So why do poor people vote republican?
By thelgproject
@thelgproject (88)
United States
6 responses
@piasabird (1737)
• United States
1 Sep 08
Are you saying that Democrats buy votes with subsidies?
You know, I've always wondered why so many African=Americans vote Democrat when Lincoln freed them and he was Republican.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I think it's in black American's interests to work hard and better themselves. I do not think it's in their best interests to get government handouts and be given jobs based on affirmative action quotas.
When people say Republicans are voting against black interests they are often referring to welfare programs. I refuse to say that extra welfare checks are in the best interests of people because it makes them dependent on a broken system. Republicans are also against affirmative action and hate crime legislation which many consider black interests. The reason being, republicans think people should be treated equally. Hiring someone based on their race and preventing others from getting jobs because they are not that race is strictly against the constitution.
@thelgproject (88)
• United States
3 Sep 08
Because regardless of what Lincoln did long long ago, the current republicans consistently vote against black interests. plain and simple

@elliottsthebomb (64)
• United States
31 Aug 08
Most lower class families tend to vote democrat. Of course there is always different politival views. Maybe the lower income family is rather conservative and the issue at hand is more important to them.
@thelgproject (88)
• United States
31 Aug 08
so do you think that wedge issues such as immigration, abortion or gay rights might be the cause there?
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
1 Sep 08
How does Republican policies obviously promote the wealthy and leave the poor and middle class out in the cold? Allowing people to actually keep what the earned is not class based but common sense. If you earn a buck you deserve to keep that buck, no matter how many bucks you make. Also social issues do matter, sometimes there are more important thing in life than money, like protecting the unborn.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
31 Aug 08
Maybe we believe in the American dream? Maybe we believe in self sufficiency. Maybe we don't think it is the responsibility of the government to take care of us. Maybe we like the freedom to earn a little money or alot.

@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
3 Sep 08
No, the Republicans are for ALL Americans.
I have a sister in the tax bracket that Obama wants to unfairly tax. Why should she be taxed higher than I am? Or than you are? Just because she has been successful? I think not.
@thelgproject (88)
• United States
3 Sep 08
hmmm, sounds like you are advocating for a flat tax! wouldn't that be the day!!
@thelgproject (88)
• United States
31 Aug 08
really? and you work part time at the local 7-11 or piggly wiggly right? and you have no idea how you're going to make rent this month right? I doubt that,
anyway, does it upset you that there are tax breaks for corporations to ship our jobs to india and mexico?
or that our senators have better health care coverage than we do?
i don't believe in getting a free ride and i love the fact that you can make things happen in the USA that you can't anywhere else, but i really don't like being cheated.
TAX MONEY IS OUR MONEY. We'd be a whole lot more 'self sufficient' if we could keep more of it at home! How about some tax breaks for starting a business at home, for keeping jobs at home? is it whining to ask that they not give tax breaks for shipping our jobs overseas? no, you are wrong.
See friend where we differ is that repubs are for big business, not the little guy or the poor guy, or the middle class guy who's about to lose his home.
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
3 Sep 08
If they vote Republican, my first response would be because they're smart. They understand that if big business does well (and stays here...because they're not being taxed too much...which is what the Dems want to do), there will be jobs.
Perhaps it's even more than that. The Republicans believe in the American dream.
More and more, the Democrats want to paint a horrible picture, not only of what they think America is today, but they offer no hope (despite using that word) about America ever being any better or better off than it is today.
Republicans have always offered hope. They've offered opportunity. They've been the party of change.

@d1cd1c (1)
• United States
20 Sep 11
You guys can't be serious. It's been 4 years now since you've made these posts, taxes are at the lowest they've been since the 1950's. Explain to me again, why big corporations take jobs overseas and to Mexico. Do you think it might have something to do with cheap labor? Duh....what kind of incomes do you genious's have? How about taking a big cut in pay so we can compete with 3rd world wages instead of putting tariffs on imports? I don't know about you guys, but I would like to be able to afford the mortgage payment on my home. I'm guessing you also believe in the "right to work", the meaning of which is the "right to work" for less than minimum wage. Let's see what your standard of living is like on 5 bucks an hour. By the way, in case you have looked at a newspaper yet this year or last, corporations are posting record profits, but what about all that hiring, that according to your theories, they are supposed to be doing? Answer: they are hiring in China.
@martahandey (165)
• United States
31 Aug 08
I'm not sure what statistics you are looking at, but generally poor people vote democrat. Republicans want to cut taxes, especially on the rich. Because when the rich business owners have money, they can expand their businesses and create jobs for lower income people. When the taxes are high on the rich, that is when they can't afford to expand. So they cut jobs, lay-off people, and cause lots of havoc. So that's a little rationale I guess.
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@thelgproject (88)
• United States
31 Aug 08
I'm not talking as a bloc. If the poor voted as such there would be NO republican party. I'm talking about my working class and poor neighbors who are die hard republican.
You know the ones that didn't get any of the 'trickle'.
2. you know the rich business owners have gotten a free ride the past eight years and I see very few of them creating jobs for lower income people here....but i see a lot of them creating jobs for people in India and Mexico.
Why is that?
Is there something wrong with your theory? I mean taxes have been low for corporations for about 8 years now, and they are laying people off every day, job cuts are real, I think even you probably know of a couple of people who have been down-sized.
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