes is not enough to push an individual to crime.
I keep a fairly avid track of the strangest and most brutal and have been most fond of more brutal periods of time in history -- yet I don't go around killing people or anything like that.
It's not...completely, desensitization either.
It's brought on by how society is, how these individuals have grown or stop growing as people, and how others handled them. Their decisions are solely their own, and doubtless even if there was a media blackout for a whole month, crime patterns probably would increase instead of decrease, because no one would be sitting at home watching tv.
Most criminals, especially sane ones have some concern for their own well-being. Most of them want to live, so the more people who know how to properly handle and prepare for potential situations involving them...the less they'll have incentive to commit crimes.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
26 Aug 08
(I'm a girl, but s'ok my avatar is a bit androgynous!)
Gangsta style, is mostly just one of those trends. Kids, especially teenagers persue whatever's percieved as 'cool' often objectified into a trend which perveys into a sizable portion of young or famous people. It's all wannabe and anti-individualism, in my views...of course, quite a few will disagree with me on this point.
Tolerance and peace -- I think that regardless of the times, should always be striven for within every community. ^_^ If only to give those who've seen or committed violence hope for something different.
@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
25 Aug 08
Wow! You are an amazing young man, although I think there's probably an error in your profile -- you couldn't possibly be only eight years old!
You're right about the sanity/insanity conundrum, but it's not as relevant as peer pressure. I've been a high school English teacher for 41 years, and I've seen my kids give up on all that may be wholesome in favor of "gansta" style. It's not just the clothes; the attitude that goes with it is horrid!
Studying violence and crime won't lead to committting crimes very often, because that study shows the whole picture, and the ways in which a person deteriorates when evil steps in.
Regardless of the causes for these unacceptable acts, we need to find ways to bring peace and tolerance back into everyday life.
I hope to hear from you often. You fascinate me!

@quinnkl (1667)
• United States
27 Aug 08
In reality violent crime has increased, but it seems like so much more because of the media coverage also. Things started getting covered constantly and graphically and that made it seem even more so. But I believe it actually has gotten much worse over the years as well.
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@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
28 Aug 08
We used to be able to expect our elected officials to take care of these things, but they're often corrupt, too, these days. Each of us has to do all we can to promote peace and not tolerate the terrorism that criminals force on us.
@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
30 Aug 08
What's really awful, I think, is that there's no way to opt out of it all!
@beefers1 (64)
• United States
25 Aug 08
Yes, society has changed (unnecessarily) over the last few hundred years. One of our weaknesses is our inability to accept and be satisfied with what we have, and always strive to have more, sometimes at huge costs. I always say, if it's good enough, let it be! I spend years trying to get familiar with things only to have it changed to a new, "better" version. I say, what is wrong with the older one? If people have lived with it for so long already, don't you think it's good enough?
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@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
25 Aug 08
Another newbie with good ideas! Welcome to myLot!
I've known kids (my students) who have literally hundreds of designer outfits and unbelievably expensive cars, etc., but their families subsist on Welfare. These kids are proud of all they have without having paid for any of it. Other kids think they've done something very cool, so they try to copy the thieves.
Forget Justin Timberlake bringing sexy back; we need to bring morality and self-respect based on accomplishment back.
@beefers1 (64)
• United States
28 Aug 08
Being a teen of 16 years myself, I can personally confirm your comment. But a huge issue in this is that even the word "conservative" has changed a lot over the years. People no longer consider formerly controversial issues like divorce, abortion, pre-marital (err... inappropriate word, according to this site), etc (which I am all against) as being radical or liberal. Many need to slow down and think seriously about what direction their way of life is taking them, and reflect on the past.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
25 Aug 08
i think so... the society had changed so much compare to decades ago... the crime rates definitely have increased a lot now and people are becoming more cruel and heartless i can say... so the media is not actually exagerrating in what they are reporting in the news... it is our society that had gone down in morals and commit the crimes that people in the past won't even think about... take care and have a nice day...
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@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
25 Aug 08
The media are not exaggerating, but maybe if they toned it down a little, fewer people would get these horrible ideas and commit crimes against our souls. I would never stand for censorship, but I think a more positive take on things could help. It's certainly not all it will take, but it would be a big step in the right direction.
@bindishah (2062)
• India
25 Aug 08
I dont think things have changed that much. If you talk about pollution, crowd, etc then yes things have changed from before. But as far as crime goes, I believe thngs are better now than they ever before. Comprehensive news coverage may encourage some copycat crimes but it also works to make people more aware of their surroundings. It helps us recognize things that people are doing wrong around us and maybe discourages some people to indulge in more wrong doing for fear of the public.
People are not scared to do crimmes like domestic abuse within the four walls of their house-but when things get nationalozed and televised, they would maybe not do these things for fear of exposure.
Law enforcement has also become much better all over the world with stricter punishments. The news spreads the emssage that yes there are people out there going through the same things and this can be stopped.
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@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
25 Aug 08
The police certainly do try to control things, but many people seem proud of their evil-doing. They ahve no interest in covering it up because they want to be famous for being evil! A lot of people need major attitude adjustments!
@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
25 Aug 08
We MUST fight this trend somehow. Does anybody even pay attention to demonstrations for peace anymore? I don't think so. We must demand that all those in our lives promote peace and tolerance. Religion hasn't done the job, and politics seems to make it much worse. Everyday people need to rise up against the violence and corruption of humanity!
@ajrox1810 (992)
• India
25 Aug 08
Yes cobrateacher,
Life has really changed a lot. Every day I come across a really shocking news in the newspaper. Like some days before I read the news that a boy killed his friend's sister just because his friend was not giving him his iPod. I mean why do you do such deeds for some gadgets.
Life has really become very dangerous nowadays, and every breath of our is very precious in this world. "Live Safe, Live Happily" was the slogan of people in the 80s and 90s. Nowadays it has changed to "Try to Live Safe, Try to Live Happily".
Life in this world is really dangerous.
@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
25 Aug 08
It's up to those of us who are disgusted with these things to find ways to stop it. Instead of their 15 minutes of fame, maybe these criminals should be shunned -- no publicity means no glamor, after all.
We must spread peace and tolerance and the value of each of us!
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
25 Aug 08
i think it has always been like that. people now are more vocal and open about it. they speak out. no more hush hush and ignore it. many people nowadays are physically and mentally messed up by sick people like that, and they have now learned to stick up for themselves and fight back. while before, in 50s, 60s, 70s, they just shut up and bare it, and suffer until they die. probably repeating the same sick actions to their own kids. and the sick cycle continues...
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@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
25 Aug 08
we've certainly gotten off-track. If humanity is to survive intact, we must make corrections. The problem is finding something that works!
@sweethomecatring (1563)
• India
25 Aug 08
Certain things have got changed. When the youths get educated enough and they do not get employment of their choice or do not get award of their labor and torchered by the society in on or the other way. The anger is bound to come in these disguaranteed people. Not only with youth but other stages also. It is also a fact that prior to 15 years there was no much coverage by the media. Because of the available and reach of the media the things are coming on surface. It is possible that the things had been happening earlier also but not reported to the public. I want to write more on this but due to some reasons I can state I am closing. Rest again I will write on this. This is incomplete.
Go ahead with your discussion further.
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@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
25 Aug 08
I'll look forward to the rest of the posts. Wheneverr the economy is bad, people are bad. Remember Prohibition? People lost hope because of the Great Depression, and many went on vicious crime sprees. Frightening truth, isn't it?
@razor123 (979)
• India
25 Aug 08
Yup i totally agree with you cobrateacher. The world is not become a safe place to live in anymore. Day by day the world is getting worse.
Every day so many people are being murdered, innocent civilians being killed by terrorists, people being robbed and then killed...and many such pathetic acts.
When will that day come where all would live in peace and harmony?? I don't think seeing the current situation such a day would ever come. People are just not willing to change and are adamant.
All who do the wrong do not realize its wrong so there is no chance of them improving or getting better. One only becomes good and improves if he/she realizes and accepts ones fault.
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@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
25 Aug 08
Somehow, it seems as though people strive to get something over on someone else instead of making themselves better people. Enlightenment is so sorely needed!
@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
25 Aug 08
I understand where you're coming from, but we must never accept it! We all need to fight it in every way we can. We need to instill values in kids again so they won't accept the evil-doers, either.
@schulzie (4061)
• United States
25 Aug 08
I wonder why there are so many horrific news stories too. I wonder if there are more crimes being committed or are they just reporting them more frequently. I don't think we should be oblivious to the horrible crimes around us, but I don't think they should show ALL of the blood and gore that they sometimes do either.
I also think that it is important to broadcast good news too. It is just awful if the only thing that is reported is all of the awful things. You need to try to keep an optimistic point of view.
Have a nice day and happy myLotting!!!

@jose19820329 (187)
• China
25 Aug 08
the media have right to report things i want to tell people ,also people have the right to choose what they like .
may be the media is a accessory for this thing grow up which so many horrible reports shows ,people loves watch this and reports comes again and again .
@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
25 Aug 08
We could certainly never condone censorship, but maybe a change of attitude among the media would probably do wonders.