Would you talk loudly in the library?

Would you talk loudly in the library? - Pictures of library books. Photo source: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/101/304220561_0df2427653.jpg?v=0
August 31, 2008 9:35am CST
I was at the library yesterday to replenish my supply of books. While I was browsing the shelves, there was a sudden commotion. Two ladies were exchanging words - one was loud and harsh, the other soft and feeble. Initially, I ignored them thinking it would soon pass. But as the same statement kept getting repeated LOUDLY - a certain "I just want to check my email" - I put on my P.I. hat and traced the noise to its source. The loud exchange took place in the P.C. section of the library where patrons can access the internet at the public computers for a small fee. A female patron was at one of the seats and she was talking to a library staff standing on her left. The loud voice belonged to the patron while the mousy one was the staff's. I am not sure if the staff was just meek ordinarily but it is quite possible she was trying to keep her voice down. In fact, I think I heard her asking the other lady to hush too. Instead of behaving considerately, she continued to raise her voice and repeat that annoying statement above. I didn't know what they were quarreling about but I just think that no matter what, you can quarrel but don't raise your voice in a public library. If that patron thinks she can gain sympathy from other patrons by calling for their attention this way, I sorely doubt. I suspect that is one of her tricks - to be so loud that unless the security guards were called to remove her forcefully, the staff would just have to stand down and accede to whatever demand she has. Or she could just be trying to be intimidating to bully her way around. So, would you talk loudly in the library or in a place that typically requires silence? Do you feel that lady was right in raising her voice? Should that staff have just called the guards? Have you any similar experience to share?
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127 responses
@ElicBxn (63790)
• United States
31 Aug 08
I worked for a year in the library and we were told that the "quiet in the library" wasn't a rule anymore. However, if this woman was raising a ruckus just to get free time on the computer, I'd've been on the horn for security. I never was very good at confrontation, but I'm not afraid of calling in backup.
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• United States
31 Aug 08
Yes, that's all it was, just an attempt to get the rules bent in her direction.
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@ElicBxn (63790)
• United States
31 Aug 08
The only annoucements I hear over the P.A. is that the library is closing, the check out desk closes 5 minutes before the library. Not like the nearly inaudable "evacuate" I heard at Walmart once.
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• Singapore
31 Aug 08
Oh? It is no longer a rule? Well, maybe not absolute silence but if you need to talk, at least lower your volume and keep your talking minimal. That is still the guideline here - though I personally find that library announcements make the most noise - I would be browsing in silence when I get rudely jerked "awake" by announcements asking people to be quiet when I haven't heard anything louder than the speakers since I stepped in.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
31 Aug 08
If I was the librarian I would have said something to both of them and have them either keep it down or take their discussion outside lol. I don't talk loudly in the library and when my son raises his voice when he's excited about finding a book, I am always shushing him and asking him nicely to keep his voice down.
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• Singapore
31 Aug 08
That's a responsible parent.
@weemam (13372)
31 Aug 08
This would have annoyed me too pal , I would never do that , it happens in a lot of places , We were out for a meal last week and there ws a young couple sitting a wee bit away from us , The man was talking so loud that everyone could her him , I looked in his direction a few times , no expression and didn't say anything ( not my style ) but he didn't care , I think people like this are very arrogant and very rude , manners cost nothing xx
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@weemam (13372)
31 Aug 08
You are right to do that pal , I would like to think though that I am always considerate of others :) xx
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• Singapore
31 Aug 08
Yup, I have seen my fair of inconsiderate people too. I do try to understand why they are like this - sometimes they simply reflect our manners. We may be criticizing others, not knowing we commit the same faults ourselves! So I try to reflect and make sure I am not doing the same or similar.
• Singapore
1 Sep 08
I can always feel your considerate vibes from here!
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• United States
31 Aug 08
I work in a library and, yes, the noise level is really high in most of them nowadays. Most of our complaints are the kids that have no idea that libraries are quiet places. They treat the place like a play yard and run around, screaming and yelling. Also, we got people using cell phones all the time and get furious when we tell them not to use their phones in the library. I've even been accused of being racist because I told someone not to use their phone. We don't have security guards at most of our libraries, so staff has to deal with these people themselves as well as doing all the other work they have to do. Then, we get complaints to our main branch about us and they always take the patrons side and not the staff.
• United States
1 Sep 08
I try to tell everyone to turn off their phones regardless of race, but I have to admit that we are so busy that we can't catch everyone. Cell phones are a primary noise complaint in my area and noisy kids are the next common complaint. Often, cell phone users say "well, those kids are extremely noisy, so why don't you tell them to be quiet?". The thing about kids is that they're kids and they don't know any better. Someone who is old enough to use a cell phone knows better than to use it in a library.
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• Singapore
31 Aug 08
That's why we call them kids hehe... As for you being called racists... well, maybe that person is being sensitive - if you are sure you did not tell off someone not of your race when another of your race was committing the same act. I don't usually see guards too but I have seen them occasionally. I suspect they pop by occasionally or hide somewhere till needed. It is regrettable that the benefit of the doubt is given to the patrons and not the staff... @Patsie: A page? Are there knights in the libraries now?
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
31 Aug 08
hi I used to wo rk as a page in our library and you are so' right the kids use it as a play ground and I was forever being asked to tell them to quiet down or go outside to run and play games. and oh my ask a cellphone user to] not talk on her phone, wow that caused some serious fussing. I am retired now a nd rather glad to be retired. no more hassles. lol.
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@koalatbs (2229)
• United States
4 Sep 08
Personally, I just think stuff like that is plain ignorant and/or rude... whichever fits. Unfortunately, there are many many people like this is the world and the rest of us seem to have to mildly sit back and put up with it and not say anything. I would not talk loudly in a library or someplace similar which requires silence. I can't say that as a child or teenager that I never did so, like when getting the giggles with friends but, of course, I have grown up since then. Nowadays when I hear a commotion like the one you describe I usually just grin and bear it. However, not always... like one time about 2 or 3 years ago my family & I went out to a chinese buffet restaurant with my mom for either lunch or dinner, I cannot remember which. Irregardless, there was a group of people (about 10-12) in the same section who were extremely loud. They were a family group with moms, dads, young children and a few elderly people as well. So, it is not like they were a bunch of teenagers or 20 year olds out to party. They were just plain ignorant. They were sooo loud that my family & I couldn't hear eachother talk across our own table, plus they were making us miserable too. I finally got up (completely not in my character) and approach them. I basically said this, rather nicely - I might add, "Excuse me, I was wondering if you all could please keep it down because my family & I cannot even hear eachother over there" as I pointed to our table. One of them rudely said as the others laughed "I guess YOU better move to another table then!" So, we did... but, gosh darn it, I was NOT happy about it. The management really made me mad too because they did absolutely nothing even though we informed them of why we were moving. We never went back to that particular restaurant again.
@koalatbs (2229)
• United States
5 Sep 08
Yes, as I said... it is not my character normally to do things like that in general. It was just really really bothering me that particular day and, I don't know, maybe I had PMS or something. ;) It just really grated on my nerves that day.
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@3cardmonte (5098)
31 Aug 08
All the damn time! i would have thrown that woman out myself, i cant stand those people who think that they should get everything they want and to hell with others
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• Singapore
31 Aug 08
Well 3cardmonte, there are people and there are people. We can start with ourselves and work at being considerate. Hopefully, the rest would follow.
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• Philippines
1 Sep 08
Words from the wise...
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• Singapore
2 Sep 08
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
3 Sep 08
What a tough situation for this librarian! I bet she was glad when her day was over. When you go to the libary, it is not all that unusual to hear some bit of discussion. Usually people talk softly. Those who don't, know enough to keep the chatter to a minimum. On the other hand, it sounds like this lady was being obnoxious. If this was her fisrt incident in the libary, one might cut her a bit of slack. If this were the second time she had caused a disturbance, it might be good to call the guards, even if it is only to send a loud and clear message to the lady: Change your behaviour! One might hope that the first time guards are involved, she will be embarassed enough that she will not be back to that library. djbtol
• Singapore
3 Sep 08
It could have possibly spoiled her day.
@suruchi86 (1873)
• India
3 Sep 08
No, I would never do the same at library or even at other public places also. I hate those who don't care for the convenience of others. Even in private places also, one should not create any loud noise, so that neighbors may be disturbed. Few places like library and hospitals etc should be completely noise free. I don't approve the behavior of the lady, you are talking about. I think if that lady was persisting with raised voice, even after requests, guards should be called to make things right. Had I been in her place, I would have gone outside the library and call the library staff there to discuss my point.
• Singapore
3 Sep 08
Indeed, many times we see people flouting the rules with a couldn't-care-less attitude.
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@suruchi86 (1873)
• India
4 Sep 08
..and I don't like them...
@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
31 Aug 08
This reminds me of my encounters with Librarians during my JC days in my school library. It was after prelims and my friends and I were supposedly studying in the library. However, we ended up talking. A few of us were laughing quite loudly (me inclusive, I think). In the midst of our chatting, a staff librarian walked up to us and hit MY head with a book and told us to shut up. I was wondering to myself why he only hit my head. A few weeks later, I was again in the library. My friend was talking a little loud and I was whispering (fear of being hit). Out of nowhere, that librarian appeared and hit me on MY head again. Somehow, I think he hates me. Actually I hardly go to library now. When I do, I am usually alone and I'll keep very quiet and I'll try to remember to put my phone to silent mode. I think that's only polite. (I've learned my lesson)
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
1 Sep 08
That time, he looks like he was in mid twenties. I don't think my head looks hittable.. but I had a Chemistry teacher who sometimes hit my head too..
• United States
4 Sep 08
I would have grabbed that lady up and threw her out also! EVERBODY knows from gradeschool that you are supposed to be quiet at the library,there's those few that think they can do anything, anywhere they go and get what they want by being loud,bossy,and authorative. and I just want to tell them that the world doesn't cater to you!!
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• Singapore
5 Sep 08
Lol, that violent!
@Bethany1202 (3431)
• United States
14 Sep 08
I wouldn't talk loudly in the library or any other place I would consider that behavior inappropriate such as church or a doctor's office... People have lost much respect and class these days. Whenever I have gone to the library it is not quiet at all anymore and it's frustrating.
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• Singapore
14 Sep 08
Yea, not too appropriate at all.
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• Italy
3 Sep 08
i never talk..hihi
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• Singapore
3 Sep 08
Hihi... hush hush.
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@jeanchia (137)
• Malaysia
3 Sep 08
i cant stand ppls who thinks they can get what they wan by raising their voices. I would not dare to speak loudly in places that requires silence.
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• Singapore
3 Sep 08
Some people are naturally bullies.
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• Philippines
3 Sep 08
hey lordwarwizard! what a username! yeah! I guess i can say that library is the soul habitat of literature, that is where we find that solemnity and peace wherein a student who really find books lovable to make a time with, so be it. Enjoy reading up with peace in mind inside the brown library of all times. But I guess that a norm that our scoiety has to get into that flow. mind you, talikng loudly in the library? it means you really love that place and you really enjoy being in that place, coz i can sense that it made you think that library can be a place to make yourself shout with expression. i think im goin a little carzy with my idea. i'll just end this with a period.
• Singapore
3 Sep 08
Hello UnicoRazco, what a username too! Thanks for your insight.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
1 Sep 08
Shhhhhhhhhhhh! There are people trying to type and post discussions and responses in here..... lol.
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• Singapore
1 Sep 08
(Muffled) Shhh... I am sorry... shhh... James, I will try to hit my keyboard softer... shhh...
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
2 Sep 08
No, I would never talk loud in a library. As a matter of fact I used to work in a library for many years. If I were still working there and had a patron acting that way I would have called the police department - which was right next door and had them ask her to leave, if not they would take her away. I bet there was a time limit that she exceeded or else another patron was waiting to use the computer or something else and that the employee informed her of this and that is why she was tallking so loudly. I am tired of people too who are so obnoxious to believe that they are going to get better treatment or their way for being rude and loud. So, did you stay to see what finally happened in that situation? Have a great day and happy myLotting!!!
• Singapore
2 Sep 08
It was resolved somewhat as the staff was no longer there but the lady was... not sure whether things were sorted out or she was intimidated away. Quite tough to manage a library.
• United States
1 Sep 08
Oh, I think people should be quiet and considerate in the library. I get annoyed easily when people don't observe the "quiet" rule in the library unless they are children who can't really be held to the same expectations. (Of course, this assumes their parents are trying to keep them quiet and willing to remove them when it proves not to be working.)
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• Singapore
2 Sep 08
Some people don't like rules lol.
• Nigeria
1 Sep 08
is not right to be making noise in library
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• Singapore
1 Sep 08
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@GemmaR (8517)
1 Sep 08
I think that people who talk loudly like this in a library are really rude and selfish. There's really no excuse for it at all. If they want to talk to each other, they should go outside. In my opinion, the only reason that people should be allowed to talk at all in a library is if they are doing some work and need to chat to someone about that. Apart from that, there's no reason they should chat at all!
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• Singapore
1 Sep 08
Yup yup, hush hush so that we can all enjoy some peace and quiet in the library.
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• Philippines
1 Sep 08
yes! and i always get scolded for that! but i'm not that bad though, i only do it when i'm with my close pals and i can't help but express how i feel. i don't know how to suppress my feelings. LOL. it's really crazy, and yet a lot of fun!
• Singapore
1 Sep 08
Lol, you must be too excited.
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