I am pregnant finaly

September 10, 2008 10:55am CST
After over 4 years af trying we did it. Whele we were on our 3 month holiday I found that I was pregnant with our second child. It took us by suprise as I didnt think it would happen at leas not without the help of the doctors (which I was going to see after our holiday). Everyone is over the moon apart from my son (he is 5) somethimes he likes a sister, somethimes a brother somethimes he sais he does not want a baby. Hopefuly by the time its born he would be ok with it. I try the best I can to tell him that he is still my No1 and that we love him as much as ever. Anyway just wanted to share my good news with everyone. By the way I am about 10 weeks and I have a case of 24/7 morning sickness and its baaaddddd but I dont care it will go away. And its worth it.
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33 responses
• India
11 Sep 08
Congratualtion. Then a new quite babe come out in some days to see our beautiful world and enjoy the life. Then Make him/her an i idel person and a good boy/girl in the socity. You will be become sickness but you not think it was bad because you are becoming a mother a wonderful gift from god that give only for female. so u will be very provide to become a monther secound time. If you give birth to girl i was very nice to see a beautiful rose in future.
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• Australia
11 Sep 08
Thank you for your wonderful and kind words
• India
11 Sep 08
Thankyou for your replay forgive me if there any mistake because i don't know english much good once again Congratulation for your birthing babe.
@my2boys (821)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Congratulations! That is so wonderful. I just had my second child four weeks ago. I can only imagine how happy you must be. I also had 24/7 morning sickness. I cant count the number of times I had to go to the ER and have fluids put into me throught iv's because i was so dehydrated. But you are right, it does go away and it is more than worth it.
• Australia
10 Sep 08
Congratulations to you as well. I am over the moon to be honest but then againg most parents will be. To me it is the fact that it finaly happened and when we least expected (while on holiday). I dont care if I have to spend the next 7 months or so in bed as long as its healthy.
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@Zelmarq (12607)
• Cebu City, Philippines
11 Sep 08
wow congratulations my friend. Im really happy for you. I know its a long wait and now you have yours. have a nice day and take care!
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@neztin (476)
• Singapore
11 Sep 08
Congratulations :D :D :D That is a wonderful news to hear that. yes, im truly happy for you. i hope by the time your second child is born, your son would be as happy as u to accept another family members in the house. it's a common symptom for the eldest child to have some little jealousy, cause he is scared that he will be forgotten. but im sure believe that u are a good mum and you will love them both equally, wont you? wishing you a smooth journey in delivering your baby for the next nine months :)
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• Australia
11 Sep 08
Thank you very much. I know that my son will find his role ind place in the family and he knows that we love him very much. He is confused and I get that thats why its all about him. I dont know to be honest how I am going to love them both I am sure I will
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
11 Sep 08
congratulations... i am also hoping that i will get pregnant soon... i am really hoping to have a baby real soon... a baby is a gift from God and i can't wait to have one... hopefully, God will answer my prayer and bless me with a healthy baby soon... take care and have a nice day...
1 person likes this
• Australia
11 Sep 08
Thanks you and I wish God will answer your prayer very soon and many more times after that
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
11 Sep 08
Well first of all congratulations! Like you, it also took me years to get pregnant with my kids. With my oldest it took over 4 years and with my second it took a little over 2 years. I did become pregnant a 3rd time 5 years after my 2nd child was born, but sadly it wasn't meant to be. My husband and I have been trying since, but it just hasn't happened yet. It'll be going on 3 years. We don't want to bother with doctors. If it happens, it happens, and if it doesn't then at least my husband and I already have 2 handsome boys. Good luck and I wish you a smooth pregnancy!
1 person likes this
• Australia
11 Sep 08
Thanks for that. Iam sorry about your 3rd baby and I hope you have lots more healthy babies just work on it :) thats what we did
@aboutus (27)
• Philippines
11 Sep 08
you are bless congrats some times I do believe, if both of you are relax and have no stress 75% you can make a child.
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• United States
11 Sep 08
Good for you. Although, the way that some women talk about their pregnancy, it makes me never want to get pregnant.
• United States
11 Sep 08
I heard that too. I heard that once you look at that baby, you feel like it was all worth it.
• Australia
11 Sep 08
Trust me on this. There is no story scary enough on this world that will make you not have kids if you want them. There is nothing more beautiful then a child.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
11 Sep 08
Heartiest Congratulation to you! This kind of development gives more happiness, when it is not very much expected. May you remain healthy thorough out your pregnancy period and may your wishes about a sweet baby (either boy or a girl) come out true!!!!!!! Best of Luck to you!!
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
12 Sep 08
Be Happy! and Keep enjoying your this phase of life. All the best.
• Australia
11 Sep 08
thank you. Before I was pregnant I used to want a girl now I dont care if its a boy or a girl as long as its healthy I am going to be happy.
@austere (2812)
• Philippines
11 Sep 08
congratulations! i wish all the best for you and your baby.. i am really happy to know that your prayer has been heard. you are going to have your second baby soon and i know you will be the best parent for that baby.. congratulations again and take very good care of your self!
@austere (2812)
• Philippines
11 Sep 08
no problem! mothers like you are blessed to have kids.. there are those who doesnt have problems with preganancy but have the baby aborted.. Oh.. you know what i mean...you deserve the blessing and the baby will be very proud to have you as his or her mother.. believe me.. i can tell you love your baby so much..so i pray you all the best! see you around!
• Australia
11 Sep 08
Thank you very much for your wonderful and kind words.
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
11 Sep 08
Hello violeta, Congratulations on the great news! I believe that it brings a lot of joy to your family. I only have a two year old son right now and hoping to have maybe a daughter next. I am not trying hard but I do hope, God will hear my wish and it will come true soon. I am 36 and time is passing very fast now. One is obviously not enough for me!
• Australia
11 Sep 08
I am over the moon my husband runs around me like crazy he wont let me lift anything or do anything around the house (it wont last long I know) I am 28 and I felt like I have time but my boy is 5 and I didnt want a huge gap.
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• Philippines
11 Sep 08
Wow congratulations to you and your husband. surprises really comes when we least expect it. :) i could be that you were well rested because of the holiday that you guys are in. :) don't worry you son will just get the hang of it. :) just show them that you both love them and i don't think he will feel insure of the baby. :) Happy to hear that you are pregnant finally!!! :)
• Australia
11 Sep 08
thank you God only know why it happened now. We stayed with my in laws sleeping on a old bed that made lots of sounds with my son in the room so relaxing is not the word I would use :))
• Philippines
11 Sep 08
What a wonderful good news! I had an aunt and uncle who waited for 10 years before they were blessed with a baby boy. I can imagine how blissful you are for such a blessing from God. I'm sure your 5-year old son will love the baby as much as you do. Have a safe a pregnancy and we hope you could keep us posted. We would love to know what will be your baby's name. Congratulations!
• Australia
11 Sep 08
Thanks I will post news when I can (I have my first scan picture the baby was 8mm 2 weeks ago) As for the name at this point I dont have a single name that I like and if I ask my son he would name the baby Ben 10 or Pokimon even if its a girl
• Philippines
12 Sep 08
Haha. I guess it's too soon to pick a name yet. I hope you have a happy and easy pregnancy. Good luck! ^^
@reoko10 (578)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Yes it is worth it because after you have that baby you will be so happy, I hav two little girls one 2 years and one 7 months and when I had my second child lilly(my first child) did not like it because I was spending all my time with the new baby but as the times went by she came around and noe she loves her sister and can't get enough of her it's so sweet.
• Australia
10 Sep 08
I love the name lilly it always reminds me of spring of happiness. I know that he would come around but we have to keep an eye on him. I know that it must not be a plesent situation for him (I dont know from personal experience I am the youngest) but he had me and my husbands for him self for so many years and he now has to share us with someone. Thats why we work on making him feel special.
• Australia
10 Sep 08
oh I know I am going to have "fun" with him at the start as all kids do he would play up big time
@reoko10 (578)
• United States
10 Sep 08
oh get ready he is going to act a fool when the baby comes my daugther did it and even though I try to make her feel special she started to think she could get away with anything when we were out she would act a fool and when she couldn't have what she wanted she would cry and roll all over the foor kicking and screming. After that I had to put my foot down after I did she started acting right. So just be ready.
@rakittera (802)
• Philippines
11 Sep 08
hi! congratulations on your new blessing! Somethings, great things happen at the most unexpected times. I too have waited 3 years for my first born. We were seriously thinking of having work-ups just before I found out I was pregnant. It was such a pleasant surprise for me and my family. A baby is always worth the wait, don't you think? For now, just enjoy your pregnancy and tacke care of yourself.
• Australia
11 Sep 08
Thank you rakittera and yes it is worth the wait but I have no idea how am I going to wait for another 7 months or so before I finaly get to hold it. I was considering my options as well.
@bugbaby (1787)
• Indonesia
11 Sep 08
congratulation for you violeta, i hope your pregnant will be find until the time baby comes, yes my wife have same case like you "morning sickness" from first week until 3 months and can't eat anything, she just drink juice and ice cream, and about your first he just jealous...congratulation once more violeta.
• Australia
11 Sep 08
Thanks my friend. With my son I was sick almost the whole time mind you he was 2 weeks over due. I also ate a lot of vanila ice cream to keep alive (at any other time I hate vanila ice cream)
@toosh21 (800)
• Australia
10 Sep 08
CONGRATULATIONS! I am so please for you - and especially that it happened without doctors help! The 24/7 morning sickness is not fun at all - I had it right through to the end of both my pregnancies (I lost 15kg while pregnant with the first). I hope the morning sickness goes away soon and you son will come around and love the idea I'm sure!
• Australia
11 Sep 08
Thanks toosh. Belive me there is no one more suprised than me that it happened without the help of the doctors. There is no wining in this morning sickness game. But its only for few months (9 at the most) so as much as I hate beeng sick I know its paying off at the end.
• Philippines
11 Sep 08
wow!! congratulations!!! There are pregnant woman who are not happy when they found out that they are pregnant because they are not ready to have another baby. But in your case, as if you are really glad to have another one. I can understand how your kids felt. I know of one kid also who doesn't want to have another baby in the house thinking that he would be left out. He said to his mother, he doesn't like the baby to be born. the mother said, you don't need to like her, just don't hurt her because they already know that the coming baby is a girl. the little boy felt insecure. That is normal.
• Australia
11 Sep 08
I am over the moon I know my son will love the baby in his own time thats why we are not pushing him to hard he is at that age now when lots of things change (school, friends).
@ehlsie (730)
• Philippines
11 Sep 08
Wow!congratulations!That's the beautiful gift from God to the both of you... I hope you'll have a healthy baby! Congratulations again!
• Australia
11 Sep 08
After trying for so long without results this baby does feel like its a gift from God and I am greatful for that.
• China
11 Sep 08
congratulations! it is a great thing that to be a mother, hope you and your baby will be healthy.
• Australia
11 Sep 08
Beeng a mother of one is great but having more than 1 child make me feel even better. I know that I have given my son a best friend in life.
• Israel
10 Sep 08
Congratulations, thats amazing! I hope you have an easy pregnancy and a healthy baby! Keep us posted:)
• Australia
11 Sep 08
Thanks a lot. As for easy pregnancy so far no luck there and if its anything like my first one I belive I have a very long 7 months or so infront of me.