does 'thanks for your response' irritate you?

August 31, 2008 2:38pm CST
you just respond a discussion. and after some while, you open your email to see if your response gets comment. good news, there is notification from mylot that yours got comment already. you eagerly open the notification, only to find that you get something like 'thanks for your response', nothing else. does it irritate you? do you feel you just waste time to open the email? is it better not to get a comment at all that get a 'pseudo comment'? or do you even a 'thanks for your response' discussion starter? well, i try to really comment on the responses to my discussions. but in some cases, 'thanks for responding' is the only comment i post. it's especially when i respond to one-liner responses like 'yes that's right.' or 'i also like the movie'. i also post such a comment on the responses which imply that the responder doesn't know (and doesn't want to know) what i am talking about and just respond for the sake of responding. what about you?
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33 responses
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
31 Aug 08
Well, sometimes it could be from a New member here who does not know that posting Thank You like this to discussions is not encouraged, and they need to consider posting more back than this if they are going to respond back to every response one of their discussions gets. I know when it happens, it can be annoying, and a lot of times I just pass these up without responding back as well. What is even worse I feel is when it is someone like this, and then they give your response Best Response. How are you supposed to respond back?
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• Indonesia
1 Sep 08
hi krausehome, in that case, the BR prize is still nice to get. i think i will just 'thanks for the BR prize ' to them. at least they take time to resolve their discussion. well, i can understand if new users do that. in the early times after i joined mylot, i even act worse i never comment on responses of my discussions. in that time, i considered a started discussion like a shot arrow. i would let it go and never visit it again. thanks for responding.
@diansinta (7544)
• Indonesia
1 Sep 08
Hi SutanHartanto, I got those emails too for my responses. Yeah sometimes it's shown. If i were them, my reason are; 1. May be connection slow, so i must wrap all my comments up, because i would like to have many post this time, to have a good earning (of course) 2. I don't have idea to post, blank.. numb.. but i appreciate you respond my discussion (what ever is that mean)LOL 3. How i am i gonna say this in English..... forget it,... to complicated,..lets (again) save my time and wrote (again)"thanks for your response"HHAHAHAHAHAH... Not a kind of a fighter don't you think? Happy posting always !! oxo'dian from Bali island.
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@diansinta (7544)
• Indonesia
2 Sep 08
Its true Lordwizard! I will Sutan He is so exiting this morning, a black cat visit us, and he seems happy about it
• Singapore
1 Sep 08
Sometimes we can give an inch, so to speak... maybe they want to comment but can't think of anything better to say...
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@MissGia (955)
• United States
1 Sep 08
They don't necessarily irritate me, but it sort of hinders the discussion for me. There lack of anything to say in return to me, doesn't really motivate me to keep reading that particular discussion or any of their discussions for that matter.
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• Indonesia
1 Sep 08
hi missgia, well, that's better than being irritated. but, that's worse for them anyway, i notice that more users comment the responses they got with sense. that's promising, isn't that? thanks for responding
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
1 Sep 08
I don't much care if they thank me or not. But I do like getting Best Responses as I like knowing that I was able to say something that helped someone. OR that my suggestions or comments did something good for someone.
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• Indonesia
1 Sep 08
hi coffeebreak, yes, that's still nice to get BR prize and finding that our responses contribute something to others. thanks for responding
@zeroflashx2 (2491)
• Philippines
31 Aug 08
Hey my friend! It's doesn't really irritate me though. But I would really appreciate it if the response is something that would start a discussion between me and the topic starter. It's fine though, the person might have lots of things to do and at least he/she responded. I just don't like it anymore if there are around 10 or more responses and the topic starter gave the same "thank you for responding" message to all. I just let them be and move on the next discussion. The more discussion, the more chances of having good discussions. There will always be bad discussions and we'll most likely run into them one way or another. Just enjoy and have fun. You'd often times get excellent discussions with your friends. Just an observation. Take care bro!
• Philippines
1 Sep 08
Yeah, that's one of the good qualities of a discussion. Having people engage in meaningful conversations. Ahahaha. Thanks as well. Yeah, I don't drive fast recently. Trying to save on gas.
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• Indonesia
1 Sep 08
hi zeroflashx, that's very kind of you. i also like if the the discussion, the response to it and the comment on it go further into a real discussion amongst the posters. thanks for responding. take care, don' t drive too fast
@valeria1 (2721)
• United States
1 Sep 08
I really do not care much, but I just block my email and do not receive anything! LOL, I come here and I see what I have, I try to put some comment always, but sometimes their answers are like nothing, so I say Thank you! Should I say thank you for nothing?
2 people like this
• Indonesia
2 Sep 08
hi valeria, don't need to block your email what happens if it prevent you to receive nice, important, and meaningful comments? well, i also try to always comment something on the responses. thanks will be either my last choice or only closing words. thanks for responding
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
1 Sep 08
valerie nope but you should at least be civil because one mans nothing may be some other mans something, in other words perhaps the person you say gave a nothing answer might well have been the best he or she could do, as maybe they also thought your discussion was like nothing, here it pays to not be so darned critical as we' all have our flaws even you.
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@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
1 Sep 08
well, it depends on what comments I give to that person. if I think she can't give any disagreements on what I've said, or she can't add anymore, well, it doesn't irritate me at all. but if my comments need reactions, feed backs or if asked questions and needs an answer, well, that will really irritates me.
• Philippines
2 Sep 08
yes. no problem.
• Indonesia
1 Sep 08
hi zer0charly, good points. i agree that we don't need to comment if there is no important points to comment. well, in that case, thank for responding is acceptable. take care
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
1 Sep 08
hi yes indeed sutanhartanto it really irritates me when someone cannot get beyond thanks for your response as it feels like a knee jerkresponse akin to have a nice day which you ever over and over until you want to scream why not wish me a horrible ugly upsetting day. that would at least be a change and show you are really thinking not coasting along on inane commwents. i sometimes get the feelingthat thankyou for your response is printed out then pasted in on some fiftyh or sixty discussions. When I comment on peoples responses I try to actually think about what I am saying and give an appropriate comment. It doesnt take that much more time and gives the reader the feeling that your response was actually read.
• Indonesia
2 Sep 08
hi hatley, "....get the feeling that thank you for your response is printed out then pasted in on some fiftyh or sixty discussions." yeah. i also think that they are employing an auto-commenter software to comment on their discussions. i also try to consistently comment on responses more humanly . i believe the responders deserve proper comments on their responses, as it also takes time, energy and mental work to post their respond. yes you are right, i doesn't take too much time to do that; and the result is mostly rewarding. thanks for responding
• United States
31 Aug 08
i hate the "thanks for your response" thing but i know they are doing it for the right reasons and they acknowledged i did respond so i dont make a big deal out of it.. i just make sure i dont do it..
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• Indonesia
1 Sep 08
hi moonlitmagikchild, that's so nice of you to understand and look with their eyes. if i don't get time, i will try to post any short comment except (sometime with) 'thanks for responding'. well..., thanks for responding
• United States
31 Aug 08
lol, i've seen that happen a lot of times, haha. when it does happen, it kind of feels like they're leaving you hanging, lol, it's like they've responded back to you without actually adding on to anything that you've said. XD
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• Indonesia
31 Aug 08
hi powerbrokenape, yeah i know that . when it happened, sometime i just visit the discussion to see what happen. and when i see everybody also get the same 'magic words', i feel relieved at least i am not alone there. anyway, here your 'thanks for your response'
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• Philippines
1 Sep 08
no it doesn't irritate me especially when it is a sincere one. They really want to say thanks so there is no wrong with that . I guess a lot of mylotters are not irritated by this simple gesture.
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• Indonesia
1 Sep 08
hi ronacruz, that's good. i will never say that thanks is the bad or irritating word. not at all. i just want to say that it's a little bit disappointing if thanks is the only word they post to comment on your response, especially if they use it to comment to all responses they get. thanks itself is ok, no doubt about that. thanks for responding
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
31 Aug 08
Don't worry about it too much. I always enjoy when I see comments beyond the usual thank you to my responses. I always try to comment on those who answer my posts. But sometimes there are responses out there, especially the shorter ones where I can't get anymore details, that make it harder for you to leave a "meaningful" comment. So I just thank them to let them know that I appreciate their taking time to read my post and participate in the discussion.
• Indonesia
1 Sep 08
hi saintanne, you have a nice way to comment on your responders . well, though we are discouraged to use the magic sentence too frequently, sometimes it will help to use it. thanks for responding
• Philippines
3 Sep 08
Nope... Thanks is a very nice expression.. it has a very deep meaning..
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• Indonesia
3 Sep 08
hi rodelbulan, that's nice of you. ok, if so, here it is: thanks for responding
• India
1 Sep 08
responsing to somebodys discussion is totally depends on sombodys attitude.many peoples are there in the world who hate o get replies and comments because they think their ideas and messages are one and only one.nobody can argue to their discussion.they want to be their ruler themselves.they do not want to be ruled by anyone. whereas many people are their who likes and appreciates comments because they wants their idea to gets innvated and shared with many people. here the main difference lies between one to one
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• Indonesia
1 Sep 08
hi soumya, well, nice points, nice views. i just realize that maybe not all people like their responses being commented. what about yourself? you are the first type or the second type? thanks for responding
@wanna_be (411)
• Philippines
1 Sep 08
I do 'thanks for your response message' when I do not have something to say rather than saying anything which is sometimes not valid. :-)
• Indonesia
1 Sep 08
hi wanna_be, that's oke to use the common words sometimes (especially it that's the best we can get in the moment), as long as not all the times . thanks for being here
• Singapore
1 Sep 08
It is ok... We all have different ways of commenting back. Usually the thanks is not that necessary but if someone wants to thank me, I am fine with it too. But if you obviously put a point, a well written one, well, you would hope for something more... in that case, one might be a bit disappointed. Cheers!
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• Indonesia
1 Sep 08
hi lordwarwizard, yes, i agree that people have different ways of adding comment on the responses they get. we cannot expect that we will always get nice and meaningful comments on our all responses. thanks for responding
@Elixiress (3878)
1 Sep 08
I hate it when people respond with "thanks for your response" if that is all that they have got to say. If I start a discussion and someone replies, I may thank them for replying, but I take it further and point out things in their response that I agree with or disagree with or generally don't understand. Like you I feel like it is a waste of time, it is just as bad as receiving spam in your mail box. I am glad I have finally found someone that feels the same and does not feel the compulsion to reply to everything even if they have nothing to say.
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• Indonesia
1 Sep 08
hi elixiress, welcome to the club yes i generally use the thanks just to close my comment, not the comment itself. i believe that the responders expect some meaningful comment on their responses. i think that's the proper way to appreciate their effort on responding our discussions. i like the way you compare it with the spam. thanks for sharing it here.
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
1 Sep 08
A thank you should always be accepted as a curtesy. When you are growing up as a child, one of the things good parents instill in their children is to be polite and thank others for doing nice things. I do not get irritate, when I receive a thank you. I appreciate that someone took the time to acknowledge me. I am always polite, I say thank you, you are welcome etc. It is only common curtesy.
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• Indonesia
1 Sep 08
hi sudalunts, i don't get irritated at all when i get it it; why should i? the thanks itself is a noble word we are encouraged to use as many as possible. i also always say thanks to the responders of my discussions an in other occasions. but when you take time and effort to respond a discussions, i guess you will expect more than that. it's just a little bit disappointing if the thanks is the only comment they add. thanks for responding
• Nepal
1 Sep 08
why does thanks irritate you man I am not understaning about it.Any thanks is a beautiful word when you do good thing for other then you will get thanks. If you are irritating of the thanks then stop to help other and stop taking the helps from othere.
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• Indonesia
1 Sep 08
hi kisanchhantyal, i wonder if you read my whole description of this topic. i don't get irritated when i get such a response. you are right, thanks is good word, especially if it's delivered sincerely. but as a comment, sometimes i hope more than just the thanks, because i respect the discussion by respond it properly, so is it wrong if i hope the proper comment as well. i am not irritated though if they just thanks. i mean to say that it's sometimes disappointing when the thanks is the only comment they post, especially if they use the same words for comment all responses. anyway, thanks for responding. i encourage you to read the description again...if you want.
@Refugee (85)
1 Sep 08
maybe i think my opinion,there's no need to say too much thanks
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• Indonesia
1 Sep 08
hi refugee, say thanks is ok. it's just a little bit disappointing if the words are the only comment they post on a response. thanks for being here