Are you contented on how you look like??
By alecz23
@alecz23 (486)
August 29, 2008 5:33am CST
Are you contented to what you look like today?
Are you the one who are so depressed because of your weight issues or
Are you the one who feel contented on whatever you looks like and don't care what other people thinks?or both, your really contented but somehow want to change to improve self-confidence and image to others...
So what are you???Please be sincere to your answer because Honesty is the best policy^_^
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25 responses
@berrys (864)
• Singapore
29 Aug 08
Nice question alecz23, it's been quite long since I answered a question about myself here on mylot. Well I honestly couldn't be happier with the way I look. Is there room for improvement? of course! there always are ways for people to better and improve themselves (look-wise, body image, weight,etc) I'm very pleased with my weight as well as it is consistently at the same amount, yes there are times it goes a little bit higher and times it goes a little bit lower But I'm just glad I'm not super thin and not super fat. I'm slim! which i think is perfect! though if there were one thing I could change about myself, I would want to be 2 inches taller than I'd be at the height that i always wanted to be at. However I will not undergo surgery for such a thing to happen, I will learn to accept my height as part of my body ;)
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
30 Aug 08
im ok with how i look.. there are a few things i would like to change but if that never gets to happen then i will be ok with it... which i think is lucky compared to the amount of people that are totally unhappy with everything about themselves
@redbutterfly20 (111)
6 Sep 08
Honestly, I feel ugly. I feel fat. My eyes are too small. My cheeks are too fat. I have weird looking lips. Oh, well not everyone can be gorgeous lol.
@ralphcharleston (492)
• Philippines
31 Aug 08
to be honest there are times that im not contented with my looks, but there are also times that i am contented. Sometimes when i look in the mirror im thinking how i wish that i have the qualities of my friend or my idol. I wished to be like him., so that others would go crazy about my appearance and girls would like me ... On the process of thinking i realize that each individual on earth has a unique best features and qualities on its physical appearance.
@ralphcharleston (492)
• Philippines
31 Aug 08
God gave us this appearance that we should love it . Be contented on what you have. Somehow there are alot of people that are not contented on what they have. They go to clinics like Belo Medical or Calayan to have some surgeries like nose lift and the likes. I dont say that this operations are bad. What im trying to tell is that if you have the money then go for it. But if you dont have enough resources then just be contented on what you have.=)
@limcyjain (3516)
• India
29 Aug 08
Yes i am surely happy with what i look like from my face but am some conerned about the weight i have gained after my delivery case and am doing yoga and other excercises to get my body back to my earlier figure. It is not what others would be thinking but what i want to be as.
@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
30 Aug 08
i guess i'm pretty lucky to look the way i am. all my features are in their correct place, and i don't have any issues with my height or weight. i used to be a little over weight but i didn't do anything about it. stress from a new job took care of that issue. other than that, i'm happy to report that i'm contented with how i look. in fact, some days i wish i don't get any attention on my looks as i feel that it negates any hard work i've put into my work. cheers ;p
@gemini_rose (16264)
29 Aug 08
Well I would not say that I was entirely contented but there is not a lot that I can do about it so I have to be happy with how I look! I do have weight issues, I am pretty obsessed with keeping my weight down to certain levels but it is not a dangerous obsession I just like to look after myself.
@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
29 Aug 08
I'm contented somewhat of what I look like, but I've been working on losing weight and I've lost some weight, and its helped improve my self-confidence, and the image of myself. My clothes fit better and that makes me feel good about myself.
@koharukusumi (1539)
• Malaysia
30 Aug 08
I am really contented with my face and I try to look as normal as possible everytime I go out. I am not the type that likes to dress to excessively. I love I do not wish to change anything but I want to improve on my image to look neater and presentable.
@sumiirajj (1983)
• India
29 Aug 08
Hi friend,Am contented with my looks and all,but sometimes when I gain wait am not satisfied and try to reduce .Each and everyone has the tendency to maintain themselves and look good.So I try hard to maintain my weight and look good.happy mylotting.

@ScarredSlayer (99)
• Canada
29 Aug 08
Im contented im not saying im fat just wanting to look a bit into shape
so yes.I just wished i could look a bit more exotic.
@studentkelly (67)
30 Aug 08
I'm definitely happy with what I look like, per se, but I'm always seeking to improve it. Or rather, thinking about seeking to improve it.
The part of my appearance that worries me the most at the moment, however, is that I have qualities that would typically be associated with 'bimbos' or 'dumb blondes' and I'm scared that I won't be taken seriously career-wise because of it.
Otherwise, I joined a gym and I'm yet to go in for a group class but I've been using the machines and having a good time there. I also made September my goal month to get organised fitness wise - aiming to go swimming three mornings a week and to the gym four afternoons. The gym is opposite my place of employment so it should be easy enough.
Ultimately, though, your outward appearances are only ever reflective of how you feel inwardly. Once you spruce up on the inside you feel like putting more of an effort into external appearances.
@randomosity_prevails (1110)
29 Aug 08
I'm usually very unhappy with how I look. I've always had very low self esteem, and no matter how many times other people tell me that I'm pretty, or that I don't need to lose any more weight, it doesn't seem to sink in with me.
I think that I would just like to be more self-confident in my appearance, and actually listen to other people's views on it, and take them in.
@austere (2812)
• Philippines
29 Aug 08
i am.
i mean, i dont look really pretty and i wanted to be taller but i have accepted the fact that i am not getting taller anymore and this is me and this who and what i will be for the rest of my life. it's contentment and knowing that people loves you for who and what you are that make you less insecure about you.
i am happy about me, who and what i am and my qualities. i may not be prefect but my boyfriend loves me for me and my parents and my siblings.. i am definitely grateful.

@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
29 Aug 08
No I am not content with the way I look. It is depressing but it is not because of what I think others might think or feel about me. I could lose some weight and I am slowly working towards that issue, I am not what you would call fat but I am a few pounds over weight because of some pounds I put on after I quit smoking. I also am depressed because of other issues, I have anxiety issues and that holds me back from doing many things.
@iyah10 (4115)
• Kuwait
29 Aug 08
I am so glad that my wife is taking good care of me for that is the reason that I am so confident of being who I am and regarding with my look then probably she just Love me for being who I am and I am also confident of myself also because in regards to my height I am 6 foot and to my weight as well is 84kls.....
@LimoChang (193)
• China
29 Aug 08
Yes.I never had weight issues and I just accept myself as who I am.But I do care about other people's opnions to some extent.So that's,i really like that cute
@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
29 Aug 08
I used to be very conscious of my physical appearance until it came to a point that I stopped being so mindful of my imperfections. As I grow older, I become more appreciative of the things I have and despite of all the dilemmas happening in my life right now, i am still thankful to Our Lord Jesus Christ for guiding me in every step I make and for making me stronger each day.