Quick and easy? Or a tad more intellectual?

@James72 (26790)
August 30, 2008 5:00am CST
Are you someone who gravitates towards discussions that allow you to get in and out quickly with your response? Or are you someone more like me and wppreciates topics with a bit more substance that require a more structured and well considered answer? From an activity perspective it does seem that many people prefer to play the numbers game and move swiftly from one topic to the next on mylot; so I guess the easier it is to whack in a response and move on, the better it is as far as they are concerned. It just seems really difficult to engage other members on the more complex topics. Why do you think this is the case? Is it just that people could not be bothered? I interact with a core group of friends that participate regularly in the more detailed topics and the best thing about it is that we end up going back and forth a lot with many different views. Is this not the best way to participate on here?
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20 responses
@alokn99 (5717)
• India
30 Aug 08
The back and forth interaction, an interesting and stimulating topic, a number of responses each having different opinions, that is an ideal discussion to me. Then if you look at the numbers it makes you feel better. The more the friends who respond the merrier. I don't mind if I'm stuck on this one discussion itself for sometime really. It get's me going. I'm trying to get my discussions as stimulating as your James, so let's see how it goes.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
30 Aug 08
Based on our interactions thus far alokn I would most definitely have to say that your discussions encourage exactly what I wish more of this site was all about! Sure it is great to see many, many responses to a discussion you have posted; but it is just aqs rewarding to see intelligent and ongoing exchanges between participants BECAUSE of the context of your topic as well. Thank you for responding and yes; let's see how it goes!
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@alokn99 (5717)
• India
30 Aug 08
Sorry, the comment was to come here and it went down as a response
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@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
30 Aug 08
I do think more stimulating topics are more worth your time, people who go in for the easy responses are after easy money and don't want to spend more time on giving a better and longer response that requires more thought and consideration. At the time being I'm very close to payout but it's allmost the end of the month, I am thinking it would be easier reaching payout with these short responses but still I don't like to make a bunch of them just to make money. It can be very frustrating if you are trying to make a quality discussion and no one answers because they are too busy answering discussions about what colour nailpolish they have on their toes .
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
30 Aug 08
I agree with your last point especially..... There have been times in the past that I have come up with topics that I thought were really interesting and would encourage many different perspectives; yet I struggled to have people see it the saem way and the responses were not forthcoming. Oh well. I still refuse though to come up with inane topics just for the sake of responses! By the way..... What colour nail polish DO you have on your toes then? lol. Seriously.... It never ceases to amaze me how many people DO jump on topics like that one. Thanks again for responding to another one of my discussions.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
30 Aug 08
James you have successfully stood out as different yet again and guess what when I want something substantial I go to your page or Alok's and of some others'. That really works. lol... I am not intellectual by any means, but I like substantial discussions - discussions with meaning , discussions with purposes. I like to participate in discussions which are meant at change or create opinions and raise voices or which make me exercise my docile brains. lol.. However, having said this many times when I am bit down and not in the right frame and still want to do mylotting, I do go for lighter stuffs. I write just for the sake of writing and most of the times I find myself repeating the same stuffs again and again. It feels horrible and I think that's the time I know its to quit mylot.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
30 Aug 08
Thank you! I would have to disagree with your idea of yourself as a non-intellectual I'm afraid! You certainly hold your own in many discussions that I have seen..... I agree that our moods can play a role in the way we participate here. I too have some days that I just wish to cruise along rather than enter into any overly intense discussions with others. And as for writing the same stuff over and over when you are a bit down; well you are only human! We can't be "on" all the time! Thank you for a great response.
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
31 Aug 08
I really like to help people and sometimes I see people on here starting discussions because they are in turmoil. They want to talk to someone or get advice from someone but either they don't have anyone to talk to or do not want to talk to those close to them. I like to reach out and try to help those people. Hopefully I have truly helped someone along the way. So I have given some very thoughtful and long responses, but I will also hit a short quick one once in a while as well.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
31 Aug 08
I know the type of topics that you are referring to and I will sometimes weigh in with occasional advice as well. In these situations it ispretty hard NOT to come up with a long response! All we can hope is that even ONE point we try to make gets across in these situations. I hit the short ones too; I just prefer the longer ones! lol. Thanks for responding.
@CJay77 (4438)
• Australia
30 Aug 08
I am more on responding the easy ones! Because I am too concern of my English or I am concern that I go to a different tangent which is happen to me before! But I am trying my best to start interacting to a meaningful discussion like now! And learn more in a hardcore conversation or discussion. I guess for a person like me that doesn't speak or write such a big words can start with an easy ones.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
30 Aug 08
Nothing ventured nothing gained! I am sure that I speak for many members in saying that it does not matter so much about your English as long as you have a go! The only way to conitnuously improve it is to use it so keep getting involved in as many discussions as you can! Thanks for responding and good for you for always giving it your best.
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@aville44 (125)
• United States
30 Aug 08
if i find a discussion really interesting, ill stick around and make a few posts in it, and comment. but if its just fairly interesting(or i forget about the discussion), or it only needs a relpy to get the job done, ill only leave a reply
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
30 Aug 08
Sometimes there are topics that we do find interesting that don't actually even give the chance for us to leave a reply in any great details so I do agree with this part! Thanks for responding.
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• United States
30 Aug 08
My first 'discussion' on MyLot was a very lengthy discourse. I soon realized that people were mostly unwilling to read such long posts, so I tried a couple of brief ones looking for more responses. These days I do not care if I get lots of responses, it can get really tiresome answering one reply after another, many of them saying exactly the same thing as posts above them. Additionally, I think I have ruffled too many feathers around here to get a lot of replies so I just post whatever I feel like and have fun with whatever replies I get. I do not care about the people who are playing a numbers game, or why they are so hard to engage in conversation... they rarely have anything too interesting to say anyway and I prefer that they take their marbles elsewhere!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
30 Aug 08
Oh my goodness! I have only just noticed right this minute that I missed your response! lol. Better late than never right? (And you KNOW I am worth waiting for too!) I feel somewhat the same way. Ever since I have joined I have tried every formula imagineable to attract people to my discussions and most attempts have failed. I don't care anymore if I get one response or 100; as long as there is at least ONE and it has been a fun exchange then I am happy these days. And ruffling feathers keeps things interesting as far as I am concerned! I got to ruffle yours by missing your post so I guess I am in the running for a free hit myself yes? Where have you been anyways??
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
30 Aug 08
Must be a damn good game of marbles.....
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• United States
30 Aug 08
Ok, fine. I will consider myself snubbed. I know how to take MY marbles elsewhere too!
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
30 Aug 08
I think I ought to change my avatar - it should be a butterfly! I hop about all over and land on all types of discussions (except politics which are out of my depth ). I read a heck of a lot here, probably much more than I write and if I feel I have something to contribute then I do just that. One minute it could be a humourous discussion and the next something muchmore serious. I have no goals here either about posting or earning. I just join in where the fancy takes me, sometimes with a few words, sometimes with a lecture depending on my mood of the moment. Yes, it really ought to be a butterfly I feel
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
30 Aug 08
Lol. Butterfly it is then! I too take the odd flight of fancy depending on my mood and can go from a few lines of response to my own little mylot "War and Peace" as an answer on the odd occasion as well. I don't have specific goals either; and especially not in relation to earning. Thank you for responding and I will keep my eye out for your new avatar!
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@paid2write (5201)
30 Aug 08
I will spend time searching for the more complex topics, rather than respond to simple questions on unimportant ones. I know some people can only respond if they understand the question and their knowledge of English may be limited. As an English speaker I can read and write at length, and I prefer to add fewer but longer responses, and take my time in writing them. I do have a high post count, but none of my responses are quick and easy answers.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
30 Aug 08
My post count is nowhere near as high as yours and it has taken me over two years to get to 1700 or so..... Based on this I would like to think that I go for quality over quantity just like you do. It may take longer but nothing that consists of quality ingredients comes easy yes? lol. Thank you for your response and I hope to cross paths again in due course.
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@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
30 Aug 08
I guess both styles of responding are ok, but it can also be a matter of whether or not you have the time to give a really well thought out response.. I do respond to certain topics all the while wondering, "why was that posted, is that really a valid discussion??" I have turned off the notify on most of the persons on my friends list due to the overwhelming amount of emails that I get from Mylot, but I do get a few that I answer on a regular basis, whether they are valid or not.. All of the discussions are not very thought provoking but I do answer quite a bit of them anyway.. I do love to respond to more of the intellectual topics but I can't really say that I am intellectual person.. I don't know if you remember the old saying that my mother used to say to me all of the time about "every little bit helps", I had mentioned it in a previous discussion, but I will give you another tidbit of "old-timey" advice she used to tell me.. When she wanted to bring me down a level or two or when I thought that I knew more than she did, she would tell me, "Don, if your brains were in a gnats rear end, it would fly backwards".. I am not sure of the validity of all of my mothers advice but it sure did stick with me.. So I would love to think of myself as a "tad more intellectual", but I am just me, answering only the one that strike me as interesting or the ones that I add a response to because they are my Mylot friends.. Sometimes it can be a matter of having the time to answer the more thought provoking discussions or it can be that some members just want the extra .01 that a response, any response, might bring..
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
30 Aug 08
I turned off the notify feature a loooong time ago. I get enough emails a day at work as it is and this was driving me insane! I most definitely remember your Mother's saying; how could I possibly forget? Peeing in the ocean quotes are far from forgettable! I have always enjoyed your comments in my discussions and think that you are far more intellectual than you give yourself credit for. I now will have to add the "gnats rear end" into my memory banks and leave you with an Australian equivalent! "When God was handing out brains are you sure you weren't out back having a pee?" lol. Thank you once again for an engaging response to my discussion and I look forward to many, many more!
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• United States
30 Aug 08
That is great, but another of my mothers saying which is equivalent to that one is "were you behind the door when God was handing out brains".. I lost my mother about 18 months ago and I do wish I could hear just one more of her insults as they were really very intelligent, if one cared to take the time and think of what was really being said instead of just getting mad and huffing off about the remarks.. Thanks for the more thought provoking issues that you post.. I do enjoy them and it gives my brain a bit of "stretching" time..
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
30 Aug 08
At least you get to keep your Mother's sayings alive on here! I am Australian and British, living in Egypt and about to relocate to the USA; so based on this and the fact that I have a habit of using quotes a lot; your Mother's wisdom is getting some quality exposure and will be far reaching as well! See you again soon in yet another discussion!
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@Elixiress (3878)
31 Aug 08
I like both types of discussions to a certain limit, however I do not like really easy discussions as there is not much to say and you will earn very little for the response. At the same time I dislike really complex discussions, where I know very little about the topic and would have to research it as I do not think that it is worth my time. I think the best way to participate here is by making discussions, because without the discussions then there would be nowhere to reply.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
31 Aug 08
I think from an earnings perspective most people will say that it is actually better to RESPOND rather than post actual discussions. But you rpoint is very true; and without people making time to post discussions then there would be nothing to reply to! I don't mind having to research something every now and then but it all comes down to the time factor for me as well unfortunately. It is not a case of me always wishing to engage in complex discussions by default either. I am still ultimately driven by the context of the topic more than anything else! I just happen to prefer the ones that challenge me a little more I guess. Thanks for responding to my discussion.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
31 Aug 08
Fair statement. I have to admit that one time when I posted a discussion that received over 150 responses over a few days my earnings WERE pretty high. The problem is that I have only managed a discussion with this many responses the one time! I will try to keep a balance of both if I can I guess. Time will become a major factor for me again shortly too so let's see.....
@Elixiress (3878)
31 Aug 08
I think it all depends how popular your discussions are, I made $0.53 off about 6 discussions and no responses, where I can do many responses sometimes and not earn that. I think if you are wanting to earn money without making too much effort (such as when you are sleeping) then discussions are the way to go, but responses you are kind of in control of the amount you are making.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
30 Aug 08
Hi james. I'm with you on this. I personally prefer to get involved in discussions with more substance. I tend to write lengthy answers no matter what the topic and I am usually the one with the longest response in many discussions. I do agree with your perspective that most posters do prefer the "hit and run" method. I guess to increase their numbers of posts to which they think they will make more money. I really don't know if this is true or not. I still answer discussions the way that I see fit no matter what others decide to do.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
30 Aug 08
We have to be true to who we are right? And if we are someone that tends to write more than most then in time we will find others with similar approaches and everybody wins! I do admit that I can carry on longer than most and this is just me! Soemtimes I just have a lot to say! Thanks for your response and keep pumping out those longer responses. At least it shows that you have given a topic your complete consideration every time you respond.....
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• United States
30 Aug 08
What I respond to depends on my mood. I do love a good intellectual discussion. And, while my brain and my mouth don't play well together, I still like to stimulate my mind. I just read a discussion that had 5 pages of responses. I read all of them, then I posted. It made me think, but there was no interaction between the people posting. Some days, I respond to the silliest thing I can find. However, whether the discussion is serious or silly, I enjoy the ones with the back and forth, the give and take, of each person responding. The longer the discussion, the more interaction amongst the participants, the better.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
30 Aug 08
I enjoy silliness as well, so it's not always about serious topics for me either. The interaction example you gave is very relevant. I too have seen many topics with responses that just really go much further than the odd comment. As far as I am concerned, if you are able to come up with a discussion topic that ends up creating "sub topic discussions" within it then you have done a good job! This measn that you are encouraging people to think and react and this is what I enjoy the most whenever I am able to make this happen. Thank you for your response; and I like your username by the way!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
30 Aug 08
Lol. If in doubt on exactly what to say at times, just keep talking and the point will eventually come! We all need to give the ol' brain a holiday every now and then so enjoy!
2 people like this
• United States
30 Aug 08
Yes, sub discussions. That is what I was looking for. Told ya, my brain, and my mouth/fingers don't play well together. Although, my fingers do like giving my brain a good squishy massage, now and then. I guess they get along ok then. The brain likes a massaging, now and again. OH, maybe that is why my words don't come out the way I want them to, my fingers played with my brain..... Ummmm, yeah, I think it may be time for me to go do something else for awhile.*L* And, thanks. I kinda like the name, too.*S*
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• Canada
30 Aug 08
I have only been on MyLot for a little less then a week now, but I do recognize that many people are into the quantity versus quality. I for one am about the quality of a post and the answers that correspond. Sure I joined to help me make a few extra bucks here and there but in essence one of the main reasons was to voice my opinions and to hear the opinions of others as well. I enjoy the conversations that I have had in here even if some of them have seemed a little assanine at times!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
30 Aug 08
Hallelujah! You are the second new user I have come across in the last few days that immediately GETS it! I look forward to hearing some of your upcoming opinions then and welcome to mylot! I can assure you that with this attitude you will fare well on here and will attract many like minded people. Thank you kindly for responding to my topic.
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@stellarjade (1238)
• United States
31 Aug 08
I prefer a more detailed discussion, that I can put some thought into and make a good response. I do notice though, that there are way to many one line, simple topics that require no thinking at all.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
31 Aug 08
Me too. And yes, there are MANY simple topics on here that require little or no effort to participate in; and many of them get a very large number of responses too! Each to their own and of course this is fine as we have people from all walks of life on here but I am just saying that I personally prefer to interact with a discussion that has the potential to inspire even MORE interaction. This is what a discussion should be yes? Not just a one sided in and out statement. It shoudl be ongoing if possible..... Thank you for responding.
@MH4444 (2161)
• United States
31 Aug 08
What do you do on this issue? I am curious since you asked it. I look for things that are real. If it's superficial and the person appears fake; I won't bother at all. I want to enjoy my time talking on the forum with people. I have noticed that many are afraid to discuss things often. That's not always the case, so who knows? I've met some real people here and I really enjoy discussing things with them on here.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
31 Aug 08
What do I do? I tend to gravitate towards the more complex topics rather than the quick and easy ones. I much prefer a topic that needs more consideration and input to answer and along the way I get to further improve my writing skills AND learn something new as well! I think it can be pretty easy to determine who is sincere and who is not these days. Anyone who posts a more complex topic with questions etc and then doesn't bother to answer ANYONE is insincere and jus trying to generate traffic as far as I am concerned. Thank you for responding.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
31 Aug 08
hi James 72 you are a mylotter after my own heart. I would so much rather respond to a discussion that has a lot of substance, makes me think, and make a well formed response rather than give my preference of what fruit or ice cream or candy I like. I like to use my brains and to think, and fluffy stuff does not cut it with me. I love to have my discussions go back and forth as it makes me feel people really enjoyed my topic, and so I enjoyed it too.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
31 Aug 08
Hi Hatley. That's what I like to hear! And with a number as large as yours next to your name, if you have managed to keep this attitude the whole time then we all have something to aspire to! Thank you for responding and keep using that brain! lol.
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• United States
31 Aug 08
Yes I think that it's best to have longer more intelligent conversations. I have a problem do to my disability though. I am forgetful,am not a fast typer at all(it hurts my hands,wrists and fingers,my vision is just aweful. But in spite of that I look for more intelligent conversations and try to start more intelligent conversations. But I don't think anyone on here is stupid in any way at all. Maybe you make more money that way? I'm not sure though,I just like mylot and like putting my opinion in on the topics I'm interested in and start conversations that I think might interest others.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
31 Aug 08
I am certainly not inferring that anyone on here is stupid! (Well actually, there has been the odd occasion where people actually ARE to be honest! lol) I think that it is highly commendable that in spite of your disability you still move to participate in topics and discussions that take more effort. It is definitely a numbers and money game for some and that's fine; I am just not drawn to that type of user and prefer to interact with those that make just that little more effort. Thank you for responding.
• Philippines
31 Aug 08
Good day.. I try to give my response to every discussion I joined. The thing is I'm also trying to reach a payout every month. I try to balance both of it and having a dial up connection didn't make the job any easier. One thing though I only respond to discussions I find interesting. I want to comment back as much as possible specially when the thread maker comment on my respond but like I said having a dial up connection somewhat hinders that goal from time to time.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
31 Aug 08
I can imagine that having a dial-up connection could be pretty frustrating! lol. I can appreciate that people are trying to reach payout in many cases and to spend a long time on a few responses rather than short periods on many responses kinda makes it hard to reach the target. Personally I am not concerned with payout so I guess my motivation is somewhat different. Thanks for responding and I hope you reach payout enough times soon so you can get yourself a faster connection and REALLY hit it hard!
@sabbatha (287)
• United States
1 Sep 08
Well, I like to write a bit, so I like the meatier discussions. Heck I hardly ever talk politics and I actually chimed in on a political discussion on here. So now I have ratings in politics and it's not even an intrest! But the subject got my attention and was interesting and there was more to it then just something like "who are you voting for" or something. So yeah, I definately like the topics to be a bit more intellectual. Then again some of the shows I watch (such as ANTM, and Nip/Tuck), if I talk about them on here, it doesn't matter how good and meaty the topic is, I don't think it could ever be intellectual. lol
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
1 Sep 08
And another new user with a wonderful attitude. This is really great! I like to write too and I can only be me. Intellect is not actually as cut and dry as many people seem to think it is. You can still write about Nip/Tuck and ANTM and be objective, witty and intelligent! We all gravitate towards things that interest us and as you have described with your comment on politics; it's great to get outof comfort zone every now and then too. Thanks for responding and welcome to mylot.