Do you think or JUST DO IT?

Do you think or JUST DO IT? - Picture of little girl sewing Nike shoes. Photo source: .
August 29, 2008 11:30am CST
"Just do it". I am sure this is a relatively familiar tag line for many myLotters. Credits to Nike. What kind of person are you usually? Are you one who is "ruled" by your heart or your head? Are you a person of action or deliberation? Do you always think first or do first? I think I am a passive procrastinator. If you want to be nasty but nice, you can call me a thinker. I don't usually "just do it". I normally think it through before I do things. Of course, there are times when I would get jerked by my heart too and do things without thinking... and sometimes I regret. By thinking too much, some people might say that is just the same as indecisiveness. I beg to differ. By not deciding, you are making the decisive decision to do nothing. But I digress. So what kind of person are you? Thinker? Do-er? Just do it? Or hang on... let me think first? Do share your thoughts. :D
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81 responses
• Philippines
29 Aug 08
i am the very bad girl when it comes to this specially when i'm mad..i always do and say things i never meant to say and do and its just because i'm mad..then i regret it but i couldn't take it back...i guess i am a just do it person and hang on..thats what i am i supposed
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• Singapore
29 Aug 08
I am sure you don't mean things to say in time of pique.
@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
29 Aug 08
I'm pretty much the thinker, I like to put a good amount of thought into thinks before actually taking action. Sometimes this does lead to the fact I am to late with certain things or think about all bad things that could happen that I miss out of certain things. So I am trying to be less a thinker in certain situations, allthough it suits me and I like it for the most of occaisions and decisions I have to make.
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@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
29 Aug 08
I love that, that's going to be my new goal this month, lol!
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• Singapore
29 Aug 08
We just have to think quicker. With practice, it is possible!
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• Singapore
30 Aug 08
Good luck achieving it!
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
30 Aug 08
Oh dear I have known pretty much since the first discussion of yours I read that you are a thinker - you manage to get inside people's heads like no one I've ever known - you have got to be a thinker. Me - I do and then think :( I try to think ahead but it seems no matter when I do that it all get changed by circumstances so I pretty much stopped doing it, thinking ahead. I 'just do it' and move on as best I can then later in the day or the next week or month I'll think "I could have, should have...."
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
30 Aug 08
Yes, was ment as a compliment - thinker, on the other hand I think sometimes, most times you just like messing with people's heads :) you sure do a good job with me :) hugs dear I'm knee deep in article writing right now :( like what do I know about 'commercial trucks' ----next to nothing but learning :)
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• Singapore
30 Aug 08
Hello Faith, "thinker" is just a glorified word. I choose to take it as a compliment nevertheless LOL.
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
15 Sep 08
That would really depend on the risk involved in the matter to "Just do it!" or not. I guess I would be considered the category where you take a moment to think through the pros and cons before making a decision. I mean, not all "Just do it!" scenarios are sure wins. If I am going to be losing a lot more than I gain, and the result could mean bodily harm... then it is better to think twice. It is always a case of benefits vs consequences. If the benefits outweighs the consequences and I am willing to pay the price to get it, then I will go for it. Otherwise, I will think of another solution to see if I can achieve the same results even if I have to take a longer more cumbersome way to do it.
• Singapore
15 Sep 08
But there are always risks. Just known or unknown.
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
15 Sep 08
Precisely why there is a need to take calculated risks. That way, even if we "lose", the impact would be minimized. No?
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
12 Sep 08
I would go for the NIKE slogan, "Just Do It", ha!! I tend to be pretty bit rash at times and do things not following the muscle above. But now I've been toning down a lot and start to think before I eat, drink, talk and procrastinate...
• Singapore
12 Sep 08
Yea, just do it!
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
18 Sep 08
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@aidenw (632)
• United States
29 Aug 08
i'm just like you, lordwarwizard. most of the time it's not easy for me to make a decision especially if it'a an important one. i have to think through eveything, weigh in the pros and the cons. i'm not a risk taker and don't like to make hasty decisions that i'll regret later. but decision making can be quite a painful process for me. sometimes i get sick of it myself, and finally tell myself to just decide on one and not worry about it. but i've been getting better at it though. nowadays i can do it quicker than i used to, believing that most things can be changed or reversed.
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• Singapore
29 Aug 08
Yea... sometimes I think I would be happier if I STARTED OFF with lower intelligence. Have you read the new novel "Lottery" by Patricia Wood? It is about a retarded guy who won the lottery and has his life changed. I find the book an awesome read and certainly recommend it. It is light, touching and possibly thought provoking.
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• Singapore
30 Aug 08
I really enjoyed the book.
@aidenw (632)
• United States
29 Aug 08
i have not heard of that novel but i'll check it out. thanks, lord!
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
15 Sep 08
I am a moderate procrastinator but hardly a thinker in the true sense of the term. I would take time without much thinking about it unless its a serious matter. On lighter occasions I am largely driven by my heart and would go by it mostly.
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• Singapore
15 Sep 08
Cool... I am an extreme one.
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@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
30 Aug 08
i guess i can consider myself an impulsive at times..that is depending on how serious the issue and need time to think and weigh things and confer it with my hubby of course..but when it comes to buying some stuffs that i really like ..then i dont think quite well..if i have the budget then have to buy it...
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
2 Sep 08
• Singapore
30 Aug 08
Sometimes, I do think the world needs more impulsive people to get things done.
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@gegegelay (933)
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
I am more of the thinker type. I usually just spend time thinking about things, and observing too. I think over my head on what action steps or decisions I need to make. Sometimes I battle with my own mind.. I don't know but I do it a lot. I try to figure things out on my own, and just contemplate on the what if's, how, etc. And yes, it makes me insane sometimes and it is very draining. Sometimes I feel like I also overthink too much though. I don't usually do it right away, I have to think of the consequences first and what might happen after I make a decision. I don't think it's lack of initiative though, but it's like just making sure that before you take another step, you're rest assured you're on the right direction.
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• Singapore
15 Sep 08
Don't think too much!
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• Philippines
30 Aug 08
Shucks! I know I'm not indecisive but I do procrastinate at times. My friends would sometimes tell me "The problem with you May is that you think too much." Well, that made them think they had the right to see me as a boring person, a killjoy who doesn't appreciate risks and adventures because I have to think things over before plunging into it; thus, missing the "fun" sometimes. But come to think of it, if I am a "thinker" and I don't just do it, why am I living a life that I'm living today? Don't get me wrong, having a baby is the most wonderful experience that I ever had (6 months preggy, hehehe) even if I am alone in this phase of my life and even if everybody has abandoned me for being an immoral person. Does it mean I thought this over? That I wanted this? That I never jumped into the pregnancy wagon just like that? Hmmmm... I've been asking myself that too. Having another life growing inside you is a risk indeed, and this time, I wasn't being killjoy, I embraced the "fun" of having a baby. I realized however that I didn't just do this. I didn't just decided "Hey, I wanna have a baby tonight, let's do it!" No, I didn't do that at all. I remember wanting this baby badly since I held my first niece in my arms, 9 years ago. And I remember this feeling growing whenever I think of my broken marriage. Me, a separated woman, getting older, alone, lonely and childless... Of course I have to do something about it. And since my ex-hubby won't sign the annulment papers, I have to cross the morality gates as well. So I'm immoral for wanting a child. It breaks my heart to hear others whisper that I'm having a b@st@rd, I ache for my little Nicholas. But this is the consequence of wanting to have someone to love and to cherish forever. I may not have the chance of happiness with another man again but I am willing to bet my life that my own little Nicholas will never abandon me and will always be there for me until the day I die. *Sniff, now I'm making a drama out of your discussion. My apologies, I guess, discussions such as this, makes me get carried away and away to nothingness.... No, I don't think I'm a "Just do it" person, I'm still the same me, no matter what decisions I have made in my life. I still gave my life lots and lots of thought.
• Singapore
30 Aug 08
tsk tsk - You are in the running for best response!
We need more dramas in life, ha! I would say BRAVE is the word to describe you. Way to go!
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• Philippines
6 Oct 08
First the medal now the BR! You're sooooooooooo sweet my lord! Hehehe! Thanks!
@gemini_rose (16264)
29 Aug 08
I have gone from a jump in feet first person to a hang on let me think about it first. Everything I do now revolves around me taking a few hours, or days to think things through. I am terrible now compared to how I used to be.
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• Singapore
29 Aug 08
Caused by a loss of confidence somewhere in the past? If you can let go, I think you can be back on your feet again.
@gemini_rose (16264)
30 Aug 08
Yes You are probably right!
@rbailey83 (1428)
• Canada
30 Aug 08
i am a thinker, there are situations where there isn't time to think it through, so you have to act with what you know at the time, but when possible, i prefere to think things through. There are times that i will just do it, but thats only when nothing bad can really happen by not thinking it through, just a fun situation and making a fool out of myself.
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• Singapore
30 Aug 08
Yea, sometimes we really can't afford to think more than that split second.
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@rbailey83 (1428)
• Canada
4 Sep 08
yep, but the trick is that you have to be satisfied with yourself and the decision, knowing that you made the best decision you could with what you knew at the time
@metalhalo (599)
• United States
30 Aug 08
You've just described me perfectly! When I was younger I was ruled strictly by my heart. I lived in the moment and dreamed of tomorrows. The older I've gotten the more cautious I am. I think of consequences, how others would react and I listen to my gut reaction. So far my little inner voice hasn't lead me astray. I've made mistakes in the past, which I do regret but it's also made me a stronger person for today. I think you should have a healthy balance of "thinking" and "just doing it". If you think about things too much then you may miss out on some amazing experiences. Sometimes it's alright to just throw caution to wind and follow your heart. If I'd just "thought" and didn't "do" in my past, then I wouldn't have the wonderful, crazy memories that I hold close to me.
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• Singapore
30 Aug 08
Yup yup, things tend to be one of three (and I just covered all possibilities?) - your heart rules initially then your head; your head rules initially then your heart; your heart or head rules always.
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• Jordan
30 Aug 08
well my frined, i think that life is not that simple, every person will do all these things depending in the situation he or she facing, so .... i belive that iam all those persons, thinker, doer, just do it.
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• Singapore
30 Aug 08
Yup slever, it is kinda situation-basis.
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@fec139 (810)
• United States
30 Aug 08
I have gotten myself into trouble many times by allowing my heart to rule. So I try to think things through now before I act, and I get into less trouble now!
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• Singapore
30 Aug 08
Try to find a balance, I guess.
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@youless (112923)
• Guangzhou, China
30 Aug 08
I think it'll be so cool to "just do it". However, sometimes I just can't do things freely. Especially when you have your own family and child. You have to be responsible for them. For example, I seldom go out at night because I prefer to spend my time with my family. I love China
• Singapore
30 Aug 08
I also think it is kinda cool too... sometimes I wish I am like one of these people.
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
30 Aug 08
Hi lordwarwizard! I think I am all of those! haha..There are times that i just rush in without thinking at all. At times, I do think things over and over again, weighing the pros and cons of my actions and trying to think of alternatives courses of actions just in case it won;t work out..and there are times, that i just refuse to think and take action because I am in that catch 22 situation. haha.. Take care always..God Bless!
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• Singapore
30 Aug 08
Oo, God bless that we always make the right decisions!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Aug 08
hi lordwarwizard some of the time I just do it but mostly 'I sort of think things through. Sometimes when I act in haste I just make a mess of the whole thing. So I go back 'to sort of thinking about things first then acting or not acting as the case warrants.Right now I am in a quandary as my son,0ur sole provider,is out of work and rent is coming up, makes our situation sort of scary.
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• Singapore
29 Aug 08
Hi Patsie, That's why I sometimes pull back - too worried about making mistakes and... disappointing people...
@paid2write (5201)
29 Aug 08
I can be indecisive, but after giving it some thought, I will reach a decision and then I will do it, or not do it. I do think about things a lot, and I'm not sorry for it. I can make quick decisions when I have to. At work, for example, I used to have to make instant decisions and choices, and I did not always make the right one. More often though, I did get it right. I think the only regrets I have in life are things I said or did without thought.
• Singapore
29 Aug 08
It sounds right. You are making the necessary decisions fast enough and deliberating just enough to avoid mistakes.
• China
30 Aug 08
i think i am a thinker,before i do anything i always think it over"if i do,what will happen?if i not do,what will happen?"i don`t like "just do it",this will be very dangerous,because you don`t know what will happen at last when you do it without tinking it over,in case the ending is terrible,you will have no chance to regret. so it is better to be a thinker,but you shouldn`t from a thinker to be a shilly-shally person,that is worse than "just do it"!
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• Singapore
30 Aug 08
Yup yup, sometimes "just do it" is dangerous because that would become impulsiveness.
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