School Bully, Could I have made a difference?
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
United States
August 26, 2008 8:24am CST
My children came home from school talking about how my son had been hit in the back of the head by a school bully on the school bus. My daughter who is in the same grade as this boy went to hit him back and got caught before she connected. My son is 9 the school bully is 15. This boy has been a trouble maker since he was a small child and the school knows it. They told me when I called that nothing could be done to this boy over him hitting my son unless the bus driver caught him. They also told me he was sneaky about it and hard to catch. There was several witnesses and other children whom this boy has been hitting yet the school says they can do nothing about it. When this bully was about 6 years old his parents stopped by to ask if he could play for the day. I told them that was fine and he played okay with my daughter for a little while but then he tried to go into the bathroom with her. I explained that he could not do that and I caught him trying to peek in the door. I got onto him for that. Then he started being mean to our dog and I got onto him for that. He then threw rocks and dirt at our dog which was standing in the front door way so it not only hit the dog but made a mess in our house. It seemed the rest of the day was me getting on to him for mean or bad behavior so I never asked him back over. I often heard his mother screaming at him in the mornings and they lived at least a quarter of a mile away and maybe even a half a mile away. we live in the country so sounds are easier to hear in our area. Yet I felt so bad for this boy. I could not prove it was her and they were related to one of the local cops so turning them in would have done no good. I learned that the hard way when the cops son bullied my daughter a long time ago. Small town cops stick together. Do you think maybe I could have changed this boys behavior by having shown him some kindness when he was a child? I just know that at the time I was more worried about protecting my daughter. I know that his bullying has to stop before he hurts someone. My daughter said that he is hitting kids even younger than my son. any advice?
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14 responses
@gitfiddleplayer (10362)
• United States
27 Aug 08
This kid has no respect for anybody, including himself so nothing you could have done would have changed anything about him. His parents or mother is the problem, she's fueling him to lash out at others. He needs a man to talk with him, not to him so he doesn't feel like he's being scolded. Firm but directional, it sounds like the unionized school won't do anything anyway. They are just waiting until he's out of their hair and they probably deal with him a few times a day and with the same downward spiral direction. I'll bet the'd do something if he was bullying the principls kid. Does the school have a counselor that he could talk with? Someone needs to help this kid and change his direction in life.
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@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
28 Aug 08
I agree that someone needs to help this child and like you said change his direction in life. I am just so unsure how to go about it. His parents are strange to say the least. I do not know them well and now no longer even see them at all. I used to see them at our local store ( they worked there) but I have not seen either of them in a long time. I have thought about maybe calling the school counselor but am not sure how to voice my concerns in the best possible way. My daughter just told me last night that he surrounds himself with the little kids. She said that the kids are starting to call him Michael Jackson. That really concerns me. What does a 15 year old have in common with a 6 year old? I think you are very right in that he needs someone to talk to him not at him. Thank you so much.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I really don't think you could have had any kind of impact on this boy unless you had had the opportunity to work with him daily for quite a while. This boy has obviously learned to be mean and sneaky at home and he's only going to get worse now that he's older.
As far as small town cops sticking together...I hear ya, live in a small southern town myself...but there comes a time when they can't cover up or ignore a problem like an abusive teenager. I would encourage you to report every incident that involves your kids to the school and, even if they can't do anything, insist that it be put in writing. You could also talk to the School Board, Superintendent of Schools, anyone you can about this boy's bullying. Find out what anti-bullying legislation, if any, is in effect in your state and continue to go up the food chain if there are laws that are being violated when it comes to this kid.
And, I think your daughter should start sitting behind this boy so that he can get hit in the back of the head when he hits someone else. 

@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
27 Aug 08
Thank you for making me feel better about my inaction when this boy was a child. Funny that all these small towns are so alike when it comes to local officials and the wealthy getting special treatment and banding together. I talked to the school again and they moved this boy to the front of the bus behind the driver. That should help but if it doesn't I have decided I will not sit back and let this happen again. I will be taking it to the next level and continue to do so until something is done. I loved this sentence ..I think your daughter should start sitting behind this boy so that he can get hit in the back of the head when he hits someone else.
She would be more than willing to
Thanks for a great response and bringing a
to my face.

@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Many of these children who bully do it because they have been victims of bullies, or they are being abused by someone. Some of them do it because they have never been taught never to bully others. I caught my own nephew pushing a child down the steps of one of the play places at one time, and I gave the boy a good yell, don't think that I did not because what he did to that boy was wrong. I did not hit him, but I raised my voice to him to tell him that it was wrong. Children have to be taught when they are young that bullying is not right.

@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
28 Aug 08
See, that is the problem, I am NOT saying that ALL parents, but most parents do not teach their children what is right from what is wrong, and when they get to school they begin doing things to other children that scar those children for life.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
28 Aug 08
Very good answer. I agree that children have to be taught from a young age that being mean to others is not acceptable.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
27 Aug 08
There should be cameras on the buses. That way even if the bus driver doesn't see it, the camera will.
A kid used to mess with my oldest daughter. Kick her, grab her books and throw them, etc. We tried to talk to the mother but she had given birth to an angel (more like demon spawn) and we ended up having to call the police. No one bothered my daughter after that. We just wanted to send a clear message and we did.

@irishidid (8687)
• United States
29 Aug 08
Calling the police certainly wasn't what we wanted to do, but after the mother allowed the boy to cuss us out over the phone there wasn't much choice. If she wouldn't do her job as a parent then we would take it to the next step.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
31 Aug 08
I don't think any parent wants to have to call the police on a child. I can not believe a parent would let thier child cuss someone out like that. I guess I was raised in different times. If I would have done that my mom would have whipped my hinny and then made me go apologize.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
29 Aug 08
They claim that there is only one camera and it goes from one bus to the other. I think they don't even have one going and if they do it is never on the bus it needs to be on lol. I know what you mean about them giving birth to angels. I have had to deal with those kind of parents in the past. It is never pretty
trying to talk to them. I may have to do what you did if this happens again. I will not back down again. Great job on getting your bully taken care of. 

@ch88ss (2271)
• United States
27 Aug 08
Oh no that is horrible. It really bugs me to hear that schools are not doing anything about it. Kids should feel safe at school and not scared.
If you know other parents that have kids that have been bullied, how about joining hands and then bringing this subject to the school again.
If the school cannot do anything for one parent, I doubt they would say the same if a group of parents complained about the same thing.
I would not let down if I knew my kids were being bullied. It is sad to see this little boy at such a young age trying to peek into the bathroom. He maybe acting out in need of attention.
It also suck that the local cops are on the boy side, maybe that is why he can continue to bully and never get in trouble.
I hope you find a way to protect your kids.
You are not wrong to think of protecting your kids first.

@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
29 Aug 08
Thanks for a great response. They did move the boy to the front of the bus and my kids said that he has not been on there in a day or two so I am wondering if maybe he has done something else to get kicked off the bus? If anything else happens I will be taking it to the next level for sure.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
31 Aug 08
I could only hope that he got sent to another school. No such luck
he is back on the bus but at least he is still in the front.

@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
29 Aug 08
That is pretty much what they were saying. I thought that there being that many kids who saw it would help but it did not. I can understand though the reason why. If a bunch of kids did not like someone they could get together and say so and so did this to so and so. then the kid would be in trouble for no reason. The bus driver did move this boy to the front of the bus and so far so good.
@jillbeth (2705)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I live in a small town so I know what you mean about the cops sticking together!
I think the parents of the kids need to get organized, go to the school principal, and demand that something is done to protect their children on this bus. Even if the bus driver didn't see it there are still lots of witnesses to his behavior. The group might even consider threatening a lawsuit against the school for not protecting their children. At the very least, the boy should not be allowed to ride the bus.
As for your earlier experience with him, it might have made some difference if you had been more understanding, but then again it may not have! It sounds like the poor kid has had a rough time at home. We can't go back and change history, though, so you need to concentrate on taking care of the problem at hand.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
27 Aug 08
I am learning that it seems all small towns have the cop sticking together syndrome. I have spoken to one set of parents that my daughter said their son was getting bullied. His mom said that her son just takes it and don't even tell her that he is being bullied. I told her what my daughter had said and that family is willing to band together on this. The school has decided to move the bully into the front seat. If this don't help I am taking this to the next level until it is taken care of. Thank you so much for reminding me that what happened before is in the past and can not be changed. You are right I have to take care of the problem at hand.
@MissGia (955)
• United States
27 Aug 08
I think you need to present yourself at some sort of PTA meeting or even take it to the school board. I can understand the school not doing anything about it if they dont have any proof and they've only had one problem with the boy, but he seems to be torturing these children on a daily basis. It's ok though because hes at the age where he is about to enter high school. I think it would do him some good if he got his butt kicked by an upper classman.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
29 Aug 08
I can understand them needing proof as well before taking any action. This is not the first problem they have had with him. When I called the school they knew exactly who I was talking about and made it obvious that they have had lots of problems with this boy. In our small town he is already in high school and well he did take a whipping by another kid's(he picked on) brother. I guess he just don't learn. Like you said he is picking on these kids on a daily basis and has just gotten sneakier about getting caught. One thing about it my daughter is not afraid of him and I think she will give him a good whipping if he ever touches her brother again. She was just afraid of me being mad if she got wrote up. I told her if he does it again to go for it and I would take care of the school if they tried to write her up.
@ladysurvivor (4746)
• Malaysia
27 Aug 08
I don't think you are wrong at all. The boy's bullying behaviour doesn't come from your way of trying to protect your daughter. You are doing the right thing by not allowing the boy to enter the toilet together with your daughter. And you also did the right thing to the boy, by not letting him peep your daughter through the toilet's door. I think his behaviour originated from his parents. I have read somewhere but I forgot which publication, the writing stated that bullies are made from a child who is too controlled by the parent, especially the mother. Let me give you a scenario, if you don't mind.
There is a boy who lives with his mother. He has no father because his parents are divorced. So in the house there are nobody else that carries the biggest responsibility but the mother. On the other hand, the mother acts as if the son doesn't have a brain of his own. She likes controlling her son up to the extent that the boy couldn't make even a small decision by himself. He is not allowed to do anything unless approved by his mother. AND whatever the son said, will be condemned by the mother, or in other words the mother always wants to win in the conversation. There has never been a two way conversation between the two.
So what do you think the boy will end up being? He would channel his anger towards his mother to other people whom he thinks he can have control of. That's why he likes bullying because in his mind he is actually paying back to his mother, not the person he's bullying.
I am worried maybe this boy of your case here is having a more severe mental abuse from his parents. He seems so vengeance to me. He couldn't accept even a little criticism, for example when you explained that he couldn't go into the toilet with your daughter, and not allowing him to go into the toilet. He started harming your dog. I think you better watch out because when he grows older, it is not impossible that he will be involved in a more serious case than bullying.
I suggest that he sees a psychiatrist. But I understand, things are better said than done. We don't know whether his parents could accept if you tell them to bring their son to the psychiatrist. Or maybe you can talk to the 'father' from your church (priest?)- sorry I am not familiar with your religion so I am just guessing. Maybe you can ask a favor from the priest to go and talk to the boy or something. Or maybe you could bring this case to community's society or something.
All the above are just suggesions. It may help but it may not help too. I am nobody to give you any advice, but I am just trying to help. I really hope that you will be able to overcome this problem, as I am worried too that the boy would start harming others if his problem is not solved in the nearest time. Have faith, and may god be with you always. Take care. Adios, this is me ladysurvivor.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
28 Aug 08
Thank you so much for the great response. I agree that he did not take the criticism very well and took his anger out on the dog. I think you bring up a lot of great points on why a bully becomes a bully. As you said if he is hitting and bullying children now what will he be doing when he gets older. I would think at 15 he would have out grown some of that need but as you said he may need that form of control over others. I will for sure be using some of your advice and trying to find a way to get him some help. Thank you again.
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Oh, by the way showing this child kindness I doubt would work. I use to have one just like him across the road from me, they moved about a month ago. It was one of my horrible neighbors that I told you all about.
I ws kind to this child but he was severely ADHD and his mother had a hard time getting him to take his meds, most of the time he would not.
But conditions at home for him and his sister were and I'm sure still are very bad and volitaile. I felt bad for the children and tried being kind to them. All it got me and my grandchildren was grief, everytime they were around.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
27 Aug 08
Thank you for making me feel better about not taking this child under my wing and sharing your experiences. I think you are right about it and it would have brought more grief to me and my children. Not only that looking back, I was not a great mother then either. I lacked the patience I have now which still could use some work, I was more of a as long as they are out of my hair kind of mom, and I had yelling moments as well. I have learned and grown as a parent and now try to do things with my kids, try to be more patient, loving, and the mom I wish I would have been all along. Looking back I am 100% sure I would not have made any difference in this child’s life. I just wish there was a way to help him now.
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
27 Aug 08
I can say from experience that if the child gets into enough trouble and parents complain that he will have to, or his parents will have to seek help for him and he will have to see a docotr about his behavior. He may even be put into alternative school. The classes are alot smaller and they watch the children more.
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
26 Aug 08
This is a hard thing for children to deal with. I do know that since you have witnesses, if you know the boys name you can make a police report since the school won't do anything. The boy and your will have to go to court, but maybe this will dampen this other boys activities for bad behavior if someone presses charges against him. We have had this problem before and told the school and the childs parents if something wasn't done we were going to a higher authority over the child. Which meant the police. The school finally did something and made sure the children were separated on the bus and my grandchild sat next to the bus driver. The other child was assigned a seat also that it was the only place he could sit. Where the bus driver could keep a better eye on him.
It is hard for these drivers they do need to watch the road but also our children are put into their hands for a couple of hours a day and we need to know they are safe.
My granddaughter was being "bothered" everyday in a malicious way from another girl, even on the bus. I put a stop to it by telling the school they had better do something that I wanted the childs parents to know what she was doing and that it will not be tolersted any longer. If they and the school did not do something I would go higher on this also. They have helped in both situations after I put it to them like it was.
Best of luck to you and let me know what happens please.

@moondancer (7431)
• United States
27 Aug 08
All you have said you are doing is about all you can do at this point. Just stay on top of the situation. And I'm sure you will do what you feel is right.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
27 Aug 08
It is so hard for the children especially the younger ones. My oldest wants to whip him so bad she can not stand it lol. I got a hold of the school again and they are putting this boy in the front seat of the bus. I have told my children to let me know if he does anything at all to them. I am taking this higher if the problem is not solved. I took down names and the date so that I will have notes should I need to take this further. I imagine it is hard for the bus driver to see everything that goes on and watch the road. But they also know that this boy is a trouble maker so they should have put him in the front seat to begin with. He got suspended last year for bullying and then another kids older brother whipped him at school for bullying the younger sibling. So they know he does it, why not take precautions to begin with? I will give this a chance to work but if he hits or harasses my children again I am taking it to the next level. Thanks for the help and the great response.

@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I doubt you showing him some kindness would have done much good because he still would have been going home to that environment. That is a shame. Has anyone considered calling Children Services instead of the police? I think it is bull that the school can't do anything to him if they don't seem him do it. If they have that many kids that saw him do it they should take all their statements. Hopefully your kids can just stay away from him. If the school won't do anything I don't know what else you could do.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
27 Aug 08
You bring up a very good point that he still would have been going home to that environment. When he was young and I heard her yelling like she did I had thought about calling cps but I was raised to stay out of other peoples business. I had no proof that they were harming their children in any way. I think the reason the school won't take the children’s word for it is because if they did not like someone they could gang up and say someone did something and get that person in trouble. I had to call again and they are now moving him into the front seat of the bus. I am keeping notes so should I need to I can give names and dates. Should I have to take this further I will be prepared.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
27 Aug 08
Although I love many things about small towns that is not one of them. We had a boy like that in the town where I grew up and he ended up being hired by the local police department and one would have thought they would have known better than to do that. So much for protecting the people. Well, no, one person's kindness is not going to change this kind of person, and seriously, if it were me I would consider moving away and/or home schooling. Clearly the officials have no intention of making this situation better.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
29 Aug 08
Wow they made the town bully a cop that is priceless. Unbelievable, I hope that by then he had matured and grown up enough to handle that type of job. Thank you for making me feel better about my inaction when he was a child. They moved him to the front seat of the bus and my daughter said he has not been on there in a few days. I am betting he has done something to get kicked off. I also gave her permission to whip up on him should he ever touch her or her brothers again. Might not be the right way to handle it but if he got whipped by a girl it might do him some good.
@magojordan (3252)
• Philippines
27 Aug 08
I think that you should at least get the parents of the children who were bullied by the same kid to file a complaint at the school or at least have that kid's parents called to meet with the school officials and you. I really found it disturbing that someone who is already 15 years old still bullies kids aged 9 or younger. I just hope the school would act on this immediately.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
28 Aug 08
I also found it disturbing that a boy at 15 would bully children so much younger than him. I am beginning to think that there maybe other things to address in this situation as well. I am thinking counseling is what this boy may need. Asking for a meeting might not be a bad way to get this accomplished. Thank you for the help in this situation.