I was embarrased by my nephew!

United States
August 25, 2008 6:56am CST
This happened to me about 2 yrs ago, I was babysitting my 3 yr old nephew and decided to go shopping for some things for the house. I took my nephew to the local supermarket and as we were in the checkout line he grabbed some tic-tacs off of the shelf while in the front seat of the cart and said, very loudly, "here aunt Marlene, you need these!Everything was ppretty quiet in the store and I knew everyone heard it.The guy behind was I believe trying to be polite and turned his face away when I looked. I was so embarrased. But, it was funny so I laughed too. Kids can really say some embarrasing things! Were you ever in a similiar situation?What was the funniest thing a child said to you?Or the most embarrasing moment you've had with a child?
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16 responses
• India
25 Aug 08
I am from India, i faced very funny moments due to my cousin: me and my frnds were playing cricket in our colony, my cousin is very much interesed in "HALWA" (An Indian Sweet), on that day my grandmother was making it for us, my cousin was also playing with us, suddenly he went to house, i think he got the smale of that dish, and then after 5 mins, he came back there, and loudly told me - "Monti Bhaiya, Jaldi aa jao, Maa ne halwa banaya hai" (Monti Bhaiya, Come Fast, Grandmother is making HALWA for us), All of my frnds started laughing like anyhting, and i was feeling very embrassing for that, my frnds still laugh when they remember that moment, now my cousin is in college, and whenever he comes to my office with his frnds, i recalled that incidence, and laugh on him with his frnds... its really one of very funny moments of my life.
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• India
25 Aug 08
ya, that was a funny situation, but we should not make funny of any person, especially in front of his friends, it makes embrance situation for him,
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
25 Aug 08
When my son was about 3 yrs old, we were in a pizza parlor. There was a man smoking and he walked right up to him and said~ you know your are going to die if you keep smoking. Then he turned around and walked back over to me. He was right, but I was so embarrassed that he said this and the guy didn't think it was cute at all!
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25 Aug 08
good for your boy!
• Philippines
25 Aug 08
Good day...Children are brutally honest and can be more or less tactless in what they say. I had my few skirmishes with my young nephews as well. I just laughed it out with them. Child can say the funniest of things and stay very cute.
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@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
25 Aug 08
I was a single parent, and money was rather tight. I would always tell my son, that we couldn't afford a lot of things. Well, one day we were in a department store, I allowed my son to browse in the toy department, while I picked up a few things. Suddenly, I hear this little voice screaming at the top of his lungs, saying "Mommy can we afford this?" He had found a little toy that he was interested in. Of course I received stares from the other customers.
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@ReenaDKL (206)
• Mauritius
25 Aug 08
Oh i've had my share of embarrasing moments when i was a kid... One in particular was when my uncle was on his honeymoon. Some of his friends drpped by the bungalow where he was and they started a small football match...I was there along with an aunt, my cousin and an uncle...we were visiting him (yeah we do that here, visiting people on honeymoon!) So the men were playing and the ball came near me. My uncle asked me to throw the ball and instead of picking it up and throwing (i was 11 years then) i tried to kick it. God what a shame! I completely missed the ball and feel with my legs stretche aprt (like those men in kung fu films, their legs wide open.) I sat there on the grond for a few seconds while they were all laughing! It was the shame of my life. I never related this to anyone. I was so ashamed of it, until a few years back. I discovered that it's nothing wrong to laugh about myself as long as it's one good laugh, am happy1 So now every time there is a funny story to tell, mine makes the top of the list! Even now writing about it i laugh alone!
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• United States
25 Aug 08
About oooh lets see 7 years ago or so my nephew was 3-4 at the time and my boyfriend (now husband) and i decided to take him out for ice cream, so we took him out got him the icecream he wanted and we were just sitting there on the picnic table and all of a sudden out of NOWHERE my nephew decides to tell us and everyone around us "i have a peni$!" and everyone around us just laughed, and i have to admit i turned redder than an apple but laughed over it later! I still tease him about it to this day!
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Actually this is cute in a way. Just because it happened to be mints, and people around you might be getting the wrong impression, you can't help but laugh about it. When your nephew gets older you will have to bring this up again. Maybe about the time he is getting married or has one of his own?
@seabeauty (1480)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Last year my youngest who will be 5 next week ran down the block with no clothes on and my neighbors were outside and thought it was funny. I was so embarrassed LOL.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Ah, from the mouth of babes...LOL I've had several of these moments. Laugh it off and let it go...it probably isn't the first time and chances are it won't be the last. **AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
26 Aug 08
My guess is the kid wanted you to buy them for him and said you needed them so you would buy them. My kids used to do that to me. You'd be surprised what all they thought I needed.
• China
26 Aug 08
lovely. i have not had such kind of experience. but little child seems to be cute than adult sometimes.
@lyzabelle (1668)
• Philippines
26 Aug 08
Kids do lots of crazy things and antiques that we grown ups had a hard time accepting. They were so full of mischeifs sometimes. But as always kids are always an inspiration because of their innocents and merry personalities.
• China
26 Aug 08
i have a beautiful niece.but now she is 8 months old,last time when i list her to the sky ,she passed water to my face ,my god!
• Canada
26 Aug 08
I am currently eight months pregnant with my second child and just this afternoon we were out getting a few of the basics, milk, bread, etc. My son has mild to moderate autism and doesn't always grasp the finer side of social etiquette at the best of times. So as we are standing there checking out he is looking at the cashier... who is well lets just say a larger lady. He pointed to her belly and said Mommy she's having a baby too. The lady responded a little testily that she was not having a baby to which my son stood there and looked her up and down for a moment and then looked at me and asked me in what seemed like the loudest voice ever... Mommy why is she so fat then? I'm sure I must have turned thirty shades of red in an instant. Of course I'm apologizing to this poor cashier... but it was kind of funny... always kills me that kids are just so brutally honest at all times.
@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
25 Aug 08
Children never stop embarrasing adults. At least you can smile and make a joke most of the time when it happens. If you are carrying children around don't think of being anything but a caretaker. They will make you care for them somehow. Its inevitable.
@lanlan011 (701)
• United States
25 Aug 08
well im 15 and my cousin is 12. we were at my baby cousin's birthday at Chuck E Cheeses who had turned 3. my 11 yr old cousin who should hav know better was annoyed that there were alot of people here. hes also the type that speaks his mind and so he yelled "man why are all of these mexicans in here" i was so embarrassed and pretended like i didnt know him. he didnt seem to care about what he said, and i was hoping that not alot of "mexicans" heard him. another time. and let me remind you that this is the same day. we were still at chuck e cheese and my cousin convinced me to go up in the tunnels. we're only a few years apart so i said ok after a few min of thinking. while up there we were stuck and i accidently kicked a lil kid and i felt so horrible. i told my cousin we were getting out of there but now my cousin is scared to leave because of how big he is and he didnt want ppl to see that he is too old for the tunnels. im mad at him so i push him down the slide. midway down he strectches out and stops himself. now he is blocking the whole slide. kids are now sliding into my back. i push him out and he runs leaving me hanging. i finally get out and i receive stares from evryone and i know they're are thinking Isnt she a lil too old for the tunnels. and one lady is shaking her head i run to find my cousin and die from embarrasment. it was worst for me because im taller than my cousin and am older