Choosing Sarah Palin: Did McCain just Lose the Election?
By Gorcon
@Gorcon (320)
United States
August 30, 2008 9:14am CST
Yeah, so I feel McCain made a huge mistake choosing Palin as his Vice-President. He basically felt he had to counter Obama (with his minority status as well youth) by choosing a YOUNG WOMAN.
However, this backfired I feel as she has no practical experience and could not lead this nation (no offense to the women on this forum), but she has no experience whatsoever. She looks like a soccer mom or John McCain's secretary.
I think Romney would have been a better pick. Your thoughts?
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31 responses
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
30 Aug 08
I am (or was) a Democrat until O-no-bama got the nomination now McCain's choice had definitely made me decide to vote for him. She is just what we need!
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
30 Aug 08
You must have read my mind! My thoughts exactly.
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@runner0369 (641)
• United States
30 Aug 08
I agree. I have yet to hear anything that I would consider bad about her. People try to bash her but there claims just don't match up with her actions. I wish she was president not vice president but this may provide her the experience she needs to win the next election.
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
30 Aug 08
I have yet to figure out what people saw in Obama over Hillary Clinton. And, I think he went against his own plan of 'change' when he got 65 year old Joe Biden who has been in Washington so long. McCain actually made the change when he went outside Washington and got a woman who actually knows how to speak and DO what she says she's going to do!
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@Smith2028 (797)
• United States
30 Aug 08
I suppose I can agree with you, a woman with 13 years of elected Public office, who fought corruption, has a 90% approval rating in the state that She RUNS, and is running for the #2 spot instead of the #1,has no experience. As opposed to a guy who is running for the top spot who has 13 years of elected office, but no experience in an executive manner. This is an excellent pick, and I believe that it will show through the debates and should McCain get elected thorough history.
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
30 Aug 08
Smith, I could not have said it better myself! I believe people are running scared that she might actually have smarts behind those looks! And, I think she does. She sure beats those out there that have already advocated the prospect that she can't do her job because she chose to have her baby that she knew was going to have Down Syndrome. She's going to make a terrific VP pick, and I can't wait for the Biden/Pilan debates!
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
31 Aug 08
I totally agree that Sarah Palin is an excellent choice. I believe that she was chosen for the experience she has and the accomplishments she has made - which are many - and not because she is young or because she is a woman.
I truly believe that she can relate much more to the women of America than Hillary ever could - her lifestyle is much more like that of the middle-class wife, mother, and working woman.
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
30 Aug 08
Sarah Palin was an excellent choice for John McCain. We'll never know but it could be a key factor in his November win. Why would someone say that the Governor of Alaska looks like a soccer mom or a secretary? Because she is a woman, as if that is something less than a man?
Do you want to look down on the soccer moms? Obama's whole campaign is about relating to real people. Soccer moms are real people.
The experience issue is not an issue. If you say that Sarah Palin does not have adequate experience to be VP, then you blow Obama right out of the water. Other than being a corrupt Chicago thug politician, he has no more experience than Sarah, as a matter of fact, he has less. Any you choose him to be President.
Brilliant move by McCain.
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@runner0369 (641)
• United States
30 Aug 08
Isn't she governer of Alaska? I know Alaska isn't very populated but to completely disregard the state as relevant is a bit extreme. I still think it counts as some experience. I mean she is running an entire state, it is a really big state too. I know the whole country is obviously bigger but you have to start somewhere. At least has some excutive experience, it is something to go on.
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
30 Aug 08
I have a friend in Alaska. He is a preacher and very outspoken. Perhaps I need to ask him his views on this choice. If he had any reservations, I'm sure he would tell me. But I would think he approves of this selection. This woman beat out the governor of Alaska for this job. In fact, that former governor came out third in that election.
I see now on the news that they are trying to link her with the scandals in Alaska's government. They will do anything to try and diffuse McCain's selection for the VP.
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
30 Aug 08
She has a 82% approval rating! come on! I have family in Alaska too and they say she is incredible! She's done more for the state of Alaska than Obama's done for the entire country. She couldn't just vote "present" she actually had to do some real work and with 5 kids too.
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
30 Aug 08
Barb if you do some research on Sarah you will be very surprised that what you will find. She has only been governor of Alaska for less than two years, and she has ruled it like a dictator. If anyone disagrees with her, she either fires her, or she demotes them. She even tried to sue the United States government because she wanted them to remove the Polar Bear off of the endangered species list, and they wouldn't. The Polar bears are on land that the state wants to open up for drilling. There are alot of things that people don't know about Sarah, and I am sure when they find out, they won't see her for what they do today.

@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
30 Aug 08
You know, looks can fool you. And looks have absolutely nothing to do with what is in the brain. She has experience as the governor of Alaska. She didn't mind mixing it with the republicans there (yes her party) that were corrupt. She know show to speak and I think she could hold her on with the best of them. But, I guess we will see on down the line. She might just surprise you!
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
30 Aug 08
I agree with you and his choice has definitely made me decide to vote McCain. I was really impressed at what she has accomplished in such a short time. I think she will be a force to be reckoned with!
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
30 Aug 08
I've been hearing that so many people had thought months ago that McCain would do wonders by choosing her as his running mate. They played one clip last night where one had said a couple months ago that she would be the perfect choice. I hadn't even heard her name mentioned until night before last. But I knew immediately who they were talking about when they mentioned her new baby. People need to give her a chance and listen to her the next 66 days and see for themselves how strong she really is.
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@lanlan011 (701)
• United States
30 Aug 08
I actually think it was a pretty slick move. Although I would never vote for McCain I have to give him his props. He just won over some of Hilary fans who want to see a woman in office. She does not look experienced he only did this to win over votes. But I have to give it to him, he won over some of the woman voters.
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@Gorcon (320)
• United States
31 Aug 08
It's a dirty move and a slap in the face of all the Hillary supporters, they're not dimwits who vote for any woman. They supported Hillary because of her leadership skills, strength and character. McCain has just lost himself the election by thinking that he will win over ex-Hillary supporters, thinking they're all a bunch of feminists.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
31 Aug 08
No I do NOT. You said "She looks like a soccer mom or John McCain's secretary." So what the hell is wrong with that. Soccers moms and secretaries do vote!! What a stupid and brainless reason for saying someone is not qualified.!! A true unintelligent chauvanistic remark.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
31 Aug 08
I do not think McCain will lose the election because he chose Palin or even if he had chosen Romney. He will lose because so many Americans say they love children, yet they really do not, that they would rather have their girl friends or wives abort their children so they do not have to take care of them, that they believe that a woman should murder her unborn child because it is her right, that they want a child hater in the White House.
So if Obama wins, it will show that most Americans are just as bad as the Canadians who knew what their former Liberal leaders were and let them in.
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@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
30 Aug 08
I worked for the majority of yesterday, BUT I'm going to have to agree with you on this. I was a bit surprised on his choice myself (by the way, I'm a woman and I'm not offended by what you said here). I expected a person that could enhance him, basically to help him WIN this election, but from the rumbles I'm hearing, he just handed his election over to Obama. I don't know but something just don't feel right here to me.
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
30 Aug 08
Make sure you listen to something other than the mainstream media. They have been so blinded over Obama that they cannot even report the news first. I've seen lots of comments here and elsewhere that are very favorable for Sarah Palin.
By the way, speaking of the media: They have been extremely focused on the historical significance of a first black president. How long until they get just as excited about the historical significance of a female vice-president? Will they even consider that? We will see.
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@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
31 Aug 08
To be honest, I haven't been able to check out the media. I still don't know much about her or what have you. I am a bit curious as to how one chooses a running mate in this matter. Since writing my earlier comment, I have seen some favorable and not so favorable things on this lady, but to be honest, I don't know NOTHING about this lady and that isn't personal. just being honest and one more thing. Isn't there ANY other woman Republican out there that can do the job? Anyone if he wanted a woman? And about Obama, I don't know much about him either and I'm still wondering how a man who I just met in 2004 is running for President. But that's just me speaking.
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
31 Aug 08
Actually, I think this is going to get him into the oval office, unfortunately. And, I'm THRILLED Romney wasn't chosen as the last thing I want is a Mormon in the White House (but that's a personal issue of many years' history). He is going after the supposedly disenfranchised women who are still pissed that Hillary didn't get either the nomination or the VP slot who would rather see their party crash and burn than actually try to make changes in DC politics. They're selfish and whiney and don't deserve to have a say in this, as far as I'm concerned. Hillary lost - tough t!ttie! Now, either you're a Democrat who wants a Democrat in Washington or you've never been a Democrat, just pretended to be one.
We MUST REMOVE BUSH POLITICIANS!!! We are at risk of losing this country - we NEED to change the status quo. We need to get rid of all politicians who are either in league with Bush or who won't do one thing to punish the crimes committed (do you hear me, Ms. Pelosi - YOU need to GO!!)
So, like it or not, his numbers have improved since choosing Ms. Palin. I think that sucks in such a big way! I despise his tactics, but I really don't think they're his tactics at all, but those of upper GOPers who, despite hating McCain, need him to win to keep their perks going. It wouldn't surprise me if Rove was behind it. You can bet someone's pulling the marionette strings - McCain doesn't have the savvy to choose her with no vetting. 

@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
31 Aug 08
That's really quite funny because I'm neither Gilda Radnor NOR a Democrat! I made the mistake of voting for George Bush once, but I've acknowledged the error or my ways and am seeking a redress of grievances. Nor have I ever once threatened to leave this country if "X" is elected. So, I've broken no promises either. I can't help but smile. 

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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
31 Aug 08
Spoken like a typical, paranoid Democrat.
If only those who keep promising to leave the USA if such & such GOPer is elected would KEEP their promi---oh wait.... We ARE talking about DEMOCRATS, here.
Silly me. As a famous lady on SNL used to say, "Nevermind!" /o)

@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
30 Aug 08
I think McCain made an excellent choice. Running a state gives her much more executive and leadership experience than Obama has ever had - and he's running for President. She's strong, understands middle-income people (her husband was a union member), she's done the things that women have to do - be involved in the PTA, work and balance a home. She understands us. She also went up against big oil companies and against the good ol' boys in Washington. She REFUSED the money Congress tried to send for the bridge to nowhere (although they probably spent the money elsewhere). She even has some foreign country relations experience. Sure, it's with Canada and they're easy, but it's still foreign policy experience. And with where Alaska is situated, she probably understands about Russia more as well.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
31 Aug 08
"She REFUSED the money Congress tried to send for the bridge to nowhere (although they probably spent the money elsewhere)."
I think you should do a little more research, she was for the bridge as long as the federal money was paying for it, when the feds pulled the funding she decided it wasn't in the state's best interest for the bridge.
@thinkfuture (191)
• United States
30 Aug 08
Wow, what a great point! I think that McCain will lose because he is not socially advanced enough as Obama. I think we should have the choice (prochoice) and rights
to run our own lives. Why should someone have to pay for the mistake of getting pregnant and even having a baby when they later decide they should have had an abortion? I think that our country is progressing to the prochoice point in eliminating this problem, and Obama is helping to lead it! That is why I am voting for Obama and going door to door for him! We, as productive members of society, need the right to end any unwanted life whether young or old!! If these thoughts resonate with you, as they do with so many other Obama supporters, vote Obama 2008!
This link makes me proud to support Obama!!
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
30 Aug 08
Socially advanced? You consider the ability to abort a full term baby as socially advanced? Have you ever thought about your life? What if your mother had decided you were unwanted and she aborted you? You wouldn't have the freedom to come on here and declare we need to be more socially advanced and be able to get rid of any baby that we don't want. AND, it is offensive to those of us who are older to hear someone your age say that you should have the ability to get rid of any 'unwanted life' whether it be 'young or old'. Does that apply to your parents?
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@thinkfuture (191)
• United States
30 Aug 08
Yes, it is a fact that I am socially advanced, and I think most Americans agree that life doesn't really begin until someone is a benefit to society as a whole; in the same regard, life ends when they can no longer benefit society. If my mother wanted to abort me and did, there is no harm or foul; I believe in survival of the fittest. At the time, she would have been the fittest, wouldn't she? It doesn't matter if it is me or another Obama supporter, someone would be here right now saying the same thing; evolution is inevitable, social advancement is inevitable - there is no escape! I am not a hypocrite, as many are: the rule of course applies to myself and my parents, as it applies to everyone. I cannot wait for the day that Obama is President, and we will see this REAL change in our society, getting rid of the leeches that are the unproductive. May the Marxist revolution begin! You should realize by now that most Americans agree with this - it is time to acknowledge that change is inevitable - vote Obama for President and you will see what I mean.
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@runner0369 (641)
• United States
30 Aug 08
Just out of curiosity where do you draw the line. Children and infants aren't really any benefit to society and neither are elderly or people with certain handicaps does that mean they should be excuted. Because I would not consider shooting one's own parents socially advanced because you deem them no longer beneficial. And I would like to believe that most people would agree with me but perhaps I am too optimistic.

@sabbatha (287)
• United States
30 Aug 08
I don't know if it is a mistake. I'm wanting to shoot my friend because now that he chose her, she's actually thinking of voting for him!!!! I can't believe it! But she's actually been watching this woman he's picked and she has a lot of the same stances that she does. Actually she seems more libertarian than republican, so because of her McCain may just garner votes from people who are by no means republican.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
31 Aug 08
You got that right. My vote is one that he has garnered!
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
2 Sep 08
I have yet to read through all the responses to this discussion but I'm sure you got a lot of flak for saying, "She looks like a soccer mom or John McCain's secretary."
I've already read some discussions here regarding sexism when it comes to Palin so I've been very careful, even though I am a woman and have been called a "radical feminist" at that, to not say anything that can be in any construed as being sexist in nature.
Therefore, I think if she instead "looked like a Little League coach" or McCain's "assistant" as opposed to "secretary" she would still be a very unwise choice. In the four days since you started this thread there has been quite a few things come to light about this woman and about McCain's "vetting process" which was virtually non-existent. However, I think you're right, McCain along with whoever advised him on tis did decide they had to pick a young woman and she had to be anti-choice which eliminated some GOP women who would have been better choices as far as experience and even having been vetted by the public and the press already. Condie rice is one who comes to mind here. I actually feel a bit badly for Sarah Palin, although I could never possibly vote for her or McCain, because she was made this incredible offer which had to have been like a dream for her and just thrown out there. Now comes the revelation of her 17 year old daughter's pregnancy coupled with the fact that Palin has support abstinence only education in public schools, and while I agree with Barack Obama that this should be off-limits politically because it's a private matter it still WILL be discussed, there's not possible way of avoiding that. This teenager who is about to become a wife and mother at a very tender age doesn't need or deserve the kind of scrutiny HER life is now going to receive.
@snowy22315 (185905)
• United States
31 Aug 08
I personally think it was a ridiculous that he picked someone so inexperienced. She has very little government experience. How could she be president? Plus she has five kids. Nothing like that getting in the way of her performing her presidential duties.
I think she needs to perhaps raise her kids she considers doing somthing else. Wasnt being governor and having five kids a big enough challenge for her??

@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
31 Aug 08
Obama has 2 children, what's the difference if you have 2 or 5? Especially if you have money and plenty of help?
Her oldest son is going to Iraq, how much time and care will she have to spend on him?
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
31 Aug 08
SND---I looked up the poster's page. Doesn't have the biscuits to SAY he's male, but all his interests but (maybe) one lie in the masculine realm. He's only 20, so maybe there's time to teach him better manners, & some respect for women.
Oh, & Nobama has kids, TOO, so why can't HE be faulted for it, as the poster does Mrs. Palin?
Sheesh. MCPs.
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
31 Aug 08
SNDCAIN (et al) TO CLARIFY, by "the poster" I meant GORCON, not Snowy. Sorry for the probable confusion.

@nascarqueen (5)
• United States
31 Aug 08
Well I have listened to what this lady is made up of and I have to say I like what I hear. She seems like a strong woman, Like myself. I like that she is with the NRA and a family lady. Kudos to John McCain!!!!!
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@elaine5004 (84)
• United States
31 Aug 08
From what I looked up on Obama,on his background, he practiced as a civil rights attorney prior to being a State Senator from 1997 to 2004 and taught constitutional law prior to being a United States Senator from November 2005 through now, which since February of this year has been campaigning for President more than the Senate. Palin may look like a Soccer Mom to you or a Secretary, but she has been a Mayor and is a Governor with a 90 percent approval rating. She has more practical experience working in Government than Obama for the job as far as qualifications go. Maybe McCain decided to go with someone that doesn't do politics as usual and can get things done. Romney ran for Presidency, he didn't get enough votes to win the nomination and neither did anyone else. Obama's qualifications is, he is a Civil Rights lawyer and a Senator, so does that make him more qualified to be President? If it does, then just about anyone in Congress is eligible next go around. I am waiting to hear the other side, they haven't had their turn yet before I make up my mind. Since no one I would have voted for ended up on a ticket, I am voting for the best person left of the two candidates. But before I vote, I will continue to check out the facts and hear what the other half has to say.
@sumpter (214)
• United States
3 Sep 08
Choosing Sarah Palin brough life back into the McCain. Whether or not he wins or not, the election would go down as one of the most historic in our country. Palin is a strong person and a strong candidate. Through all of this, I admire her strength and character. Whether or not McCain loses will be his own fault, but not for choosing Palin.
@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
6 Nov 08
McCain lost the election because of Bush. Bush has put such a bad taste in everyone's mouths about how Republicans act that the people would have rather elected Charles Manson into office than another republican.