Should a mother/women have 15 or more children?
By jmhall
@jmhall (143)
United States
September 4, 2008 10:05am CST
This is a topic we are currently discussing in my psychology class. Whether or not a woman should have a large family say 15 or more children. In class they used the example of the Dugar family. They have 17 kids now and one on the way. I know not all large families are apart a controversial religous group. So the question is not should you be allowed but should you, is it responsible as a partent.
My oppinion is that you should if you feel you can manage and take care of a family that size. I am not just talking about taking care of them financially, but physically and emotionally. If you feel you can handle the raising and the caring of a large number of children I think that is wonderful. I personally do not think that I have it in me to handle that large of a family. I currently have 3 and somedays I consider a 4th but there are other days when I think that this is enough I can not handle any more. How do you fell about this subject?
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53 responses
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
4 Sep 08
Ah yes, I am familiar with the Duggars. I watch them on TLC every now and then, and I cannot imagine any woman having that many children. I would think that it would start tearing up her insides after the tenth. My limit, for anyone, I do not care who you are, myself included is four. Why is 4 the limit? Because to me after you have four children, that is when things start to get real crazy, physically, financially and emotionally. Also, imagine how the children feel seeing mommy pregnant all of the time? They are going to think that mom is only good for making babies. What kind of message is that sending them? Women are not just baby making machines, we are far more than that. We can do so many things. I guess if that is all that you think that you are good for, and you have all of the means to take care of that many children, then fine, go ahead, but most of us woman would not. I sure as heck wouldn't. By the way, the Duggars are up to 16 or 17 now from what I last heard. The mom says that she is "going to keep on having children as long as 'God' let's her". Madness!

@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
4 Sep 08
Are you kidding me? I did not mean "crazy" for the children, they might love having that many siblings, I meant crazy for the parents. How they remember that many names? How do they remember who does what and who likes what? When do they get some alone time? How do they have that much energy for that many children?
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
5 Sep 08
cyntrow, you are right. They are addicted to pregnancy, and it is not healthy for anyone. This is the 21st Century, and people need to get with the times. We have way too many people in this world, 7.2 billion is an almost exact number. To me, this is sending a bad message. Being pregnant all of the time just does not seem right.
@ptrem475 (20)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I think it is commendable that you recognize your own limitations when it comes to how many children you can love. But as far as a large family being 'crazy' it seems to me that you don't know what you are talking about. In reality, most small families have more craziness and disfunction than a large family. Large families have to be 'sane' in order to get through daily life. And mrs. duggar is absolutely correct, it is God who allows her, or any woman for that matter, to have children. That is why the duggars have so many, because they view each precious child as a special gift from God. If you can't do it, I'm glad you know that, but those who can and want to, they should, provided their reasoning is good.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
5 Sep 08
What about love? I don't really give a hoot if they have no debt. They are not giving their children what they need. What they need is love and attention. All children need attention. I have five. I had as many as I could handle. They have an assembly line.
Our world is overpopulated and this "family" is continuing the overpopulation, because they say "God said so." Well, God said so when the earth was sparse. God hasn't stoppped speaking. Ignorant people have just stopped listening. Many of my friends have vowed to not have biological children and instead adopt children in need of homes. This "family" has instead elected to increase the overpopulation of the world.
I put family inn quotes because to have a family, one must havee love. I cannot believe that there can be love in a family that large. If I am wrong, tell me where and site references.

@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
4 Sep 08
Well i have 2 daughters an it seems I never have enough time for both of them when I get done helplping one with the homework the other is yelling for help with her hair then just as that is done daughter number one is wanting something now no I think its too much to have 15 you can't split your time amongest them my grandfarter was also 14th out of 16 an he don't have hardly any memories of his mom or dad he said they were always busy
@applestarz (195)
• Australia
5 Sep 08
i have two lovely daughters too bit who are naughty but they are quite manageable at times! yes i agree that you have lesser than 15 so you can share the attention and love you give them evenly.
@alonagatoc (7)
• Philippines
4 Sep 08
for me definitely a woman and a mother we
must also learn to love ourselves...Having too many
children is not good for our physical well being and
we must also take into consideration the kind of life
that we'll be able to offer our children....
@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
6 Sep 08
I agree with that. I am MORE than a child barer, I am a whole human being. And as I have seen from some of my in laws who come from large families, many of the older children in reality are the ones taking care of the smaller ones. I think this dimishes their time as "special".
@airnavigator (369)
• United States
5 Sep 08
I am the father of four children and admit that even that amount can sometimes be a financial strain. However, I learned long ago when I worked in a bank underwriting mortgage loans that it is not so much how much money a family has but how they manage it that matters.
I was fresh out of college and single with a good income but was continually surprised when I reviewed the financial statements of couples, both of whom had high paying professional careers and who were either childless or had one or two children and the only assets they listed were their cars, boat, and other physical goods but little or no financial assets (stocks, CDs, savings accounts, etc.)beyond about $100 in a checking account and liabilities (bills) in excess of their assets. These people, some as old as 40, had the minimum downpayment required for a loan and always showed it on their loan application as a loan from their parents. Then there were couples with 3 or more children with either just the husband working or both husband and wife working but neither having a large income. However, these people managed their money well and their financial statement always showed a modest mortgage in the liability colum and the asset column listed a modest home with equity considerably greater than the mortgage and an older model car or two along with a month or more worth of income in a savings account. They were better off financially and I was single and making half again as much as their household was earning.
People who want large families usually make that their priority and, regardless of their income, manage to support them while others couldn't make ends meet even if Bill Gates were to give them his fortune.
@cbreeze (1205)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I haven't watched the show, but since most people deliver one child at a time, as the years go by the older children become financial contributors to the household or they move on to have their own house and remove their cost from the family finances.

@ptrem475 (20)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I think the question is misguided just a bit. The question should not be whether a woman should have so many children, but it should be whether a woman should have children at all. There are counltess women who have accidentally gotten pregnant, and kudos to those who have not aborted their children, and these women do not have the resources to raise even one child. There are also those women who are ready for children, and they decide to have two or three, and they raise those children effectively--these women who raised two or three effectively could also raise 10-15 just as effectively. You see, its not the numbers that matter, its the philosophy of raising children that makes the difference. First, it is important for children, whether it be one, or more, to have both a mother and a father. There may be some who disagree with that, but the fact is that we live in a society of people both male and female, and each child needs the influence and example of both in the home. Second, it is important for mom and dad to be married. Again, some may disagree, but it is important for a child to learn what it means to really love someone no matter what, and it is important for the child to learn about commitment. Without these lessons in the home, children are less likely to be committed in areas of their own lives like school/work. Third, it is important for parents to be sure that they can provide for their children. I am very much in favor of family planning. Not the kind where you accidentally get pregnant and then decide it was a mistake so you terminate your baby, its not the baby's falt his/her mother was stupid, yes I said stupid. Good family planning is where you sit down with your spouse and decide that you have enough love, time, and patience to go around for that amount of children, and that you have enough resources to provide for the physical needs of those children as well. Fourth, it is so important for a couple to decide if it would be physically healthy for mom to get pregnant. It is important to speak with your physician/ob/gyn to make sure that mom's body is ready for a healthy pregnancy. Then, if you decide to get pregnent, keep your body healthy for a good labor/delivery, and so you can give your child a good start after birth. Fifth, it is important to make sure that your children, no matter how many, know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you love them, no matter what they do or say, and that they will always be your babies, no matter how old they get. If you really want to have chilren, and to raise your children correctly, but don't know how, read the Bible, even if you don't believe in God, there is amazing advice for raising children in the bood of Proverbs, and check out Parenting Magazine. Good luck to whoever wants children. As for me, after I've been married for about 2-3 years, I want to start having children, and I want about 14. But alas, I don't even have a boyfriend yet, and that's a completly different discussion.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
5 Sep 08
This couple is a baby machine and they are addicted to it. There is no possible way that a parent can give that many children the love and affection that they need. THere are not that many hours in the day. I can say, "I love you," forever, but unless I show it, it's meaningless. They don't have time to show it. as I said, there are not that many hours in the day.
It is NOT all that important that a mother and father both be present in the home, if the children cannot see love in this relationship. These parents cannot show true love if they are constantly running the baby machine. My kids see mine and my husbands relationship. They see us as friends, lovers, spouses and equals.
This world is completely overpopulated. God said, Go and multiply, but at the time the earth was sparse. God has not stopped talking but many have stopped listening. This crazy family is one of them.
@ptrem475 (20)
• United States
6 Sep 08
Just because you could not handle this many children does not mean that she can't. Everyone is made for a purpose, each person has a specific role in life that God has designed for them. Some people would call it destiny, or hears desire, or fate. I commend the Duggars for what they have done. They have not over populated the earth. If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at the people who get pregnant just because, and then have left their children on someone elses doorstep. At least the duggars take care of their children. And yes, they do have enough love to go around. Some people are capable of giving more love than others. I grew up in a family with 5 children, and didn't always feel loved, yet, another family that we were friends with had 12 children, and they said they always felt loved. And you're right, just saying the words doesn't count. A lot of the time what happened between my mother and I was just words. It really doesn't matter how many children, what matters is how they are loved. If Mr./Mrs. Duggar can love that many children, yeah them. I think they can because God can give anyone the strength and the love to do anything. There are no duggar children being aborted or tossed to the nearest orphanage; be upset with those parents.
@sweetgirl_k1 (3972)
• United States
24 Sep 08
I think if they can afford that big of a family then they should be able to have that large of a family if they want to. I agree with you that they should be there for them physically and emotionally too as well as being able to support them financially. Personally, I couldn't handle that big of a family. I only have one little boy and I'm not sure if I want to have another one or not. I do want another one but then sometimes I don't. Everything is just so expensive these days and I know I could not afford a family of 15.
@cher8558 (425)
• Canada
6 Sep 08
Hi friends,
I am sorry, but I am having a very blunt day, therefore I am going to be very blunt. Fifteen children is not children, it is a litter. Only animals have that many offspring. God has made them able to even feed that many. That should tell us something right there.
I have three children of my own and yes, the third one was a wonderful surprise anniversary gift. But we knew then it was going to be very difficult. I remember with every child sitting by their crib crying my heart out because I had to hand them over to some daycare, thinking at the time, I certainly didn't want someone else raising my children (not the way I would).
As it turns out, we are not fortune tellers and could not foresee my back being a problem to me. So now we are down to one income with three children. Our oldest has had to go through college on assistance. Now he is 22 grand in debt to start out a life with. That was not what I wanted for my children.
I could not foresee that my mother would die 12 years ago when my baby girl was 1. Therefore (besides missing the hell out of her) the children don't have their grandparents to spend time with and give us time we all need so much.
We could not foresee gas going up to costing more than a bag of milk. How are our children going to manage that as they grow up. Something else we need to worry about for them.
So to have 15 children, I'd really think long and hard first.
@Anne18 (11029)
4 Sep 08
Well i have four children, but its not my fault as my last two were twins.
On wife swop the other night the couple had ten children.
If the parents are gonig to work to look after the children and not take from the state, and the children are well cared for and look well and tidy then I think it is up to the parents.
If they are going to sponge off the state and be unsavoury.... then no.
@barbiegirl13 (1588)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I have four children too. I did not plan the last one he was a big surprise there is nine years between him and my 3rd child. But people that go out of their way to have as many children they can? Then they get their own tv show.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
6 Sep 08
I have seen the Duggars on a few t.v. shows and the only thing that ever bothered me was that the older children had to help care/raise the younger children. I think having a big family is fine if you can care for your children. We have 6 children and I don't ever feel that there are too many kids and I have never felt that they don't get the attention that they should. My husband and I take care of all of them and don't leave the responsibility on the older kids, EVER!!!!! I try not to be judgmental about anyone's choices when it comes to having a big family but I do think there comes a point when it seems kind of impossible to really be a parent to 17 kids. If they are happy and the children are cared for and loved then more power to them.
@msedge (4011)
• United States
17 Sep 08
The more the merrier!So couples could have as many kids as they want as long as they can be able to take care of them.But i don't think its good for the woman to bear alot of children.It would affect her internal organs specially the uterus.Well, i don't know much about it but just what i thought.In my opinion as a woman even i can be able to take care of many kids i would just prefer to have two.I have one now and i am hoping to have one more.I would be happy and satisfied enough to have two children.
@ptrem475 (20)
• United States
4 Sep 08
There was a time when a woman was considered unhealthy if she was not pregnant for a long time. A woman's body is the only one capable of bearing children, and if a woman is pregnant, then her body is probably healthier beings that she is doing all the things her body was created for. It is not dangerous to a womans health. There are probably those women who unfortunately should not get pregnant for health reasons, but in general, that is not the case. I think that if two parents, a mom and a dad, have decided that they want a big family, and can handle its responsibility, they should go for it.
@proudmamaof2 (2)
• United States
13 Oct 08
wow 15 kids. I guess it is up to the people.I think if i had that many kids i would go insane. the 2 i have is enough some days to drive me nuts. oh and the way the economy is today i don't know how anyone would be able to afford 15 kids. I have a family of 4.. me, hubby and2 daughters and we are struggling. so i gusee it is all up to the indivdials
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
6 Sep 08
A big family means a huge responsibility especially on the financial and emotional aspect or a parent and have 4 children and still wishes that if i had my own way way i will like to have just 2 children a boy and a girl..but my hubby really like a big family and really love children and i love him also ..
@quinnkl (1667)
• United States
5 Sep 08
Well, I don't think anyone should be able to tell anyone how many kids that they can or cannot have. It is a personal choice in my opinion. However, if they can't afford it, have to rely on government help, or if there are health issues for the mom, they should probably not do that - hopefully families will consider all of those things before having too large a family. And of course there is the over-population problem. BUT if they are adopting as part of or all of their large families (and can handle it financially as stated above), then more power to them!!!
@rhettaa (213)
• United States
5 Sep 08
I really don't think couples should have that many children, no. If people want more than three or four children there are so many kids in the world who desperately need homes and families. Of course, in the case of multiple births, then a couple might have as many as 6, but after that really, I feel that adoption should be the rule after that.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
5 Sep 08
Some people are just made to have large famlies and when it works out the children in those families usually do wonderfully. I couldn't have done that, but my husband could have, he was an only child but raised by a large family. He's the most grounded person I've ever met.
@iyah10 (4115)
• Kuwait
5 Sep 08
In my opinion a Mother should raised the children on the term that she is psychologically, mentally, and financially stable with all the responsibilities not only with the Mother but with the partner as well and in what I felt about this subject is 15 children is too much eventhough they can handle everything the family need........
@lemayan (188)
• Germany
5 Sep 08
having large families is nice, but one should consider the responsibilities e.g can you afford to raise all these kids and their father in the process? and also are you prepared for the emotional burden and the daily hussles of a big family, and also as a woman you should consider your health too, e.g weight gain, loosening of the cervix muscles, yes it does come with birthing and when in late age, women who have given birth to too many children have problems with holding their urine among other things