Obama Is NOT Perfect, Is John McCain???
By ZephyrSun
@ZephyrSun (7381)
United States
August 28, 2008 7:12pm CST
I hear all this talk that Obama is not able to speak without a teleprompter. I have seen Obama stumble and sometimes even fall. I am an Obama supporter and I have no problem admitting that he is not perfect, can John McCain supporters say the same? Is your candidate perfect? Does he walk on walk or does he stumble as well? I have seen accounts of him stumbling and falling. I know that you Conservatives believe that he is so perfect and can do no wrong, well I'm here to challenge you on this.
Here is one account of McCain falling on HIV Prevention
Saying racist remarks about the Asian Population
Here's his take on who the president of Germany is
So please tell me if your candidate is perfect or not.
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17 responses
@Justme2007 (1848)
• United States
29 Aug 08
No one is Perfect no matter how hard people try to make them because we all are only HUMAN!
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
29 Aug 08
Thank you, I know a lot of supporters forget that their candidate is not perfect.
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@Angra_Mainyu (377)
• United States
29 Aug 08
People are not perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. My candidate is not perfect and neither are the others. I don't think anyone can present a perfect person. Add politics then you get the most charismatic scumbags running for president.
People do not always vote for the right person for the job and America has stumbled. Ross Perot may have done a good job running the country like a business.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
29 Aug 08
I am a little concerned about Perot, there is the issue of him paying for Carol McCain's medical bills, it just leaves too many unanswered questions. I think probably the most clean business person out there is Warren Buffet. He maybe worth billions but he still knows where he came from, he got there through hard work, and he has clean hands.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
29 Aug 08
I am not a Republican but I have ask WTF are they thinking.
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@Angra_Mainyu (377)
• United States
29 Aug 08
Notice that Buffett isn't running for president. You get the most charismatic politician. I think political parties send who they think will win. Not necessarily who is the best for the job.
I also feel that the Republicans are not taking this serious. McCain just turned 72. WTF are they thinking. I often wonder if they are thinking anybody running against Obama will win which is not the right approach.
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
29 Aug 08
No politician in existance is perfect. It's the nature of their profession. I wish they would quit slinging mud at eachother, and use their energy to better themselves, in this election. I can't wait until this election is over. The stuff that is going on now is absolutely maddening. Why can't they all just get along with eachother and quit putting eachother down?
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
29 Aug 08
LOL I hate the mud slinging it's pretty much why I started this discussion. They should work together to help the United States get better but I guess slinging much better for them.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
29 Aug 08
I don't expect any candidate to be perfect. I don't even expect to agree with a candidate 100% before I'll give them my vote.
What bothers me about Obama's stumbling when he doesn't have a teleprompter has nothing to do with what it says about his speaking skills. What bothers me is what it says about his ability to have, and express an original thought.
Teleprompters speeches (as a rule) are not the words of the speaker. They are carefully crafted by other people. When we see Obama answering direct questions, he can't seem to express his own thoughts very well at all.
It also speaks to his ability to "think on his feet". If he wins the White House, he will be facing world leaders in diplomatic meetings. Many of these world leaders will be forceful in their questions and expectations. If he can't even keep his head against a reporter or interviewer, how is he going to face off with Putin, Ban-Ki-moon, Mahmoud Abbas or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
29 Aug 08
No I don't like seeing our troups come home in a body bag, but I also don't like seeing our people being blown up and carried out in body bags here in the usa either. He has no experience in dealing with any of these leaders, and they will use him as a puppet.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
29 Aug 08
Obama stumbles, he falls, he's not perfect. Have you seen any clips of McCain not falling? I haven't even on the rare times that I have seen him on television, the press/media loves to show the public clips of them (anyone running for office) at their worst. The candidates running for president especially in the primaries are on the road and traveling from city to city, some days they are in multiple cities a day, I'm sure that it takes it's toll on them. Yes we can all laugh when they screw up it's funny. I have grown really tired of the McCain supporters on this site that believes he waters on water and is perfect. I am actually amazed that I had as many people as I did say that he isn't perfect. I had thought about adding Obama's blunders to this but I have not had a discussion with an Obama supporter that thinks Obama is perfect or else I would have.
Your last question I could ask the same of McCain, his interview on HIV/AIDS is very clear that he doesn't work well under press, I have also seen clips of McCain getting up and walking out because he's mad. As for Obama, he has the charisma and knowledge that will allow him to deal with world leaders. He isn't going to have to threaten to blow them up, or "take all his toys and go home". I honestly do not know why Republicans think war is the only answer. Do you all enjoy seeing the men and women in this nation come home in body bags?
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
30 Aug 08
Oreo Cookie. Are you kidding? When was the last time you saw anyone giving a speech on national tv with papers? Look to the right and the left of the podium, you'll see clear plastic panels on stands. Those reflect the teleprompter to him.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
29 Aug 08
I, unlike both the candidates, am in fact perfect..........*crickets chirping*
Ok ok ok.
Anyway. Of course not. He like every other human being on this planet or unlike even every other candidate for president (including me) is far from perfect. I fear the perfect and infallible person almost more than I fear the bungler.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
29 Aug 08
Thanks X, I have to say excluding a few of you Conservatives here believe that McCain is perfect, I read the posts and laugh. I just wanted to take the time to show them that he isn't. I could have been fair and also included Obama falling but this is my discussion lol no just kidding, it's been shown too many times already and most people know that Obama falls too.
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@gitfiddleplayer (10362)
• United States
29 Aug 08
I don't think McCain is perfect, everybody stumbles now and then. But B.O. thinks he's the messiah, he thinks he can do no wrong, he thinks he's the answer to this country and he thinks I'm too stupid to know the difference between a snake oil salesman and a used car one. I watched the videos of McCain, he stumbles because he doesn't have a teleprompter in front of him, wait until the debates you'll see the real Barry, I just hope you haven't already bought into the hype.
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@gitfiddleplayer (10362)
• United States
29 Aug 08
But I don't know where the heck Snobama stands, except for himself. You don't have to think that B.O. is the messiah, he thinks that for you. McCain of 2000 was a moderate lib, now he's decided to run on the GOP ticket, we need somebody who knows what war looks like and knows how to fight it. Barry and company have no idea and it scares me. Have you ever noticed how they picture B.O., always from an up angle, his speech tonight will make him look bigger than the plastic Parthenon he'll be blabbing in front of, I'm not making this up.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
29 Aug 08
I have never thought that Obama believes he is the Messiah, the Republican party has tried to make him out to be. I haven't bought into any hype, I just do not like the McCain of 2008, I liked the McCain of 2000. The John McCain that was the middle of the parties, the McCain that believed in the same ideas that I did, this John McCain of 2008 I do not know. He is a maveric that flip flops like a fish out of water. He has to have someone keep track of where he stands on his issues since he does know from day to day. If you go to my first link it is proof that he does not know where he stands.
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
29 Aug 08
I don't know where republicans come off saying that Obama is the messiah (I know the repubilcan logic of "if Rush said it, then it must true"), but you stated: "you don't have to think that Obama is the messiah, he thinks that for you", can you please provide us with any links where Obama has said this? The only man running for office this year that is treated like a messiah is John McCain. The members of Saddleback church treated John McCain as if he was the new messiah, they cheered when he opened his mouth, they hung on every word out of his mouth. They acted as if it rained that night John wouldn't have to worry about his shoes getting wet, because he walks on the water.
Can you please explain to me why we need someone that knows what war looks like today, when in 2004 we had a man run for office with military experience. Bush and Rove told Americans that we don't need someone in office that has military experience. So were republicans right then, or are they wrong now. The only thing Bush defended in the reserve was the bars, and night clubs in Georgia.
You must have listened to Rush today, I hear that all of the right wingers are saying that the set in Colorado is set up like ancient Rome. Yet, if you look at the set that George W. Bush used in 2004, you will see that they are almost the same exact set. So was it right for Bush to do it, but not Barack?

@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
29 Aug 08
I'm not a supporter of any candidate presently, but I'll answer anyway.
No politician, no human being, is perfect. To expect perfection of leaders though, is very common -- though folly, in my view.
Anyway...no one's perfect...except...Ron Paul! Mwuahahaha. I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. He's like one of the few politicians ever with a spotless voting record. _
(I know he's not perfect, he's human too, I was joking)
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
29 Aug 08
I'm sure alot of people will fight like hell not to see it happen. Do you know how much money is invested in those two parties? As long as there's just two, it's a closed system...as soon as anyone from any party can get in there it gets darned hard for lobbyists to do their jobs.
And since lobbyists -tend- to work for multi-million dollar companies which tons of special interests to serve...you can see what I'm getting at, lol.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
29 Aug 08
lol It's ok I knew you were joking, it was either that or you were a politician lol. Maybe some day we will have a party other than Democrat or Republican, although I'm sure the Republicans would fight like hell to never see that happen.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
29 Aug 08
Yes I do, but I think some day Americans will grow tired of the same old issues and politicians not keeping their word and look elsewhere for leadership.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
30 Aug 08
Good luck, I know it's always hard. If it was easier to "fire" them it wouldn't be so hard to select one to vote for lol
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Aug 08
As you well know, McCain is certainly not MY candidate, but I'm going to answer you anyway...lol! I know some of his worshipers believe he's indeed perfect, even as they write about things he's done wrong. Like the pretty little flower and others who feel his infidelities were fine because he had to do it because he was a POW. He can't cheat or lie or get anything wrong because, even if it's right there in front of our noses plain as day WE'RE the ones in the wrong for daring to accuse him of any wrongdoing because he was a POW. Obama makes a very understanding mistake by saying "57" instead of "47" or whatever it was or mixes up what city he's in when he'd only visited probably thousands of cities and towns in a short span and you'd think he was the biggest liar or idiot - or both - that ever lived but McCain makes some very serious foreign policy blunders and, no problem, it's not important.
All I know is this crap about Obama being an "elitist" or thinking he's the Messiah is getting very old. Someone here, I forget which one of our dear friends it was, actually called Joe Biden an elitist. I about choked on my tea when I read that one!
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
2 Sep 08
Zephy, you did great, there's nothing I can think of that you've forgotten for me to chime in on. I DO want to say I loved what you said about Biden and your grandpa! What you see is what you get. I don't know him or I've never even met him in person but I know people who do and have. He has a sister-in-law who still works as a waitress in a small local diner in either Pa. or Delaware, I forget which they said. My chiropractor, who is also my friend, is on the board of directors of our local women's shelter and she's said how often she's been in touch with Biden's office and she's heard from him personally regarding the center since he was responsible for the Violence Against Women Act that made it possible for many of these kinds of shelters to even exist. I've heard and read that a lot of younger women here and otherwise hace said how Sarah Palin is like them but for me at my age when I saw Joe Biden and his wife, children and grandchildren on the state the other night I was struck with how much he's like me or maybe I should say his family is like my family. He was a single dad for a time after his first wife and daughter were killed in an acciden while looking for a Christmas tree. He was sworn in to the Senate for the first time in his sons' hospital room and vowed to come home every night instead of staying in D.C. and he's done that all these years. His net worth is basically the equity he has in his house. He may be been in Washington for many years but he's not a "Washington Insider" in the way you usually hear that term. Elitist? Well, than I'M an elitist...lol!
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
6 Sep 08
"Elitist?" I am so sick of hearing that term. I mean come on does an elitist spend their time trying to better their community? Hell NO. An elitist is in this world for themselves, they don't give a flying F about anyone but themselves. If the conservatives weren't so afraid of facts that they would look the word up in the dictionary and get the meaning. But incase any stumble upon this discussion here they go lol
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
29 Aug 08
I am kinda hoping that he picks Romney, then Obama will never be able to be considered an "elitist", together Romney and McCain combined would have homes totaling over 35 million.
I have been watching Biden this week at the DNC and I just can't believe that anyone would call him an "elitist" he looks just like my grandfather before he became ill many year ago.
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@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
29 Aug 08
Whoever says that Obama is not an eloquent speaker has never really heard him speak. He is not only eloquent, but he is also powerful, heartfelt and very real.
John McCain is also a great speaker, but I just don't agree with his policies. I do believe it is time for a change and picking on how a politician speaks is not the primary concern, otherwise George Bush would have never made it into office in the first place.

@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
29 Aug 08
I agree that Obama is extremely powerful with his speaking. I do not agree with McCain's policies, or maybe I should say Rove's policies.
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
6 Sep 08
Here you go sucking me in
. No one is perfect, not republicans, democrats, independents, men, women, children.. NO ONE.
There are policies of both candidates that I like, there are policies of both that I don't like.
I am sure both candidates/running mates/spouses have lied about something at least once (if not more) in their lives/political careers. I am sure both sides have done something illegal/immoral/and fattening when they were young and and stupid and never thought in a million years that it could come back to haunt them in a political career they never knew they were going into.
While traditionally both sides have bashed each other, gone after spouses/family it is time to STOP! Focus on the issues at hand. Let the past be the past (politically or otherwise) and work together to focus on the future.
But since THAT reality will NEVER exist, both sides should just be willing to reach across the isle and work together to solve the PERTINENT issues of this country. Not to bash each others personal past or the issues they may now be dealing with at home. Not to question if one changes their mind about an issue (as we are all entitled to do) are they flip-flopping? NO, they have simply changed their mind. Unless of course it happens more than once

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@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
6 Sep 08
That's ok.. It's good for me to be pulled in every once in a while. It will always be a pissing match, because politicians miss the point... it's not about why you SHOULDN'T vote for the other guy, but why you SHOULD vote for your guy.
Thanks for your compliment on my discussion. I have replied. Thans for responding to it 

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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
7 Sep 08
You're so smart. I now know that you are too smart to be stupid enough to come into this interest.
People in this interest do not start discussions because they want to expand their thinking, they just want a pep rally. They appear to live off of rumors and I think this should actually be renamed to "The National Enquirer of Politics"
Instead of working together to people to find the best person from president they just want to bash. What a shame.

@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
6 Sep 08

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@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
29 Aug 08
You should see my boss try to make a speech.
He does everything possible to avoid these occasions and when he can't get away he's edging close to his buddies afterwards asking them over and over how he sounded and how he did and all that.
A hopeless scenario for a company CEO and I guess not everyone is talented that way.
Although we would expect that a politician would be able to handle speeches easily.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
29 Aug 08
We would expect although they are all human and have bad days, travel endlessly, and have so many things to remember. Hopefully whichever one wins will help this nation.
@inutme (372)
• Philippines
29 Aug 08
I'm not a supporter of both and I have no right to be as I'm not a citizen of your country. But no one is perfect, period, and no one can claim to be. But in line with what you are saying, Obama also lashed out on Clinton before, candidates are doing this just to show the other's bad light.. They are all equal and guilty in this regard -- trying to tarnish each other's reputation to get the sentiment of the supporters of the other side.. It's politics, it's what they do. (Well, that's politics as I know it anyway..)
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
29 Aug 08
One thing that no one realizes it that all candidates say things about the other one during the primaries. Even of their own party. While Jhn McCain was running against the current Bush in the primaries of the 2000 election, Bush made suggestions to the press/media that McCain had "mental issues" and wouldn't be a good president. It's the nature of our politicial beast.
@strossuss (125)
• Philippines
29 Aug 08
no one is perfect, and no one will be. if obama is not perfect, so is mccain, maybe obama stumbles, but who knows, maybe mccain falls even worse than obama.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
29 Aug 08
I guess we will see when they debate each other. Which should be coming soon. I don't know if McCain falls worse, but he doesn't look so good when he can't remember what he stands for on issues lol, Welcome to mylot!
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
29 Aug 08
Zephyr..is it true? They aren't perfect? LOL! I bet you are really wishing you wouldn't have started this one, huh? It looks like another discussion that turned into a "why my candidate is better than yours" pi$$ing match.
This year has been interesting. And I have to say this is the first year I have actualy gotten off my hiney and gotten involved, and I am glad I did, because it has given me a whole new perspective of American politics. I realize that neither of these men are perfect, but what is really starting to get to me is the petty things that are getting talked about. However, I have to say that I am biased and believe Obama has been taking the higher road, as much as can possibly be done, when it comes to the negative campaigning. I don't expect either candidate to be able to give their speeches without a teleprompter. I think that's just a tad unrealistic to believe that anyone could be expected to address all the issues, and do it well without some sort of help. Heck, we've all used notecards at some point in our lives.
Neither one of these men is perfect. However, last night was the first time I ignored my thirteen year olds bed time and asked her to stay up and watch Obama's speech with me, not only because it was Obama, but because at the end, when Michelle and the girls came out, it was a reflection of what is taking place in our country. Because this is one of the moments she'll be able to tell her kids and grandkids when they come to her with their history lessens that she remembers that.
Sorry for getting a little of track, but last night I sat back and thought to myself, that's what Michelle Obama meant when she said this is the first time she has really felt pride for her country. I've always said I love the US, but it's one thing to say it, and another to actually feel it.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
29 Aug 08
LOL Nope they aren't perfect. Yes this has become a he said he said discussion, which I never meant it to be, but we all know how politics are. I was half tempted to run upstairs last night and wake up my 4 year old. He was watching Clinton's speech the other night with us and he started crying. I said why are you crying, and he said "that John McCain won and I didn't want him I was voting for Obama" lol Little turkey thought that Clinton was McCain.
Last night was a very proud night for Americans it is finally nice to see someone other than a white old man trying to make his way into the White House, excluding JFK he wasn't that old. lol What is the old saying My these times are a changin?
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
29 Aug 08
lol I have never thought that anyone was perfect. It's one of the reasons I started this discussion. I make mistakes every day and it always reminds me that I am only human and can only do my best.
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@oreed8 (77)
• United States
29 Aug 08
we america r not good at picking a good presendent how da hell bush is still in the white house.lol I sick of people looking for little things wrong with senaters. dats why gas prices r high and we all complaining obama well make good presendent period mcCain is second bush and old.. they need to have age limit.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
29 Aug 08
The nation needs someone young and not wanting "business" to remain as usual because "business" as usual isn't working.
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