I wanted to knock them out!I don't care how old they were!

United States
September 3, 2008 11:01pm CST
I was leaving the local grocery store yesterday and as I stood out front trying to figure out where the heck I parked ,Two older white ladies were speaking very loudly..and were very rude. They were commenting on the way a boy which was around 14 or so was wearing his pants. His pants were baggy and were hanging a little low,(not revealing anything) Well, they were very rude, saying how it was disrespectful and he looked poor,and why do those people let their children dress like that! etc. The mother must have overheard these woman and she turned around but then just continued to walk. The old women noticed this then talked about her! Saying that they didnt care if she heard them, she should have control over her chetc. This I thought, was so ridiculous, all this bullcrap being talked by two miserable old women! Over a pair of pants (and of course alot of ignorance!) I think the part where she said "those people" got to me the most! I knew instantly she was refering to their race. As I was driving home I was thinking to myself that maybe I should have said something, but instead, I didn't feel it was my position too .Now, I kinda regret it. It's people like that that keep predujice alive! I am white myself for one do not have a predjudice bone in my body, I wonder if I would've had my bi-racial daughter with me, would they have said something about that? Some say I am the bigger person to turn the cheek, but I still feel that something needs to be said, it just angers me so much! Did you ever witness something that you wish you would've said something or done things differently? Do you think I should have said something? I guess I shouldn't let this bother me so, but it does! Thanks for reading!
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17 responses
• United States
4 Sep 08
I'm not sure if I would have said something myself. I find it amusing that old women are the grumpier of the bunch and think that it's OK for them to say whatever they want, to whomever they want because they're old and it's their right. Obviously, many of them are still living in the dark ages and have never crossed the thresh hold into the new century. They won't change sadly so the only thing we can do is ignore them. I know it's not right for them to act that way and say the things they they said, but sadly it cannot really be changed much.
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@3cardmonte (5098)
4 Sep 08
honestly, some people are so backwards its worrying. what the hell does it matter what the kid was wearing. They have no right to call anybody else disrespectful. Her mum probably didnt want to start a fight in front of her son, but im afraid i probably would have. Who are those women to talk about him like that?!
9 Sep 08
the fact that you dont want your kids seeing black people says far more about you
5 Sep 08
If you don't like it don't look
• United States
9 Sep 08
Screw that i dont want my 5 and 8 year old seeing sh#t like that.Stay and in your 3rd world country and do that garbage all you want it reflects your upbringing no doubt.
• United States
4 Sep 08
well let me start by saying, that i know that people are not tollerant of each other, so ther for i belive this: i have been tore up verb & physicaly! i have a story that would curle your hair, but don't we all . i get those looks and i can't belive that anyone would want to look at me in such a way . i have confronted people like that about ther behaivor (so called problem) no matter the age no matter the place. now a day's i think everyone is extremly rude and hateful! So i for 1 am not goin to stand ther and be looked at like an alien! what is goin on here people? do we NOT CARE FOR OUR FELLOW MAN! well it looks to me that would be the case, now i'm 50 yr old white female (like my race really matters) and my body is tired from cancer, to bone disease, arthritis, hep - c and fibromysliga well you get the picture i'm sure, i run up to the store as is,i haven't any other way to be than who i am, i wear my long skirts and just the clothes i have (which seem to be called vintage now) and people look at me like i'm something different than them , but i'll tell you this ! i went to a what the promoters called "hippy fest" and alot of the people that were looking at me crazy were, there tryin to get there groove on and ya know not for 1 sec would i have said a thing . because it was about unity and the togetherness, but you could tell not everyone even new the music they were not old enough to even know about it and you would have thought that they had grow up on that music as well. so my answer to this discussion is yes ya say somthing if thats what's in your heart and NEVER REGRET ! i think you did what you were supposed to do , choose your battle's with this world very carefully. PEACE & BLESSING"S TO ALL !
• United States
5 Sep 08
Thank you very much for responding such inspiring words! You have a wonderful attitude and outlook towards life and people.Very nice.
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
4 Sep 08
well...I don't like to see guys with their pants hanging down like that either. I think it looks sloppy and immature, and I would never let my son leave the house looking like that if I had a son. A man should pull up his pants and put on a belt. If you want respect, you have to dress respectfully and show respect. I am only 30, but I guess I am a little old-fashioned. However, I am not one to comment badly about people who do go out with their pants hanging low like that. The way a person chooses to live his life is up to him. It is not my place to judge a man. I would have probably had to say something to those women as well. I don't know what makes them think they are any better than someone else. They were probably just a couple of rich bi*ches who dont really have any problems to worry about in life, so they have to invent something to piss and moan about...don't let it bother you...
• United States
4 Sep 08
Yes,I see what you saying.I myself do not care for that style either, but that is why I dont where mine like that! Just as you said, whoo are we to judge others? Thank you for your comment!
• United States
4 Sep 08
It is not an ethnic way of dressing. If I remember correctly, this "style" is a result of prison dress. I was in Law Enforcement, so I know a little about the clothing issued to the prisoners. The pants and shirts issued to inmates are usually pretty generic as far as sizes go. They are usually just available in "small", "medium","large",etc. The result is that the pants fit really loosely on some people, and belts are generally not issued, so inmates often have to hold them up with one hand as they walk. The inmates get used to wearing loose stuff like that, so it carries over into the streets. As with any other "style", it usually only takes a few people doing it to get it to spread. In reality, I have no scientific evidence or proof for this, but I have heard this is where the "style" came from. It is called "sagging", but I really don't know how accurate the basis listed above actually is. I know that you see a lot of it in the cell-blocks, because of the available sizes of prison garb, but I really don't know if that carries over into the streets or not. I don't wear my pants this way, so I really don't care.
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I do not like to see the guys with their pants hanging either. I am black, but I must say that it is not an ethnic way of dressing. I see just as many white boys wearing the style just like the black ones. I live in New Jersey, on Sunday I was visiting relatives in Newark, and someone said that Newark had passed a law against males wearing their pants like that. I do not know how the law will be enforced, but they are trying to straighten out these young guys.
• United States
4 Sep 08
I try so hard to be nice to people but the sarcastic side always comes out, I'm glad I wasnt there I would have hurt their feelings! HOw horriable it that was my son I would have had to go confront them!
• United States
4 Sep 08
Yes, I definitely would've if I was that lady! Mabye she was trying to show her son how to just "let things go".And not let others get to you. Which, for me, is alot easier said than done!Thank for your response!
@belk89 (1103)
• Philippines
4 Sep 08
You did the right thing by just ignoring those people. There is no point of arguing over narrow minded people. The fact that they are already old and yet they havent change a bit of their nasty attitude then theres no point arguing and fighting over them. People knew that they arent better than they are. Sometimes we can never really avoid it that there are people who think better of themselves. Ignoring them would pissed them off since they think nobody cares of what they say or do. But if you confront them and fight over it. It will just encourage them more to do it again and again knowing that somebody is affected and was hurt over what they talk about. I'd rather just walk away and not waste my time over trashy people like that.
• United States
5 Sep 08
I was in a situation that revolved around my 3 year old grandaughter who may be part african ammerican. We don't know for sure because her father is long gone, but we have reason to believe that one of his parents was black. People are so rude when it comes to the way a person even a child looks. We were at a restaurant picking up an order and my grandaughter was with me and my 83 year old mother. I admit that maybe I should have taken the time to redo my grandaughters hair, but I didn't so her hair was wind blown and in sort of a little afro style, but cute non the less. There were 2 older women there paying for their order and they were staring and laughing at my 3 year old grandaughter because her hair was sticking out. I regret letting this incident go and vow not to let it happen again without saying anything about it. It was rude of those women, they should have know better. To laught at a small child because of her hair. And, in the other case about some kid's pants. I was taught to not be rude.
• United States
5 Sep 08
It is such a shame when people act in such a way towards a child.No one has the right to do that.It's sad because children are so innocent! Some people are just miserable!
@sylvia13 (1850)
• Nelson Bay, Australia
4 Sep 08
I have just returned from a trip to France, Switzerland, Germany and Austria and most of the youngsters I saw (including my own 15 year old son) were wearing their pants "half mast"! I think those old ladies you mentioned are a bit behind the times! Hearing the type of comments you mention does upset me too, but I think I am like you, I tend to think of a reply, or something to say, afterwards, not at the time!
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
31 Oct 08
For some reason as ppl get older they lose all control over what is acceptable and what isn't. I guess they feel since they've lived so long that their entitled to voice their opinions. At the same time I was brought up to respect my elders so I guess if it had been me in that situation I wouldn't have said anything or else I would have said loudly to my child "No matter how old some ppl get, they still have no manners". [b]~~MY OWN PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG AND BELIEVE IN YOURSELF** [/b]
@tlb0822 (1410)
• United States
4 Sep 08
Its sad that those ladies didn't have anything better to do with their time. Baggy pants are a fashion and i'm sure that he isn't the only kid wearing them. And then for them ot comment about those people. That was entirely rude. If I would have been that boys mother, I would have turned around and told them off.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
5 Sep 08
If they were genuinely bigoted, saying something wouldn't have changed their mind and might have started some unpleasantness. On the other hand, if they were just being stupid and you had said something, maybe they would have had the decency to be embarrassed.
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I am black, love all people and never had a problem with racism, I attended a mostly white school, had many friends (white) and we all got along great. I am saying that to say this: Quite a few years back my son and I had gone to Annie Sez. The store was on a main street, not a shopping mall. When I was leaving the parking lot, I had to pull out quite far in order to see if any cars were coming. There was an old white woman walking down the street with a cane. I stopped to check for cars and of course to let her pass. She looked at me and said you can't drive N R. I had never been called that in my life. I was in shock, then as she was walking she kept saying it N N N N N N. I couldn't say a word. Then after I got my composure, and drove away, I thought of all kinds of things I could have said to her. I think that is why I felf so bad, because I did not say something back to her. Some people are so mean.
• United States
4 Sep 08
I understand 100% feeling upset for not saying anything. But, maybe you wre right as well, not to say anything as to set a good example to your son and teach him to not let ignorant peoples comments bother you.They are the ones with the real problems! Thank you for your comments!
@banadux (630)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I've wanted to lay the smack down on many people from public actions over the years... Kids letting their kids run wild anywhere but a playground Parents who verbally and/or physically abuse their kids in public (the other end of the spectrum) People who are too loud indoors People who talk about someone behind their back rudely, close enough so that they can hear it to hurt their feelings Mean people, Irresponsible people, and anyone who was raised by either of those two
• United States
4 Sep 08
Although it is nobodys job to judge anyone they do have a right to their opinions but should have kept it to themselves.That being said the "sag" has been around for a long while since the early 90's which is when it really flourished.Im 32 now but was once guilty of doing the same thing.Looking back i realise how ignorant and vulgar it really is.That being said it OFTEN not always reflects ones personality on how they act as well.If you pull a "sagger" white,black or yellow to the side and ASK them why they do it you would probably get a smart comment or get cussed out if not worse.But i can tell you its just like any other fad they do it becouse they see others who they think are "cool"doing it first.I guess there's really no right or wrong only everyones different opinions although the way people view your appearance is the way they will treat you in most cases.But i guess if you value more of what the "cool"guy thinks of you then an older woman then do what you gotta do.Good luck finding a decent job or respect from decent people dressing like a hoodlum becouse the "cool" guy isnt gonna pay your rent in the long run.
@rekcart83 (149)
• Philippines
5 Sep 08
I think its just right that you didn't say anything at all. I mean their already old. Just let them be. Some people are just like that. You can't blame them. Its like a hobby or more of a reflex. In their case, they just have to comment and say what they want when they see things like that. If you ko them right there and there and someone sees you, I think the whole seen would just look like 2 old ladies being beaten by you. That probably wouldn't look good.
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
4 Sep 08
In those types of situations I just walk away, and ignore the comments. I remind myself that (depending on their age, you said older) they were raised in a much different time with respect to race. I am not prejudice, nor were either of my parents, but one of my grandmothers was one of the most prejudice people I ever met. lol That came to my attention when I was in my early teens, and I couldn't believe what she said, regarding another race (we are white)lol, but I didn't say anything since that would have been disrespectful. I later told my mom and she told me then, that it was a very different time when grandma was growing up, so I keep that in mind. The other thing I find kinda funny is that generation didn't see it as being 'bad' or prejudice, since they normally used the reference 'those people'. Funny how times change.
@SHUGA81 (220)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I am not a huge fan of men or young adults wearing their pants down to their thighs or whatever. I just dont see the point in it. But those women should have minded their own business. And the mom should have said something, and set them straight.
@SangsTurks (1444)
• India
4 Sep 08
It is people like this that create diffrences between human beings. What they dont realize is that we all are human beings first and that we have things in common like 2 ears, 1 head , 1 heart and 1 head!! If they thought they were diffrent and that they can behave like racists then i guess they have 2 heads, 4 legs,1 tail, and jumping ability that humans dont have!! Since you said that they were old ladies it could also be possible that they were from the old school of thought and not broad minded like we are today. But they should always think what they are saying, cause it hurts other peoples sentiments and cultural values. It is the same God that has created all of us, but all we have created is Diffrences between people. It is really sad that people with that thought still exist.