Euthanasia - What's your opinion about it?
By falassion
@falassion (419)
August 26, 2008 3:27pm CST
Euthanasia, which comes from the greek and means "good death", is the practice of ending a life of somebody that is suffering or so.
Nowadays, Belgium, Luxemburg, Thailand, Netherlands, Switzerland, and the USA's Oregon state consider this practicing as "legal".
And what about you? What do you think about this controversal topic? Does a person has the right to take the life away of other person? Or do you think that's a reasonable practicing, when "used" as a way to finish with the suffering of somebody?
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12 responses
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I don't believe euthanasia should ever be legal for several reasons. Primarily, where do you draw the line when it comes to quality of life and suffering? Should a severely handicapped person be "put out of his misery"? Should the elderly be given a shove over to the other side since they're headed that way anyway? I believe it's God's place to decide when your time has come, not man's. No one should ever have that kind of power over another human being unless that person has been convicted of a heinous crime.
@bbjwlsn (263)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I don't think that anyone who recommends or is "for" euthanasia would feel that a handicapped person should be "put out of his misery" or that the elderly should be given a shove over to the other side. Yes, it is God's place to decide when your time has come.
That being said, do you think that God recommends for a person who is only alive because machines are breathing for them and tubes are running down their nose to feed them to be kept alive this way? If they are removed from these artificial means, isn't that up to God to then take them, when he is ready?
This is very close to my heart because last year my sister and I were faced with just such a decision with my mother. She had left written instructions that she was not to be kept alive artificially. She went into the hospital after having a stroke. She was 86 years old, and had been telling us for several years that she was worn out and ready to "go."
After being in the hospital for about a week, she contracted c. diff. colitis, a very insidious bacteria that causes, among other things, uncontrolled bowels. It caused her kidneys to shut down, but they got them working again. She was in a coma, and had to have not only a catheter from her bladder, but also one from her bowels, so that her waste went into a plastic bag. She would have been absolutely mortified if she could have seen the condition she was in.
They had also discovered during various testing and x-rays that she had lung cancer.
After talking with her doctor and the hospice representative from the hospital, we made the decision to remove her from the breathing machine and to stop tube feeding. I specifically asked if we were killing our mother. That was really bothering me. I was assured by both of them that we were not. We were simply honoring her request not to be kept alive by artificial means. She was removed from life support, and passed away the next morning, quietly in her "sleep," just the way she wanted to go.
Do I feel guilty for being a part of that decision? Absolutely not! I knew my mother, and I'm sure that we did just what she wanted us to do.
That is one of the reasons why I believe in euthanasia.
@falassion (419)
• Brazil
26 Aug 08
I understand your point, spalladino, but if this person is just alive because machines are helping his/her, are we getting into "God's way"? I mean, if it weren't for the machines, the person would die.
And if the person that is suffering wants that things happen this way, do you think that it should be considered?
I'm not demanding that you think other way, I just want to make a healthy discussiion, ok? =)
Thanks for your comment!
@falassion (419)
• Brazil
26 Aug 08
Hey, bbjwlsn, thanks for your report.
I was touched by your story.. I don't know if I'd do the same, but just a person that it's living the situation know how it really is.
Again, thanks for sharing us a story that's only yours. I felt REALLY honored of reading it.
Thanks for your comment!

@misty99 (736)
27 Aug 08
I have a friend whose father in law had been in the hospital.The old man has life support.And the longer he stayed in the hospital the bigger the bill comes.For a month of like this,all their savings had been drained....all members of the family decided to let the old man go.I think there's too much suffering on both the parts..the dying old man and the family.If i am on that situation i would do the same, of course with the support of other members of the family.If i am the dying person i would try to communicate with them and say to stop everybody's sufferings.
@falassion (419)
• Brazil
28 Aug 08
Hello, misty99.
Again, I see a situation where's there's only a way of doing the things..
Unfortunately, sometimes we have no choice but to let it go. And I think the person who've been passing for all of this didn't wanted that the family suffer because of him also.
Thank you very much for posting!
@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
27 Aug 08
I could never dream of doing something like that when it comes to a person , and eve knowing how much they suffer . If it was up to them and they signed something then maybe . You know for pets i think it is okay. I had to put down a family pet that had cancer , and my best cat because there was nothing they could do . His bladder exploded and he was drowning in all his fluid . their was a small change with a surgery that he would of been okay , but that was nearly 3 thousand dollars . i think that is the worse when an animal is put dow because of money 

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@falassion (419)
• Brazil
28 Aug 08
Hello, metschica25. ^^
You know, I analised the case that you just proposed, and I got this:
I don't know how it is where you live, but here in Brazil there is something called SUS (which I think that's equivalent to your HMOs).. SUS pays some kind of surgeries and so, then people who can't afford for it can take a place in the line and wait for it's time.
Well, if you think by the same way, I don't know nothing that even looks like to SUS, but for animals. Then, I think that, when you come to this, you must think what's better to the animal, in first place. In your case, it was doing the surgery, but you couldn't afford it and there was nothing that could pay it for you. The most wise choice, then, was to put your pet down. At least, this way, he would suffer less. =)
Thank you very much for sharing part of your life and thanks for your comment!
@trishasantos (1297)
• Philippines
27 Aug 08
I think it's okay when in a year or two the patient will die. Why make her suffer more if she will just evetually die? So I think its okay. But its not legal here in the Philippines.
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@falassion (419)
• Brazil
27 Aug 08
Yeah, I really know how bad is seeing somebody that you love suffering.. But it's still a difficult question.. There are a lot of moral topics to be discussed and so..
But one thing I consider as almost sure: we'll never reach a definitive conclusion. Even knowing that, I appreciate so much seeing your different point of views, 'cause it makes me learn a bit for each comment of you.
Thank you for posting!
@sweetyethot (1737)
• China
27 Aug 08
if the people who's ill suffers so much that nearly all the people all round would rather see him or her die,euthanasia,i think,will help.but speaking of paper workes, in some cases,the patient can be too ill to be concious of what's going on, thus, he cant make his own decision.and it's difficult to execute euthanasia, i guess.
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@falassion (419)
• Brazil
27 Aug 08
Yeah, to deal with human lifes is a very difficult question.. We ask ourselves: do I have the right to do it?
Surely, there's still a lot for me to think before reaching into a conclusion, and I thank you for helping me do that.
Thank you for posting!
@LimoChang (193)
• China
27 Aug 08
I don't think a person has the right to take the life away of another person,but one's own choice is always respected.For some people who still has consciousness can make choice for themselves,euthanasia is a good way to finish the suffering and in this case,it is a reasonable practicing.For few people who lost their consciousness,let it suspend and take good care of them.
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@falassion (419)
• Brazil
27 Aug 08
Sucint, but objective. Your answer express what most people in the world agree, I think. But, as "most people" isn't "all the people", I'll keep on listening to what people have to say. I have a lot to learn yet. ^^
Thank you very much for your posting!
@habichuelo (3100)
• United States
26 Aug 08
can you please give me the address of a euthanasia place to make an appoinment!??
@falassion (419)
• Brazil
26 Aug 08
Hmm.. I didn't really get what you meant, but if it's about an address of some place that makes euthanasia, sorry, I don't have it. The info I've posted here (about the countries that practices euthanasia) is only what I've got after researching a little bit about it. Sorry. =/
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@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
27 Aug 08
I think that if someone's really suffering then euthanasia should be okay to use. Even if you're just depressed and don't want to live anymore it's okay. It's just not moral to kill someone who doesn't really want to die but can't afford the hospital bill. Especially if that someone has children or a family. And the most important thing is that the dying person should want to have euthanasia. It isn't something hat others should decide on.
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
26 Aug 08
This is my opinion, I believe someone who has a terminal illness and knows will suffer a lot has the right to die if that their wish. I find hard this hard and not acceptable when the person in charge of a person who is not able to speak for themselves anymore, that this person makes this choice, then it is unfair.

@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
27 Aug 08
I need to think about this one, I have husband and daughter, she is the one that worries me, I would need to talk and talk to her. I really do not want to hurt her or place a burden on her shoulders either.
And Your welcome, thanks as well for the discussion.
@falassion (419)
• Brazil
27 Aug 08
No problem, ShellyB. =)
And thank you again for joining this discussion!
@falassion (419)
• Brazil
26 Aug 08
Indeed, that's a reasoable way of thinking, ShellyB.
And what about you? If something happened to you, how would you like it to be? Would you let "pre-announced", or would let that somebody decided for you?
Thanks for your comment!

@bbjwlsn (263)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Hey falassion, how are you? I think euthanasia can be a good thing. As long as someone is truly terminally ill, or in a case where they are only being kept alive by artificial means.
I have made my family aware that if anything happens to me where I can't decide for myself, they are not to let me linger in a state where machines are keeping me alive. If I am in a condition where I can not possibly recover, yes, help me die, please.
@falassion (419)
• Brazil
26 Aug 08
Hey, bbjwlsn, I'm okay, and you?
Yeah, I also think that everything can have a good and a bad side.. It's just a point of view.
I don't know this for sure now, but I think that I wouldn't want to keep suffering, if I knew that there is "no way back" for me. And I know that, even if my relatives didn't admit it, they would be suffering because of me too. So, maybe I would take the same decision as you did.. But I want to REALLY think about it before achieving a conclusion.
Again, thanks for sharing with us your story, and thanks for posting!
@angusthethird (515)
• United States
26 Aug 08
It is wrong. It diminishes the value of life. It will start us down a slippery slope, if "putting down" people becomes permissible by law. Do the doctors make the decision to euthanise a person diagnosed as having a form of cancer they deem incurable?
How about euthanising my 90-year-old mom because she is a pain in the butt? (My mom's not 90 yet, and I would never think of doing that to her!)
Where does it stop?!!!
Only Jesus Christ has the right to decide when life ends.
@falassion (419)
• Brazil
26 Aug 08
Hello, angusthethird!
I'd like to propose to you a "situation", and I just would like to hear what's your opinion about it, ok?
What if the sick person were you? Would you like that your relatives decide to take the pain away for you? Or then, if you had the right to do so, wouldn't you do it?
Again, I'm not fighting with people or something like that.. I just want to discuss about this topic. It's a very polemic one, but I want it to keep this discussion very calm, ok? =)
Thanks for you comment!
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
27 Aug 08
What if the sick person were you? Would you like that your relatives decide to take the pain away for you? Or then, if you had the right to do so, wouldn't you do it?
I hope you don't mind if I respond to your question since I'm here.
If the sick person was me I would not like for my family to make the decision to end my take it...and I would not take it myself. It is a sin, it goes against my beliefs, so, no I would hope that with medication I would not suffer too much until God decides that it's my time to go.

@falassion (419)
• Brazil
27 Aug 08
I understand it, and I have nothing to disagree with you after the incredible post that you made that I just read.
Thank you for sharing your point of view with us. Believe me, its was very important. ^^
@falassion (419)
• Brazil
31 Aug 08
Yeah, eztuner..
Either with the supervise of a doctor, Euthanasia still is and will be a very controverse acting.. Some agree with it, others in a parcial way and others completely are against it.
Thank you very much for your answer!