No wage again
By mands61123
@mands61123 (2098)
August 31, 2008 3:41am CST
WTF sorry people but i've been up all night cos i'm in pain and i can't settle and i'm sick of this illness and this crap. I've just found out i am not getting paid AGAIN for the second month running last month my accountant said she hadn't got my timesheets and so the overtime and sick pay would all be in this months wages. So i resent them said to email me if there was any problems and have waiting till the end of the month worked all my bills out and nothing. I text my friend who also works at the same place asking if we got paid mon because i hadn't seen anything. Guess what she got paid THURSDAY so why haven't i been paid this month i wonder? ahhh i am so sick of this firm and wages there have been so many instances like this. Is it not enough that i have been sick that i am managing on sick pay to be told yes you'll get your wage then nothing. I'm an understanding person i understand about mishaps and human error but this is just one to many bloody times not i have totally had enough. have you ever been in this situation? is your firm crap when it comes to pay and illness or anything rmotely complicated? what do you do when you feel like your just banging your head against a brick wall? do you think they just don't give a crap now i've handed my notice? why am i always so conciderate of other people when no one give a shi*e about me?
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12 responses
@nascarqueen (5)
• United States
31 Aug 08
How about praying about this. Having faith in the Lord will change your situation
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
31 Aug 08
I don't know who you work for Mands, but what they are doing has to be illegal. Whether you've handed in your notice or not. I would demand my money, you cannot go for two months without wages. I don't earn now (except from myLot) that will change in the autumn I hope. Where is the company accountant based. Can you get there to see her and get an emergency payment. I was once not paid when I lived in Germany. I made such a fuss that they sent someone to the bank to explain and then paid my interest charges. Be firm with them. You have to eat too.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
31 Aug 08
The woman sounds incompetent. If she is there to do payroll, then payroll she must do. There is no excuse for not making the appropriate adjustments for staff off sick. In fact, I don't understand why the payroll system hasn't kicked up a reminder asking why your details have not been updated. You must ring her tomorrow and get a payment. Bossy aren't I? LOL.
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@mands61123 (2098)
31 Aug 08
yes she work at the dealership on site luckily so i can go down as long as i'm on a good day. She has excuse last month which is fine i accept there are deadlines and people make mistakes she assumed i had recieved an email even though i always repond to emails and she never had a read reciept. So resent my timesheets etc and specifically said if there are any problems let me know my friend even said 4 days before wage deadline everythings ok for manda this month isn't it you got everything you needed didn't you to which she replied yeh as far as i know. She does the wages so theres only her that will know. Like i said this isn't as bad as last time when they messed up and paid me to much twice (i was on sick pay and they paid me xtra) and then decided to take it all out of my wage without informing me. My wage slip said minus and i still paid some the month after. They asked my manager to inform me (the same manager that tried to tell me when i first got ill with this illness after working 6 days a week practically 12 hours for 5 days and only getting normal salary which is based on 42.5 and one saturday in the month that there was no position for me to be in because the doc advised me my roloe wasn't suitable) and he didn't he seemed to be under the impression that it wasn't a big deal. So when i asked how i would pay my bills and direct debit he said what about your savings (????) i told him i didn't have any savings and that he needed to get me some sort of money to cover my bills. I ended up borrowing money off my day because there was a whole song and dance and it was making me ill stressing over it. Lets just say the next time it happened me not getting pain i wasn't as understanding and this time if there isn't a damn good reason someones going to get it cos i'm as mad as a hatter.
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@ellie333 (21016)
31 Aug 08

@ellie333 (21016)
31 Aug 08
Hi Mands, Probably get it for my son and then hide the other toys in it as a big toybox too at the end of the day. I used to have a cupboard under the stairs as my house when I was little LOL. Hope you are feeling a bit brighter, sorry had to leave discussion to go collect my son as he was still at babysitters. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
31 Aug 08
Hi mands61123,
I am so sorry you are not well and it don't make it easier when you firm treat you like that, I would get in touch with the head office and get through to the human resource department and ask them why this have happened and keep on at them, that is what I did in my last job when someone did not get their money, I was in charge but it don't make any diffrence so just keep bargering them, its not right. I hope you will soon feel fine. I am sending you some healing, take care.
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@mands61123 (2098)
1 Sep 08
sorry guys got dragged away by my friend who i'd text this morning with another friend they double teamed me and took me out for tea and the cinema to cheer me up. I feel alot better now, i was already feeling better from the halo 3 this morning so that topped it off nicely. I have had a reply aparently I am getting paid by cheque the main accountant has just got back of a two week holiday and she was under the assumption it would have already been sent out to me, she will check up in the morning and let me know.
thanks tamara we don't have a head office any longer we ended up bought and sold again and they swapped people about, retired a few, made a few redundant moved everything onsite. My only step up the ladder would be the dealer principle who would just defer it to the accountant who i emailed. The post, concern and healing care is very much appreciated though hun :)
@renitaperrone (547)
• United States
31 Aug 08
I'm sure there is some law out there that would REQUIRE they get you your money within a reasonable time frame. I would certainly be checking into that. Many attorneys offer a free consultation, so check into that. Good luck.
@mands61123 (2098)
1 Sep 08
Thanks for the comment/advise/luck i could have them over a barrel if i wanted to renita with the whole song and dance thats been going on but i am not interested in that. It isn't everyone in the firm some have been very understanding, I just don't understand why people find it so difficult to communicate. One simple phone call or email explaining that i would be getting a cheque and i could have prepared my finances I mean i've only been officially left a week. My notice period ended last Monday! I had assumed as you would my wage would be automatcially transfered as it has been for the last 4 years. I have politely explained that it will be some days before i receive said cheque and I am well enough or find someone to get to the bank for me, wait the 3 days for it to clear. By which time all my direct debits will have come out of the bank leaving me in a bit of a predicament. I have an overdraft 9because it's happened so many times before) so i'm not absolutely desperate but it's not the point what if i was?
@Munchkin547 (2778)
1 Sep 08
Aw chick, this is really bad but you need to calm down a bit, you'll end up making yourself feel more poorly, and we don't want that! It's completely unforgivable that they would do this two months in a row, but if the money is owed to you, you're going to get it eventually! You're right there's a margin for human error and we can forgive that but not when it's happening so often! There's obviously been some sort of other mistake happening again this month, you need to get in touch to find out what has been happening. In situations like this i always think that the best way to get what you want is to phone daily until the problem is sorted, i'm always polite over the phone but they get so sick of the phonecalls every day that they resolve the problem just to get rid of me! It sounds a bit psychotic but it genuinely works! You're owed the money so you've got every right to chase it up to the full extent! I used to work for a dental practice where the owner was completely unorganised and almost every month our wages were a week or two late, i left in the end, it just wasn't acceptable, how can you arrange to pay bills when you've got no idea when the money is going to appear in your account! Chase it up chick, hopefully they will sort it out asap! The reason you're always considerate of people who are not so nice is because you are a good person, and there's nothing wrong with that as long as you stand up for your rights when you need to! Try and stay as calm as you can about it hun, and keep smiling, i know it's hard sometimes but i don't want you to be sad!!!

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@Munchkin547 (2778)
15 Sep 08
Well i like it much better when you're happy!! I'm glad you got it sorted! You;d think they'd have done everything they could knowing the situation you were in but unfortunately some people just don't think like that, they're not concerned about others! At least it's sorted now though and hopefully you won't have any more problems like that to contend with again!! xxx
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@mands61123 (2098)
24 Sep 08
yes thats what you'd think especially after everything i've done for them! nope not planning to go back so won't have to deal with that thanks god *breaths big sigh of relief*
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@mands61123 (2098)
11 Sep 08
thanks babes i usually pull the constant phone call trick but knowing the type of person she is it wouldn't have improved the situation as she just wouldn't have answered the phone said she was unavailable etc which is why i emailed her constantly. I knew that would get to her and she did sort it out pretty quickly after that still didn't get a reason but did find out form a friend that she had in fact been away for two weeks and had only just returned with lots of mistakes on the wages etc. So she was not a happy bunny as she was clearing up someone elses mess. Theres another accoutant and one helping so they should have been able to manage but looks like they didn't. Felt a bit sorry for her for a second but at the end of the day if i was in her position knowing she hadn't been paid last month i would have made sure everything was sorted and been very apologetic. Not know what i was getting or when was what was stressing me i couldn't have coped with that every month i would have strangled someone lol thanks for your concern chick i'm not sad now i'll be happy i promise.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
1 Sep 08
i'm so sorry that you have to experience this bad experience from your company while you are sick as well... i think you can sue them if they still don't want to pay your wage... fortunately, i never have a problem with payments with my company... it is not fair if they do that to us since we had worked so hard for them... they just have to pay us accordingly for what we deserve... hope you can fix the problem soon... take care and have a nice day...
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@mands61123 (2098)
11 Sep 08
thanks lingli i'm glad you've never experienced it it's not a very nice situation to be in i hope you never do thanks for your comment and concern take care mands
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
1 Sep 08
I only worked once and for a very short time for a man that I had to chase down my pay. Nice guy but it was construction work and I worked hard and I really needed the money being a single mom. I didn't mind waiting a day or two but with this guy, it was constant excuses. I was scraping to survive and he was living just fine. It isn't worth the stress. I wouldn't quit until you have another job lined up but i would say that as soon as you are feeling better, you should start looking. This stress can not be good for your health!
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@mands61123 (2098)
11 Sep 08
hi sid your right it isn't good for my health i've actually not been well at all these last couple of days and no doubt that hasn't helped they have actually paid me by cheque now but no apology nothing. Same old thing the more you do for them the more they expect, the more you take the more they s*it on you. I actually don't work for them now i handed my notice before this because of illness and other issues so this was justification that i've done the right thing really.
@snowy22315 (185905)
• United States
1 Sep 08
It seems like when it rains it pours sometimes. Just when you think things cant get worse...Guess what they can. I've been in situations like that before it seem slike the money always comes through eventually, but it's not fun waiting for it to happen.
I'm not sure if you are in the US or not, but you could always go to wage and hour to
talk to people there if your company does not come through for you. I would do that if you need to.
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@mands61123 (2098)
1 Sep 08
hi snowy no i'm not in the us but thats for the info hopefully i will be getting my cheque tomorrow i'm going to ask that one of the drivers drops it here at my house to cut the waiting time (i'm only 15 mins away) or i may ask my friend to drop it in the bank for me 9the one that came today). I'll see what the accountant says, i feel 100% better than this morning thanks for posting you guys it's much appreciated really from the bottom of my heart!
@littleowl (7157)
2 Sep 08
Hi sorry to hesr about you still not being well..can understand how you feel..I was a supervisor cleaner for 5yrs and it was very hard work though peple think its an easy job it isn't..but I have fractured my back in 1993 since then I have very bad back and hip problems but just live with it as I did in this job so yes I did have to take days off but was never paid for it, there was no thanks for my work there and the other cleaners and it got harder and harder in the end I had to give it the firm was crap..two the waork was always done but there was always some stupid little thing that was complained about and three my boss and I had a bad personality am now living on benefits DLA and Income support..its ruddy hard but somehow I manage with my son's rent as can really have sympathy for you it would be nice if bosses were to take into consideration a few things including illness..bright blessings littleowl
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@littleowl (7157)
11 Sep 08
Many thanks for your healing hugs sending some to you too...people are so inconsiderate these days I really hope your situation improves..hugs littleowl
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@mands61123 (2098)
11 Sep 08
Hey little owl sorry that happened to you sounds painful sending healing hugs to you. people seem to becoming more and more inhuman these days they are only interested if it is affecting your work. I'd been to a concert one weekend and felt not so good the next day at work. i had turned in and was managing all be in in alot of pain. Well why did you go out if you knew you'd end up ill. Oh i'm sorry i'll stay in every day of the week and have no life at all whatsoever just so that i don't show you the pain i'm in on monday when i come in. I tried to explain a million and one times that i could have stayed in and still been in that much pain but fell on deaf ears. Sometimes they don't know how good they've got it until you leave bet they regretted it once you'd gone. Hope your situation improves soon thanks for posting take care mands
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
31 Aug 08
hi mands have you got a labor board in your town,if so call them and demand that they get on your bosses case and get you
the money that you have coming and also call your company again
and tell them you need your money at once or you will call the labor relations board and they will have to pay you. dont
'back down. and by the way also keep on being the considerate
person you know you are. not everyone is like your crappy company and your boss.
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@mands61123 (2098)
1 Sep 08
aww thanks hatley hun i'll definately keep trying to be conciderate, the actual big boss if i'm honest was the most understanding out of everyone (possibly because he had experienced some of this huey after having suffered a minor heart attack). As i said above it's constant poor communication and carelessness that could all be avoided. I think i'd have to call citezens advise thats what i had to do last time when the medium boss lost his mind and told me i had no job because id been advised to no longer work in my current position. I will see what she says tomorrow, i won't back down on this one i'm done with the niceness as ellie put it i think it was i need to eat!
@relundad (2310)
• United States
1 Sep 08
I have never heard of such! What kind of reputable company wouldn't pay you? If they made a mistake then it should be corrected immediately. Why would a company tell you to wait a month for your salary? I just would not understand this. And I sure as heck would not have waited for a 2nd month. It seems that you may need to contact the governing board that oversees this type of issue.
@mands61123 (2098)
11 Sep 08
hi relundad thats why i was so angry they eventually paid me by cheque no apology no excuse no nothing luckily i no longer work there so i won't have to deal with them again over issues such as this. Thanks for your response