Are we all going to die next Wednesday? this is terrifying and NO hoax
By mandykaren
@mandykaren (2040)
September 5, 2008 6:17am CST
Our lifes are in the hands of scientist that created this gargantuan machine - the largest, most expensive scientific experiment in history, the 'Large Hadron Collider', to be turned on next Wednesday.
Although it was designed to answer the fundamental questions of life, some people have claimed that it could end up destroying the entire cosmos.
This gigantic £4 billion-plus atom-smasher has been built under the Swiss-French border near Geneva, and is the most powerful device ever built for probing the secrets of the atom and the forces and particles which make up our Universe.
It is a staggering device, occupying a train-sized tunnel 18 miles long, buried 300ft underground, studded with gigantic, cathedral-sized ring-shaped detectors where collisions between packets of 'heavy' subatomic particles, 'hadrons', will take place in the hope that the innermost workings of matter and energy will be revealed.
The LHC is, arguably, the most impressive machine ever built by Mankind.
But a few people are convinced that it should never be turned on. A lawsuit has been lodged at the European Court For Human Rights by a small group of maverick scientists.
They claim there is a small - but not zero - chance that when the LHC is activated it will create either a mini-black hole which would fall into the ground and swallow the Earth from within (scenario one).
Or, even more bizarrely, trigger a Catastrophic chain reaction in the very fabric of space and time itself, which would rip apart the entire universe like the skin of a bursting balloon (scenario two).
Two nightmare scenarios, two ends of the world. In the first, there is little warning. For maybe a month there would be no sign that life was about to come to an abrupt and nasty end for all living things on Earth.
Then, earthquakes would start unexpectedly, alerting geologists that something terrible, unimaginable, was amiss.
After a few days, these seismic disturbances would reach Catastrophic proportions.
Cities would be levelled, the oceans would rise and wash in a series of mega-tsunamis that would attack the world's coasts, killing millions.
The fact that the earthquakes were striking randomly, not along well-known geological faultlines, would be proof that something devastating was afoot.
Finally, the end would come, in a disaster of Biblical scale. The Earth would literally start to crack up.
Molten lava would wash over the land and the seas would start to boil.
Mega-hurricanes would level buildings and forests the world over. Eventually, mountains would crumble as the Earth's crust continued to disintegrate.
The fabric of the planet itself would start to disappear, trillions of tonnes of rock, water, air and life sucked into a whirlpool of unimaginable force.
From space, our blue-and-white home would appear to vanish down a plughole in a flash of light.
At least in this scenario we would have a little time, perhaps, to come to terms with the end.
However, a second doomsday scenario is even more terrifying. There would be no warning at all.
In an instant - about one-twentieth of a second - the entire Earth would simply vanish from space.
Less than two seconds later, the Moon would follow suit. Eight minutes later, the Sun would be ripped apart, followed by the rest of the planets in the solar system and onwards, a wave of destruction caused by a rent in the fabric of space itself, spreading out from our world at the speed of light.
Any extra-terrestrials out there would die too, in due course. And there would be nothing technology could do about it.
I read about this today and its terrifying reading.. how you feel about it?
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59 responses
@cmathias12 (1025)
• Armed Forces Canada, Europe, Middle East
5 Sep 08
OMG! I haven't seen this but am scared now!
Were can we find more info on this? Has it been on the news? I haven't seen anything about it.

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@mandykaren (2040)
5 Sep 08
i only read it today from daily mail online.. but please read the above responses ok
Like you i felt scared when see it so i straight away had to do discussion on it.. Knowing be some mylotters may know little more about it

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@mandykaren (2040)
8 Sep 08
hmm yes they going to fire it up but i am finding that man religions ones here are fining the whole thing a joke.. now i have respect but i think sometimes they need to get heads out of the ancient bibls and see what is really going on.. This is real and happening NOW...
@insulin (2479)
• Philippines
5 Sep 08
Well I hope everything will be fine this coming wednesday but yeah I just heard some of this stuff but nothing happens.:-0 Just don't be scared.:-0 All you need is to be ready of what will be the consequences,Atleast if something risk will happen then it will be fare because we will die all.:-0 Just don't be scared nothing will gonna happen.Just pray,GOd is always in our side,:-0 GOd bless and have a nice day.:-0
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
6 Sep 08
Right. We should live EVERY day as though it's our last. Let God manage the rest.
@consultrainer (4991)
• India
5 Sep 08
mind blowing. NO.. earth shattering. What else? .. i AM STUNNED. beyond comments.
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@mandykaren (2040)
5 Sep 08
yes me too, after reading about it.. Really bad to think our life's in the hands of a few old scientists.
what the scientists fear more is not the end of the world, but that their machine simply isn't big or powerful enough to uncover anything new
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@paid2write (5201)
5 Sep 08
Yes I do know about this. It's supposed to expand our understanding of the universe.
I hope it will not send us all into a black hole, but I quess we have to wait until next week to find out if we are still here.
By recreating the searing-hot conditions fractions of a second after the Big Bang, scientists hope to see new physics, discover the sought-after "God particle", uncover new dimensions and even generate mini-black holes.

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@mandykaren (2040)
5 Sep 08
well thre is not much we can do about it, so no point in even worrying.. Just have to hope the scientists know what they are doing.
I love technology but not where it can turn into doomsday
thanks for sharing. *fingers crossed for Wednesday*
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@creative_genius (992)
5 Sep 08
I don't believe that the world will end. Seems like some comments have been made which aren't strictly accurate. We will celebrate still being alive on Thursday, so don't worry!
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
6 Sep 08
Good going. Something SENSIBLE. I celebrate Life EVERY day, even when things go badly. Thursday will be no different.
There are indeed a lot of inaccurate comments here. These Luddites scare me FAR more than any technology does! It was foolks (Oh, LORDY, what an appropriate typo! I'm going to LEAVE it! LOL!) like these who kept us in ignorance for thousands of years.
Stop playing with that "wheel" notion of yours, Og! We'll all regret it! Who KNOWS what would happen?!
@mandykaren (2040)
6 Sep 08
yes i not saying he wont, but still, there is always that very slim chance.. at times scientists are mingling into dangerous stuff and its out of our control and playing with our life's, we have no say in it and why such a massive production, hasn't it been breaking news?
Anyway no matter what, this monster is being fired up Wednesday. lets hope the scientists got their calculations right 100%
if so, it would be quite exciting to discover their findings..

@Antzon (159)
• Singapore
6 Sep 08
If we all die, we at least die with a bang. :) However CERN have already built something like this before, creating anti - matter and capturing the pure energy released via X-Rays. However containing this energy will be very hard because it just spread out the moment it touches any matter thus energy released will just be scattered around so fast that it cannot create the due amount of energy to cause distruction. There is only 2 type of real world ending, this thing works, and this thing does not. Anti - matter is the only energy source with 100% efficiency, the best source in the universe? however it is so expensive and time consuming to handle and contained to be a viable energy source. Nuclear energy is still a cheaper and efficient energy source.
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@mandykaren (2040)
6 Sep 08
wow nice response and good information, thanks
So we are in safe hands
i will still be freaking out Wednesday when fire up that monster..
thanks for sharing some good info, take care and have a good weekend

@Zmugzy (773)
8 Sep 08
No, I am not afraid, there is no reason to be. The main aims of the CERN large hadron collider (LHC) is to discover whether an elementary particle called the Higgs boson exists or not. LHC consists of a 27km circular underground tunnel in which beams of particles will smash together at near light speed.
The discovery of the Higgs-boson will help us to understand the relationship between Einstein's general theory of relativity and the world of quantum mechanics. Relativity theory describes gravity, while the other three fundamental forces of electromagnetism, strong nuclear forces and weak nuclear forces are explained by quantum mechanics, also known as the Standard Model of particle physics. Even if no Higgs boson is found the research will still aid in the development of other theories and give us a better understanding of our universe and how the very nature of reality is constructed.
The catastrophes you describe are pure fantasy. Mini black holes might be created but these are tiny subatomic structures comparable to electrons or protons. They will last for less than a second and pose no threat to life on earth.
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@mandykaren (2040)
8 Sep 08
the risk of black holes is there, even the scientists admitted about it, and explained what would happen if one was created... earth being eaten from the inside out.. Of ocurse some of these is from few months ago but even still the risk is there...
and sometimes i think we should just leave alone, we abused the planet enough without this too, the information would be useless if the experiment goes wrong
thanks for sharing *fingers crossed*
@banadux (630)
• United States
5 Sep 08
I'm pretty sure that we're not all going to die next Wednesday. If we do though the whole planet probably went so there won't be bills or worrying about those we left behind being properly taken care of. We're all going out together weee!
@mandykaren (2040)
6 Sep 08
well that's one way to look at it, and maybe we all end up in the same place too.. And have a big reunion in a spirit form 

@intimate36 (1415)
• Pakistan
6 Sep 08
Don't take it so seriously...I believe , that if every thing comes to an end..then no reason to worry.No further further troubles...
If you believe in GOD...leave evry thing to HIM...
World was created by HIM ...and if the end of this world is on that particular day , as you will only happen if GOD has planned so..If not...nothing will happen...
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
6 Sep 08
Perzackly. Just be ready & don't be afraid. MY guess is, that since it isn't yet TIME (certain things MUST happen before the "End of Days"), Thursday morning will see the sun rise just as usual. I'm not going to waste time worrying over it.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
6 Sep 08
Well in case you didn't notice none of us get out of here alive. It that's the way the world ends it just does. I mean what do you want to do about it. Do you think you can stop what they are doing? And as far as I'm concerned you should live every day as tho it were your last. Man has been fooling around with self destruct tech. for some time now. LOL
@mandykaren (2040)
7 Sep 08
i am not trying to stop it lol this is not a petition, it is a discussion and has been quite an interesting one..
live every day as though was last hmmmm... but we spent much of our times on a computer and in mylot.. We need money to enjoy life to the fullest and of course enjoy with someone and i don't have that
@savypat (20216)
• United States
7 Sep 08
Well if you are depending on money or someone else to bring you happiness, look again. First you have to be happy in yourself. Spend some time thinking what your goals are, write them down, then think of making them come true. Imagine how
life would be with those goals, hold those thoughts in your mind as though they had all ready happened and you'll be surprised how your life will change. Don't allow negative thoughts to enter, if they do just think of them as clouds and let them fade away. This is a tried and true method to being happy. It's called the law of attraction. Good Luck

@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
5 Sep 08
I have one big problem with all this. It does not agree with anything I have ever read in the Bible. This earth will never be destroyed. All mankind will never be destroyed on it. Every living creature on earth will never be destroyed. That is Bible.
You tell me our economy is going to crash next week then I'll sit up and pay attention because I know that could easily happen. The Bible says the evil on this earth will be destroyed but not the good. Evil will destroy it's self. We have a lot of hard times to go through before even this happens.
@mandykaren (2040)
5 Sep 08
of course it Don't agree with anything in your bible.. this is mankind destroying the earth, we abuse earth all the time, think of the ozone layer.
What about the earthquakes that destroy millions.. Does the bible have the answer to that?
How can god save the world if mankind is destroying it..
You stick with the bible, i will stick with science
but thanks for sharing

@mandykaren (2040)
5 Sep 08
actually mankind could destroy earth, we were destroying it with all the pollution we were putting into the atmosphere which was gradually thinning the ozone layer.
As for not seeing any of this in a bible.. your bible was created well before ALL the technology that is going on now..
I hate to think what is in the making with scientists now. What does the bible say about what scientists are capable of creating?

@likaes (496)
• Singapore
13 Sep 08
Sorry to say this, but I think its stupid if you believe that the machine can cause the universe to end. The LHC is just a particle accelerator and a monitoring system. We've had constructed particle accelerators before (though not as large as the LHC) and nothing has happened.
The thing is, the particles that the LHC is built to accelerate (hadrons), already occurs in the universe. This happens everyday, everytime, from even before you were born, or the earth was formed. The LHC was built, just to observe exactly what happens when the particles collide, nothing more. It cannot cause the end of the universe, because if it did, the universe would have ended long ago.
Don't believe the media or idiots who think the world is going to end, just because they heard it from the news, or took the situation entirely out of context and says the world is going to end. ITS NOT.
This is a scientific achievement worth remembering, it is going to improve our technology, our knowledge of the universe and so on.
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
5 Sep 08
Wow! Congratulations on such a terrific discussion! I heard something about this although I have not looked into it in great depth to the extent that you have. Yes it sounds truly frightening if true. Even now there are probably countless black holes out there in the Universe and if one happens to drift close then we would be torn apart literally! If this was to happen deep inside the Earth, this would truly be catastrophic! I love those science programs about space and the Universe and I am totally amazed by it all. As you have mentioned this subject I am going to look into it a lot further. I want to know what all these geniuses and scientists are bickering about! If this were to happen anyhow I guess there would be nothing at our disposal to try and prevent this. I guess we as a human race are starting to mingle with things that we have no real understanding of, this is dangerous! We haven't even colonized Mars yet so we wouldn't be able to escape there!! Hell! We haven't even sent a manned mission to Mars yet! This "Large Hadron Collider" sounds extremely advanced! Why do we have this and not the means to escape to other worlds yet? We haven't yet mastered the technology of jet propulsion, or warp speed for that matter! If space is eternal, then we should have the means by now to escape, even outside or our own universe so that we can be protected by something like this! Thanks for the discussion, truly excellent. Andrew
@mandykaren (2040)
6 Sep 08
i too am extremely interested in science, the universe, i wonder about other galaxy's like ours and wonder what is there.. Now after this me too, want to research more, i was going to yesterday but had no connection all night, was frustrating because much was going through my head i really wanted to search into
For Wednesday i am little worried, when they fire this monster up, even though the chances of us being sucked into a black hole is very slim.. There again it is also exciting.. I dont understand why this is not breaking news, there again us normal people are always the last to know, and yet when think about it, they are playing with our life's..
Remember crop circles?
real or man made i wonder.. Aome were massive and too perfect.
This really good response thank you
hope you have wonderful weekend

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@mandykaren (2040)
7 Sep 08
hmm i not so sure.. this discussion has turned too much into a preaching about god.. and now i am classed as the bad one, just because i believe its man that can destroy earth eventually.. Not next week,, but eventually mankind will BUT according to many here, i should be getting all my answers from the bible and not from facts
I was finding this discussion interesting and learning about the universe a little but now from what just read.. This was suppose to be just a discussion and to get other peoples views on what they think about what the scientists have invented.. And now i am sure i maybe have got a few negatives.. lets see my rating go down from the preachers. 

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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
6 Sep 08
Hi, and thanks. It's really nice to have a discussion with someone that is interested in the same subject. I have to admit that I'm a bit of a telly addict! I have the channal Discovery Science and they show everything about the Universe on there. I always try to make sure that I am tuned in at the appropriate time! Excellent discussion anyhow, thank you. Andrew

@BlinkMe64 (150)
• United States
5 Sep 08
Wow im starting to get alittle scared now.
humm why havent I seen this on the news??
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@mandykaren (2040)
5 Sep 08
That scenario is what COULD happen, if things go wrong.. Even though there is a chance it may go wrong, they will still turn it on.. They are scientists and that comes first i suppose.. I know it terrifies me
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
6 Sep 08
It sounds like something out of "Doctor Who", what paper did you get this from? I have never heard of this until right now. I would have to do some extra research on it to see if it were really true. I do not believe things unless I see it.
@mandykaren (2040)
6 Sep 08
maybe should read some previous responses as few know of it and it will be fired up on Wednesday..
anyway hopefully, by what say here, the worse case scenarios wont happen.
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@mandykaren (2040)
7 Sep 08
by the way, i used to watch doctor who as a child haha.. it would give me nightmares, like the human eating plants
Anyway we will put our faith in the scientists behind this machine. 

@sylvia13 (1850)
• Nelson Bay, Australia
6 Sep 08
I just returned from a trip to France and now that I think of it, my husband was planning to visit the LHC centre near Geneva, but we could not go, as 3 months were needed before they could approve our visit! Apparently it is completely booked out for a while, but I had no idea it was so controversial as you are stating and the whole idea of it is just terrifying really!

@sylvia13 (1850)
• Nelson Bay, Australia
6 Sep 08
Yes, I had a lovely few days in the Burgundy area of France, together with my family, my sister, who came from Madrid and my brother, who came all the way from NYC. I hope you get the chance to go there one day, as it is definitely worth the visit!
@mandykaren (2040)
7 Sep 08
i am pleased you had nice time
i do really want go, i mean its really not that far and sure be quite a cheap holiday actually.. i have french friend in msn and i joke to him about the frog legs and snails
I suppose can be good if know someone in country as can tell me best places to visit or be a guide
Going back to the discussion, the size of the machine is terrifying but many are finding it exciting invention, so we see.. We wil put our faith into the scientists behind it..

@mandykaren (2040)
6 Sep 08
i think much of what scientists are capable of doing and what they experiment with can be frightening.. Even moreso as technology advances more and more.
hope you had a nice time france, strange but i never been there, hope i get the chance 

@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
6 Sep 08
Does anybody out there worried about this discussion want Me to keep an eye on their Mylot Earnings for them if they think they're not going to be needing them come Wednesday? I Promise You They'll be kept absolutely safe "Resting" in My account!

@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
11 Sep 08 

@mandykaren (2040)
7 Sep 08
hahaha... not me thanks... maybe mylot will pay us early before Wednesday 

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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
6 Sep 08
I have been following this story on the Large Hadron Collider for many months now, mandykaren, and I almost posted a discussion about it myself a couple of days ago. I did not, however, because I felt it would be largely ignored. This thing is very frightening, and who can believe the scientists really know what they are talking about as far as safety is concerned? It was mentioned again last night on my favorite radio talk show -the fact that two lawsuits are pending in order to prevent this monster from being activated. I read a novel a few months back that centered around a fictional super collider like this one, and if the results are the same as happened in the novel all I can say is we all need to be praying.
@mandykaren (2040)
7 Sep 08
you are like me then, and see this as serious stuff and dangerous..
i only learnt of this few days ago and at first thought it all was some kind of hoax, but as got more into it, i could see it wasn't and got me worried, i put here.. Just think the scientists are maybe going too far now, just hope they not getting out of their league with this one..
thanks for sharing..
@mandykaren (2040)
7 Sep 08
i just watched this on youtube, it quite informative and i like the ending with what he say lol made me laugh

@bestcj (278)
• Philippines
6 Sep 08
Well maybe you're right its not good to die early. I still need to get my first pay out. I understand that there's always a scientific explanation to everything. The most important of all, lets value our life more, while we still here living. Sorry for the grammar. ^ ^
@mandykaren (2040)
6 Sep 08
i know it will probably be ok.. but i will stil be a little worried on Wednesday.. Last night i could hardly sleep, was real bad, just kept waking up all night that i ended up coming down and playing doom 3 haha.. was not the best game to play to help me sleep
it is quite scary and made me scream out a few times, as well as swear at the zombie type things coming out at me in the dark 

@thesongwriter (143)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
6 Sep 08
Dooms day is coming send all your bank account,Credit card numbers to me. haha

@mandykaren (2040)
8 Sep 08
well you may only have another day to enjoy your life
It annoys me also all of this because we have no choice either way, and these scientists ARE playing god. Maybe this time we will get lucky and it be success but what about the next thing they do. And it is a concern
thanks for sharing

@thesongwriter (143)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
12 Sep 08
let's throw a party we're still alive!hehe