Supporting Palin does not make sense to me at all

@sedel1027 (17846)
Cupertino, California
September 10, 2008 10:12am CST
I don't care about Palin's daughter or her family. They have "sound values", good for them. I have other issues with her. Here is one issue I have: In 2006, Palin support the bridge to nowhere. A year later, she flip flopped and canceled the project (after the Minnesota bridge collapse). She didn't give the money back to the federal government. She kept is and reallocated it to other projects. Sounds like stealing from the federal government to me. Something else: She supports drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve (, up until recently didn't think that Global warming could be man made. She wanted to kills white wolves and could care less about polar bears (she has endorsed the lawsuit against the Dept. of the Interior who has listed them as threatened). These are all things she and McCain disagree about. Before she was Mayor of Wasilla the town had no debt, now they are 22 Million in the hole from such projects as the sports complex they didn't need. She fired Wasilla's Police Chief "because he 'intimidated'her, she told the press" Funny, her daughter ends up pregnant and she takes money away from the Covenant House that helps out teenagers, including teenager mothers SO, she has made HUGE budgets - largest in Alaksa's history - but is claiming to have saved the state money. How does that work exactly? She also has put in many, many earmarked bills (one of which McCain blamed for the Minnesota bridge collapse) a tacit that McCain is strongly against. American's need to open their ears and eyes and look at all of their choices - not just the two main parties. BTW if all this stuff was available about Biden (?) I would be doing the same thing. I don't support either major political party.
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11 responses
@mcat19 (1357)
• United States
10 Sep 08
She also want Creationism taught in schools and wants certain books banned from public libraries. She is the darling of the religious right wackos. She is a scary woman. I think it's really silly to expect real Hillary supporters to vote for this woman who is so different in political views. I know Palin has turned off a lot of folks who thought they might vote for McCain. I hope there are more of these sane people.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
10 Sep 08
The book banning crap was already proven false. She's never banned any books and the email claiming she did was bogus. It included titles that weren't out until years after the supposed incident.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Really, mcat? I think teaching Creationism in schools is an awesome idea. After all, the THEORY of evolution has never been conclusively proven, so whatever one believes about the origin of the universe is still a matter of faith. Why not teach them side by side and let the students decide which one to believe?
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Taskr, the email regarding the book banning is bogus, I agree with you on that, but this article from the Anchorage (Alaska) Daily News relates to what really went on in the area of book banning, which Palin wanted to do but was thwarted by the librarian: [b]WASILLA -- Back in 1996, when she first became mayor, Sarah Palin asked the city librarian if she would be all right with censoring library books should she be asked to do so. According to news coverage at the time, the librarian said she would definitely not be all right with it. A few months later, the librarian, Mary Ellen Emmons, got a letter from Palin telling her she was going to be fired. The censorship issue was not mentioned as a reason for the firing. The letter just said the new mayor felt Emmons didn't fully support her and had to go. Emmons had been city librarian for seven years and was well liked. After a wave of public support for her, Palin relented and let Emmons keep her job.[/b] This is what I mean using the power of her office to step all over the rights of the citizenship.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
10 Sep 08
I have a serious issue with her hunting stance. I don't know how shooting big game from a helicopter is a sport. My boys wanted to start hunting, so they got bows and take lessons. When they are ready they can hunt with bows. I feel at least the animal has a change lol. I'm a bias liberal but I am not impressed. I know that most conservatives are eating her up and from their posts it appears that she is a water walker too.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
10 Sep 08
I am a tried and true independent. I am almost 30 and ever since I could vote, I don't think I have ever voted main stream. I admit, I am biased, but I believe there are more people with the wool over their eyes. I can see how some conservatives can see her as a good choice but how do they see past all of the flip flopping and other issues? I agree with your choice on hunting. My husband doesn't hunt and my son is an animal lover (he is super soft hearted and gets upset even seeing the cats from the animal shelters) so I doubt hunting would ever be an issue. We do have a bow and arrow set in the home for purely target practice. If either one of them ever wanted to hunt, they would have to use a bow and arrow.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Can the lies Sedel. I'm sure the liberals will love your claims but most of them are garbage. Allot me to clarify things for those reading this. “In 2006, Palin support the bridge to nowhere. A year later, she flip flopped and canceled the project (after the Minnesota bridge collapse). She didn't give the money back to the federal government. She kept is and reallocated it to other projects. Sounds like stealing from the federal government to me.” The government removed the earmark from that money BEFORE Palin was elected. They gave that money to the previous governor allowing him to allocate it to any projects he wanted to. Palin was elected in 2006 and at the time did support the project. After it got a lot of bad press she decided to cancel it. She probably shouldn’t have supported it in the first place, but she still cancelled it and the money given to her by congress was not earmarked for it so she had the right to use it however she pleased. “Before she was Mayor of Wasilla the town had no debt, now they are 22 Million in the hole from such projects as the sports complex they didn't need. She fired Wasilla's Police Chief "because he 'intimidated'her, she told the press" This is the biggest load of crap being spread around mylot. Do you really think that article has any credibility? Didn’t the dollhead at the top of the page clue you in that it was bogus? Most of the liberal blogs claim it’s 20 million, I guess you hit the jackpot with a 22 million dollar lie. For the fifth time, I’ll provide the facts on this lie. 2002 Budget Revenues: $8,710,166 Expenditures: $6,751,309 Surplus: $1,958,857 2003 Budget Revenues: $9,299,797 Expenditures: $7,046,325 Surplus: $2,253,472 So, to clarify, her last year in office she had a 1.9 million dollar budget surplus, and left the city with a 2.2 million dollar budget surplus. Where exactly is that darned 20 million dollars in debt? “Funny, her daughter ends up pregnant and she takes money away from the Covenant House that helps out teenagers, including teenager mothers http://thecaucus.blogs.ny... “ This is another lie. You clearly didn’t read the entire article. She cut the amount of extra money being given to them for new buildings from 5 million, to 3.9 million. They are still getting EXTRA money to build more. The article also clearly states that the money they get for their operating budget has not been cut at all. Their expansion won’t be as great as they’d hoped, but they still will be able to expand and their current operations are getting just as much money as they already were. “SO, she has made HUGE budgets - largest in Alaksa's history - but is claiming to have saved the state money. How does that work exactly?” By cutting costs elsewhere and raising revenues via other sources such as a tax on oil profits. Do your research and you’ll see exactly how she has managed the budget so skillfully. She sold a luxury jet purchased by the former governor for 2.1 million dollars. She stays at home instead of living at the governor’s mansion, and she cut over $40,000 by not using the gourmet chef that served the last governor. She’s a thrifty person. Next time you want to smear a politician, you should come prepared with actual facts. By the way, you won't really find similar information on Biden or Obama because they've never run a state or even a city. Senators really aren't in charge of anything that happens even in their own state so you can't blame much of anything on them if their state is in debt or certain programs aren't being supported.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
10 Sep 08
She still took the money and used it for "whatever" not road improvments or othetr things the state needs where she CUT money. It should have gone back to the Feds, not in Alaskas pocket. What about all of their earmarks? They get about $400 PER PERSON in earmarked fund. Funny thing about the covenant house, yes they diod get money but she cut back. Happens she cut back on the money that was going to be used for something that went against her personal beliefs not what the community wanted. you can support Palin all you wants Taskr, but she is very under handed and full of BS. Granted they have little to no power since the Congress and the House really controls everything. Still if he wanted a woman, he could have chosen someone better.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Well people will keep bringing up the per capita money because it's the easiest way to attack her. I think things would come out quite differently if they compared the earmarks with per square mile of Alaska. Any kind of transportation costs are going to be higher there due to the terrain and the amount of ground roads cover. Transportation projects in Alaska are always going to be more expensive than a state like Delaware because there is so much more ground to deal with and the population is spread across a much larger area. I don't know why people never take Alaska's size into consideration. Oh, and some of that money was spent on transportation. While the bridge itself was canceled, the roads leading up to that bridge are still being worked on for future expansion.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
11 Sep 08
True Alaksa is large state with a low population but they don't have as many paved roads as other states. What about the comment she made about Iraq being "Gods work"?
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I sure hope women aren't being swayed to vote for McCain just because he has a woman candidate as his Vice President....I bet Obama wishes he had added Clinton to the team. I'm not wowed at all by Palin, woman or not. She seems to support everything I'm AGAINST....for instance she's also pro-life...While I do not personally agree with Pro-choice I think the decision should be left up to the woman to decide and have the freedom to have an abortion. As far as the white wolves..grrrr..I get email alerts from Defenders of Wildlife...there was a long battle to prohibit aerial hunting down of wolves...they lost from what I understand so now a lot of trigger happy yahoos are going to kill wolves in droves. I just plain don't like the woman...she gives me the creeps...LOL. I'm not crazy about Obama, but I'm voting for him--I just don't want another four more years of what we've been through the last eight
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
12 Sep 08
Pye, I just wanted to tell you I'm soooo relieved to see there's someone else who will say straight out "I just plain don't like the woman...she gives me the creeps" because I couldn't agree more! I was told here that I'm being disloyal to other females by not supporting her with all my heart and soul - I don't think! I'm heartbroken over her position on the wolves and the polar bears and if anyone wants to call me a "bunny-hugger" or any other derisive name for that, have at it but I happen to love our furry friends and believe they deserve a fair chance because we're the ones who have destroyed their habitat, not the other way around. Annie
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@overhere (515)
• United States
10 Sep 08
I too have serious reservations about the prospect of Palin anywhere near the White House. I;m sorry I do believe her pick for VP was McCain pandering to a group of voters that he needed and as such is questionable To select someone who he met only twice when you consider what their relationship should be (think Bush Cheney) and I find it questionable. I am sick of her lying (yes that is what it is) on the stump everyday about the bridge to nowhere and earmarks. But most of all the thought of her feasibly becoming President without an ounce of any foreign policy experience (she is on record saying the Iraq war is being played out on a plan from God!!!!) is beyond the pale and if this is a sign of McCains judgement calls then it puts him in serious jeopardy too.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
10 Sep 08
Wow she is on record saying the Iraq war is being played out on a plan from God!! I had not read that anywhere
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Sep 08
i saw it on the news too, she says that the work being done over there is "Gods Work"
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@overhere (515)
• United States
11 Sep 08
It's on you tube and CNN/Anderson Cooper showed it last night!
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@I_Write (31)
• United States
12 Sep 08
How anyone can watch the Gibson interview and still think it's okay for her to be VP is simply disgusting. She didn't even know what the Bush Doctrine is. I'm a freelance writer with a 2 year old running circles around me 24-7 and EVEN I KNEW. I wouldn't want her teaching my child's social studies class, let alone acting on America's behalf in an international crisis. Her 'ignore my cluelessness and enjoy my charm' act reminds me so much of Bush it actually frightens me. People need to wake up and realize that this woman could actually be the leader of the free world in the very near future. She's not just corrupt. She's not just an idiot. She's a corrupt idiot. She's even more dangerous than Bush. The present administration practically wrote a guidebook to abuse of executive power. I thought Hillary was the wrong woman for the job. Palin has out-wronged a Clinton. Hats off.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
12 Sep 08
Did you notice her one huge similarity to Bush? SHE doesn't know how to pronounce "N-U-C-L-E-A-R" either! I rewound it the first time to make sure I heard her right but as it turned out she said it again - nuke-you-ler. Annie
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Sep 08
I must have caught the interview late because I missed the "Nucular" pronunciation. I saw Matt Damon on the news late last night and he was saying exactly what I feel. It's frightening that she could become president... and is likely to become president is McCain is elected. I have nothing against her as a hockey mom. As a VP, I think she's the WRONG direction. She's grossly uneducated, but I can see that once she's been informed of world and national affairs, she'll likely employ all of Bush's techniques to make her own best use of the knowledge. I was so glad the democratic party got their heads out of their rumps and decided NOT to nominate Clinton. I wish the republican party would have a similar moment of clarity. STOP VOTING WITH YOUR HEART!!! VOTE WITH YOUR HEAD!!!
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
12 Sep 08
Personally, these are some of the things I think a lot of people are overlooking who are supporting her, and afraid to look at the things you mentioned here. I have someone at my work who supports her and McCain, but when you ask why, he never says anything. I think the only reason McCain chose Palin was because Obama did not pick Hillary, and thought this would help his chances. I think anyone who thinks she is a + is fooling themselves, and needs to really dig deep on who she really is. For me, I fear if McCain wins, and cannot wait to see Palin at the Vice Presidential debate, and people really see who she is. Why would they be hiding her elsewise?
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@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
20 Sep 08
I thought Palin was against the bridge to nowhere. Maybe she discovered that it would not work. And those polar bears are not in danger of extinction. So why should other countries drill but America cannot? We drill in Canada and none of our wildlife has become extinct. In fact, they have grown. All those humans working in the oil fields and all those crumbs so the animals can feed on. On and global warming is not man made. If it were, all we have to do is to all move to the sub tropics and tropics, stop lighting fires, using gasoline, heating our homes, eat raw food and presto no more global warming. Mind you, no more people either except for those in the tropics and with no light, no medicines, etc. well you will know what will happen. The other parties will not get in. You can choose a third party candidate and if they get enough they will influence the two parties, but they will not be president. So you have a choice, McCain or the child hated, baby who survives abortion killer, one with a racist minster Obama.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
20 Sep 08
She actually supported the bridge, then dropped her support for the bridge BUT she kept all the funding earmarked for the project and DID NOT use it for road improvement as it was mean to be used. The polar bears never were in danger of extinction, but they were threatened. They were loosing places to hunt and to live. Actually you have more than one choices, there are many other candidates with unique view points and different ideas that are running for president.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
12 Sep 08
You can say that again, it doesn't make sense! Yet, on a local radio show the announcers were discussing how much women can relate to Palin. I couldn't believe my ears, to be honest, there is nothing about her that I can relate to. I'm sorry, but to me she comes across as cold and calculating and after seeing her interview tonight I haven't changed my mind one bit. Her supporters here will say everything that's been posted "against" her are nothing but lies but true or not I don't need these items to make me know I can't support her - no way, no how, no McCain or Palin! Annie
@likaes (496)
• Singapore
11 Sep 08
I don't live in the US, but I think what you've said rings too true. I can't believe that people would vote for McCain and Palin as well, considering their character, and based on what they've said. McCain himself has been a Bush supporter and basically said that he supports like 90% of what Bush has said. Considering how much a failure that the world considers Bush to be, I can't see people voting for McCain, who intends to do more of the same thing - not reforming! I saw this ridiculous video on YouTube showing the so called "experience" of Palin. It showed her as a mother and whatnot and I was just thinking - what does that have to do with running the government, especially since the video was "proof" of her experience? Sure, she's a governor and all, but of only 7000 people, so what? She was a horrible pupil at her colleges, changing 5 colleges in the expanse of only 6 years. Who in their right minds would choose such a candidate? For awhile, I thought Obama had the entire election wrapped up, but now I'm not so sure, looking at all the supporters of McCain and Palin. Do you people really want them running your government?
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
20 Sep 08
I don't like McCain or Obama. I still haven't seen much on Biden, but if I have to vote mainstream and I like Biden, that is where my vote would be going.
11 Sep 08
I don't agree with your first sentence, she having a sound value. That's just so contradicting. I mean, is she the role model that America needs? Look around you people! minors, 11 year old getting pregnant? It's common, but it's not normal! Why did this happened in the first place? Are we suppose to look up to this kind of leaders? Where are they leading us?
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
11 Sep 08
I don't feel like it is her fault her daughter is pregnant. You can instill excellent core values in any child, but they are the ones that decide how they are going to act in the long run.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
20 Sep 08
Actually, teen pregnancy is down most places.
12 Sep 08
"Train up a child the way he should go and he will not depart from it". She's a minor and needs guidance. Look at the statistics of teenage pregnancy, it's booming, and also disturbing. Yes it's the child's decision, but a child needs guidance! Where can she get guidance from? From her peers? I guess if we keep on denying ourselves of what's happening then we will not solve the problem. We have to accept and deal with it. We need a strong role model leader.