No energy Tons to do
By byfaithonly
@byfaithonly (10698)
United States
August 28, 2008 7:56am CST
My life is just getting to be too much - I always have a 'to-do list' if not on paper at least in my mind. The problem I've been having is I complete one thing on the list but have added 10 more things already.
Between garden, crafts, animals, egg selling, family, house, writing, and looking for a job I have totally run out of energy and still need to get things done.
I broke down yesterday and got a package of Stacker 3s - I've used these before and they do help and I saw no bad side effects. I don't like doing this, I am an anti-drug nut, but I just have to get things done.
Do you think this is wrong of me?
Have you ever taken Stackers or some other energy drink or pill to get things accomplished?
What do you do when your to-do list is too long to deal with?
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25 responses
@CarlHalling (3617)
• United Kingdom
28 Aug 08
I compile to-do lists too, and allot a certain amount of time to each task. Energy drinks don't agree with me I have to say. I used to be able to tolerate just about anything, but my system isn't what it was. Sometimes though I skip breakfast and lunch and drink lots of coffee and tea to fulfill important tasks, but it's not good for me. I hate not being able to get my daily tasks done. But for me energy comes and goes.
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@CarlHalling (3617)
• United Kingdom
28 Aug 08
One thing I agree 100% with:
There just aren't enough hours in the day.
I'd love to be able to work longer and sleep less and feel great on it, but alas I tire easily and need my rest and sleep too much.
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@CarlHalling (3617)
• United Kingdom
29 Aug 08
Me 2. My sleep is very broken and often of just a few hours duration, and I have to catch up in the day. Not easy; and sometimes I just flake from exhaustion.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
28 Aug 08
Oh I'm the opposite - I know I don't get enough sleep, most nights only 3 or so hours, that doesn't help any at all.
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@txcheerleadr90 (293)
• United States
28 Aug 08
No, i've never taken those. But i'm also BIG on not taking ANY form of medicine. I have tried the energy drinks though and the only one that has worked for me is the Sobe NoFear. Its very carbonated and has a berry taste to it, it taste good, and best of all it actually works!! I run a ranch so believe me... I have my pantry STACKED FULL!! :) But its worth a shot!
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
28 Aug 08
I have heard of Sobe but never tried it - my son likes some energy drink and drinks it now and then but he had me try it one time and I thought it was horrid, no way I would drink a whole can of it.
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@mamaru_husain86 (22)
• Philippines
28 Aug 08
youre still lucky, I woke up around four in the morning,have to jog for 1 hour then eat my breakfast, take a bath.go t0 school, in the afternoon need to play soccer for 2 hours. then study until 10, then prepare my uniform. Thats a military cadet in the philippines
@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
28 Aug 08
I have drank the energy drinks before, they usually contain vitamin B. I would suggest trying a vitamin B complex. I take this daily. I hate it when the to do list gets to overwhelming to handle. Maybe if you broke it down into days instead of an ongoing to do list it won't feel as overwhelming. I go back and forth from the written list to the list I keep in my head. I haven't had a written list in awhile, though it does help show accomplishment.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
28 Aug 08
LOL - I really want one of those little voice recorders that fits on a keyring - hang it around my neck for my list as I'm running, never fails I think of something while in the middle of something else then later kick myself because I forgot it :(
I actually do have and take fairly regularly a B complex but will admit I haven't been taking my vitamins regularly - thanks so much for the little reminder.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
28 Aug 08
I'm the same way, not something I normally do but they do seem to help. I think it's been 2 or 3 months since I bought some. My daughter, 23, has been known to buy the big bottle of them and take them a couple times a day but she uses them more for dieting. I am concerned about that.
I've thought of trying those 5 hour drink things but didn't want to spend the money only to find out they didn't work. I may try it in the future as I know my life isn't going to change over night and I will continue to have too many things to do.
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@bamakelly (5191)
• United States
28 Aug 08
As women it seems like we always have some kind of list or routine to attend to. I have personally never really turned to any quick fix pill to keep my energy going. I think you should be careful about those things.
I guess as long as you take the pills with moderation. It is understandable that you need to stay on your toes and it can be a struggle sometimes.

@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
28 Aug 08
When I've used them before I was very careful and actually only took one in a day and then went several days before I took another - last package of 4 I got lasted me over a month because I don't like resorting to this.
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@nekonyanta (892)
• Philippines
28 Aug 08
The seemingly-neverending-to-do-list syndrome, eh..? Yes, I could very well sympathize with that. I have never tried any energy drink or pills beyond your usual over-the-counter multivitamins. As for side-effects, well I've heard from some of my classmates in college (energy drinks were the "in" thing then) that energy drinks tend to give you sudden boosts of energy but then, when the drink wears off, you'd feel a couple of times more exhausted than you would've been otherwise. If you haven't experienced anything like that, well, then, good for you. Just remember to take things in moderation and take care not to become too dependent on those things.
Oh, and as for your question about what I do when my to-do list gets too long to deal with..? Well, I usually take a break, go for a walk, have coffee with a friend. Relax. Don't be too hard on yourself. =)
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
28 Aug 08
I haven't been taking my multi-vitamin but did after reading your post. I like the idea of taking a walk and just may do that later when it cools down a bit.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
28 Aug 08
You sound like me, in that you feel more worthy or something when there is a long list of things to accomplish. From your list, I see things that are not "necessary," but only things you like to do. Why not work on paring down your list? It's hard for those of us who are compulsive "doers," but it's worth the effort to prioritize and eliminate those things that can be eliminated. I tell myself that it's temporary, that I can start those things up again later and that helps.
Energy drinks, pills or whatever, are not good for you and will eventually make you more tired and overwhelmed than you feel now. That won't get you anywhere, will it?
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
28 Aug 08
You are very right about the energy stuff - a temporary 'fix' that ends up defeating the purpose.
As for 'not necessary' actually looking at my list most are necessary - if I don't do them no one will and they do need to be done. I am however trying to prioritize that list but trying right now to cut the list by getting the quick and easy things out of the way.
LOL - responding on myLot as a 'break' from work and actually getting a lot accomplished right now.
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
28 Aug 08
You are obviously a high-energy person, anyhow. I admire your drive. I am not familiar with Stacker 3s, but I'm curious. I couldn't say you are wrong because I cherish the caffein in my coffee, of which I drink plenty. Just be mindful of your health. The other thing about boosters, is to see weigh the after-effects.
Besides, gardening is physical work and takes a lot of energy. When you do finally get to sit down, you probably feel like crashing. I know how you feel, and I don't even have a garden.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
28 Aug 08
Yes, do believe I am a high-energy person, I've never been one to just set - even then I have to be doing something :( problem is each year I find myself having less and less energy to keep up with the pace I am used to running.
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@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
28 Aug 08
i don't think it is wrong of you as long as you don't become to reliant on them which from the sounds of it you are not. I usually just add som coffee in my day when things are too overwhelming I don't have caffiene on a regular basis so this helps. I don't drink sodas so my caffiene intake on most months is zero so coffee still works for me.
I know how you feel though I have so much on my plate this week that I have not stayed home one day at all. Everyday I have had to go do something. Monday it was class, tuesday it was the vet, wednesday it was class,home depot and groceries, today it is bloodwork for daughter and walmart again and kmart, tomorrow it is a make up class that Fay got cancelled. I refuse to go anywhere on saturday I REFUSE!!
Next week the cinders will be delivered on monday so that will be hard labor day (literally on labor day!!) then tuesday is my daughter's neurology appt. Hopeflly after that we won't have to see him again and then it is just her regular dr. in september. I am hoping and praying that nothing serious comes of this health crisis so we can get past this and back to normal well what passes for normal.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
28 Aug 08
Yea I know that's another one of my problems - caffine. I've lived on Diet Pepsi since I was a teenager and can't go a day without drinking a 2 liter bottle of the stuff. I really don't think I'm getting a caffine rush from it anymore, it's bad for me, and it's another thing on my list - give up Diet Pepsi :(
Will be keeping your daughter in my thoughts and prayers that the tests go well and they find what the problem is.
Off to collect eggs now, but have to run into the garden and get some of the 'junk' tomatoes for the chickens or they won't leave me alone to get the eggs. I got 3 dozen yesterday :(
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@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
28 Aug 08
I am finally home and zapped of energy! The heat just takes it right out of me if I have been running around like I have all week. It is just 87 here but feels like 97. I am going outside to take some more pics of my seedlings to post. But atleast I have cooled down in the hour I have been home.
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers for my daughter.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
29 Aug 08
Well, I can't really critisize you much over the habits when my life gets like this (which often) aren't a ton a better ^_^'
See me, when I have a ton to time for alot of rest, relaxation, sleep...I go without all of those things. And while I can't do it nearly as well I used to be able to do it when I was younger, I can still keep it up for a decent chunk of time.
See? Not very healthy.
And I do this on's something I learned at a young age, because I can hardly remember a time without a ton of responsibilities on me.
It does nothing to help keep up my efficiency, and it doesn't help me function as a person. But when I -have- to get things done, then I'll go the distance it takes to get it done.
So I get it Faith, I really do. I can't be an advocate for the "By God I will do this no matter what it costs me" thing when it comes to this though, so let me just say this; Try to take care of yourself, huh dearie?
Sometimes all the things that need doing aren't worth sacrificing your ability to get some rest.
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@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
28 Aug 08
I am more the Mountain dew guy.
One thing I know is true. In life there is always more that needs done. The problem with keeping going is that eventually your body will let you know that enough is enough. So ask yourself...Is the garden worth your well being? Are you crafts worth your well being? Of all the things that "need" done, is it worth your wellbeing.
My wife quoted something to me the other day. What does the word busy mean?
B. Being
U. Under
S. Satans
Y. Yoke
God says to take HIS yoke upon you. For His yoke is easy and His burden is light. This is an easy way to measure whether the yoke you are under is Gods or Satans. If the yoke is heavy and hard to carry it is not God. Not that God will make your life easy and perfect, but He will give you strength to handle it.
If what you are "Doing" is drawing you away from your relationship with Him then it is definatly not of God.
If you are doing these things out of concern for your financial well being ask yourself "Who is my source?" Is your job your source? Are the crafts your source? How about the eggs or the animals, are they your source. Or is God your source? If all else failed who would you rely on. Jesus put it this way "Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness...Then all these THINGS will be added to you."
Basically when my list gets to long, instead of figuring out to get it all done I stop and ask God "What is important for me to do?" Then allow His holy Spirit to guide you. He may have you cut some things that are not needed.
Thanks for the great discussion.
Here is a trust worthy statement:
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
28 Aug 08
Very very excellent advice and perfect reminder for me during these times - setting here thinking I do believe a large share of my 'tasks' are brought on by satan. I have seen myself the last few months not taking the time I need with God and listening for His plans for my life. Thank you dear dear friend for reminding me of the importance of doing this regularly.
p.s. got cream cheese for poppers but think I will wait a day or two to make them - want to be able to really enjoy them as I know I won't be able to do that every day.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
28 Aug 08
:) don't they though - it's a cloudy, dreary day today so perfect weather for some good old spicy poppers and a good book :) So much for that idea though off to do a rush job on the kitchen then will be tied to the computer working on a new writing assignment I just received. First job for this company so want to really put my best foot forward but am going to take some time with The Lord first.
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@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
28 Aug 08
I think we all fall into this "Busy" world sometimes. Glad I was able to help.
Man I wish I had some of those poppers.
Those sound REALLY good right now.

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@LouiseKnittel (4764)
• United States
28 Aug 08
I am not 100% sure. Are those Stacker 3s, like a caffiene pill? If yes, I would watch for my heart racing if I were you. I wish that you had more help so that you can get everything done that you need to do!
I will pray for you. Let us know if you were able to get everything done on time..
I really do not like times like these, when so much needs done,a nd there just is not enough time to do it all..
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
28 Aug 08
Yes I think that's what they are - I haven't had any problems with them in the past but I really don't like taking the chance as I'm sure their not good for me.
Thank you so very very much for your prayers dear friend - they are greatly needed and appreciated.
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@LouiseKnittel (4764)
• United States
28 Aug 08
Anytime.... Christian is real life... Christian on the net!
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@TheHawkBat (669)
• United States
28 Aug 08
I'll take caffeine if I have to, and that is turning out to be more often than I thought, but one thing to just look at is do you really not have time? Maybe efficient time management is what you really just need to do better? I know sometimes people really don't have time, but it may just mean you need to reorganize how you do things. I'm also not a fan of energy drinks or pills. My experiences have been crashes for some of them, and otherwise, I don't think they are supposed to be good for you.
Anyways, it can really help just to step back, take a deep breath, and maybe you'll even find you get more done if you take a little bit of "me" time to relax.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
28 Aug 08
That is exactly what I need to do - take some me time but it never fails I try to do that and someone else puts more demands on me or I feel so quilty at leaving things undone I can't relax and enjoy. I am going to work on that though.
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@queenrhoda (9)
28 Aug 08
I understand your pain, it seems like it not enough hours in a day to do what needs to be done to get by. I am fighting with time constantly. I just can't find enough time to do homework, work, take care of my 8 month old son, and be sure that my husband is happy without being stressed. Even though I have tones of things to do I have yet to take a energy drink or pill, don't get me wrong I am not saying that you shouldn't. When I can't seem to wake up or be energized I grab a cup of coffee and put tones of sugar in it. It's nasty as hell but it does the job for me for a good long while.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
28 Aug 08
I am a great coffee drinker when I need a lot of energy. I never did try an energy drink because usually they contain sodium and I do not like it that much, and besides I am almost on the border line for high blood pressure, and that might put me over it. I do hope you did get it all done. I mean I would collapse doing half the things you do.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
28 Aug 08
LOL 'Faith on Coffee' - sad thing is I hate it, don't like the smell or the taste of it. Weird too because my Mom and sisters can't move in the morning without it. I am however blessed to have low blood pressure so most things don't effect that much at all or at least put me in a danger area. I am going to try a few things others have suggested though mainly prioritising my list and getting more rest. I'm getting too old to be going 90 miles and hour every day :)
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@squaretile (3778)
• Singapore
29 Aug 08
I have never heard of Stackers. In my country what we have is Red Bull. or something along chinese herbal medicine lines, is what we call Essence of Chicken. it's this bitter black drink that comes in little glass bottles that is supposed to give you an extra boost of energy.
Children taking exams down a tiny bottle on the morning itself. and pregnant women down two bottles before going to the hospital to deliver. And working folks who are very tired down a bottle when they need to work through the night.
yesterday i got 279 emails in my work inbox. amazing. but I managed to go through everything by the grace of God.
hope you feel better and more on top of things today dear!
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@Wyldrose (1216)
• United States
28 Aug 08
I understand having tons to do and no time to get everything finished in a reasonable amount of time, but I don't like taking any kind of energy pill or drink or anything like that. I take vitamins and an extra vitamin B-12. B-12 is supposed to give you more energy and it seems to me it does. Or you can talk to your doctor and see what he recomends. They have B-12 shots they give that are stronger than the over-the-counter pills. Hope this helps you some. 

@magojordan (3252)
• Philippines
29 Aug 08
I feel the same way too but I really don't like taking energy drinks. Maybe it's all about scheduling our priorities rather than prioritizing our schedules.
I hope you get all the things needed done.

@wickikitty (532)
• United States
29 Aug 08
Nodoze = 1 cup of coffee
if you are looking for a pill to take a recommend that one. All of the warnings are listed on the bottle. I felt no side effects while on the pill but side effects are a case to case basis as far as I'm concerned. They sell a cheaper brand at costco that my friend let me try one night (we were pulling an all nighter lol) and it worked great I don't know the name though it was a yellow round tablet -- the pharmacist could most likely tell you. I don't think people tend to get addicted to caffeine pills. If you need to take one every morning to get you going, then I insist you stop its horrible for your heart... Every now and then is ok.
If nothing else try eating more fish. The omega-3's may give you a boost. Or alternatively take a one-a-day vitamin with your morning meals. Sometimes the reason we lack energy is because our diets for our busy lives just don't provide sufficient nutrients for the work load.
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