Why do you not want a daughter?

@mayka123 (16847)
September 5, 2008 12:25am CST
As a mother I carried you for nine months in my womb [/i]Then why do you kill the girl-child[i] As a mother I have you birth and gave you nourishment [/i]Then why do you kill the girl-child[i] As a mother I nursed you when you were sick [/i]Then why do you kill the girl-child[i] As a mother I held your hand and taught you to walk [/i]Then why do you kill the girl-child[i] [i][/i][b][/b]Your mother was once a girl-child Your wife was once a girl-child THEN WHY DO YOU KILL THE GIRL CHILD[b][/b][i][/i]
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34 responses
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
5 Sep 08
I am totally against aborting or killing any human being, irrespective of the gender of the infant. If there would be no girls in this world, this human race would cease to exist. People who go for aborting a girl child appear to me very cruel and those who actually do it cannot get peace in their life and cannot succeed, because they deliberately 'kill' a human being. The importance of 'girl' child should be understood by one and all and there should be a strict and complete ban on aborting/killing a girl child and those who voilate it, should severely be punished. Good Post!
• India
5 Sep 08
He should know, he is the father of a very lovely daughter
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
6 Sep 08
Sudipta! Thanks for support.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
9 Sep 08
It is really a sorry state of affairs that girl child is not being importance by many parents, with the result the ratio of boys-girls will effect badly in the long run.
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@klaudine (3650)
• Indonesia
5 Sep 08
So sad to read the poem. I understand that there's many people in this world want to have a son. Personally, myself, I want a daughter more than having a son. I mean, I want to have a daughter, not that I don't want a son, but having a daughter is something that I really wish from long time ago. I don't understand why people kill their daughter just because they want a son. That's so sad to know that the girl-child is not being appreciated, I was once a girl child, and I can't imagine if my parents didn't want me that day... Thank you for so touching poem you have given us here... have a nice day
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@mayka123 (16847)
• India
5 Sep 08
My mother has always thought that daughters are a burden. She has pampered only the boys in the family, both among the children and grand children. Has always made it clear to us that she would have been happier if we were boys!
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
6 Sep 08
Hi dear Nice and Senstive Topic U know Mayka, i am Muslim if i look at the islamic history , it told us that in Pre Islam Arab ( almost 1500 yrs back) The Arabs were ashamed to have Girls(beside other faults), they dont want to have daughters, so they kill them at their birt oR Burry them alive ( cruelity). And there was no right of women, she was mis treated . no share in wealth etc But Islam changed it all and clearly say that All are Blessing of Allah, and give proper right to ladies, and Heaven is conditional with prayers of mother. Now she is Respected in every relation, Mother, sister, daughter, wife, aunt, cousins And nowadays when i read that People are getting Abortiion as fetus was of Girl, It remind me pre islamic era, 1500 yrs back and i think we claiim so much advancement, so much liberlization but still we are killing Girls, then where we are standing girls/women are still abused all over the world nice and thought provoking mail God Bless U
@mayka123 (16847)
• India
6 Sep 08
A very thought provoking reply. There was a time 1000 years ago when the population of girls were much more than boys because the men would go to the battlefield to fight and many would die. So at that time there were certain customs followed because it was very difficult getting the girls married as there were fewer men around. Now if this continues there will be a day when there will be more men around and hardly any women.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
8 Sep 08
Yeah u r right that was era too, but u r right that in some contries rate of boy Birth is high and percentages of Girls is going down Just imagine what would happen then, i am sure then Gut will be paying Dowry
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@mayka123 (16847)
• India
9 Sep 08
Yes there may come a day when the guy has to pay a dowry because there would be fewer girls around.
@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
5 Sep 08
i dont know why you ask things like thiskids are blessing and girl is great or whatever it is as long as its healthy.but i remember the story,there was a chinise couple who had their first child,a girl and since they think that girl is not a good who to run the business they give it away,then make another kid and its a girl again,then they give it away for second time.the third kid was a boy so they keept it.this story is true i saw and know this family, chinice businessman in Philipines so maybe its true about not having a girl and i guess its only chinise has belief of it.for me i am very happy having with my girl.
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@mayka123 (16847)
• India
6 Sep 08
In Asian countries having a daughter is like a curse. Daughters are not welcomed in most families. I was born after three girls in the family and my mother till today lets me know that she would have been happier if I was a boy. We find a lot of new born girls being left on the streets or in hospitals and the parents disappearing. I still cannot think how a mother can leave her new born child and go away.
@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
7 Sep 08
yeah oreoCookie i agree with your reply.i am asian but in my country Philppines boys and girls are very welcome only chinse has like this because they believed that women are not good in business.at the end of the story its all about MONEY
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@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
7 Sep 08
hi Myka.i am asian but this story that girls are unwanted its not true.only chinise has this coz of the Business.they said womens are not good in business thats why their first child is daughter not welcomed.
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@msedge (4011)
• United States
18 Sep 08
A child is a blessing.They are a gift from God.They should be treasured,cared and loved regardless of what gender they have.I really love kids eversince i was still young.I would borrow our neighbor's kids just to play with them.I have a daughter now and i love her very much.She mean the world to me.
@mayka123 (16847)
• India
20 Sep 08
My daughter too is the world to me. I had always wanted a daughter...I play with all the small girls in the neighbourhood but hardly call the boys home.....like the girls better.
@msedge (4011)
• United States
21 Oct 08
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• India
5 Sep 08
My mother had three sons. But when I had my first kid, a Daughter, my mother was very happy. The first female born in the family. My 2 younger brothers - their happiness knew no boundaries. I cannot think anything beyond my daughter. I have decided not to have another kid. Now she is 8 years old. Very naughty. She kicks me and her mom like Jerry kick Tom. She is very smart, intelligent in grasping things.
@mayka123 (16847)
• India
27 Sep 08
Daughters are very loving....when my first son was born my husband was very disappointed...because he wanted a girl....in fact he did not come to the hospital to see my son too. And there was celebration when my daughter was born. She is the apple of my eye. And my best friend.
@shana123 (2095)
• India
6 Oct 08
This poem should be translated in all regional language all over india and should be pasted at every door step , atleast such poems should change the hard hearts of a man , but you know mayka generally guys like girl babies , my dad wanted a girl baby and i was born , he liked me a lot and even still he is, likewise all guys i met they all like a girl child , you know who really hates the girl child? it is the female herself , the mother in law hates the girl child! So sad to hear this know? but it is bitter truth , only the guy's mom will do such non-sense and these guys will listen their mom and kill their own child ..
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@mayka123 (16847)
• India
7 Oct 08
It is mostly the mothers in law who hate the girl...luckily I had a mother-in-law who just insisted that we did not have more than two kids, irrespective of whether they were boys or girls. All were given equal importance by her...of course the more friendly ones were pampered more. But my mother likes the boys more than the girls...that is why she ended up with one boy and six girls.....
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
24 Sep 08
This is a very sad poem. I think it is such a shame that in some cultures boys are considered great and girls are considered a burden. If girls are aborted because they are not the preferred gender there will not be the right gender balance. A boy will grow into a man but he might not get a wife. Feelings mean a lot to me. I would love to have a daughter and I already have two sons that I love dearly.
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@mayka123 (16847)
• India
1 Nov 08
I had always liked girls more than boys. I luckily have one son and one daughter. My daughter is more close to me than my son. I just cannot understand why people abort the babies when they know that they are girls. This will create a lot of problems in the future when there will be more boys and lesser girls.
@nyumix (1658)
• Belgium
3 Oct 08
The first time I knew that I was pregnant, I never bother about a girl or a boy. My only wish at that time was about the health of my child. That was more important than any other thing in the world. But now, I have daughter and son, I always feel and think that I am a blessed mother in the world. So when I hear or read about killing baby , I always feel so sad about it and never agree with that at all.
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@mayka123 (16847)
• India
4 Oct 08
Children are after children. Our own flesh and blood. I dont see what we have to differentiate between son and daughter. I think we should give them equal love. Its sad that people dont allow their daughters to grow and kill them before they are born.
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
6 Sep 08
In some cultures, it is deemed to be better to have sons instead of daughters. I personally don't agree - children are all God's gift to us, regardless of whether they are male or female and should be treated as such.
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@mayka123 (16847)
• India
9 Sep 08
All children should be treated in the same way but all parents do not understand that.
@quinnkl (1667)
• United States
6 Sep 08
Too sad if this is just about not having daughters, but only sons. That is so primitive and uncivilized now. Sad.
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@mayka123 (16847)
• India
10 Sep 08
This thought is primitive and uncivilized and very much true!
• United States
5 Sep 08
i was never fortunate to have a daughter, wish i did. i would have loved her just like i did my sons. you are talking about murdering a girl child, that is beyond my understanding & i think it's horrible.
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@mayka123 (16847)
• India
27 Sep 08
In a lot of Asian countries the daughters are considered to be a burden in the family. Some places have the dowry system where a lot of money has to be given to the daughter when she is getting married. Due to this the girl child is killed either in the womb or just after she is born....it is a cruel practice but this practice is just not being stopped.
• United States
27 Sep 08
i have read about that & i think it's very cruel & inhuman. that poor mothercarries that baby for 9months & then that desision is made. wouldn't be at my house. who makes the decision???
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• India
19 Sep 08
I like girl child. I need one girl child and on boy then only we will get good life in this world i don't know many people kill girls but they don't know if there is no girl there is no world and people they want to know about girls very much if i will get chance i will educate all them about girls and women and their important to the society. I think god will give me that chance to do that good thing.
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@mayka123 (16847)
• India
3 Oct 08
There are a lot of people who think that girls are a burden. There has always been more importance given to boys than girls in every field. I think both should be given equal opportunities. I pray to God that you succeed in what you plan.
@kavinsh (78)
• India
6 Sep 08
its really sad in this era we people only don't want to have a girl child... i surprize where the world is going whether we can imagine this world without girl child this way i think the world will come to an end.. no doubt girls are more caring to the parents than boys.. but then also... even i have two boys . but girls are girls.
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@mayka123 (16847)
• India
9 Sep 08
Yes the world will come to an end if there are no girls around but not everyone realises it. I have a son and a daughter but my daughter is today my best friend.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
6 Sep 08
yeahh... it is so sad that this kind of thing still happening in this modern world... people still prefer to have son compare to daughter... my grandfather also didn't like me when i was born and would prefer to have a grandson... so my brothers are the favorites and i am the left out one... fortunately, my parents love me so much... so i never feel unwanted... take care and have a nice day...
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@mayka123 (16847)
• India
6 Sep 08
I wish my mother loved me so much. She only likes the boys in the family - both the sons and the grand sons. So we girls are just ignored.
@mari123 (1861)
• China
6 Sep 08
daughter and son ,also your child,for me ,daughter is a good child,beacuse in my family,there are many boy in our family,my brother have two sons,and i have three uncles,also they have more son than daughter.
@mayka123 (16847)
• India
6 Sep 08
We too have more girls in the family than boys. And I like girls a lot so I end up pampering the girls more.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
6 Sep 08
Your poem is so so sad! I have 4 beautiful daughtes and I just can't imagine life without any one of them. I would have loved a son also but I am not in any way disappointed. Thankfully, most people don't feel that daughter's are a "burden". All children, male & female are a blessing.
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@mayka123 (16847)
• India
6 Sep 08
I have one son and one daughter and my daughter is my pet. She is my best friend today.
@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
6 Sep 08
It is very sad that female children are not considered as worthy as males in some parts of the world, mayka. Soon, there will be an overpopulation of males - and then where will we be? The natural balance will all be out of sync. I have three gorgeous daughters - so I love girl children personally. Blessings to all the girl children ... (and the boys too!)
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@mayka123 (16847)
• India
9 Sep 08
My daughter is my best friend. I could never think of abandoning her at any time. So I cannot understand how people think of aborting their children.
• India
6 Sep 08
Hello I like to tell myself. I have two daughters & no complaint at all to GOD & even i thanks to GOD have two Children which are healthy & smart because this is the most important instead of BOY & GIRL .. One thing every body know daughters are most most caring of parents. Like 2 know your response about this.
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@mayka123 (16847)
• India
6 Sep 08
I have one son and one daughter. I am much more closer to my daughter than my son. In fact I would say that my daughter is my best friend. I would be missing something in life if I did not have a daughter.
• Philippines
5 Sep 08
it doesn't matter if you have a daughter or a son,..they are blessing from God that everyone should be thankful..
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@mayka123 (16847)
• India
6 Sep 08
Yes we should be thankful but not everyone thinks like you and me.