Watch Joe Biden's Response to Republican Attacks. Sarah Palin, Where Are You?

Democratic Presidential and Vice Presidential Nomi - Joe Biden is a rare mix. A leader who has worked for decades in Washington, but has never lived there.

An expert on foreign policy, whose heart and values are firmly rooted in the middle class; one who has stared down dictators, and spoken for America's cops and firefighters.

He is uniquely suited to serve as Barack Obama’s partner in the urgent mission to bring about the change America needs to put our country back on track.
United States
September 7, 2008 9:34pm CST
If you watched any of the Republican convention this week, you probably noticed that they spent a lot of time attacking Barack and sneering at people who try to improve their communities. But they hardly spent any time at all telling us how they're going to help people across America who are hurting. That's because they knew they had adopted the most extreme, right-wing platform in their party's recent history. Why? Because they know the American people don't want any more of the same failed Bush policies. Yesterday in Pennsylvania, Joe Biden gave a blistering response at a rally in a high school gymnasium. Watch Joe Biden's Response to Republican Attacks. I can't wait for the Biden/Palin debates. Lloyd
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12 responses
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
8 Sep 08
Well, I totally agree with you as well. All she wanted to do is have everyone think, "Hey look at me. I can cut down Obama, and make a Great speech, except for I avoid talking about the real issues like the Economy and such." Personally, I cannot wait for the Vice Presidential debates either, and I feel Palin is going to fail and make a fool out of herself. If the American people think she is ready for a job like this, what are they really thinking? Personally, I think McCain made a wrong choice for sure.
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• United States
10 Sep 08
Recent polls show that the economy is the number one issue facing the American people. However the Palin/McCain ticket refuse to address it. They believe that the American people will fall for the "Swiftboat" tactics of the past. However they are sadly mistaken. High fuel prices, high umemployment rates, record home forclosures and a lower standard of living affects both Republicans and Democrats. Within the next 60 days, people will take their blinders off and and take their heads out of the sand. There is nothing like a reality check. Lloyd
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
8 Sep 08
hmmm Geeze where to start, the last discussion I commented on all I put was "interesting" and several people thought the need to attack me. lol All I can really say is that I can't wait to see Biden debate Palin. Thanks for the link to the speech it was beyond words! He is so great and full of passion!
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• United States
10 Sep 08
Don't worry about the attacks. That is what they do when they can't dispute the facts. The facts are that the Palin/McCain ticket is no different than the Bush/Cheney ticket. They have no plan for the 21st century. They are stuck in the past, promoting the same failed policies. People will soon see the real Palin/McCain plan. Lloyd
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
10 Sep 08
I really hope that you are right. I can't stand this whole "palin is the best thing in the world" it makes me sick.
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
14 Sep 08
I'm likening the McCain/Palin ticket to a parade. It looks beautiful with all it's horses and floats, but in the end you are still left with a street full of $h*t to clean up. I have a feeling that Biden is going to take Palin to school at the debate. Her interview with Gibson was a preview as far as I'm concerned, her answers were totally scripted, and it appeared she couldn't come up with a thought for herself, was just sticking to what she had been tutored on. Case in point, the same answer over and over on whether or not the US would support Israel should they go to war with Iran. She couldn't even give a yes or no, she just danced and repeated the same tired move she had been taught. Sara better call a preacher, because Biden is about to take her to church!
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• United States
14 Sep 08
Sarah Palin enjoyed her 15 minutes of fame. Now it's time for a reality check. The same of talking points just won't do. Finally she'll have to start discussing the issues. Her coronation is over. Now we'll get to see the real Sarah Palin. Lloyd
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@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
8 Sep 08
From what I heard said by some tv analyists, the party really doesn't want her making speeches or answering questions yet. But they certainly are using her to "energize" women and make the party people think it is not business as usual by a whole new day... I wonder if this is more of a Palin-McCain ticket? I am really curious to see how the VP debates will go.
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• United States
10 Sep 08
The Republican party not only doesn't want Sarah Palin answering any questions, but they don't want John McCain to discuss the issues facing average American citizens. Anyone who doesn't see that the Palin/McCain ticket is nothing more than another four years of Bush/Cheney has their heads in the sand. Sooner or later she will have to make her opionions available to the public. Then we will get to know the real Sarah Palin. Lloyd
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
9 Sep 08
Wasn't that fantastic? I can't wait for the debates either! Like Bill Maher said the other night, Sarah the Barracuda, meet Joey the! I'd said before Biden would chew her up and spit her out but I've flip-flpped a bit and now think he'll likely swallow her whole and then barf! Annie
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• United States
11 Sep 08
The Palin/McCain ticket know that she's not even in the same league with Joe Biden. That is why they regulated her to "Silly Season" attacks without anyone being able to question her statements. They can't keep the muzzle on her much longer. The American people are anxious to hear from the "Pit Bull". Afterall, we've heard from everyone else involved in this Presidential campaign. What's makes her so unique? Speak to us Sarah. Tell us your views. It's only fair. Lloyd
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8 Sep 08
Hi loydanthony111, Are the politains still going haven't the country voted for the next president? it certainley being going on a long time, to be hones whoveve win the election I just not see what difference they are going to make to the country, they all make empty promises, I don't believe in any of them they are just fighting to get into that big white house. Tamara
@piasabird (1737)
• United States
8 Sep 08
Today's polls have MaCain/Palin over Obama/Biden. USA Today's poll has them up by ten points.
• United States
8 Sep 08
NO, this time, one side is going to take us to hell, the other is going to fix the hell the other side created.
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8 Sep 08
Hi Zydecokitten, That is a good one and yes too true but we are still in hell here in the U.K
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• United States
11 Sep 08
Well you should have seen the Democratic convention, I didn't even have to watch it to know that Obama bashed McCain. It's a dang shame McCain picked Sarah after the convention so he could get some Lipstickgate in about her.... I want to hear issues! Where's the wall?
@ElaanR2 (277)
• United States
14 Sep 08
If you had watched it, you would have known that Obama praised McCain as a hero and attacked McCain's policies. That is what a gracious debate should be about. That was woefully lacking during the Republican campaign. They attacked Obama's personality and hid the issues behind Sarah Palin's lipstick.
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@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
11 Sep 08
Right now I am sick of the media and the "Lipstick" wars and how they try to say (just as the Reps do)that Obama is the bay guy. One more lipsticked pig, and I swear, I will turn off the news and start watching Home Shopping Network! LOL!
• United States
11 Sep 08
I agree with you. I hope the people in the media woke up this morning and took a good look at themselves. They really seemed very silly yesterday and it was a turn off. I actually moved over to the TV Land station and watched old episodes of the Beverly Hillbillies. That's how boring yesterday was to me. Lloyd
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
8 Sep 08
Joe Biden's biggest asset is that he can be loud, mean and stupid. Well, duh. I can't wait for the debates of Biden and Palin too. I think he's going to be quite surprised at how she can not only hold her own but kick some butt.
• United States
8 Sep 08
Does this sound loud, mean and stupid? You tell me. Senator Biden wrote the ground-breaking Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in the 1990s that set the national agenda on criminalizing violence against women and holding batterers truly accountable. It encouraged states to set up coordinated community responses to domestic violence and rape; was the catalyst for passage of hundreds of state laws prohibiting family violence; and provided resources to set up shelters so battered women abused by husbands and boyfriends had a place to go. The law also established the national hotline that over 1.5 million abused women have called for help. By empowering women to make changes in their lives, and by training police and prosecutors to arrest and convict abusive husbands instead of telling them to take a walk around the block, domestic violence is down 50 percent and rape is down 60 percent nationwide. Does this sound loud, mean and stupid? If so, I support the loud, mean and stuped candidate. Lloyd
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@piasabird (1737)
• United States
8 Sep 08
I hope she kicks his butt! But remember, old Joe's been in Washington for ages and knows how to lie and mislead the American public. Plus, he's also a Democrat. So we know he's sneaky and pandering.
@piasabird (1737)
• United States
8 Sep 08
"Does this sound loud, mean and stupid? If so, I support the loud, mean and stuped candidate." Stuped? He's not stuped. But I heard his hair plugs are made out of hamsters.
@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
9 Sep 08
this issue made me sick. let's just wait and see. Hoestly I don;t like Obama/s platform. He is just talking nonsense, elevating himself. Experience wise in serving the country, he is too far from Palin and McCain. Sarah' son and McCins's are serving the Army what about Barrack, he even criticize America. I'm sorry but this is jut my opinion. I don;t want to offend anybody here. I hope this discussion is open to all opinions of people who participated. No hard feelings. Good luck to you.
• United States
11 Sep 08
This discussion is open to all opinions and I think you are wrong. What makes you think that Barack Obama doesn't care about America? He has 2 little daughters who have to grow up in our country. Are we electing a leader of our country or are we electing a war mongerer? There's more to being President of the United States other than starting illegal wars at a cost of 10 to 20 billion dollars per month. Aren't you concerned about the over 40 million Americans without affordable healthcare? Don't you care about rising unemployment? Don't your party care about record home foreclosures? All I hear from you and your party is "War Talk". But yet, our soldiers are serving their 3rd and 4th tours of duty because those, like you, who support this illegal war refuse to sign up and give our soldiers some relief. Stop with this madness. Get your heads out of the sand and face reality. Lloyd
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
11 Sep 08
"Sarah's son and McCins's are serving the Army what about Barrack, he even criticize America." It seems that everyone has forgotten Joe Biden's son is also leaving for Iraq this month and, if I'm not mistaken, this may be his second deployment. Barack even criticizes America? Please tell me what is wrong with that? We all, Democrats and liberals as well as conservative Republicans, love our country, but that doesn't mean we can think and SAY there are ways in which we could and should do better. Sure, I think the U.S. is the best country in the world but we're not perfect and I think when you love someone or something, including your country, that should mean you want them to be the best they can be and shouldn't be offended when someone points out improvements that could be made. Annie
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@overhere (515)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I am not American, it is just going to be my home for the rest of my life. I do not believe that America is the greatest country in the world it is a wonderful country but it has some failings not least the fact that it does not give every citizen equal access to health care = to me that seems like a fundamental human right not a privelege. I am astounded by how the whole election process is run on lies and backstabbing. Constructive criticims is regarded as sexism or racism or religionism (is that a word) or any other ism that can avoid facing issues. The two partys seem to be so split along economic lines I am rich I am the american dream and the rest of you are on your own, or I am fortunate enough to have but I want my neighbour to be helped to. To me there would be no choice if I could vote. What Bush/Cheney and dont forget Rumsfeld have done to this country both at home and abroad in the last 8 years is almost criminal and the thought of 4 more years of the same (no indication that McCain would change anything) is totally beyond my comprehension. I have to rely on those with the vote to get out and do it for America, it's people (not just the priveledgd few) and the rest of the world who are also waiting with their breath held.
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
8 Sep 08
Why would anyone waste all those hours watching either of those conventions? Couldn't people find something better to do, like watch paint dry?
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
8 Sep 08
I didn't watch either one. I was too busy watching paint dry. Seriously though I don't watch I research the candidates. I get a much better feel for who they are.
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
8 Sep 08
Very smart of you The conventions are so dorky, you just know that they are not going to say that much of consequence there. Better to see what they are saying after the convention is over
• United States
8 Sep 08
You watch these conventions because the person elected can, and will, have a direct effect on your personal standard of living. Before George Bush was elected 8 years ago we didn't have: Record home foreclosures. We had a 500 million dollar budget surplus which has now blossomed into a trillion dollar deficit. We had 8 years of peace and prosperity. We weren't involved in an illegal war costing the America taxpay 10 to 12 billion dollars per month. Gasoline was under $2 per gallon. Over 23 million jobs were created. We now have an unemployment rate of over 6%. We were not hated throughout the world. Now do you see why we watch those conventions. We watch them so we can make an informed choice. If you decide not to watch and either not vote or vote blindly, then God bless you. I'd rather watch a political convention, where so much is at stake, than watching paint dry anyday. Lloyd
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
8 Sep 08
its nice to be hearing from the other side, it's about time. I do understand that they have been waiting for the convention to be over and of course they had to research teh new VP canidate but lets hear it for our side.
• United States
10 Sep 08
Our side is the side of reason. We look at the dismal situation we find ourselves in and ask what happened. What changed so drastically that we went from a 500 million dollar budget surplus to a nearly trillion dollar deficit? We ask why we are spending 12 to 20 billion dollars per month on an illegal war in Iraq? We want to know why over 40 million Americans are without affordable healthcare. What changed so drastically that we now face record home foreclosures. We are the other side. We are the right side. Lloyd
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• United States
12 Sep 08
The Palin/McCain ticket is just so out of tough with the issues facing the American people. Lloyd
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
12 Sep 08
Loyd want a laugh, at the bottom of your last comment was a McCain button add. Ain't life grand.