What will inter-racial marriages do for society
By suspenseful
@suspenseful (40192)
August 25, 2008 5:06pm CST
I am in favor of marrying who you are in love with and I am attracted to guys who have dark brown hair and brown eyes and I married one. I have never fallen in love with a black guy, I have been friends with people who have been black, Chinese, American Indian, whose ancestry has different ethnic backgrounds, but I never fell in love with them. I come from a family whose hair color range from brown, reddish brown, to dirty blond, and I never was sexually attracted to a guy who has blond or red haired and blue or green eyes or had freckles. So even though I am white Anglo-Sexon, German, Welsh inheritance with some Danish and the Welsh being from ancient Romans, I never found those who were so called white Anglo-Saxon attractive nor did I consider black men sexually attractive.
Now my husband came up with the idea that if inter-racial marriages were encouraged, that in a few hundred years everyone will be brown. I say no, because well people do not marry according to colors, but according to background, and to social position, so that unless that person of another color comes from the same social strata, and background , i.e. both were from farming families, they will not marry because they are background and social class incompatible.
I tried to find out about whether inter-racial marriages will destroy prejudice and just inter-racial marriages, not the other kind that is so popular, but they seemed to have taken over.
I decided to put in a few links to show how society fell about this situation and what the couples had to contend with, in the past and the present.
So my question is will inter-racial marriages end prejudice because they will look alike, or will prejudices still remain but be of a different form, like for instance, she is a country girl, and he is a city guy, or her family is poor, his family is rich?
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24 responses
@dementia88 (900)
• United States
26 Aug 08
there will always be prejudices in the world and if everyone had the same skin tone. which would never happen. they would just move on to something else.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
27 Aug 08
Oh and did I tell you how much I dislike those emaciat- I mean skinny people? I mean they can eat as much as they like, but because they are so tall, the fat goes off of them, but me who is under five foot four, the fat clings to me. Why I just have to look at food.
So really we do not need an excuse. And for people who are in wheelchairs, why we could discriminate those who got through their own carelessness and did not get there from throwing themselves on a bomb to save their comrades. So it not might be the color, being a cripple, ethnic group, or religion, but what you think of a person.

@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
26 Aug 08
I figure that much, like city people not liking country people, rich people not liking poor people, singers not liking tone deaf people, fat people not liking emacia- I mean skinny people. The list goes on. and then there is the social aspect. So it really is not as simple as that.

@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
25 Aug 08
yes one big melting pot I think, could only fix things up in this world, its strange about attraction with humans, you can have a preference and then one day you can meet someone the exact opposite and fall in love,...I knew a fella years ago who had been married and divorced so he had strong opinions, he didn't like women with short hair he detested short hair on women, he said he would never bring up another mans kids, and he had a very negative thing against school teachers and didn't like foreign women so what did he end up falling in love with, a woman with very short hair, who was a school teacher with a kid and she was Italian...

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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
26 Aug 08
Well I always preferred guys who had dark hair and brown eyes, but well my husband is not Italian and he is not tall. Well even with those two points against him, I still married him.
But I do think that some people are attracted to the opposite color and will marry them, like the Swedish girl with the Black African who is so dark that he better not wear a black suit at night because people and cars might bump into him. And some of us are attracted to someone who looked like our father in hair color, and the eyes more or less.
But I should not be looked down because I was never attracted to a black man or an American Indian.
We have our preferences and I think there are more than skin color, it is liking the same things.

@trinale (1479)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Inter-racial marriage will NEVER end predjudice because of skin color, because not everyone will be born with the same skin color. Besides that, if one of the parents is black, they usually put the child's race as black.
What inter-racial marriages WILL do is help people stop looking at color all together. You know the rule everyone believes in but never lives up to: judge a person by his character, not his skin color. I was raised this way and my older kids (28 & 25) were raised this way.
I should mention that that are half black and half filipino. If you looked at my son's (28) myspace page, you'd see he remembers what he was taught. Now all I need for him to do is settle down and consider marrying one of them, black, white, asian, martian, it doesn't matter as long as they love and respect him. My daughter (25) is married with two children and raising them the same way so it'll take a couple more generations before people stop picking and choosing based on skin color.
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@trinale (1479)
• United States
26 Aug 08
One of those societal issues we have to deal with these days Galena. When my kids were born (late 70's and early 80's) "Other" wasn't one of the options. When ever I have to fill out a form that asks for race and the form includes "Others" with a blank line to fill in afterwards, I always put "Human". I get a laugh out of it everytime.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
26 Aug 08
That is what makes me rather sad. A child of mixed race should remember all the parts and not just the darker shade. I have a friend who is Dutch Canadian and his wife is part Dutch and part Black, but we consider the children Canadians of Dutch and African descent, but we do not consider the children as all black. But the strange thing is that the older girl looks part African and the baby looks Italian.
And my husband's nephew who is Low German descent is married to a lady who is Filipino, one of their sons looks Filipino, one looks like an American Indian, and one looks Low German. And his wife also has Spanish in her as well. We consider the children part Low German and part Filipino. So in Canada, we sort of put everything together and do not delete one section in favor of another.

@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
25 Aug 08
suspenseful, thank you for the great links.I am like you, I too am in favor of marring whom ever you fall in love with.Now I am a white woman and have been attracted to black men and been involved with them for the last 19 years.So I have been involved in inter-racial relationships for quit some time. I have not married, I have been in long term relationships.I am 56 years old, so I am too old to have any children, any longer.However Both of my daughters are also in inter-racial relationships and have bi-racial children.I must say my grandchildren are the most beautiful children I have ever seen, with the pretty brown skin.There is a lot of inter-racial dating and marrige now days, however, I do not know if it will ever end the prejudice.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
26 Aug 08
It will not. It is more than skin color, it is the cultural thing, religion, social class, etc. And likes and dislikes. Like both my husband and I had family who had farming backgrounds, and both of us liked country music and believed in education. So even it could be that the reason you never married was because there was differences of opinions.
Oh don't worry, there is this nice widower or old bachelor out there who is African=American or maybe this older gentleman will come in from Ghana.....

@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
9 Sep 08
I always believe one should marry for love and that ethnicity should not matter and that when someone marries outside their ethnic group, the children should be proud of the various mixtures in their heritage, whether it is German, Nigerian, Kenyan, Zulu, Bantu, etc. and one heritage should not be eliminated to the praise of another. I think once they acknowledge the mixtures, people will marry more for love and not just to prove a point.
@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Well the reason I have not married is because I was in a bad marriage for 23 years, this ended 19 years ago. I see no reason to marry again.Seems I can not really see eye to eye with anyone right now. But I really can relate better with black men.My children are married to black men, and have children with them, they are well adjested and very happy. My grandchildren are very grounded and relate both to there white and black heritage.They are very athlethic ,talented, and in the gifted and talented program in school.So to me what others think really does not matter.There will always be those that judge and talk about others.
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Unfortunately I think that no matter what prejudice will always exist. I believe over time it becomes less and less, but I don't think it will every fully go away. In the end we have to love who we love and if others don't like it then too bad. I don't think that interacial marriages will have a lot of affect on those who raised to be racist, or just inwilling to change. 

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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
27 Aug 08
What I do not want to see, is people marrying outside their race to prove that they are not prejudiced. And for people who prefer to marry someone of their own kind to be considered bigots. I mean some are attracted to those of their own race and some are not. It does not make the one who is attracted to those of another race a better and superior person. We all marry who we can get along with and the insides matter as well as the personality.
@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I really don't get what the big deal is about, for the sake of this discussion, the "inter-racial" relationships... Aren't we all part of "human race", or am I missing something...??? Are there so many people out there marrying out side of our race, somebody married a dog or horse or monkey or whale or lion or ant or fish or bird of any kind & didn't tell me? Oh, wait a minute, that would be "inter-species" marriage... What is so wrong with someone marrying somebody they love? Why are we even talking about this? I've gone through few discussions about this topic when I joined in & I've decided to put one up myself few weeks ago & from what I see, everybody seemed to be pretty cool with it at the time... Of course prejudices will always be there, if not about this then about something else... I myself am involved in an inter-racial relationship & I see it everyday, my girl friend whom I've been living with 4 years sees it everyday, my mixed 8 year old daughter goes through it everyday... And for those who thinks all or most of the inter-racial relationship & marriages will fall apart should talk to one of my friends wife who works in a hospital as a social worker... Just as many 'same race' couples she interviews & counsels fall a part few years later... It's not about the race issue, or inter-racial issue... It's about "inter-personal" issue... When 2 "people" get together, their commitments & strength of the relationship will determine weather their marriage will last or not... Race has nothing to do with it... I personally have seen "same race" marriages & relationships fall apart no matter what they were... Black couples, Indian Couples, Jewish couples, Japanese couples, & on & on... I've seen 2 white people get married & get divorced in the matter of months, 8 to be exact... I love my white girl friend & she loves little old Korean kid like myself... Enough said...
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
27 Aug 08
Well I was talking to my husband and said that actually we all belong to the human race, and that black, brown, yellow, are considered sub as in a subsection of the human race and he went ballistic. It seems that calling blacks a different race than whites, makes it easier to understand. I wonder who came from another planet and settled here?
I do believe in marrying someone you love as long as that person is not already married and that person is compatible. But when he told that he hoped that inter='racial' marriages is the preferred thing, I was upset. I felt that love and compatibility and religion important. Then he goes on and says that maybe people have to marry someone of a different religion and mine is not the right one and then he goes and says my church thinks it is the only true church.
But there are at least five or more who are part of the true church. So he gets that wrong.
Well my husband is white and I am to, and we are still married after 30 plus years. I have friends who are all white, and many have been married for as long and some celebrated their fiftieth and seventy-five anniversary. I know a couple where the husband is Dutch the wife is Mulatto and a man is Dutch and the wife Canadian Indian, but they are young so have to wait a few years.
So us white people stay married for long times as well.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
27 Aug 08
I lived in an all white neighborhood, but we did have a Chinese family, but we kept to ourselves. I remember when the first people came from Ghana and we just loved seeing those togas they wore with the pictures of their presidents and there were some Italians, but most of us were Northern European and that made it hard for me, because I was part Welsh, and I had the dark hair and was not a blond or redhead and I was not on the tall side. So I never found anyone to date then. I mean all the guys went for the blonds, they got married sooner, and us brunettes either went to work in offices or became bad girls until someone decided to marry us, but then instead of having four or five kids like the blonds, the most we could have was two.
So prejudice does work with white people against whites.
I am being stereotyped because you are not as tall or as blond as the other.
That I think may have made it harder to marry someone of a different color because of the hurt to overcome.
@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
27 Aug 08
LOL... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to imply that all same race couples don't last... That was my fault... I should have said I've seen as many "same race" couples fall apart as those who stay together... My ex girl friends grand parents have been together for 72 years... Grandpop was 96 & grandmom was 94... They married in their early 20's... They both passed away within 2 years of each other... And they are both whites... Of course in my case, me & my girl friend are exposed to more inter-racial relationship simply because we are one... Many people we hang out with are involved in "inter-racial" relationships... One couple have been married for 14 years & still going strong... Guy was white & wife was black... Sweetest couple you could ever wish to meet... All I'm saying, like you, is that when 2 people are in love, race, age, financial status, family back ground, or anything of that nature shouldn't matter... Now, I really don't have any "preferences" over another... It doesn't really matter who's doing the pursuing... If a white girl or man claims to "exclusively" pursue or prefer blacks or Japanese or Indian or whatever, I feel that would be a prejudice type of thought... I myself have never really went out "looking" for white girls, it just happened that the neighborhood I grew up & lived in didn't have a lot of Korean girls, heck, there were very few "Asian" people all together... Naturally I'll meet more girls who are outside of my race than I would my own... I wasn't going to settle for someone I didn't like just to stay within my race... I met a girl I liked, I got involved with her, now we live together & have been for past 4 years... that's that... Just like how any other normal people get into a relationship... In my case, it just happened to be with a white girl...
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I have never figured why a white person would want to marry a black person its beyound me when there are just as many of thier own color to marry.
and the ones I have seen has never really beenhappy and most ended in divorce.
and then the poor kids form htese unions have a very rough time growing up.
One day I hope hey see this and stop but untill then we can only think it probably wont stop now that some have crossed that border.
And just cause every one might ending up looking alike dont mean that prejudices will stop for there will always be some one jealous of some thing.
and alot of people dont marry the same kind of background of each other all the time. Some people who are rich marry some who are poor and they get along just fine and some from the country can marry some one from the city and get along great.
you have to have friendship,love and trust whom ewver you marry!
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
26 Aug 08
I tell my husband there are more reasons rather than everyone being the same color, to stop prejudice. There is the city people against the country people, the religious differences - you would still have Christians marrying Christians and Muslims marrying Muslims (and he went on about that, if we all had the same belief and he did not want to listen when I told him there is only one way to heaven and if all beliefs got into it, there would be one big fight.)
And when you marry, it is what you have in common that counts and well there is the cultural difference. I think it is easier for someone to marry someone in a different social class, like poor marrying a rich, then someone marrying someone brought up differently. I mean in order to be rich, you can make more money but to change your preferences is not that easy.
Me I am not attracted to those of a different color. It is not that I hate them, my heart does not start pounding as it does when I see a guy who is white, but has dark brown/black hair and brown eyes.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I like white men. with dark hair dont care what colored eyes they have.
Me and hubby were different in alot of ways . He was sort of religous but never wnent to chirch I grew up going to church but stopped way before I met him . He was country and I was both country and city was rtaised in both places.
WE were just soul mates is all I cn say.
and we had 42 1/2 years together.!
@Ithink (9980)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I have always thought that dark haired, dark eyed guys were so attractive. How I came to marry a blond blue eyed guy is still a mystery.. lol But I did and wouldnt change it for the world.
I did read one time how with all interacial marriages and such that "so-called" whites would be a minority and soon there would be no whites too. I just cant remember where I read it.
I dont totally agree with the you wed according to background and econimic lifestyles either. If that is the case I wouldnt have married my husband. I was a middle class girl and his family was total poverty basically. Yes my parents were horrified but noone was going to tell me what to do... LOL!
At the same time I dont think prejudice will ever really stop as if it is one thing it will be another that starts hatred. A friend of mine says without one you cant have the other. Would be nice but Im starting to think he was right.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
27 Aug 08
I married the type I was attracted to. For a time, I thought that blond haired guys were cute, but I was on the pill, and it messed me up, but I never would have been happy or survive with someone blond haired with freckles. For one thing, they cannot stand the hot weather, and I cannot stand the cold. I meant over 80 degrees today, and it was just right, but if I were married with a guy who had red hair and freckles, he would think it way too hot.
Well my husband cane from a family where the women did everything the man said, even to little details such as what clothes to wear, etc. while I came from the men were the boss outside, and the women inside the home, and we sort of compromised.
I heard about the whites being the minority and I think it has to do with the application of guilt about the Second World War in Europe plus the fear that large families are all poor.
But somehow they just said it about whites and not about the others. Seems a shame. I mean, here in Manitoba, a lot of people have four or more kids and believe it or not some of them are white, in fact many of them are white, but I head in some places, it is not so.
@Ithink (9980)
• United States
27 Aug 08
I wouldnt say they cant stand the heat as mine can and does everyday as he works in a lumber yard and it gets way hot.
As for large families it isnt as common nowdays but my father came from a large family and so did my mom who came from a family of 11. My husband and I have 7 biological kids. We are what people would consider white. Thou Im American Indian too. I also dont think this has anything to do with the fact that we could be the "minority". I still dont think that social standing and all that has everything to do with it nowdays either. If all married that way I think life would be so boring. This is of course just what I think. I do think it is a possibility that we could be the minority later but I dont find that I really care, I am one of those that we all bleed red, we are all human.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
27 Aug 08
I really don't know.there is and always will be prejudgist people in the world..My daddy & mom would probably turn over in their grave if any of their children hooked up with a different race & its still being taught today to children,Its not just whites that are racist,its also blacks ,asian, you name it,jewish,its always been and probably always will be to a certain extent...To me people is people but thats just me.i think the children now days will pick whoever they are attracted too & could care less what anyone thinks....My sister married a wonderful mexican man and my daddy would send her a peso for christmas, each year we just laughed at that sillyness.....People are people and we ain't gonna change them....
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
27 Aug 08
We have a lot of Native Indians up here, and they is intermarrying, and soon you sort of forget it because then everyone thinks the descendants are French-Canadian or Scottish because there were a lot of intermarriage among the French traders with Native Canadian Indian girls. In fact, in the reservations, some do not even look Native Indians or Cree or Assinboines or Dakota Sioux.
Anyway color of skin should not matter and we had a term we used when I was young for people of extremely mixed backgrounds, it was Heinz 57 and those who were were rather proud of that because they could blend in with any group.
@Galena (9110)
25 Aug 08
I'm attracted to rather androgynous delicately built men with blue or green eyes, fairly pale skinned, lithe rather than muscular.
my true soul partner is much more muscular, and has the most beautiful warm brown puppy eyes. he's part indian. so olive skinned, and very tall and masculine.
love sees beyond appearence, and turns the one you love into the most beautiful creature you've ever seen, whether they are your "type" or not.
people should be with who they love. colour and gender and age are all just minor details.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
26 Aug 08
Well I prefer guys who are not only black grown hair and brown eyes, but can mow the lawn, fix things around the house, and can lift a motor. Androgynous guys would not do at all. They'd try to lift a motor and they would get squashed. 

@Galena (9110)
26 Aug 08
not the case. they're often quite muscular, just without the bulk.
sort of like the difference between a greyhound and a mastiff. both are strong, althetic dogs. but built completely differently. or the difference between a bodybuilder and a sprinter.
and I've always been quite capable of Mowing and DIY. I wouldn't say I'm physically strong at all. it's all in the mindset.
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@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
26 Aug 08
Dear friend,
I do hope if these marriage increases there would another group would arise and moreover after maybe more than 100 or 500 years this kind marriage could occur may bit late this will occur as the world is becoming shorter and shorter. Hence even a girl who is either an Indian or Italian or any have many options to marry other person from other country. As the countries interferences to each other becomes much better and media especially like internet could give better exposure to inter-racial marriages. May the transports facilities and lifestyles all these give path for inter-racial marriage in coming generations. Before love marriage in our place was a big issue considering to cast, religions and other status of the person etc. Now it becoming more accepting without any demands may only demand is to love each other. Hence I feel inter-racial marriage could soon invade the world.

@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
27 Aug 08
I told my husband that I do not like the idea that one section of humanity becomes extinct. I mean think of what would happen if in the future, you want to make a movie about the Middle Ages and the producers says, "I want someone to play this Saxon maiden. Are there any blonds here?" And they have to pay the make up man to dye blond wigs and make sure there is enough whitener for the girls's skin.
I do not mind marrying for love, but if people marry someone of a different race because they feel compelled to, it is wrong. And there is one section that gets submerged, not only the skin color, but also the beliefs and customs as well. My husband tells of a guy who is married to a Japanese girl and he no longer eats
Western, even good healthy Western, they eat just Japanese.

@MZKUMA (705)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Prejudices will not e solved by interracial marriages or relationships. It will be solved only when people realize that the only differences in humans are our skin colors and that doesn't make one better than another. I have to disagree that in a few hundred years interracial relationships will lead to everyone being brown. There were countless of interracial children born over the years of slavery, which has a great part in the many different skin tones of African-Americans/Blacks. You just have a generation of biracial children who may have lighter skin, darker skin or (brown as you say). The reason those who are in interracial relationships have to deal with a bunch of needless mess is because some individuals have the idea that something is wrong dating outside their race (for what ever reason they may have been taught about another race) and they want to impose their ideas/disapproval on that couple (in some way or another)...even if it's with a stare. Getting to know a person for who they are and not what race or society/economic class they may have been raised in will allow them to truly see them as the individual they are. For no man is above another just by his race or social status. When one is sick and living out their last days depending on another to give them care, none of that matters anymore. If we only had the innocent uncorrupted hearts of children we would have not issues with race.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
26 Aug 08
I think there is more prejudices that have to do with class and where you live than skill color. Look I am part English and my maternal grandmother told me that because her parents spoke the Queen's English they were not to associate with the Co*ckneys (I would love to not put the asterisk in, but myLot think it is a swear word.) and they looked the same as us. The only difference was way back one of my maternal ancestors got a job appointed by the King, either a clerk, and now was considered middle class. And then there was the city dweller against the country dweller. So interracial marriages will not cure prejudice, even if we all were brown and I sort of love my blues eyes, and fair skin() there will still be the class and the place where we live to contend with.
As for children, they can be cruel sometime.
@MZKUMA (705)
• United States
27 Aug 08
Had to re read to make sure I understood what was said. True, there are prejudices that stem from an individuals/society "class and where a one lives". Skin color just adds to it. Poor is one thing..poor and (what society deems a minority) is an added degree of prejudice. I totally agreed that interracial relationships will never effect hatred/prejudice. As far as children are concern, yes they can be truthfully cruel. But, the don't harbor and hold anger. Those same children who get in a scuffle one moment will be playing again within moments. Hence, the reason I remarked "innocent and uncorrupted hearts/minds". Hatred/prejudice isn't natural (I believe so anyway), it is a learned behavior.
@berrys (864)
• Singapore
26 Aug 08
i too am in favor of marrying who you are in love with no matter race, religion, wealth, or social status. im an english-chinese-malay-portugese-german-egyption i know its really weird but i come from a long line of mixed races and religion and i personally think that there is nothing wrong in marrying whatever it is as long as your in love
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@pinkytabor (818)
• Philippines
26 Aug 08
I am in favor of inter racial marriages. My husband and i are of different cultural, religious, educational and racial background. I should say, we are really opposites. But we love each other. I cannot imagine being married to anyone else. We have two beautiful boys, 1 year and 2 years old.
I believe that my marriage to him has changed my world view. But it takes a lot of understanding, patience, and love in order to eradicate prejudice. There has been too many attempts by too many great men to break down the walls of prejudice but I guess it will be there. It is a reality of life.
All we need is to accept the things and the people we cannot change. In due time, we might notice, it is our own self who has changed and has become better.
@berrys (864)
• Singapore
26 Aug 08
Maybe at first people look at a persons social standing and wealth but i think as time passes and the hearts grow fonder it doesn't matter for as long as you love a person crazy things are done. I recently found up that my entire family all the way up to my great-great grandparents have all been mix so you can really imagine what I look like. a combination of many = a face like mine[not very attractive] and i find it very awkward as i live in asia currently and when me and my friends go to the mall they stare at my friend and establish shes Chinese, shes English but when they look at me they continue string and even though i pretend to not see them i can tell they are probably wandering to themselves "What the **** is she? or where the h*ll did she come from?" and the attention is a bad kind of attention. but marriage-wise our world has become more multi-rational people are accepting each other no matter what of back ground the only people in my opinion who still have to marry in to a well-bred family has got to be the royals as the public expects them to uphold a certain standard but i think they should be given the right to marry who they wish as well
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
27 Aug 08
In my background, we were more inclined to look at the social standing, if you were middle class you married middle class, if you came from a country background even if you lived in the city, you married someone whose grandfather or great grandfather had a farm and so on. And it was not just race, it was country, so if you were English and you married an Italian or German and married someone who came from Poland, etc, you were looked down upon. So if everyone in the future is all brown, there will be those who frown on someone who is brown but lives in the States, and someone who is brown and lives in Japan. So even if we become homogeneous, there will still be prejudices. It is human nature.
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I am not prejudice, but I am against interracial couples, because I think that we should stay with our own race that is just my opinion. Although Interacial babies make beautiful babies. Now adays you see it all the time. My Grandson has a baby by this spanish girl. Her Mother likes black men and so does her daughter, kids do what the see there parents do. I think she was an big influcences on her daughter. But I love that babie dearly and he is my Great-grandson. His name is Shandelle same as his dad. Have a good day Supenseful! I am really suprise that Mylot has let this discussion stay. But it is a good topic. Very contravesial.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
27 Aug 08
I am rather ambivalent about interracial marriages, because it is easier if both of you come from the same backgrounds, like both living on a farm, or both being from the slums, and both being the same religion, like both are Baptists, but there is so much to overcome. Even if you come from the same background, one came from a free background, and one from a slave background even if was the 1850s. And it is the same with interfaith backgrounds, like in my family there is Pentecostal, Anglican, Four Square, United Church, Baptist, and Reformed because my grandparents did not think religion mattered that much. So now my older son is married to a Catholic girl, and my other son is engaged with a Catholic girl, and my husband no longer attends Church.
So just like your son's girlfriend's mother likes black man, and her daughter does, in our family what religion you were was not important as long as you are Christian.
And I do not like it.
We are are supposed to be human beings, so why is it more important for one side to indentify themselves as one race, and the others not so? Why not say you are Americans from whatever area you are from? And confuse everybody? 

@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
26 Aug 08
My thoughts are they are definately more accepted now than even like 10-15 yrs. ago. I can remember back when my sister who is now 41 was dating a Mexican guy in High School. It was truly frowned upon then, and would have never worked. Now you see people interacially mixed all of the time. I honestly feel that there is nothing wrong with it, and when two people are in Love, what should come between them but themselves? Just my thoughts.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
26 Aug 08
I believe if a boy and a girl love each other, they should get married if they are old enough. I suppose your sister was not old enough and the parents were not only against him because he was Mexican, I suppose it was because they were too young, and he was Roman Catholic, not to mention class differences. So it was not just the skin color it was the other things to consider and I consider the same religion more important especially if both parties feel strong about it.
For those who it really does not matter, but if one is Protestant and one is Catholic and they feel that they are right, the kids would be torn apart.
@GardenGerty (162487)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I have nothing against interracial marriages. With the number of countries my ancestors came from, they had to have happened. It is just easier to see if it is a black person or a brown person with a white person or a "yellow" person, or a "red" person. I do not think we will all be alike, or they, our descendants will all be alike, even if we each were in an interracial marriage, there are still too many genetic variables. But let's suppose that we all ended up looking basically alike, would there still be prejudice--yes. There will always be someone who needs to feel superior to someone else, for whatever reason. That is basic human nature. It is a good discussion as well.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
26 Aug 08
Inter=racial marriages will not kill prejudices and there are those who are prejudiced because the other person is considered more superior then they. Like when some Canadians hate Americans because they do not have to pay as many taxes, I sort of believe that it is easier to overcome prejudices against who you consider inferiors, yet harder to overcome prejudices who you or society considers superiors. That is why the solution that is on now of blacks on tv shows getting the better jobs, and being the boss of the company (and that also applies to women of any ethnic group) on the tv shows will hurt rather than hinder what is really going on. If they showed a variety and showed the struggles like they did in those movie where the teacher goes to the slums and teaches the children and the children come from all nationalities and racial groups, then there would be less resentment.
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
26 Aug 08
Someone somewhere will always be prejudiced against someone else, no matter what people try to do. you can't please the world, so just do what you need to do to please yourself, and let the rest of the world do what it will. I don't give people a swecond thought. I am going to do what I want, and if others don't like it, touch crap!
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
26 Aug 08
I do not want to please the world, I do not want it to be that inter=racial marriages are considered more desirable than marrying the guy next door, someone who is also of your same ethnic group, or the same race. I do not want when a man and wife who is both black, or both white or both Chinese, that the people on the street after seeing a non-white man married to a white woman, say to the ones who married their own race and kind, "We're ashamed of you. You should have married someone of a different race than you!" And I do not want to see that inter-racial couples given preferred rates in hotel bookings. I want everyone to be treated the same.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
26 Aug 08
You should marry someone of the opposite gender who you are in love with and it does help that you both like computers, like travel, and like country and western music and both come from middle class working class farming in your ancestry. 

@edmslove (11)
• Canada
26 Aug 08
I am white, a city girl who's parents immigrated to North America in the 70's. I was born and raised in the country I live. I have fallen in love with a black man who is a wonderful human being. He is of my race because he is catholic like I am, but his colour and nationality is different. Love does not see colour, age, ethnicity etc. Your heart chooses who you fall in love with. I am happily engaged to this man. I was married with a white man of the same nationality as my parents and was very unhappy. Some people are meant to be with someone different because they themselves do not particularly lie within the boundaries of their backgrounds. As I grew up, I enjoyed the company of friends of different nationlities and backgrounds. To be honest, I always had the inclination towards black people. I was raised in a household that was very strict and my parents wouldn't aprove of an inter-racial relationship as I was growing up. Now that I am a grown woman and living on my own, they have to approve whether they like it or not. To answer your questions, unfortunately I think that prejudice will always exist as there are people out there that consider the colour of someone's skin to make them a different person then they are. Personally black people are wonderful human beings. I am so happy this person is in my life and has made me who I am. I fiancee is what you can call a city guy as well, but his family is poor. My family is not necessarily rich, but we are better off then his family. To me the monetary value someone has should have nothing to do with stereotyping. Poor people have changed the world in possibly more ways then rich people have. Poor people live with what they have and make due with a situation with the resources they have, rich people just pay money to take care of it. I personally think that a marriage between a black person and a white person is a wonderful thing. I plan to do it soon.
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